Samstag 27. Chapter 4 "Wow, you and me, Le-Le, Leaders of the Lion Guard," Kion said as he and the lioness looked out into the watering hole. But Kion, annoyed at Kiara's bossiness, decides to try to move the bees instead, and he and the Guard soon return to Pride Rock covered in bee stings. Return of the Pride Lands. If the reader chooses Beshte's idea to get rid of the crocodiles, Zuri escapes the flood, but gets mud on her fur due to Kion and Beshte unblocking the river. To the Lion Guard's delight, the bridge holds, and Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri cross safely to shore. Kiara's younger brother Kion interrupts, and Simba sends him away so that he can continue to teach Kiara her lesson before she goes to track gazelles with two other female cubs of the pride, Tiifu, and Zuri. While Kiara chides Kion for not listening to her, Zuri declares herself and Tiifu official advisers to the queen. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. They agree enthusiastically and invite Kiara to join them. The sisters were born just over a month ago and will make their public debut alongside mum Snow, dad … But when he enters Pride Rock, he finds Zuri and Tiifu alone. Along the way, the friends encounter Kuchimba, a golden mole, who tries to protect his tunnels from them. She has dark blue eyes with crescent-shaped markings underneath and a small, swept-back tuft of fur on her head. Zuri is an adult lioness. The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Zuri explains vaguely that Kiara went somewhere important, and Kion snaps that they are bad advisers, then leaves. Coastal Properties Florida Luxury Homes. Tiifu and Zuri assure her that they are planning to help her prepare for it, and present to her Urembo Meadows, where they plan to give her a makeover in time for the Wallow. Kiara and Kion start to execute their combined plans when Tiifu and Zuri fall into the river. Kion, Bunga, and Kiara attempt to create a fire line, but the flames spread too quickly, and the cubs are forced to escape through Muhangus's burrow. Zuri expresses her disinterest to Tiifu by saying "He's not a queen.". However, she also was snobby and ungrateful when, in an alternate ending of the comic, "The Day of the Crocodiles", Kion saved her but got mud all over her fur. This will show the beginning of their relationship, and the challenges that follow. If you're a $5+ subscriber to my Patreon you can download the PSD file here: ht….. Kion admits that he didn't think of this, and Tiifu makes a rude remark, causing Zuri to laugh, and the two lioness cubs bump paws. ZÜRICH (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die Schweizer Großbank UBS hat Kion vor Zahlen auf "Buy" mit einem Kursziel von 89 Euro belassen. Neuste Artikel in Zürich; Events. "Protectors of the Pridelands," He said proudly, making Leah giggle and shake her head. "Course," she sighed. Kion the Lion Cub and Friends is Arthurrulez's TV Show Spoof of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends will Appear in Google Drive Only! Kion cried out, shocked to see his older sister coming at him so angrily. On each ear is a pale marking in the shape of an oval. Nuka, Kopa, Tifu and Zuri! Her obsessive-compulsive nature likely fuels this feeling, as she is known to constantly be sharpening her claws on trees in order to keep them shiny. Good Seeking shelter from the fire, the five of them head into Muhangus the aardvark's den and underground where they meet Kuchimba the mole. Kiara arrives with her mother, Nala, who chastises the cubs for calling the Lion Guard for a non-emergency. As the two friends are rolling in the flowers, a surge of floodwaters strikes the plains, trapping the three on an island in the midst of two raging forks of water. Zuri participates in Bunga's "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" performance. African Lioness The Lion Guard rushes to Pride Rock, following the sounds of Tiifu and Zuri yelling for help. The Lion Guard soon arrives to rescue the cubs, and Tiifu and Zuri decide to let them handle the rescue. Kiara then asks Kion to divert the eland, and Zuri expresses excitement, saying that this is Kiara's first official decree. Cubs 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots 3.2 Lions of the Outlands 3.3 Rescue in the Outlands 3.4 The Hyena Resistance 3.5 … Zuri and Kiara encourage Tiifu not to be afraid of the dark. Though Tiifu tries to assure Kiara that moisture is good for her complexion, Kiara worries that the storm will last all day. Together, the five travel to the mudpots and play in the mud. Her nose is a very dark pink, and her ear rims are brown. Like others, Tiifu and Zuri joke about Kion and Nyota's close relationship, of course they mean it in more mocking sort of way. Samstag 11. â It was fine.