Have you tried any exciting tropical fruits that you really enjoyed eating? It literally needs to look like it’s rotten, and that’s when you can safely eat the inside flesh. The most common way to consume breadfruit though is by roasting, baking or boiling them. Ackee is super popular in Jamaica and is used in several dishes. When eaten raw, breadfruit has a somewhat creamy and rather bland potato-like taste. The exterior of the fruit, covered with green scales, is tough and inedible. The white flesh inside has a unique, creamy taste that resembles a mix of pineapple, banana and coconut. Cherimoyas are native to South America, and over the years have also been introduced to other warm climates such as in South Europe, South Asia and Africa. You’ll notice that when it’s cooked, the flesh inside the fruit feels a bit like bread, which is how breadfruit got its name. Noni fruit is also sold in powder form, as supplements, and also as an ingredient in cosmetic products. Native to Southeast Asia and Malaysia, the pomelo is a large citrus fruit, closely related to the grapefruit. When not eaten raw they are typically used to make jellies, jams, juice or even wine. Snake fruit. Rhubarb was originally native toChina but has been popular in Europe since Roman times. is alphabetical list of vegetables for you. The flesh of the fruit itself can be eaten is typically parboiled in salted water or milk. The evergreen kumquat tree (it’s actually more of a plant) is native to China and South Asia but has also been introduced to Europe and North America. The fruit is used as a versatile ingredient in many curry and stir fry recipes, but also in soups and herbal teas. But the thick and custard-like flesh of the durian is actually very nutritious and rich in numerous essential vitamins and minerals. It doesn’t just look similar to a grapefruit, the yellow/green colored flesh of the pomelo also tastes quite similar to what a grapefruit tastes like, albeit less bitter. Native to Central America and the Caribbean Islands, soursop is often used as the basis for several beverages, ice creams and other sweet foods popular in South America. The only other thing I can think of that is close is a Rowena tree, which is a type of oak and bears acorns. Onion - Available in red, white. Some say it has a somewhat boring taste, but I personally love it. They all have their own unique, weird and unusual shapes, flavors, colors and nutritional benefits. - Leafy green dill is good for digestion. outdoor snake den is open 11-9. for take out call. The cucamelon fruit goes by a lot of other names, such as mouse melon, Mexican sour cucumber and Mexican miniature watermelon. Let me know in the comments. Called Pepper in America. It’s not only edible, it actually tastes really pleasant, almost vanilla ice-cream like. ivy gourd tendli subzi tondli bhaji recipe. Swede - Apparently a cross between cabbages and turnips Swedes are a low calorie root vegetable. I’m gonna visit the local Vietnamese district in Prague/CZ where they have tons of these unusual fruits. Is also known as swedish turnips, yellow turnips, neeps and tumshies. Native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, noni fruit is a staple food in some cultures, and has long been used in traditional medicine, supposedly because the fruit offers unique health benefits. Commercial papaya orchards typically only contain hermaphrodites. While it may be true that the scent of a durian’s flesh doesn’t appeal to everyone, it is in fact a very healthy and nutritious treat that you should try at least once in your life. Marseilles—The Arrival. Used to make sweets, salads, snacks, vegetable side dishes. Red radish / Daikon Radish - rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), folic acid (foliate), and Potassium, the radish is a peppery vegetable popular in western and Asian cookery. Hydroponic Training Centres in India. The tropical breadfruit is strongly related to the jackfruit, and can be eaten when cooked as well as in raw form. Very nutritious and has medicinal properties too. They can be a bit pricey in the US, but it’s definitely worth a try. It grows in Tenerife. 