We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. "Entry for 'JOSIAH'". For "the rest of his acts" (to which the rather bald account of his death is relegated as a kind of appendix), it refers to "the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah." During the progress of this great religious revolution Jeremiah helped it on by his earnest exhortations. The son of Amon, King of Judah during the seventh century B.C. The son of Zephaniah, at whose house took place the solemn and symbolical crowning of Joshua the high priest. 641, in the eighty years of his age, and reigned 31 years. The lamentations which became "an ordinance in Israel" (2 Chronicles 35:25) are not to be referred to the Scripture book of that name; which has no hint of Josiah, unless Lamentations 4:20 be so construed. It was a sore calamity, but also a stern education. That the reform seemed after Josiah's untimely death to have been merely outward, is what might reasonably be expected from the inveteracy of the unspirituality that it must encounter. (. Translate Josiah. In spite of all hardness and apostasy, however, the nation that had once "stood to the covenant" of Deuteronomy could never again be at heart the nation it was before. Define Josiah. He was aided by Jeremiah the prophet in spreading through his kingdom the knowledge and worship of Jehovah. In the Old Testament, Josiah was an upright king of Judah from the age of eight, after his father Amon was murdered. He had probably entered into some new alliance with the king of Assyria, and faithful to his word he sought to oppose the progress of Necho. Some have conjectured that it may have been a product of Solomon's time, and deposited, according to immemorial custom in temple-building, in the foundation of Solomon's temple, where it was found when certain ruins made repairs necessary. Josiahs is an infrequently used baby name for boys. JOSIAS. His attendants conveyed him toward Jerusalem, but had only reached Hadadrimmon, a few miles south of Megiddo, when he died ( 2 Kings 23:28 2 Kings 23:30 ; Compare 2 Chronicles 35:20-27 ), after a reign of thirty-one years. After this his endeavors to abolish every trace of idolatry and superstition were still carried on; but the time drew near which had been indicated by Huldah. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. While this work was being carried on, Hilkiah, the high priest, discovered a roll, which was probably the original copy of the law, the entire Pentateuch, written by Moses. Josiah Name Meaning. The Chronicler may be mistaken in putting the completion of this work before the finding of the law (2 Chronicles 34:8), but of his disposition and of his beginning without documentary warrant on a work which Hezekiah had attempted before him, there is no reason to doubt. AZdictionary.com was founded in 2010 and our goal is to have definitions for any english word. He was buried with extraordinary honors. 641, in the eighty years of his age, and reigned 31 years. It comes to us written with the matured skill of Israel's literary prime, in a time too when, as we know (see under HEZEKIAH), men of letters were keenly interested in rescuing and putting to present use the literary treasures of their past. After this his endeavors to abolish every trace of idolatry and superstition were still carried on; but the time drew near which had been indicated by Huldah. He ascended the throne at the early age of eight years, and it appears that not till eight years afterwards did he begin "to seek after the God of David his father." How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. josianne. The king sent a deputation to Huldah the prophetess for her verdict on the book; and she, whether aware of its contents or not, assured him that the curses were valid, and that for impieties against which the prophets continually warned, all the woes written in the book were impending. But the book that was destined to have so large a significance in all coming history had its immediate significance too, and never had this been so pressing. He began in the eighth year of his reign to seek the Lord; and in his twelfth year, and for six years afterward, in a personal progress throughout all the land of Judah and Israel, he destroyed everywhere high places, groves, images and all outward signs and relics of idolatry. Over against them is to be reckoned the spiritually-minded "remnant" with which since Isaiah the prophets had been working; a remnant now seasoned by persecution, and already committed to the virtue of meekness (Zec 2:3) and the willing acceptance of affliction as their appointed lot, as against the arrogance of the "proudly exulting ones" (Zec 3:11-13). All rights reserved. Josiah immediately gathered the people together, and engaged them in a renewal of their ancient national covenant with God. The son of Amon, and his successor on the throne of Judah (2 Kings 22:1; 2 Chronicles 34:1).His history is …