â Kiara said. Saved from Bananaroof Hard One. Kiara then asks Kion to divert the eland, and Zuri expresses excitement, saying that this is Kiara's first official decree. Kion admits that he didn't think of this, and Tiifu makes a rude remark, causing Zuri to laugh, and the two lioness cubs bump paws. "Protectors of the Pridelands," He said proudly, making Leah giggle and shake her head. Zuri is a female lion. Kion questions Zuri and Tiifu of Kiara's whereabouts. Bunga: seems like Fuli really happy to see this Azaad-guy again!Beshte: yeah. Zuri has also displayed a complimentary and appreciative side after being saved by Kion in a comic. Hey guys! Kion admits that he didn't think of this, and Tiifu makes a rude remark, causing Zuri to laugh, and the two lioness cubs bump paws. The two clashed in "Can't Wait to be Queen" when Tiifu, along with Zuri, served as an adviser to Kiara during her temporary queenship and made a snide remark at Kion because he wasn't as quick thinking as Kiara and she immaturely relished in her "power" as an advisor. Die besten Partys für Zürich, Luzern, Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Romandie und das Tessin. Everyone except Kion and Fuli: Wow! First Appearance She is the adoptive daughter ofTipilire, the adoptive sister of Tiifu,and a member of the all femaleKike Pride. 1 Roles 2 She played Susan Jensen in Wild Animals University 3 She played Collette in Nala and the Simba II: Kion's Adventure 4 She played Unknown Flower in Judy in Wonderland 5 Gallery Add a photo to this gallery Zuri and Tiifu cower in the midst of a jackal attack. She then departs for the Royal Buffalo Wallow, where she is greeted by the leader of the herd, Vuruga Vuruga. The two attempt to give Kiara a mud facial, but Kiara protests that she needs to leave in time for the Wallow. "Kion, you remember how we always dreamed of going on an adventure and living somewhere dangerous and life-threatening together back when we were cubs? Unlike the others, Zuri is uninterested in hunting (which she considers overrated) and when Tiifu becomes jealous of Fuli hunting next to Kiara, Zuri replies that they should let Fuli hunt for them. She of course knew that she wasn't enough for the lion and needed other support from real lionesses. Kiara questions her friends as to where they're leading her, worried that she will miss the Wallow. Ono gives Kiara the morning report, and Kiara muses that since the bees are building hives along the path of the eland, the eland might get stung. Zuri has also displayed a complimentary and appreciative side after being saved by Kion. Jasiri is a young femalehyena that resides in the Outlands. Small and lithe, Zuri has a pelt of burnt orange, with a pale muzzle, paws, and underbelly. Kiara was sure that her firm grip on Kion made it impossible for him to escape, but the sudden gleam in his eyes made her realised that something was amiss. He was off when he got back to pride Rock to see what his father … After the fight, Dhahabu relieves Fuli, Tiifu, and Zuri of their duties and appoints Raha and Starehe in their stead. She was named Kipekee, and ever since she came to be, Kion and Fuli couldn't have been happier to have her together. While Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri manage to escape, Dhahabu hesitates, and Fuli is forced to shout at her to jolt her out of her panic. The buffalo praises her muddy appearance and comments that most royals show up too stuffy for the event. Eventually, he leads them to the end of his tunnel and instructs them to take the main tunnel out into the Pride Lands. Final Appearance Zuri announces Kiara's entrance in front of the Lion Guard, and she approves of Bunga's bowing to the princess. Mapigano feigns friendliness when Kion appears, not wishing to engage in a fight with a group he knows he'll lose against. But when he enters Pride Rock, he finds Zuri and Tiifu alone. She can be seen hanging out with Kiara and Tiifu when Bunga races up to announce that Kion will lead the new Lion Guard. After the rescue, Tiifu and Zuri apologize to Kiara for not properly preparing her for the Wallow, but Kiara assures them that there are more important things than appearance. Kion first met Kovu when Jasiri asked him to talk to Kovu's pride who took her clan's watering hole. Zuri is a young lioness cub who resides in the Pride Lands. It's unbungalievable! Shortly into the excursion, a rainstorm strikes Urembo Meadows, where Kiara and her friends seek shelter under a tree. The Cubs: yay thank you by Tifu and Zuri: bye see you tomorrow Cubs : we will The Cubs left the den Tifu and Zuri smiled when they said we will Kion and Fuli nodded and said bye Tifu: hey Zuri Zuri: yeah sis Tifu: I actually don't have feelings for kion anymore Zuri: … She is particularly fond of royalty, and loves nothing more than to be in their presence. At first, Muhangus is loath to help the friends, but the aardvark agrees and leads the friends to the end of the tunnel. Juli 2020. Zuri has returned in Season 3, though both instances were silent cameos. If the reader chooses Beshte's idea to get rid of the crocodiles, Zuri escapes the flood, but gets mud on her fur due to Kion and