Hiking alone is riskier—for both sexes. But we combed through crime statistics, consulted experts, and talked to veteran solo hikers to find out if there’s anything to that fear. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. Your risk of being a victim of a violent crime (murder, rape, or aggravated assault) is thousands of times lower in a national park than in the country as a whole. Solo hiking safety tips. But once you’re out three in the community, it’s just like walking down the street. Most women on the trail command an air of respect and independence that nearly all men abide by and uplift. You want to understand your maps. But as a solo hiker, you've got to up your game even more. I really like it because it shows me what I’m capable of on my own. Read their blogs. It’s just my street is a foot-wide path, and we’re all just walking on that street together.”, “It is more comforting to reach out to other women who hike solo. Never hike alone in the backcountry, find someone to hike with. The only time I ever thought about using it was for dogs walking through a town.”, “I didn’t carry a Spot beacon for a while, but now I started and there’s no way I’ll go back. Even though it’s scary, you just have to do it. This is what you read in any publication that offers hiking advice. What about looking for a hiking group in your area? Yes, going solo has some risks, and you need to careful, but especially if you're only interested in 'easier, more popular' trails, then you'll be fine. Don’t give yourself a schedule. First of all – choosing the right (for you!) Access member exclusive content + more benefits →, Access member exclusive content + more benefits →, How to Level Up Your Rain Game for Wet Hikes, Don’t Just Survive on Your Next Long Trip—Thrive. It has been ingrained in us since we were little to never do anything alone. The dangers […] Solo Camping Gear Tips: Shelter. Join Active Pass to get Backpacker magazine, access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. You want to be prepared. I was like, I don’t want to do that anymore. If you know the safety basics of being a woman in your day-to-day life, then you’re set. I believe that any female hiker can go out on to the trail alone and with common sense avoid undesirable situations. Please don’t concern yourself with this point too much. “Th… Scared to run alone? You think you’ll be out in the middle of nowhere, and that might be dangerous. If you’re tired, stop & take a nap. Men don’t really get that.”, “A good place to start would be to hike a place you’ve already been, places you know will have a lot of people around.”, –Ashley Gossens, author of The Case for Women’s Solo Hiking; 750+ miles hiked solo. And there are many reasons why it isn’t. Many reviews about hiking make this a fair statement; never hike alone. shelter. You are … But being female actually seems to offer protection from wilderness disasters. Being a Gen-Xer, I am still figuring out technology, but there are two apps … The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. So be sure to check out these safe hiking tips for a full run down of what to stay on top of on the trail. “Culturally, females tend not to do as many of the idiotic things that solo males do. Check out Meetup.I looked for Meetup groups in my area and a few options came up. The first golden rule is not to spread the news of your trek online or to tell people you don’t trust. Or you may be worrying about all of the things that could go wrong while you’re out in the woods by yourself! Assuming you won't be visiting in the dead of winter, the trails in Zion see plenty of traffic, so you needn't worry about hiking alone. Create a personalized feed and bookmark your favorites. Everything that happens, it’s because you made it happen. From an early age, we are encouraged to travel in groups and stay in well-lit and well-trafficked places. Even though the Camino Frances is incredibly safe don’t be crazy While most men in the western world would never harm a woman, women are magnets for the minority who would, and there are enough opportunistic predators out there that women find themselves being assaulted at the most random times while trying to perform the most mundane tasks. It is an old perception that it is not safe for women to be alone, but there are countless adventurous women who hit the trails everyday as solo travelers. Linda on Mount Hood in Oregon. Read on for some key tips from each hiker. Still, the numbers do tell us one story: Public lands are overwhelmingly safer places than the rest of the country—for men and women. If you get an awesome campsite, it’s tempting to post a photo, but I usually wait a while to post something like that.”, “Try to camp at least a mile from a road. In other words, women who get lost or injured in the backcountry are more likely to make it out alive. We Blondes are often asked questions about whether or not it is safe for women to go wild camping alone, here are some of the top questions and our (obviously top) answers: In general, women report much higher levels of fear of violent crime than men do, even though men are much more likely to actually be crime victims—a phenomenon sociologists call the fear-gender paradox. Join Active Pass to get Backpacker magazine, access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. Hiking and hitchhiking are two very different things. You’re just as safe as if you were