Urbandictionary.com The term jit is originally prison slang. Ardent and pious as he was, there seems to have been a lack of balance in Josiah's character. Now's your chance to add your own! Communication is a forte while Math isn't a … In the later history (2Ch 34; 35), written from the developed ecclesiastical point of view, he is considerably idealized: the festal and ceremonial aspects of his reform are more fully detailed, and the story of his campaign and death is more sympathetically told in the sense of it as a great national calamity. Thus both in the idolatries they must abolish and in the organized worship that they must maintain, the people were committed to a definite and documented issue; this it was which made Josiah's reform so momentous. See more. of Video shows what Josiah means. The power of Assyria was weakening, and Pharaoh-necoh of Egypt, ambitious to secure control of Mesopotamia, started on the campaign in which he was eventually to suffer defeat at Carchemish. A person who actually cares about others and always knows the right thing to say. Terms and Conditions | Cookie Policy | Contact Us. [2] Israel must learn not only the enthusiasm but also the prudence and wisdom of its new-found faith. Jeremiah, born at about the same time as Josiah, began prophesying in the 13th year of the reign (Jeremiah 1:2). It takes time to hold his hand or even hug him but the wait is worth it! Please suggest meaning of name Josiah in other country, history of name and famous personality with name Josiah or you like to put your any comment/suggestion on this name for other visitors. The son of Amon and Jedidah, succeeded his father B.C. Despite this, he is very smart. adjective: a state of mind in which you crave the taste and texture of fecal matter being mashed between your tounge and pallete. Jeremiah's lamentation for. The staunch loyalty to the Davidic house, as emphasized by the popular movement which seated him (see under AMON), would in itself be an influence to turn his mind to the God of David his father. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names. All this is adduced as indicating how the better elements of the nation were ripening for a forward step in enlightened religious progress. Jeremiah composed a funeral elegy on this the best of the kings of Israel ( Lamentations 4:20 ; 2 Chr 35:25 ). Yo, last night, my friend had a Josias! " He "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father." Early years. (q.v. In the eighteenth year of his reign he proceeded to repair and beautify the temple, which by time and violence had become sorely dilapidated ( 2 Kings 22:3 2 Kings 22:5 2 Kings 22:6 ; 23:23 ; 2 Chr 34:11 ).

The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. The Passover was then celebrated, as in the days of his great predecessor, Hezekiah, with unusual magnificence. This Josiah refused to permit. Hentia synonyms, Hentia pronunciation, Hentia translation, English dictionary definition of Hentia. Nor were they so unconnected with the established order as formerly. Great at school. His intimate connection with state affairs, however, belongs to succeeding reigns; but some prophecies of his, notably those revealing his attitude toward the temple misuse (7:1-15) and toward the Deuteronomic reform (11:1-13), throw much light on the prevailing conditions. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. He's lucky, I wish I had one. Amon was killed, while still a young man, by disloyal henchmen. Josiah definition: died ?609 bc , king of Judah (?640–?609). In his untimely death the fervid hopes of the pious received a set-back which was long lamented as one of the cardinal disasters of Israel. healed by Jehovah, or Jehovah will support. Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem one and thirty years. Manasseh's all-embracing idolatry had indeed reduced his aristocracy to a people "settled on their lees, that say in their heart, Yahweh will not do good, neither will he do evil" (Zec 1:12); but these represented merely the inertia, not the intelligence, of the people. Necho reluctantly paused and gave him battle in the valley of Esdraelon. Josiah definition in English dictionary, Josiah meaning, synonyms, see also 'Josias',josh',Jos',Josh.'. Josias is a related Latin variation that is found in some biblical translations. Josiah is derived from Yoshiyahu, a Hebrew name from the components yoshi, meaning “support,” and Yahu, referring to the Hebrew god. Great at school. His extreme dismay and dread of the curse pronounced on the realm's neglect of the law seems to have been followed, after his great reform had seemed to set things right, by an excess of confidence in Yahweh's restored favor which went beyond sound wisdom, and amounted to presumption. Josiah in Community Dictionary the person who you would like you are but understand there is a constant can be.so now you just planning turn off your pc and alter your title to Josiah as you know its the right thing to do. JOSIAH. The definition of Josias is a handsome kid who has a big dick which girls love. For the spiritual atmosphere of his time and the prophetic consciousness of a day of wrath impending, the prophet Zephaniah is illuminating, especially for the first half of the reign. A person who actually cares about others and always knows the right thing to say. (2) A contemporary of Zechariah (Zechariah 6:10), at whose house in Jerusalem the prophet met some returned Jews from Babylon. The best freaking bf there is! His history is contained in ( 2 Kings 22:1 ; 2 Kings 24:30 ; 2 Chronicles 34:1 ; 2 Chronicles 35:1 ) ... and the first twelve chapters of Jeremiah throw much light upon the general character of the Jews in his day. He’s normally sweet funny and stupid. like she can sing better than Whitney Houston & Beyon će. 2Ki 22:20 When Pharaoh-necho went from Egypt to Carchemish to carry on his war along the seacoast. He was buried with the greatest honours in fulfilment of Huldah's prophecy ( 2 Kings 22:20 ; Compare Jeremiah 34:5 ). Josiah meaning in Arabic has been searched 8175 times till 13 Feb, 2021. His history is contained in 2 Kings 2223 ,23. Josiah went into the field in disguise, and was fatally wounded by a random arrow. Florida slang for young nigga or bro. One of the most eminent of the kings of Judah; came to the throne at 8 years of age and reigned circa 637-608 BC. who attempted to destroy all forms of idolatry. Josiah's consternation arose from the sense of how