Beshte unblocking the river. This will show the beginning of their relationship, and the challenges that follow. Teenagers The Coastal Difference; Exceptional Real Estate Advisors; Christie’s Affiliation Madison Pettis describes Zuri as a sassy, fashionable lioness who is always grooming herself. The guard came over to see how we were doing. They would at least be able to grant him a family something she wasn't capable of and they were perfect bait because none of them had a mate and were madly … The buffalo praises her muddy appearance and comments that most royals show up too stuffy for the event. The Lion Guard soon arrives to rescue the cubs, and Tiifu and Zuri decide to let them handle the rescue. Though Tiifu tries to assure Kiara that moisture is good for her complexion, Kiara worries that the storm will last all day. Kiara then asks Kion to divert the eland, and Zuri expresses excitement, saying that this is Kiara's first official decree. Once Kuchimba is gone, Kion realizes that there are several tunnels to choose from. As he watches Zuri leave, Kion tells the Lion Guard that he can be a savior, but Zuri will never change, to which Bunga agrees. Kiara was sure that her firm grip on Kion made it impossible for him to escape, but the sudden gleam in his eyes made her realised that something was amiss. She berates Kion for not saving her, then goes to tell Kiara that her clumsy brother had messed up the job. Motion Beach - der höchstgelegene Beach Club Europas! Zuri travels to the Tree of Life to attend Kion's wedding to Rani. 1 Screenshots 1.1 The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar 1.2 The Lion Guard 2 Printed Material Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery ... Zuri thanking Kion for saving her in The Day of the Crocodiles. Joco and Zuri's lion cubs are named. One night, Tiifu and Kion slept together side by side with their cubs who were still covered in minor wounds from their attack and Tiifu wasn't having a … Kiara thanks Vuruga Vuruga, then gives credit to Tiifu and Zuri for always insisting that she look her best. However, the rock simply rolls the other way and disappears into the floodwaters. Unbeknownst to the cubs, Scar orders Mzingo the vulture to set fire to the grasslands near the cubs. Later, Zuri is present for Makini's introduction to the royal family. As the friends continue navigating the tunnels, they hear nearby hooves pounding, and run into Thurston the zebra. This is the Story On Kion and Zuri's Love. 13/11/2019; Animals; Share this. As usual, those goons were a pain to be reckoned with in the Pride Lands and the Lion Guard that seem to never learn when to give up on their dastardly plans, but the kids can easily defeat this band of small-time hyenas that try to harass the animals. She shows some surprise when Kion asks Kiara to make sure she and Tiifu don't get into any trouble. Coastal Properties Group International. Hopefully will have it fully colour by the end of the day. She stands beside her friends, Kiara and Tiifu. However, once they arrive, they find that the cubs are simply distressed about how the heat is messing up their fur. Fuli is one of Kion's childhood friends. Young Adult She urges her friends to help her, and the three use their combined strength to attempt to push a rock into the river. Sana and Chafu were in love. — Some bonus cubs! Kiara questions her friends as to where they're leading her, worried that she will miss the Wallow. With Tiifu and Zuri safe, the Lion Guard pushes the boulder into the water, and Kiara and her friends push a dead tree onto the boulder. Zuri is a tawny-orange cub with paler orange chest fur. The Lion Guard tags along at Dhahabu's insistence. As cubs, they weren't nice to Nyota and often excluded her, leading her to spend more time with Kion and Bunga. When Kiara and Makini leave to help Ma Tembo find water, Zuri and Tiifu try to follow, but are halted by Nala, who offers to spend the day with them instead. After the rescue, Dhahabu praises Fuli for her bravery and Tiifu and Zuri for remaining at her side throughout the ordeal, and insists that the three of them stay with her for the remainder of her visit. Although reluctant at first, he finds out a lot more about himself and his friends. Her eyes are a distinct blue, and just underneath each of her eyes is a small pale brown marking. Seeking shelter from the fire, the quintet head into aardvark Muhangus's den and underground where they meet Kuchimba the golden mole. She is one of the "six lions leaping," but eventually starts to get tired, and Nala is forced to nudge her along. Instead of helping Kiara find a way off the island, Zuri and Tiifu sunbathe. Pride Lands, Pride Rock The Twelve Ways of Christmas (rehearse) Trivia. The Lion Guard ended right when Kion became King of the Tree of Life. To Kiara's surprise, Kion casually got off from her and even helped her get back on her fours. To the cubs' relief, the storm comes to an abrupt halt, and Tiifu and Zuri inform Kiara that the wet flowers will make her smell even better for the Wallow. Shortly into the excursion, a rainstorm strikes Urembo Meadows, where Kiara and her friends seek shelter under a tree. Events. â It was fine.