8 According to the author of the article, F. some snakes poison their prey before eating it. Serve it as a tea cake by itself or use as a base for any other cakes that you want to make during a special occasion like birthday parties or festivals like Christmas.An easy recipe for a simple, moist and delicious vanilla sponge cake. Lots of good fruit that I’ve tried but some of the Latin ones are new to me like the Pepino, Cupuacu and Cucamelon. Hydroponics is a science which involves gardening without soil. Please note that I may earn a small commission from purchases made through product links in this article at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much Donna for the well explained info! It’s good for you too, as it’s very low in calories and rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and C. The mangosteen tree is an evergreen tree believed to have originated in the Moluccas (Indonesia) and the Sunda Islands. Often sold as dried or canned fruits, longan is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B2, copper and potassium, and it’s reasonably low in calories. I would love to try those. Longan means “dragon eye” in Cantonese, and so named because the fruit resembles an eyeball, with the black seed inside being the pupil. Thanks so much Vincent, glad you found this fruity article helpful! Cress - small peppery sprouts. They grow in clusters and may be roundish or elongated. Lettuce - lots of green leaves used as a mainstay ofsalads. If you have any other vegetables in your part of the world, please send us the name and the picture (if possible) so that we can add it to this list. Unique both in taste as well as in appearance. Gourds - It is a fruit vegetable. Native to Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America, the black sapote is a species of persimmon is a smooth fruit that does indeed resemble chocolate pudding. in Indian languages. When it’s ripe the white pulp tastes a bit like creamy custard. D. The snake’s tongue is part of an important sense organ. In each episode, Zimmern focuses on the … Similar to the rambutan fruit, the flesh of the langsat fruit also resembles a lychee. Kumquats are very similar to oranges in nutritional profile and the way they look, but much smaller. Don’t be surprised when people run away when you cut through its spiky skin. Hopefully this list of exotic fruits will inspire you to go out and about hunting for something different than the usual apple or banana. H. some snakes can travel at speeds of up to six miles an hour. - flowering plant species . While it’s part of the banana family, the plantain is low in sugar and should not be eaten raw. Known as Halim(Hindi), Aliv(Marathi),  alavibija/ allibija (Kannada) etc. 15 Weird and unusual vegetables you need to try, My Review of the Vitamix Ascent A2300 Blender, What Is Manuka Honey? Broad beans - Known as flat beans, field beans. I have come across some fruits in my child hood, like the Ackee, some growing in the bushes and as riverines in Western Kenya, but it’s only today that I’ve known of their names and that they’re found majorly in other parts of the world. Eating a finger lime is easy. But it’s so much fun to try them out, even if it’s only once or twice. They were so good! Alphabetical List - Fruit list with English names. Celeriac / Celery root - Can be eaten raw or cooked. The name Monstera Deliciosa can roughly be translated as “delicious monster”. Unique both in taste as well as in appearance. The cherimoya fruit is very refreshing and tastes a bit like a combination of banana, pineapple and strawberry. I am also a smoothie fanatic and I document all my favorite recipes here on my blog. The weird thing about the black sapote is that it needs to be super ripe in order to consume this fruit. My personal favorite is jackfruit, it is heaven! Rambut is Malay for “hair”, and looking at the fruit, this makes perfect sense. legume plants. High in fiber, calcium, vitamin C and B-vitamins and very low in calories, pitaya is an absolutely delicious tropical fruit. And when you cut one open, the soft, green flesh may surprise you even more. Yum! The other reason why bitter melon has always been so popular is that it’s been widely used in traditional medicine. Take it to a picnic. The fruits from the mangosteen tree are dark-red or purple, with white flesh that is deliciously sweet and juicy. While the langsat fruit may have the looks of a small potato, its taste is delicious and very unique, like a mix of grapes, bananas and grapefruits. The unique flavors of these rare and sometimes weird and unusual looking fruits can be quite addictive! The spiky and bright yellow/orange skin of kiwano fruit, also known as horned