How should I use commas with "not only... but also"? It turns out there is a pretty simple rule: If a subordinate clause comes before the clause it is attached to then it should be followed by a comma. When not to use a comma The fact that those cars are leased is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Explanation: The writer has only one brother. Some authors like to join sentences with listing commas, e.g. Yes, we expect to attend the Christmas party. A verb expresses the action or condition of the subject. When a date is used as an adjective, most authorities require a comma following the year. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause. John’s cars that are leased are never kept clean. Find the adverbial in each sentence. Appositive. Commas are one of the most frustrating grammatical concepts, even for native English speakers. This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled. When you're using "which" at the start of an indirect question, it should be preceded by a comma. This is because, unlike independent clauses, dependent or subordinate clauses cannot stand on their own in sentences. A dependent clause by itself would not make any sense. Instead, you might choose to use brackets or dashes to separate a parenthetical element from the rest of the sentence. Explanation: In this case, all of John’s cars are dirty. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas). When an adverbial infinitive phrase finishes a main clause then you shouldn't use a comma before it: Incorrect: The suit suited him, to be fair. Two examples: 1. a) Because I won first and my wife won second, the crowd thought we cheated. Correct: Although you're ready, we must wait. When a simple sentence contains a conjunction, you might be tempted to insert a comma before the conjunction, as you do with a compound sentence. Should you have a comma before "because"? Get the grammar checker, "Smashing Grammar" It can't be "bright and yellow jacket" or "yellow bright jacket". No comma is used between the month and the year when they are the only two elements in the date. Which serves as a nonrestrictive pronoun and therefore requires a comma. Lori, please stop by my office before you leave for the day. A restrictive clause is one where its removal would alter the meaning of the sentence. If I have only one sister then I should use commas. So sometimes you might have to look at the second word of a contrasting element to decide whether or not it needs to be proceeded with a comma. (Because she is an Inside the pages of The English Grammar Workbook for Grades 6, 7, and 8 you'll find: Lessons that move from basic concepts to more difficult ones allowing students to build their knowledge as they go Consistent review sections that ... Nothing is an obstacle unless you say it is. Dependent Clause Before Independent Clause. I originally wanted to be a rock star, but in the end I decided to become an investment banker. (The dependent clause is at the start, so a comma is needed.) The resulting sentence makes sense. An introductory prepositional phrase sets the scene for the main phrase. I live in Tabasco, Mexico. I found the painting rather dull, to be honest. Correct: The long, metal pole stuck out of the ground. I like rice and beans and plantains. Example 1: Manuel Picon, the former French President, visited the UK yesterday. buckets and spades, or lions and tigers and bears. Incorrect: The fruit, which everyone found tasty was my best idea. While is a subordinating conjunction, but in some circumstances it can act as an adverb of concession as well. Incorrect: The value of Pi is 3.141,59 to five decimal places. Incorrect: More than 50000 people turned up to protest. Rewrite them to be unambiguous. Infinitive phrases can function in a sentence as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. This will turn the button yellow. The rule for sentences in which the dependent clause precedes the main clause is that a comma should separate the two clauses. You _____ put a comma use a comma in a complex sentence where the dependent clause comes at the end of the sentence. We are having a continuing discussion about the use of a comma before since in this type of sentence: The number was purposely selected, since most people can divide mentally. (Specifically, commas are not generally needed to separate dependent clauses from independent clauses when the dependent clause follows the independent clause.) When a degree or certification is shown after a person’s name, it should be set off with commas. Explanation: The writer has more than one brother. . When a sentence begins with two dependent clauses that both apply to the subsequent independent clause, insert only a single comma after the second dependent clause. I ate, slept, and dreamed of England. Which isn't good because I have a huge lawn. This is the definitive list: Before a coordinating conjunction when it separates two independent clauses. Incorrect: The bright, yellow jacket looked amazing. In UK usage, you can choose. A simple sentence contains only one independent clause and no dependent clauses. Incorrect: He didn't take the exit because of the fog. Incorrect: To be the best you must practice. Please link to this resource from your blog or web page so we can help as many people as possible understand commas. when the independent clause that comes before "because" contains two elements and it is unclear which one "because" refers to. A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. I