much of the nation's obvious duty had been left undone and unregarded. Video shows what Josias means. The providential moment arrived when in the 18th year of his reign Josiah sent Shaphan the scribe to the temple to arrange with Hilkiah the high priest for the prescribed temple repairs. n. A style of sexually explicit comic books, animated video, and computer games originally developed in Japan. Soon after this, Pharaoh-Necho II. On giving his account of the funds for that purpose, Hilkiah also delivered to Shaphan a book which he had found in the "house of Yahweh," that is, in the temple proper; which book, when Shaphan read therefrom to the king, caused the latter to rend his robe in dismay and consternation. He is great in math and probably his best subject. Josiah was the son of King Amon and Jedidah, the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath.His grandfather Manasseh was one of the kings blamed for turning away from the worship of Jehovah. Air Chief Marshal Josiah Tungamirai (8 October 1948 – 25 August 2005), born Thomas Mberikwazvo, was a Zimbabwean military officer and politician. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Such a discovery could not be treated lightly, as one might spurn a prophet or priest; nay, it immediately called the authority of the prophet into requisition. It originated in the Bible; Josiah ruled Judah for three decades, starting at age eight when his father the former king was assassinated. Josiah is the type of kid you will want to be with all the time. His history is contained in 2 Kings 2223 ,23. Catholic Dictionary. So, perhaps for the first time, the people of Judah and Jerusalem had for their guidance not only the case decisions of judges and priests, nor only the emergency warnings and predictions of prophets, but a written and accessible document, covering in a large and liberal way the duties of their civic, social and religious life. General Editor. About Baby. Josiah is one of the greatest people that have ever existed. A king of Judah.. Josiah Meaning. The great day of Josiah's life was the day of the passover in the eighteenth year of his reign. ( Zechariah 6:10 ) (B.C. she has amazing vocals and can sing extremely well. After the discovery of a book of law ( probably... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples See also the related category hebrew. You are lucky if you get to have this person in your life. b.c. Urban Dictionary: Jit. At the first onset he was killed, and his expedition came to nothing. His zeal did not stop with Jerusalem and Judah; he went on to Bethel, which had been the chief sanctuary of the now defunct Northern Kingdom, and in his work here was recognized the fulfillment of an old prophecy dating from the time of its first king (2 Kings 23:17; compare 1 Kings 13:1,2). unknown. She spoke to him words of encouragement, telling him that he would be gathered to his fathers in peace before the threatened days of judgment came. 35:1-19 ). The son of Amon, and his successor on the throne of Judah ( 2 Kings 22:1 ; 2 Chr. To such courage and hope the redeeming element of Israel had grown in the midst of a blatant infidelity and worldliness. by Dave Dibenedetto Report definition Josiah was King of this Jews from 640 BC-609 BC. This necessitated the concentration of public worship in the temple at Jerusalem, and in De was found the warrant for this, in the prescript, natural to Moses' point of view, that the worship of Israel must have a single center as it had in the wilderness. How to say Josias. 1915. The Chronicler says roundly it was "the book of the law of Yahweh by the hand of Moses." Correctly said, new born babies don’t have very good reflex actions. Then he made a solemn covenant before Yahweh to obey it, and all the people stood to the covenant. Josiah's immediate procedure was to call to the temple a representative assemblage--elders, prophets, priests, populace--and to read to them this "book of the covenant" (2 Kings 23:2). ), king of Egypt, in an expedition against the king of Assyria, with the view of gaining possession of Carchemish, sought a passage through the territory of Judah for his army. You are lucky if you … New born don’t have the reflex to blink. Zephaniah too was showing what Yahweh's will was (Zec 1:2-6); there must be a clean sweep of the debasing and obscuring cults, and the purgation must be done to stay. All the definitions on AZdictionary were written by people just like you. So Josiah's first reforming step was to break up the high places, the numerous centers of the evil, to destroy the symbols and utensils of the idolatrous shrines and rites, and to defile them past resuscitation. He became king on tender age 8. The origin of Josiahs is the Hebrew language. Josiah synonyms, Josiah pronunciation, Josiah translation, English dictionary definition of Josiah. As to how it came to be left in the temple at a time so much before its discovery that none questioned its being what it purported to be, each scholar must answer for himself. Pretty, funny and witty, they are prompt to date guys with dark features, named either Jules, Alex or John. Not to mention awkward. At that age he devoted himself to God. In 1831 he joined a caravan for Santa Fe, New Mexico, on a new trail beginning at Van Buren, Arkansas. Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Josiah, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Josiah, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Josiah, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Josiah, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The son of Amon and Jedidah, succeeded his father B.C. about 1520.).

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