Two-Day … Erikson’s Stages of Development: The Soundtrack of Your Life Describes an activity where students identify eight major events in their lives (e.g., deaths, first car, entering high school, etc.) Is a widow’s peak passed down from generation to generation? (Eds.). B. Based on the research of Vazire & Gosling (2004). Have students anonymously review a few resumes and fill out a review sheet that asks them to critique each resume as if they were a personnel director making a decision — based only on the resume — about whether or not to interview the student. Here are some ideas for activities that share the common goal of getting students actively involved with their learning. These are only a handful of active learning activities — there are countless ways to incorporate active learning into psychology classes. But, before you read on, we thought you might like to download our 3 … Using hokey, scripted dialogue can make this more fun. Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology (Vol. 1). Emphasize how easily they obeyed your instructions despite not really knowing who you were. Makosky, V.P., Whittemore, L.G., & Rogers, A.M. I instruct my students to keep track and write down all of the stereotypes for men and for women that are mentioned in the show. Note that it is designed for a double class period (150 minutes) Work Motivation Lesson Plan There are two mini-lessons … Most of them involve taking a brief survey or by completing short exercises. This activity can help familiarize students with the campus library, the psychology resources available there, and the process of using citations to locate articles. The main theme of the conference will be “Evidence-based Improvement for Learning and Teaching Psychology.“ The call for paper submissions is More. Because you told us to… This idea is similar to the demonstration at the beginning of this article. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, fun activities for psychology class will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to … Check out these two projects from Science Buddies: In these hands-on genetics projects and activities, students investigate a family pedigree to see if they can determine whether traits are dominant or recessive. Inform students that they are only to use operant conditioning principles in raising the baby. Find out! I Scream, You Scream In this exercise students learn about the importance of validity and reliability by deconstructing the Ice Cream Personality Test. The module on Psychoanalysis includes online activities on dream analysis, the Word Association Test, and Ink Blot Generator. Students must decide if the person described is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or straight. Genetics: Six Creative Ways to Teach Genetics A selection of creative ways to help students of all ages and abilities understand genes and genetic disorders. Teaching Students About the Sunny Side of Stress Nathan DeWall and David G. Myers offer their advice and guidance about teaching an area of research recently highlighted in Current Directions of Psychological Science. Are there any similarities between east and west? You can create additional prompts varying the ages of the children. It also provides the opportunity to clarify misconceptions. Students reflect on a person they don’t like very much and consider if the traits they dislike in another reflects traits they don’t like in themselves. Click here for a discussion of similar tests for other types of bias in the media. Eventually, the sending neuron calls the neurotransmitters home (e.g., Sending neuron: “Sara! These days, I find that my students are a little reticent to talk about gender stereotypes, especially since my classes are often very much skewed in one direction. We developed Beyond The Purchase to explore happiness and the quality of life, and the outcomes of different purchasing and money-management choices, as well as the motivations behind them. Perlman, B., McCann, L.I., & McFadden, S. Examples and Illustrations of Concepts in Personality, Here’s a Quick Way to Figure Out What You Should Do With Your Life, Based on Your Personality. It was created by Allison Bechdel in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For in 1985. Includes references and links. Learn about all three theorists through the answers they give. 109–114). Using small groups to discuss topics can be particularly useful when covering topics that spark strong opinions. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Note that the episode, while a family situation comedy which originally aired during prime time, does make scatological and sexual references and features the actor Lee Majors playing The Almighty (stereotyped as a Texan). In teaching students about neurotransmitters, develop short skits that involve students enacting the roles of neurotransmitters, enzymes, and psychotropic medications. Give them a few minutes to strategize what their group — as the id, ego, or superego — would “say” in this situation (e.g., id: “Who cares if you haven’t paid, I want that chocolate NOW!! Suzuki (one of the greatest Japanese Zen philosophers) described religious experiences in their cultures. Multicultural Activities Group activities to make people aware of the impact of the culture on themselves and others. I play the song and dance the Hokey Pokey in front of the class. Maslow, Abraham: That’s My Theory! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Worksheets Free downloadable cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) worksheets, formulations, and self-help resources including blank formulations, thought records, cognitive restructuring worksheets, diaries/data gathering sheets, mechanisms, information sheets, techniques/procedures, useful tools, forgiveness tools, and formulations for specific disorders, all in PDF format. Cell phone ring, finger lick, etc. Activities most relevant to the personality class include APA Ethics code Jeopardy, Research Methods, Personality Testing, and Debating controversial topics. As icebreaker activities will be a great asset as the school year begins and everyone is trying to develop relationships with new students or those who are facing new situations in their lives, we have gathered a few activity ideas that might help you get the school year started off right. I’ve often turned to this resource for teaching materials but you don’t have to be a psychology instructor to have fun on the site. 4). Genetics and Gender Differences in Ideal Mate Selection. 