hate mowing the grass. or Some people, who I won’t name, wouldn’t like this. This sentence appears to follow the rules described above. Our free grammatically correct sentence checker will help you to identify issues with all of your clauses. These words are called relative pronouns. Is it one course covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics, or is it two separate courses? Only use a comma to separate two adjectives if you could also write "and" there and keep the same meaning. When the man knocked on the door. For example: The long, metal pole. Sometimes, the comma indicates a pause that would occur if the sentence were spoken aloud. When a word or phrase occurs at the beginning of a sentence, a comma should usually separate it from the main clause. Found insideIf there is more than one dependent clause, a comma will be used to divide each ... For example, the following sentence consists of three dependent clauses ... It adds color to the sentence, e.g. There are three ways that "and" can be used in a sentence: They argue that whatever is inside a pair of commas should be capable of being removed without turning the sentence into nonsense. use a comma before a vocative at the end of the sentence. (Point 3) Use a comma after an adverbial dependent clause that sits before the independent clause. Incorrect: Although you're ready we must wait. This construction is fairly rare. Sometimes I have an independent clause with a dependent clause inside of it. So, where do commas go in a sentence? Examples: She is hungry. Dependent Clause + Independent Clause (comma splits the clause) Independent Clause + Dependent Clause (comma usually does not split the clause) So, using that structure we can easily form examples of complex sentences: Because she was scoring many baskets, Elesa was considered the best player on the team. Did you send me flowers because you saw me yesterday, or did I think you sent me flowers because I saw you yesterday and you hinted you might? In the early 1990s, at school in Oxford, England, my English teacher tried to teach us how to use commas. Commas separating independent from dependent clauses. Note that a dependent clause should be separated from an independent clause by a comma only when the dependent clause precedes the independent one. Incorrect: Sadly they didn't understand me. Should I use a comma before or after “please” in a sentence? When please is used at the start of a sentence then you can choose to use a comma depending on if you’d like to emphasize it. Active 9 months ago. Correct: In the morning, let’s go to the zoo. We could not have done it without you, Lisa. . Rule: When a sentence begins with a dependent clause that applies to two independent clauses that follow, insert a comma after the dependent clause, but do not insert a comma between the independent clauses. Compare the two sentences below, in which the presence or absence of a comma indicates important information. Words like are called subordinators. The word "then" can function as several parts of speech. Listing commas can usually be replaced by "and" or "or," e.g. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, has been made into several movies. Other examples of contrastive elements that should be preceded with a comma are: The statue seemed different, almost alive. The necessary comma placement before “if” in detail. Incorrect: Yesterday there was no new news. Two friends who become something worse than enemies. In this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison tells the story of Nel Wright and Sula Peace, who meet as children in the small town of Medallion, Ohio. “Extravagantly beautiful. . . - To separate items in a list, e.g. I will give the document to my brother, Tom. This is a clause that generally modifies a noun or a noun phrase and is often introduced by a relative pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose).A relative clause connects ideas by using pronouns that relate to something previously mentioned and allows the writer to combine two independent clauses into one sentence. Definitions. Correct: More than 50,000 people turned up to protest. A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it merely complements a sentence’s main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning. A dependent clause, unlike an independent clause, cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence. I thought you sent me flowers because I saw you yesterday. Omitting the serial comma makes this unclear. If you have two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, always use a comma. Rule: If the independent clause comes before the dependent clause, omit the comma. These words are frequently misused. Some people might strongly disagree with this sort of sentence, but the truth is that it is widely used, even by The New York Times. For example, “Because she grew up playing multiple sports, she loves swimming, and she also loves soccer.” Jane will bring the food, Jose will bring the drinks, John will bring the music, and Jackie will bring the cops. Use commas between the clauses when a dependent clause comes before an independent one. We used all of this data to build our list and to train the automated comma checker in our free grammar checker. The trend with these labels is to omit the comma. There are three main types of dependent clauses: adjective, adverb, and noun. A comma is used before an "and" only if it is used to separate two