walking in a city—actually, I think you’re going to be safer.”, –April Sylva, 1,500+ miles hiked solo on the PCT, CDT, and G20 (Europe’s hardest long trail), “Carry a device to contact people if you think there might be a problem, like the DeLorme inReach two-way messenger. My plan was to hike parts of Oregon and Washington alone, so I could gain a new perspective on life after 25 years as a Microsoft partner. The bad things that can happen usually happen because people come in cars.”, “Society has conditioned women to think they’re not supposed to be solo. It’s important to note that there are concerns for anyone – male or female – when backpacking alone, but there are a few precautions and considerations that women hikers should explore before setting out on their own. “That’s very statistically significant,” Koester says. Read on for some key tips from each hiker. The Appalachian Trail Section Hikers page has 25,000 members and was founded by the delightful and skilled uber-hiker Lauralee Bliss. Sometimes it’s worth doing scary things.”, –Sage Clegg, first person to complete the Oregon Desert Trail; 9,000+ miles hiked solo, “The most important tool that a woman—any person, really—has is her brain. The result: Not really. And there’s lots of good reasons to try it. Wild camping alone is something I have only experienced once but I definitely have plans to add a few solo camping nights to my 50 Outdoor Sleeps for 50 Years 2018 challenge. © 2021 Pocket Outdoor Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. In reality, women are much more likely to be assaulted or raped by someone they know than by a strange man lurking behind a boulder, but people tend to fixate on the latter. Women runners share their best safety tips. Staying Safe. The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. Of course, venturing into the wilderness alone has its risks, but the best evidence we have shows that there's no reason that women should worry more than men about hiking alone. Yes, I'd say that's pretty reasonable. If fear is holding you back, figure out how you can confront that.”, “I think the fear of hiking alone is a cultural thing for us. Safe places to travel alone are those that can’t be found for evil purposes. Being a safe hiker remains the same whether or not you are hiking solo. Clothing, footwear, maps/GPS, food and drink. “It’s very natural for women to feel afraid because that has been ingrained in our minds from a very young age,” says Jennifer K. Wesely, Ph.D., professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of North Florida. In other words, women who get lost or injured in the backcountry are more likely to make it out alive. And there's lots of good reasons to try it. Posting a service-based “how to stay safe… And really, if you had an accident, were bitten by a snake, got lost or whatever, you should have someone with you just for general hiking … But for female hikers, there are often additional mental hurdles to overcome on the trail. But being female actually seems to offer protection from wilderness disasters. Hiking in the mountains alone, I know many people who do it, but I think hiking in remote and steep areas is never safe alone. It helps you feel safer outside.”, “It’s frightening when you don’t know the trail and the community. Access member exclusive content + more benefits → If something were to happen, you will want to understand where you are and what bailout points you have.”, “Sometimes as a female out there, especially the first couple of days, it can take time to get comfortable with yourself being out there solo. If you’re hiking alone, whether male or female, you just have to exercise a few common sense precautions. The bottom line is: a woman hiking alone is no different than a man hiking alone. Of course, there are no guarantees with any undertaking in life; however, I can promise a more intense experience when alone. I think it’s an incredibly rewarding experience, and so nice to just walk alone in the woods. Yet I am also in agreement with you that staying indoors and being afraid is not an option! There is no danger to you as a female that wouldn't apply to any solo hiker. Digital Tools. While it should be safe for you to hike on your own, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a young woman doing that. Image by iStockphoto, Sources: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network; Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Access member exclusive content + more benefits →, How to Level Up Your Rain Game for Wet Hikes, Don’t Just Survive on Your Next Long Trip—Thrive, “Hiking Your Own Hike” Starts With Accepting Yourself, Guys: How To Avoid Seeming Creepy To Solo Women Hikers. If you go out prepared and you know where you’re going, you’ve done everything that you can.”, –Erin “Wired” Saver, 10 long trails hiked so far (including the Triple Crown); 8,000+ miles hiked solo, “People expect women to be nice, but you don’t have to chitchat with someone if you don’t want to.”, –Cheryl Hadrych, artist and thru-hiker; 900+ miles hiked solo, “I try to keep exactly where I am off social media. Robert Koester, who maintains a database on search-and-rescue incidents, crunched the numbers: 80 percent of searches are initiated by males, and 12 percent of men who kick off a SAR case end up dead, while only 9 percent of women suffer the same fate. I like the idea of being able to call in for help. There’s no database for crimes committed in the wilderness, sexual assault is notoriously underreported, and the stats available don’t break out frontcountry-vs.