â Kiara said. The Lion King Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Voice With Tiifu and Zuri safe, the Lion Guard pushes the boulder into the water, and Kiara and her friends push a dead tree onto the boulder. Following Scar's defeat and his army's disbandment, she becomes the queen of the Outlands. She is the leader of her clan, and an ally of the Pride Landers. To the Lion Guard's delight, the bridge holds, and Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri cross safely to shore. This can be seen in the following things that she did for her: It was the help of her friends and family that led her to finding the self-assurance that she was ready, certain about that her grandmother was watching over her, stating Janna had been right that she (Rani) … Kion has lots of questions and needs answers, but most importantly, he is struggling to keep his urges in check. Tiifu and Zuri assure her that they are planning to help her prepare for it, and present to her Urembo Meadows, where they plan to give her a makeover in time for the Wallow. Analyst Sven Weier erhöhte in … My real Kion mates (by love) Jasiri (my fav, they have at least six cubs) Zuri (Zuri hates Vitani) Rani Saborita (OC, Daugther of Sabor and Shere Khan) Tigressita (OC, Daugther of Tigress and Rajah, Best friend of Saborita, and sometime her best rival) Bagheerita or Raksha II The Hybrid (OC, Daugther of Bagheera and Raksha) She has a considerably poor memory. She stands beside her friends, Kiara and Tiifu. The two attempt to give Kiara a mud facial, but Kiara protests that she needs to leave in time for the Wallow. She is a member of Simba's pride. Once underground, they search for a way out. After the rescue, Tiifu and Zuri apologize to Kiara for not properly preparing her for the Wallow, but Kiara assures them that there are more important things than appearance. Juni 2020 . I Just Can't Wait to Be King (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2019 soundtrack), Can You Feel the Love Tonight (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Guard (Music from the TV Series), The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Characters, Kion says to fuli, beshte, Bunga, and ono " great work guys",then Kiara came to kion and told him simba needed him. Seeking shelter from the fire, the five of them head into Muhangus the aardvark's den and underground where they meet Kuchimba the mole. Kion admits that he didn't think of this, and Tiifu makes a rude remark, causing Zuri to laugh, and the two lioness cubs bump paws. She then departs for the Royal Buffalo Wallow, where she is greeted by the leader of the herd, Vuruga Vuruga. She is a member of Simba's Pride. She shows considerable anxiety and fear in the face of simple circumstances and harbors deep disgust for grubs. After some failed attempts, the trio and the Guard work together and are able to build a bridge to cross. Kion … Zuri attends the Ukumbusho Tradition along with the rest of Simba's pride. Kiara races to the rescue, pulling them both to safety, but in the process, the three cubs find themselves plastered in mud. Shortly after Kiara is tasked with presiding over the Royal Buffalo Wallow, Tiifu and Zuri lead her across the savanna. Kion used to … He orders Beshte and Bunga to push a large boulder into the floodwaters while Ono instructs Kiara and her friends to collapse a dead tree. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,406 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/15/2018 - id: 13148225 The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Kion first met Kovu when Jasiri asked him to talk to Kovu's pride who took her clan's watering hole. Dhahabu, the queen of the Back Lands, arrives in the Pride Lands to discuss a water treaty between the kingdoms ("Prance With Me"). If the reader chooses Fuli's idea to solve the situation, Kion will climb up a tree near the rock and encourage Zuri to jump onto one of the branches. The competition saw over 1,000 … Kion and the Lion Guard arrive to help, to which Tiifu and Zuri happily oblige to wait. Kiara then asks Kion to divert the eland, and Zuri expresses excitement, saying that this is Kiara's first official decree. This is the Story On Kion and Zuri's Love. Zuri and Tiifu appear at a watering hole during the musical sequence "Fujo". Bunga: I can't believe that Fuli is going to be having cubs soon! But Kion, annoyed at Kiara's bossiness, decides to try to move the bees instead, and he and the Guard soon return to Pride Rock covered in bee stings. Kiara is shown to be rather skeptical of Zuri's obsessive claw sharpening, while Tiifu is shown to care for and reassure Zuri when she is upset. Dhahabu appoints Zuri and Tiifu to her personal guard.

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