independent clauses, or if it is used as an Oxford comma to separate the last item in a list of three or more things. Yet at least one significant authority (Bryan Garner, in his fourth edition of Garner's Modern English Usage) omits it. (The dependent clause is at the end, so a comma is not needed.) … because whoever wrote this was not my student. We sold 1,270 rare books last year; the most expensive sold for $5,255. With coordinate adjectives you can put "and" between them and the meaning is the same. Example: Upset by his cousin, he went home. Some common subordinating conjunctions are: after, as, before, once, since, until, and while. After a time phrase that comes before a sentence or independent clause. In this usage, the comma substitutes for the conjunction and. Straight talking and methodical, Craig Shrives draws on his years compiling Grammar Monster and as an army officer to present a comprehensive but light-hearted and easily digestible grammar reference guide. Yet some writers object to this. Some authors like to join sentences with listing commas, e.g. Now in its 2nd edition, this fresh word choice guide features 390+ pesky pairings whose meanings are conveyed at a glance (or is it a glimpse?). Deciding whether to use a comma before which, where, or who means determining the function of the relative clause. If the adverbial clause follows the main clause in a sentence, do not place a comma between the two. That's the trick here. The most common coordinating conjunctions are and, but, and or. If you just have a single comma before or after then that's definitely wrong. A clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb. If please comes at the end of a sentence then you should almost always use a comma before it. Some people like to use thin spaces going from left to right instead. Do you need a comma in a compound predicate? Because of the thunderstorm, our flight has been delayed. if you took the "and" away then you wouldn't have two sentences. They can't form a sentence on their own, but they add information to the main clause, usually some form of condition, e.g. With dignity, grace, and a tremendous empathy for his audience, he delivered the most moving eulogy. When yet is used to set off a contrasting element of a sentence then it should have a comma before it, just like with not. It was a long, noisy, and nauseating flight. I live in Liverpool, England. You should use a comma between two adjectives when they are coordinate adjectives. Incorrect: I opened the boot saw the spare tyre. Though not necessarily mechanical, the use of commas in lists is well established. If both the independent clauses are short then some writers may choose to omit the comma before the "and", but you will never be wrong to use it. Each sentence contains a clause in CAPITAL letters. 12 May 2012, then there is no need to include commas in the date. Examples of Adverb Clause. The Large Editions of the Advanced Straight Forward English Series are for higher level English skills. The hotel, once we finally found it, was very nice. Here, t he dependent clause is NOT ESSENTIAL to the sentence: the dependent clause is not needed to identify the child – Mary Jones. Found inside – Page 152With Dependent Clauses. A comma usually follows a dependent clause (either restrictive or nonrestrictive) when that clause comes before the main clause of ... Searchable electronic version of print product with fully hyperlinked cross-references. I came in, I saw the package, and I opened it. A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction. Explanation: Hawthorne had only one first novel. Found inside – Page 55Put a comma after a word, phrase, or dependent clause that introduces an independent clause. Since this rule is a bit complicated, let's break it down into ... They also found MANY mistakes as well. The two forms of participle phrase you can see here are: Present participle (always ending -ing), e.g. Examples 1. Examples include "quickly", "frequently", "slowly". Correct: Five hundred years ago, there were no grammar books. Before a coordinating conjunction when it separates an independent and dependent clause as an Oxford comma. The general rule for subordinating conjunctions states that you shouldn't use a comma before a subordinating conjunction that comes after the main clause. It can stand on its own. Although exceptions can be found, a dependent clause at the beginning of a sentence is usually followed by a comma (as in this sentence). Example: Having finally arrived in town, we went shopping. If the adverbial clause introduces the sentence, place a comma between it and the main clause. Found inside – Page 91I'll call you when I'm ready contains the defining dependent clause when I'm ... Thus after an introductory construction, a comma is not the signal of a ... (In this sentence, the idea would make sense without the clause) The store closed its doors for good in October, 1958. Dependent clauses are groups of words that have a subject Example: To be the best, you must practice. Introductory Dependent Clauses You will also need want to add a comma after the introduction when a sentence begins with a dependent clause . Note that the clauses are separated with a comma when the dependent clause comes first. The first clause, Sam tossed the ball could stand on its own as a complete sentence, which means it’s an independent clause. The clause ‘but he decided not to eat until he finished his essay’ is a dependent clause, however. