Want reliable heating at an affordable cost? Filter Preparation. You should also sweep the sides and bottom of your pool and keep your pool deck clean. North York, Bucket. This prevents damage from freezing. If the pool floor has dirt or debris in it, use a pool brush or a soft push broom to sweep the … 9. Fortunately, taking down an above ground pool isn’t as hardas it seems. In most above ground pools, a standard garden hose will adapt to this fitting. Steps to remove a round above ground swimming pool. After dismantling an aboveground pool, the earth will need rehabilitating to remove the flat indention that has formed and bring life back into the soil. The process starts off with removing the drain cap that is placed on the outer part of the swimming pool wall. Even if you have a temporary pool like an Intex pool, please take the time to put in a proper dedicated GFI Plug/Outlet and bond the pool … Sponge and/or rags. Once the liner is fully dried, you have to roll it up and keep it and all other parts in a dry location. 10. If your pool cover still has some life left in it, then give it a good rinse … Once those items are removed, do the following: Drain the pool of water as much as possible. For the remaining water, you can use a bucket or rags. Blue2Green Group Ltd has been specializing in swimming pool demolition and removals since 1997. 6. You will also have to remove the pump and the filter. But, the process of disassembling the swimming pool could be a bit of a challenge. 2021 Blue2Green Group Ltd. ALL right reserved. Deciding how to heat your above ground pool. 6 Money-Savvy Tips for Buying Quality Furniture at Value City Furniture, How to Move Out at 18 | The Essential Guide, Monochromatic Color Scheme Home Decor Tips & Tricks, Feng Shui Living Room Essentials & Decor Tips. When they have personal swimming pools, then things get a lot more exciting. This is a short video on how to dismantle and winterize a Summer Waves Elite 14 ft above ground pool. Don’t mind paying the highest prices each month? 2. The warranties are prorated so don’t think you’re going to get much of a discount when it needs replacing after only three years. Trying to save the old liner will be more trouble than it’s worth, so use the move as an opportunity to replace the liner, which should be replaced every few years anyway. These days, above ground pools can easily last 15 years or more with proper care and maintenance. 4. One end of the garden hose will be attached to … Winner of HomeStars – Best Awarded Company, Blue2Green Group Ltd. Rinse all the parts and keep it in the open to dry. The same is true with removing it! Un-dig the filter panel and any other support posts and remove them from the ground. : Manufacturers often make minor tweaks to pool construction and components from year to year, so even if you think your same pool is still on the market and replacement parts should be readily available, you might be surprised. Disconnect the hoses from the filter. Our 17 ft by 39 ft. vinyl-lined pool needs to be removed. This is probably the top mistake we see people make. You must also take pictures while removing each part of the pool, so that you can reassemble it in the future. Get fair costs for your SPECIFIC project requirements. See professionally prepared estimates for pool removal and backfilling work. : While adding dirt or sand may seem like the easier route, the only way to ensure truly level ground is to determine the lowest point and remove dirt from other areas. 12. You will require the following items to remove above ground pool. How much does it cost to remove an swimming pool? The easiest way to move the water is to have two people grab the floor of the pool on one side, and “walk the water” to the other side of the pool. You should also get the plugs on the filter and pump replaced. Follow the closing instructions in your filter … To ensure smooth flow of the water, you need to take off the drain plug, which is placed on the inside of the swimming pool. To properly take care of a pool, skim the surface of the water and clean out the basket filter every day. It's 216 inches (18 feet) in diameter and 48 inches deep with an impressive 6,100-gallon capacity. The best above-ground pool with a steel frame is the Coleman Power Steel Vista Series II. The filter medium, which is either a cartridge or sand must also be emptied. Quoted Cost: $3,750. Swimming pools are available in different shapes and sizes, but when it comes to the most common one, then it is surely the round above ground swimming pool that takes the top spot. Hose. The pool skimmer is an integral part of any above ground pool, and you want … 2. Avoid these common mistakes when building your above ground pool. The best way to make sure you keep all the parts together is to label and inventory the pieces as you disassemble the pool, then load the parts directly into the back of the truck you’ll be using to move the pool. Once the water is out, take out all the things from the swimming pool such as, ladder, lights, return inlet and alarms. If you have placed any solar blankets, ladders or leaf covers, then you have to clean them with water, then dry them and finally store them along with other parts. An aboveground pool places hundreds of pounds of pressure