1): Practical advice for the teaching of psychology (pg. What’s in a game?To get students thinking about the cognitive abilities that characterize various stages of child development, bring in an assortment of children’s puzzles and games with the age ranges obscured. Rogers, C.R. Also included on the website is a (large) concept map that also summarizes the study, links to references and Facebook’s official response. Why? We have 25 mindfulness activities designed specifically for children. Take this 10-minute test, based on the research of Paul Ekman, in which you watch brief video clips of 20 people smiling. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Topics include TAT, Big Five questionnaire, perceptual style, spirituality, depression and more. Meyers, C., & Jones, T.B. Werewolf, Fake Intake Interview, The Memory Game, The Personal Space Game From the website: Idiogrid is software for administering, managing, and analyzing different types of self-report data [e.g. (runs 2 minutes, 3 seconds). According to Bonwell and Eison (1991), active learning entails involving students beyond passively absorbing information and focuses on engaging them in critical thinking, skill acquisition, and the examination of their belief system. If you’ve already married (or found) your ideal mate, then list the three most important characteristics that attracted you to him/her. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. How the Grinch Stole Psychology Class After watching the 25 minute video of the classic Christmas story by Dr. Seuss, students analyze the Grinch’s personality and change of heart using theories and terms from personality including Freud, Adler, Horney, Maslow, and Rogers. The Trait Paper Assignment: Fostering Critical Thinking in Personality Psychology. Want more? For example, students often confound sexual orientation with gender identity (e.g., the nephew must be gay) and this activity facilitates the clarification that sexual orientation and gender identity are two distinct concepts. These skits can also be used to demonstrate how psychotropic medications work. (1991). Toni! (1993). He watched the reactions of the students as they all … This curriculum unit pursues the question of age differences by focusing on Erik Erikson’s theory of human development—the eight stages. Click here to read more about the findings, art, personality, or to participate in this online. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Ask students what was going through their minds as their fellow students talked. It seems like only yesterday they were amino acids.”). The site features personality tests, research findings, and a special section for incorporating their ideas into your classroom including a demonstration and slides on the Big Five personality traits and teaching central tendency using the Big Five. Who Am I? Journal of Instructional Psychology, 26, 92-97. Ask them if they would have obeyed the commands if a fellow student had given them, or if you had told them to do something potentially harmful to the student next to them. Preliminary data are also presented which suggest that the trait-based term paper assignment stimulates critical thinking and enhances knowledge about personality traits. Have three groups of volunteers come to the front of the classroom and assign each group the role of the instructor’s id, ego, or superego. This episode originally aired in January of 2008, season 7 episode 1, (S07E01) and is available on You Tube here (21:19). An early activity I use involves randomly distributing papers that indicate that each student has just been diagnosed with a particular disorder (e.g., schizophrenia, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, anorexia, antisocial personality disorder). These top 10 classroom games provide fun ways to … To help the discussion along, I like to show the episode Jim Almighty from the ABC television show According to Jim, staring Jim Belushi. Where do trait theories of personality come from?Fill a fishbowl with hypothetical questionnaire items (e.g., I am easily bored) or items from an established factor-analyzed personality measure. Includes critical thinking activities (daily mood, satisfaction with life scale, creating flow experiences, measuring optimism, the hope scale and much more) interspersed with lesson plans for the high school psychology course. Feedback and insight into one’s personality is provided. When covering trait theories I have students complete the IPIP web version of the NEO-PI-R and print out their results. 33(4), 265-68. . Each student responds in writing to a series of questions about what types of symptoms they think they might experience, what they think it would be like to have this disorder, and how friends and family members might react to them once they have been diagnosed. After giving the groups 10-15 minutes to work on this, have each report back to the class as to how they used operant conditioning and manipulated the environment to “engineer” the infant’s personality. Rather, this resource is intended to spark interest in utilizing these teaching strategies to introduce topics, wrap-up units, and to create community in the classroom. Neural coding and synaptic transmission: Participation exercises for introductory psychology. From the abstract: A personality trait-based term paper assignment that is appropriate for use in personality psychology courses and that is designed to foster critical thinking skills is introduced. You must be a logged-in APS member to post or read comments. Sigmund Freud and two other personality psychologists are guests on this online game show developed by PBS. Takes about 40 minutes. Incorporating fun classroom games into your lesson plan offers a simple way to motivate your students, and encourage them to draw on their creativity and imagination. and find songs (music and lyrics) to correspond to these events, designing an imaginary soundtrack of their lives. 