-backcountry or even the gender of victims. If you read some of their stories, it just may inspire you to do something similar. Ask a Thru-Hiker: How Do I Choose a Hiking Partner for a Long Trail. No, I do not believe it's safe for women to hike alone. Most women are taught that being alone is unsafe. For more info on getting started, check out their blogs (linked below) or our beginner skills section. When you're hiking it all comes down to preparation. Robert Koester, who maintains a database on search-and-rescue incidents, crunched the numbers: 80 percent of searches are initiated by males, and 12 percent of men who kick off a SAR case end up dead, while only 9 percent of women suffer the same fate. My short answer is that it is preferable to hike with at least one other person, especially on trails where no one else would be around to help you if you twisted an ankle or got lost. These thru-hiking champions have each backpacked hundreds of miles solo. You can take your generic “safety tips” and shove ’em. It most certainly is not. So even if you want to share a beautiful photo on Instagram or Facebook, wait several hours to post it online. Anonymous wrote:Is it a hike if you are just going along a path that is not a hill or a mountain?That is perfectly safe for men and woman, if you have common sense. Access member exclusive content + more benefits → Males are more likely to try to pick up a rattlesnake.”. But if you’ve camped many times before and you are really confident in your actions, then you can absolutely consider going alone. Traveling Alone in Hawaii: 10 Must Do Solo Adventures for the Single Woman 06/24/2014 04:24 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Getting away from the regular routine of life for a couple weeks or even just an extended weekend can help you to regain perspective and connect with yourself. During the busy times of the year on the Camino Frances, July & Aug, you are rarely out of sight of another pilgrim – yes, it gets that busy – so if you want some alone time start walking late after everyone has started for the day. By: Blonde Two. If you’re hungry, pull over … The most likely thing that can happen is that you’ll hurt yourself, and that can be anybody. You'll be hiking alone, but can plan to meet at a destination to share lunch. You might not feel comfortable outdoors yet. © 2021 Pocket Outdoor Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pick up a reading list of books by WA crime writer Ann Rule. You’re not alone in your fear. Learn tricks of the Trail and meet probably-safe people at Bearfoot's Appalachian Trail Facebook page, my personal favorite. You think, ‘I can do this, because I see other women have done it.’”, “If you’re always worried about the unknown, you would never experience the greatness out there. That was what got me on the trail, and that’s why I do the blogging that I do. Women are not in more danger in wild spaces,” Wesely says. You might run into a grizzly, be attacked by a cougar, slip on the trail and get injured, or you get terribly lost. There’s this stigma, but it’s really rewarding to hike alone.”, –Liz “Snorkel” Thomas, holds the women’s speed record for unsupported Appalachian Trail hike; 7,500+ miles hiked solo, “As a woman or a man, you have to be prepared for anything that can happen. Forty-six percent of men and 54 percent of women agree it’s riskier for women to hike and backpack alone than for men. Access member exclusive content + more benefits →, Hiking alone seems like it would be riskier for women, but in truth, there’s no evidence of that. Going solo was important for me as I wanted the time to reflect on the past and to think about my new life and plans for the future. Often the biggest hurdle a female hiker has to overcome is mental. Some women—just like some men—simply enjoy running alone. I would say yes, very safe. Reasons a Female Might Want to go Solo Camping Camping alone is not for the feint-hearted, nor is it for anyone who doesn’t have any knowledge about the outdoors. I truly feel that my experience with finding a hiking group and the hiking community as a whole are not unique. The more people you meet online the more people you might meet on the Trail. Even if it looks like a clear day, you’ll want to pack layers in case the weather changes unexpectedly. Read the top 38 women hiking alone tips to complete the trail safely. So before you head out, it’s always a good idea to check the weather report. Hiking alone is riskier—for both sexes. “I carried a little can of runner’s mace, and it was a good security blanket. While we love hiking in the rain, it poses additional hazards that are best to avoid when you first start hiking alone. Being prepared for that, being self-sufficient—those are really important things for everybody.”, “My husband was working a lot, and I would spend weekends alone waiting around for him to come home. You may be in excellent shape (I am fairly fit myself), you may be a survival expert, you may be strong and all the rest, but really – it is just not a good idea. “The fear is what’s holding women back, not the reality. Is it Safe to Hike Alone as a Woman? Bummer: Data on crime against female solo hikers just doesn’t exist.

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