on the soil underneath it, and the ground becomes compacted from the weight of the water. If there is any dirt or debris in the pump basket, then make sure that you clear all of it. Get a Quote. Mistake 1: Building up the low areas with dirt taken from the higher areas. ON M2J 4T1 Drain the pool completely, and allow it to dry in the sun for at least an hour. Sound familiar? Drain the pool. Remove the post caps followed by the top ledge of the swimming pool. : Some areas require pools to be located a certain distance from buildings and property lines. You will find the usual garden hose that will fit in there. Want to heat your pool at half the cost of gas? Redoing An Old Above Ground Swimming Pool can take time but with the right tools it can be very easy to do! It is important that the … : If your pool is an older model and uses plastic, rather than resin parts, be aware that years of sun and chlorine can weaken these parts and make them susceptible to cracking. Check out these instructions for your next DIY project. Drain the pool. Dolly helps you move on your schedule and at an affordable price. We completely understand that…, If you haven’t seen it already, a monochromatic color scheme is the new wave of simplistic interior design. Swimming Pool Removal in Gastonia, NC. The framework of the swimming pool has a plenty of plastic latches or buttons, so you have to slide each one of those in order to take the pool apart. 1. After moving costs alone,…, You just graduated highschool and your parents are already asking when you’re moving out. Demolition Cost Details: $3,500-$4,000. Reality check: Above ground pool liners will come with 15-year and 25-year warranties. These liners won’t last even close to that long. Conclusion – How to Bond An Above Ground Pool Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, installing a pool bonding wire helps mitigate the danger. … When freezing does occur, just remember to check the water level, and perform regular cover maintenance, and your pool should survive another season. If they are not properly dry, then there are chances of mold and mildew formation. While you can certainly attempt to lug the filter to the new location as is, moving an empty filter will be much easier, and replacing the sand will only help you keep your pool in good condition. To make sure your pool is completely covered from debris and prevent unnecessary damage, you definitely want to remove any pool ladders, rails, and other accessories you have installed in your pool. The easiest way to do this is with a pump, and there is typically a sewer point within 100 feet of the pool. 1. 3. If there is skimmer installed as well, then, that will also be disassembled. 3. There are various reasons behind the popularity of round above ground swimming pools, like they are easy to remove, move and store when not in use. Removing and storing the filter, pump and any hoses connected to your above-ground pool is also necessary. Drain the filter and pump connected to your pool. Need Help Moving an Above Ground Pool? 5. : Once you drain an above ground pool the liner will shrink up and become difficult to work with. 2. Mild dish soap. Phone: (844) 818-2447. When you…, Cover Photo: Direct Painting Group Your home is your sanctuary, a safe place to unwind and relax after a long…, Whether you’re buying or selling a used pool, or moving your pool. 8. Make sure that the swimming pool is fully dry. The process starts off with removing the drain cap that is placed on the outer part of the swimming pool wall. FREE TRAINING SERIES ON POOL MAINTENANCE at http://easypoolacademy.com/For products and services go to http://abovegroundpros.com/ Winterize the skimmer. Some swimming pools come with pins, so if that’s the case with your pool, then you’ve got to remove the pins before separating each piece. With a high level of versatility, round above ground swimming pools are the number one choice among the people. See typical tasks and time to remove a pool, along with per unit costs and material requirements. With improved materials such as cast resin fittings and protectant-coated steel in use, pools have become more durable, and this increased longevity means more pool owners find themselves needing to move an above ground pool to a new location. Below are the steps we take to ensure a safe and effective removal: Disconnect any electrical connections Drain the pool using a submersible pump, draining water away from foundations The cost to Remove a Pool starts at $115 - $143 per cubic yard, but can vary significantly with site conditions and options. 