1.1 In a written report students choose one unhealthy behavior in their life (e.g., not getting enough exercise sleep or the proper nutrition, drinking too much, smoking). This 23-page guide presents 17 activities related to ethics for each chapter in a typical Introduction to Psychology text as it integrates the APA Learning Goals and Outcomes for ethics into that course. Ask another student to interpret your table and graph for the rest of the class. In this activity, students answer 32 questions that illustrate heterosexual privilege in ways straight people do not have to think about. Benjamin, L.T., Nodine, B.F., Ernst, R.M., & Broeker, C.B. Once your class has narrowed down the list to just a few terms, you can switch gears into a more classic review session. Margaret Krebs-Carter designed this activity for High School English or Developmental Psychology classes and gives this description: How does age make a difference in the way we act/think/feel? Introductory Psychology courses are filled with interesting concepts that can be demonstrated to students using methods other than lecture and reading. Games to Play in Psychology Class Games can be a fun way to make learning stick, especially for more complicated subjects like psychology. Opens in PDF format. Others in the class read each list and the class discusses patterns which they see. You be the judge. Barnum Effect Feedback Take this test to remind yourself why good personality tests should provide specific feedback…and why horoscopes are so much fun! The mixer: Introducing the concept of factor analysis. O.K., so I could have started this article off by simply talking about obedience research (i.e., how readily people obey commands or, if you didn’t follow the instructions, the conditions under which people defy “authority”) or divergent thinking (i.e., solving the rebus). !”; superego: “You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking of eating that chocolate without paying for it first! These interesting fun classroom activities will let the students to think and learn new words. Experiment Reflecting on the 3 best events over the course of a week, as opposed to the three worst, colors our overall judgement of how the week was. Research demonstrated benefits from playing just five minutes each day. In the second exercise, What’s my Defense Mechanism?, students must guess the defense mechanism depicted in a brief skit presented by their classmates. Segrist, D.J., & Pawlow, L.A. (2007). Teaching of Psychology, 33, 265-268. 12 Awesome Games & Activities To Make Your Classroom Fun. Their job is to locate the article, make a copy of it, and answer a few questions about it (e.g., title, authors, results). A Happiness Activity The September (2008) issue of the Thiagi Gameletter (Seriously fun activities for trainers, facilitators, performance consultants, and managers, see describes a series of Happiness Activities as part of their Tool Kit to demonstrate how most of our current goals when reduced to their most fundamental form — by repeatedly asking the question Why? Teaching Psychology. These cookies do not store any personal information. Hetereosexist Bias Lesson Plan and Questionnaire The Advocates for Youth website provides this lesson plan To give straight people an opportunity to experience the types of questions that are often asked of gay, lesbian, and/or bisexual people. In B. Perlman, L.I. (Eds.). See more ideas about fun classroom activities, classroom activities, classroom. Silberman, M. (1996). Research suggests that around 10% of the population are left handed or 'sinistral'. In the process, the visitor is forced to think about the value society places on certain attributes (e.g. Defense Mechanisms John Suler, Rider University, maintains the excellent Teaching Clinical Psychology website. TWEET ... both in class and in online assignments. The site was created as a piece of performance art and is not a real institution despite its authentic look and feel. Coming Out Exercise Barry A. Schreier of Purdue University developed this exercise to assist individuals with the experience of loss that is often associated with Coming Out. Five Factor Model James W. Pennebaker maintains this page of a dozen or so online research projects. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you use items from an established scale, you can compare the class’ factor solution to that of the original scale. For instance, Funny Francila, Smart … Students compare and contrast the two collages by answering various questions and come to understand the differences between self-view and other’s view of themselves. Bleske-Rechek, A. L. (2001). Pose questions to the class regarding the degree to which they think these principles alone can shape personality and what problems they might expect with this approach. I can hardly believe it’s time to release my neurotransmitters out into the synapse. I have a 150 student class so that limits our ability to do hands-on activities. It is likely that scenarios involving the “nephew” are likely to be seen by students more problematic than those involving the “niece.” Asking students to explain specifically why they see the behavior as problematic encourages them to think critically about the social construction of gender as well as their own biases and assumptions about gender. Both he and his father are determined… – NARA – 541288 by Russell Lee – U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Erik Erikson, the well-known teacher and psychiatrist who popularized the term “identity crisis” claims that we are greatly affected by the developmental changes that we undergo as we mature. – Famous Psychologists Quiz Test your knowledge of important figures in psychology with this quiz. Students write about the experience, submit their compilations, and/or present a song to the class with an