melon, will immediately grab your attention once you see it. © 2021 Healthy Food Tribe | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Available in orange, red, yellowish varieties. The plantain (or cooking banana) looks almost exactly like a banana, but it is a different fruit. The Rambutan fruit is native to tropical Southeast Asia (in particular the Malay-Indonesian region), and is very closely related to the lychee. It’s also known as “starvation fruit”, the type of fruit you’d only eat when it’s the only thing left to eat. With 90 cm (35 inch) in length and 50 cm (20 inch) in diameter, the fruit of the jackfruit tree (also known as jack tree) is the largest tree-borne fruit. Fenugreek leaves are  known as Methi (Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujrati, Konkani, Oriya). Note that the flesh doesn’t actually taste like chocolate at all, which may be disappointing if that’s what the expectation was. Here The flesh contains seeds which apparently shouldn’t be eaten. Go to the top of this alphabetical list of vegetables. Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey - Seasons 1-6 Complete Collections with Bonus 1,263. price $ 99. Thanks Katy, glad you like exotic fruits as much as I do! It is a fruit of a plant and use as a vegetable. These little fruits are often treated in the same way as grapes, and as such can be eaten straight off the tree. The flesh of feijoa fruit is cream-colored with a jelly-like substance in the center. Perhaps one of the weirdest fruits in this list is the tiny jabuticaba fruit that actually grows directly on the trunk of a tree. Also known as karela and bitter gourd, bitter melon is a plant that produces quite a unique fruit. Potatoes - Everyone loves potatoes, a root vegetable. Longans have long been popular in China, not just because of their mild and fresh flavors, but also due to their claimed health benefits. Cabbage - Gobi - Kobi - Kosu is available in green and purple varieties. When you cut the skin off, you’ll notice the similarities with the mangosteen fruit straight away, with a bunch of wedges of flesh tied together. Spoiler alert… Noni fruit tastes and smells horrible. Go to the top of this alphabetical list of vegetables page, Go to Cooking Ingredient From Alphabetical list of vegetables, Go to Vegetarian Recipes Home from Alphabetical list of Vegetables. More commonly known as ice cream bean, the pacay is the fruit of a tree that is native to northwestern South America. of vegetables here. The hotter tasting ones are usually referred to as chilies. The flesh can be either red or white. Dragon fruit is about the size of a large potato and is usually red (magenta) in color, although they can also be pink and yellow. Fruit O n the 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.. As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Château d’If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgiou and Rion island. Momordica Charantia in latin, bitter melon is a (sub)tropical vine originating from India. A traditional Tamil culinary belief is that one should include all six tastes in each main meal eaten. Hey, nice overview. There are still so many exotic fruits out there that we may have never seen before in any grocery store, which makes these fruits all the more exciting. Mustard greens - Sarson ke patte. Very popular in the Amazon rain forest, aguaje fruit is a great source of vitamins A and C. The fruit has a dark-red scaly skin with yellow flesh inside that contains a hard nut. katuku keerai (Tamil), Ava akulu (Telugu), mohorichi pane (Marathi), etc. The inside of the fruit is dark, and actually looks kind of gross, but apparently that’s how it’s meant to be. - Vegetables list with indian names. Sweet potato is known as gensu (Kannada), ratale (Marathi), shakarkand(Hindi). Originating from India and China, the weird looking Buddha’s hand doesn’t taste as bitter, and is mostly used for zesting and flavoring purposes. The snake’s flickering tongue often scares people. The beans after the outer skins removed are used in snacks, curries, rice dishes etc. 32. 