1. When the level of water is below a meter or so, then you can disconnect the hose, as the water couldn’t be drained through it. : After removing accessories and disconnecting the filtration system from your drained pool, begin taking down the pool by removing post caps and upper railings, numbering the pieces as you go. If you are pushing the dirt around to level out the site for the pool, eventually the dirt will settle and your pool will no longer be level. You pretty much have two options when it comes to draining an above ground pool: you can use a submersible pump, or siphon the water out with a garden hose. While removing the filter and the pump, remove the drain plugs and allow the water to run out. The easiest way to tear down an above ground swimming pool is to go in reverse order of its assembly. With your assistant's help, pull the wall of the pool out of the bottom rails and roll it up as tightly as … The pool should now be fully ready to transport to its new location. These are; 1. Your Place for Creative Moving & Delivery Ideas. With the start of the summer season, people start spending time in the water. How Above Ground Pool Removal Works: 1. Screwdriver. Do you want to heat an above ground pool the fastest? Turn the system to the waste setting and while holding the vacuum head near the bottom, begin vacuuming to waste. Install the Pool Liner. You’ll want to make sure you actually have enough room for the pool before you move it. In this post we will show you pictures of replacing your old aboveground with a pre-existing deck. Do not walk away and just leave the vacuum system working by itself. One end of the garden hose will be attached to the drain and then, you will run the hose to the area where you want to drain the water. If you can take pictures of the swimming pool before disassembling it, then it’ll be great. Disassemble the pool from the top down: After removing accessories and disconnecting the filtration system from your drained pool, begin taking down the pool by removing post caps and upper railings, numbering the pieces as you go. Timelapse of me removing my AG pool by myself. Redoing An Old Above Ground Swimming Pool. After washing the parts, keep them in the open to dry. : If your pool uses a sand filter, it likely contains 100 to 200 pounds of sand. Please subscribe to my channel! Clean all the parts of the swimming pool, so that when you use them again, you don’t have to deal with rusty and corroded parts. 7. Allow the water to spill out slowly. Putting in a backyard, above ground pool may be easier than you think. Don’t use detergent and hot water to wash the parts. You can prepare a solution of soap and water, and clean all the parts with it, including the pool liner. These liners won’t last even close to that long. Remove the liner, then detach the filter panel from the wall and roll the wall up with the help of a partner. You will find the usual garden hose ... 2. I personally recommend using a combination of the two because siphoning is pretty fast, but a pump will help remove that last foot or so of water that the siphon can’t quite get to. If you haven’t put the swimming pool together, then it won’t be much difficult for you to take down the pool. Scrub and store the pool cover. 2. This step should be done carefully, or you can’t use your swimming pool at all. Use a mild soap and lukewarm water instead. 1. All it takes is a few steps to complete. Make the Junk and Trash Removal Team your choice in above ground pool removal. The best way to heat an above ground pool depends entirely on what you want. The easiest way to move the filter is to empty out the old sand, then replace it with new sand when you get to your new location. Moving into a new area is exciting until you realize that your new place needs furniture. Book now and see the difference: https://dolly.com. by Blue Green | Jul 1, 2016 | Above-Ground Swim Pools Removed. If this is the case, go slowly and be gentle when taking the pool apart, as these old parts may also be difficult to replace. Use the hose connection to get as much water as possible out of the swimming pool. 245 Fairview Mall Dr, Does an in-ground pool add value to a home. Choose a gas heater. Place any screws into plastic bags, and tape the bags to the pieces the screws belong to. Just follow these steps on how to tear down an above ground pool and you should have absolutely no trouble getting the job done: Place your pole and vacuum head with the vacuum hose attached in the bottom of your pool. This pool is very easy to set up and take down—no tools are needed. 11. Since the last thing that's on the assembly manual is to fill it with water, that's where you'll have to start, but only after unplugging and disconnecting the skimmer, filter, heater, and then unfasten the ladder. Tear it down. The right approach of taking down the round above ground pool is, starting off the disassembling in the opposite order. 5. Whether you’re buying or selling a used pool, or moving your pool along with your household, here are some tips for ensuring a successful transfer: Following these steps will help ensure a smooth, easy move for your above ground pool and give you many more years of enjoyment out of this classic source of backyard entertainment. This … Any new dirt that you add will quickly become compressed under the weight of the pool and won’t maintain its level. While the top layer of water in an above ground pool does freeze solid, the freezing rarely goes all the way through the pool. 4. Remove the liner, then detach the filter panel from the wall and roll the wall up with the help of a partner. Once a week, use a pool test kit to measure the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness; then, follow the instructions on the kit to balance the chemicals in the pool as needed. The pool is 8 ft. at the deep end. We needed a 4 ft by 22 ft above ground pool and 10 ft by 15 ft lightweight wood deck demolished and hauled away.