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. Please see CMOS 6.25: “A dependent clause that follows a main, independent clause should not be preceded by a comma if it is restrictive —that is, essential to fully understanding the meaning of the main clause. After lists, the most important function of the comma is to set off nonrestrictive or nonessential information. Incorrect: The long metal pole stuck out of the ground. When the dependent clause comes before the compound sentence, you can use a comma to connect the two to form a complex compound sentence. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter has been made into several movies. The alumni’s fundraising was better this year than last, and better than expected. "sometimes" or "often". Vocational rather than academic, "Grammar for Grown-ups" is packed with real-life examples and keeps you engaged with a wealth of great quotations from Homer the Greek to Homer the Simpson. Correct: "I'll come along later," said Mary. (See also the essay on style.). Incorrect: On the morning of his birthday Robbie wanted to go to the zoo. Here are the three rules for using commas with vocatives: use a comma after a vocative at the start of the sentence. 6. Found inside – Page 254Study Tip The comma after an introductory clause is probably the most ... Dependent clauses that precede independent clauses are followed by commas. Listing commas can separate lists of nouns, verbs, adjectives, dependent clauses, or even complete sentences. No, you shouldn’t respond to a rhetorical question. There are two schools of thought on how best to lighten the punctuation of such a sentence. Oftentimes, a pre-comma is not placed before “if” when it is used in its most basic function which is to introduce a dependent clause after an independent clause. Sadly, they're not, but that's a good way to think of them. The fruit that we bought was tasty. Should I use a comma with a participle or gerund phrase? His family moved from Bristol, England, to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, when he was eight. Rule: Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase. This comma of omission is often seen when parallel structures are used, such as two sentences taking the same form. The first story is a bit short, but it’s also free. The stories aren’t overly romantic, so they’re great for older teenage boys and girls.” ★★★★★ “Deliciously thrilling and wickedly silly from the grave and back! Don't start a sentence with "which" unless it's a question. A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. or Meg, are you there? These are often found at the start of a sentence, but are not the subject. I live in Cook County, Illinois. 2. Correct: There were no grammar books five hundred years ago. With a simple sentence, however, the general rule is to omit the comma. He said that "the country will continue to grow. 7. A time phrase is something that gives details of the time that something happened. between a county and a country, e.g. If the phrase appears at the end of the sentence, a comma … The dependent clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. If you add an AAAWWUBBIS word to the beginning of a independent clause, it becomes dependent. When the information that follows the relative pronouns is essential to the sentence, you do not use a comma. Other examples of which in a prepositional phrase are "on which" and "of which.". This is quite unusual. In some circumstances, you may use a comma before a conjunction such as "and" when it starts a dependent clause. He didn't take the exit because of the fog, but because he wasn't paying attention. This is where things get tricky. Incorrect: The situation in, which we found ourselves was fun. That’s a long list, and it requires some knowledge of grammatical terminology to process it. COMMAS WITH DEPENDENT CLAUSES WORKSHEET Determine if and where commas are needed in the following sentences. It would make the reader confused about what you’re trying to say. Here is a quick example. If you mean that he missed the exit because of the fog, then you should include a comma. There is a comma before the conjunction (but), and the nonessential comment (in the end) is set off with a pair of commas. She purchased the car, but she declined the extended warranty. They often end in "-ly". Rule: When a dependent clause occurs between two independent clauses and applies only to the second, the dependent clause should be set off with commas. After a subordinate clause—one that starts with a subordinating conjunction. Example: Katy walked home, tired from a hard day in the office. Comma Splices. Found inside – Page 1015If the dependent clause begins the sentence, it is followed by a comma. Example: When it returned flom its walk, the dog drank all the water in its howl. For longer phrases, you should always use a comma. Having a party is a bad idea because the neighbors will complain. (The Grammarly extension works with webmail, social media, and texting apps as well as online forms and Microsoft Office documents like Word.) Adjectives are words that modify a noun like "old", "red", "greasy". The ACT will most likely test your knowledge of connecting clauses. In extreme cases, an erroneous comma can make a sentence mean the exact opposite of what the writer intended. Because I lost the race, I had to give my brother five dollars. Our flight has been delayed because of the thunderstorm. 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