explanation of its import. Homosexuality: A Values Clarification Exercise John Suler, Rider University, maintains the excellent Teaching Clinical Psychology website. Positive Reinforcement: A Self-Instructional Exercise Athabasca University devised this on-line exercise to teach students the concept of positive reinforcement and also to provide an idea of the kind of self-instructional exercises used in many Athabasca University course packages. Entertain and educate yourself with these quick and fun psychology quizzes. Those who can do: Implementing active learning. Positive Psychology: 7-day unit plan for high school psychology Amy C. Fineburg, Homewood High School, Birmingham, Alabama, created this document for Teaching of Psychology in the Secondary Schools. Extroversion and Introversion: The Eysenck Lemon Juice Experiment The BBC website provides instructions and a simple way to replicate this classic experiment. Here are a few activities I’ve put … Included in this unit are: 1) brief explanations of the eight stages; 2) recommended readings—short stories, plays, and novels—that illustrate the emotional crises that occur during these eight stages; 3) activities to introduce the new concepts; 4) suggestions of theoretical material for students to read; 5) a description of how to structure the classroom in order to teach a class in which group participation is encouraged. It looks at the treatment, diagnosis and methods used in psychiatry as well as the investigation of mental illness from a historical and socio-cultural perspective. fun activities for psychology class provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. Women have always listed loyalty (e.g., faithful, trustworthy) and social status (e.g., ambitious, good job prospects) more often than men. Also available here. If you are looking for a good active learning lesson to teach fundamental social psychology concepts, this is it. He then tallies the group votes and leads the class in a discussion of their own preconceptions, along with theory and research evidence. Learn about all three theorists through the answers they give. It could also be relevant in a Tests and Measurements class. What’s In A Name? Opens in PDF format. Topics include TAT, Big Five questionnaire, perceptual style, spirituality, depression and more. Note: If the video has been removed from You Tube, try searching for it. Way simple college class Psych 101 example: My professor brought in a jar of Country Time Lemonade Mix, and dished out a tablespoon or so into a small dixie cup for everyone. Please send any comments or inquiries to Dan Segrist, PhD, Department of Psychology, Alumni Hall, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026; phone: (618) 650-3159; e-mail:, Sarah C. Turner suggests it’s best to follow the golden rule: Treat your TA’s time as you would your own. Alternatively, have each student write down a fact about his culture, and then read out each fact, having the students guess which culture it describes. Activities handbook for the teaching of psychology (Vol. Debriefed Stories: How to Conduct a Debriefing Discussion According to trainer and games guru Sivasailam Thiagi Thiagarajan People don’t learn from experience. The Think Positive! Teaching of Psychology, 12, 153-156. International item pool representation of the NEO-PI-R. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from Please login with your APS account to comment. She'd ring her cell phone, and instruct us to lick our finger, dab in powder, lick finger again. normal curves with a lot of overlap, a little overlap or something in between). There’s a library on campus?! Pass the bowl around the room and have each student select one item. You put your left foot in… In my Personality Theories course, I cover social learning theory immediately after covering trait theories. Hittner, J. Teaching Students About How Simple, Positive Activities Can Increase Well-Being Nathan DeWall and David G. Myers offer their advice and guidance about teaching an area of research recently highlighted inCurrent Directions of Psychological Science. After describing Rogers’ view of empathy, have students re-engage in their discussions (or pick a new topic) with the following guideline (Rogers, 1961): each person can talk only after summarizing the ideas and feelings of the previous speaker accurately and to that speaker’s satisfaction. Ice Breakers and Team Builders Find tons of activities for groups for icebreaking, team building, name games, trust-building, self-awareness, multicultural awareness, and fun. Washington, DC: Association for Psychological Science. Thanks for taking the time to put these together, they’re fantastic! A willingness to experiment, a fishbowl, and a little fun can go a long way in engaging students actively in their learning, making information memorable, helping students make meaningful connections, and exciting them about the field of psychology. SHARE. The following exercises can be … Lessons learned: Practical advice for the teaching of psychology (Vols. 10 Active Learning Activities to Get Psychology Students Out of Their Seats. Scott Bates, Utah State University, does the following exercise to introduce the topic of Genetics to his students: On the second day of class, I collect data via a survey (these data provide good lecture material throughout the course). Can you discover the who the real Sigmund Freud is though the answers he gives? I ask them why they did not join me in the front of the class to dance as their scores might suggest they would. This is a good way to set up a discussion of gender similarities and differences in personality using Hyde’s work on meta-analysis. Also includes links to PDF and MSWORD illustrations of the hierarchies. Full course details › AQA A-Level Psychology - Biopsychology. One of the most trusted places to find great teaching materials is Scholastic Printables. Students compare and contrast the two collages by answering various questions and come to understand the differences between self-view and other’s view of themselves.)

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