845.499.2409 The insides of all pumpkins is yellowish / orangish. Also known as the Swiss cheese plant, the Monstera Deliciosa is flowering plant native to the tropical forests of southern Mexico. Only the young shoots of asparagus are eaten. While the tasty and nutritious mangosteen fruit has gained popularity in recent years, it’s a treat that’s still very hard to find. <?php // Plug-in 8: Spell Check// This is an executable example with additional code supplie In Asian culture, bitter melon has been a popular fruit for centuries. Good to use in summer salads. Native to Malaysia and Indonesia, a lot of people in Southeast Asia consider durian to be the king of fruits. The flesh of the cherimoya is of a creamy, custard-like texture which is why this fruit is also referred to as the custard apple. While the fruit is difficult to eat, its juice is easier to digest, especially when mixed with water or other juices. Chayote - Known as cho-cho, sayote, pipinola, pear squash, vegetable pear, and choko, Bangalore brinjal, Squash. Pumpkin Yellow - A popular gourd vegetable used in cooking. An exotic fruit with flesh that looks like caviar… The Australian finger lime is often referred to as caviar lime because of the flesh inside that consists of round pulpy bits. Perhaps not as rare or as unique as most other treats in this list of exotic fruits, the dragon fruit is still my personal favorite. It’s a very juicy fruit, with a crunchy and firm texture. Snake gourd  is known as chichinda (Hind), Padval (Marathi), Padolkai/ padvalkai (Kannada), poodalankai (Tamil), potlakaya (Telugu) in Indian languages. The first season debuted on Monday, February 6, 2007 at 9pm ET/PT. The pulp of the Cupuaçu fruit is tasty and smells a bit like banana. The longan fruit is an exotic little treat, often referred to as dragon’s eye. Block your nose if you have to! Also called the “curvy fruit”, rumor has it that this fruit helps women to get curves in all the right places, but I’m not too sure about that…. Green tomato and Red ripe tomato - a fruit, used as a vegetable . Chapter 1. G. the scales on many snakes’ bodies help them move. The flesh of the sapodilla fruit is soft and very easy to eat, making this fruit even more appealing to most people. Leeks -  The national vegetable of Wales. Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, white gourd, snake gourd, cucumbers, squashes, and melons. It’s a very potent fruit, loaded with B-vitamins, antioxidants such as flavonoids and fatty and amino acids. Sweet potato - a starchy tuber, a root vegetable. It tastes like a mix of banana, cucumber, zucchini and kiwifruit. contact form. Soan Papdi tastes like Pismaniye but Pismaniye has a more nutty and strong flavor as compared to this light and crispy Indian confectionery. (Kannada), avari, mochai (Tamil), anumulu, chikkudu (Telugu), mochakotta Popular in West Africa, Central America and The Caribbean, the plantain is usually fried, boiled or turned into a soup. Known as avarekalu/ avarekai(Kannada), pavta (Marathi). In India green capsicum is commonly available. When looking at the range of fruits available in the supermarket, you may think there is a lot to choose from. Native to Brazil, the name Jabuticaba actually refers to the grapetree that produces the little fruits that can grow to 3-4 centimeters in diameter. The flesh tastes rather sour, almost citrus-like, which certainly isn’t for everyone, but it’s incredibly powerful. Carrot - Gajar - Gajjari is a root vegetable. Have you ever heard of the “Rowenia” fruit tree? I would love to hear from you too. That’s true Guy, some of these fruits are indeed quite expensive. Indian fry bread Recipe Poori, also called Puri is a delicious fried bread served for breakfast, lunch or snack. Totally cool! Ivy gourd - tondli - tendli - kovai - tindora - donda kaya - tonde kai. So many delicious fruits out there! The leaves and the stem also can be eaten. The skin and the seeds are the poisonous bits of the ackee and should never be consumed. Ridge gourd / Luffa is known in Indian languages as dodka, turai, hirekai etc. You’ll often find this weird but delicious fruit at Latin American style markets. Each taste has a balancing ability and including some of each provides complete nutrition, minimises cravings and balances the appetite and digestion. In fact, the peel is where most of the nutrients are stored, such as dietary fiber and essential oils. With a sweet taste similar to cucumber and honeydew melon, the pepino is entirely edible, including the skin. The hermaphrodite, on the other hand, can self-pollinate. The cucumber grows quickly and holds lots of water. Paddu is made with idli or dosa batter and is cooked in a special pan with depressions.

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