When we say that a Harley ignition coil has gone bad, we actually mean that it provides low voltage to the spark plugs. The test at the A and C contacts are testing the trigger circuit of the ignition . However, for experts, identifying the problem is quite easy; but, it can be brain-racking for newbies or who isn’t familiar with motorbike mechanical issues. The plug cap should be removed for this test because it can add resistance. If your ignition coil gets bad, you might have to check the entire ignition system. Furthermore, it requires 15000 to 20000 volts of electricity for a spark plug to create an electric spark to ignite the fuel.All spark plugs have their own ignition coil. These mean that the ignition coil is supplying insufficient electricity to the spark plug (this can be for any number of reasons, including cracked coil casings, "weak" current, faulty connections, etc.). To do that, at first, disconnect the negative terminal on the battery, and also disconnect the cable connected to the coil. Even worse, it may completely stall. but if you are prepared to deal with the making of a bracket and/or not looking 100% oem then these coils are a cheaper alternative and they work great. https://gearsloft.com/how-to-know-if-harley-ignition-coil-is-bad Hi, This is James. You also need to check all the battery, hot and ground wire connections. Tags: coil, ignition When you are confident that the ignition coil is the real culprit of all the masses, you need to replace it with a new one. At first, disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. Harleys’ that run on a single-coil engine will make cranking sound, but there will be no spark from the cylinders. The symptoms of a bad ignition coil are mostly manifested as difficulties starting the car, a stalling engine, and loss of power while on the road. At first you might think it's the car starter, a usual culprit, but it's most likely the ignition coil that has gone bad. As we discuss in our article on how to test a coil pack or ignition coil, several test methods are available, Is It Ok to Drive With a Bad Ignition Coil? And so, today, we will explain to you how to know if Harley ignition coil is bad. Now, for reading ‘Rx1’ resistance setting, you need to set an ohmmeter. Tap to unmute. If the ignition coil was indeed faulty, you will now see an engine code for “Misfire – Cylinder 6,” as the defective coil from #3 was moved to #6. And then disconnect all of the wires that are connected to that coil. Typically, this coil comprises two sets of wires that are wrapped around a core made of iron. I'm hoping you did the other obvious checks like the fuses , checked with a test light not the eyeball ! Then read the resistance between the two terminals of the ignition coil. The car will have a hard time starting. If your car’s engine light suddenly turns on, this could be a sign that something is bad with the ignition coil. This happens when the ignition coil or module becomes too hot. How to Tell If an Ignition Coil is Bad. The reading should be within 2.5 to 3.1 ohms. It will not take more than 15 to 20 minutes. When some irregular sparks are sent to plugs from the coil, the issue occurs. battery terminal and probe the A and C contacts while cranking the engine , they should flash while cranking . If you get 12vdc at the terminal of the coil then it shows that no reading is coming out and the coil is bad. Besides, when the output voltage of the coil rises to a high level, it causes short circuits and burns around the insulation. The coil’s capacity may diminish over time, or simply stop functioning at once. If you scan using a diagnostic tool, it will show code ‘P0351’, which refers to primary circuit malfunction. Even though the bike is going through an issue with the coil, the engine light will still turn on in the dashboard. The range should be between 10,000 to 12,500 ohms. You can run a test to determine the ignition coil issue. Many riders face issues with the coil. This time, you need to measure the resistance of two large terminals. But it would be quite nerve-wracking to the beginners. Test the Coil. I will not suggest you go to an auto repair shop to figure out the issue. Vrbo | Win VR This Is Book Early | 15s | Combo. ( I tested it with a test light. A lousy coil contributes to this engine misfiring issue. The issue with the coil isn’t rare in this bike. Compare your readings with your shop manual's specifications to see if they are within range. However, I’m not a professional track rider. Since ignition coils play a role in igniting the engine’s air-fuel mixture, a faulty coil … If the ignition coil is faulty, then it will cause the engine to misfire whenever you ignite the engine. In order to understand the concept of bad ignition coil, first, you’ll need to know what is an ignition coil and it’s use. Motorcycle Exhaust Wrap Pros and Cons – 2021 Explained! The problem I faced when marketing products for manufacturers made me interested in starting GearsLoft. Each time they light the test light the coil should discharge to the respective plug . Measure the resistance of the coil on two small terminals. Its main purpose is … Then set the ohm-meter to the “Rx1000” setting and measure the resistance. However, I’m not a professional track rider. Another simple test you can do, regardless of the type of coil you're dealing with, is to … The symptoms are very conspicuous. An ignition coil refers to a type of induction coil that’s used in the ignition system of motorcycles. Otherwise, the meter will give you faulty reading. This guide will tell you how to know if Harley ignition coil is bad. For those who own Harley Davidson, the craziness is even more. The ignition coil is one of the most crucial parts of the ignition system of your Harley Davidson motorcycle. If the resistance is between 10000-12000 ohms, then the ignition coil is just fine. At times, it is accompanied by flames. Things you will need to perform the test – SAE wrench set and an Ohmmeter. If the engine refuses to start, that would clearly indicate that the ignition coil has failed completely. Required fields are marked *. Disconnect the spark plug wires from the ignition coil. Take the positive (red) probe and place it on the coil tower. If you are able to detect that the problem is within the ignition chamber, you need to replace that malfunctioning part. Bad coil is also a possibility. Here is a list of the symptoms to identify a bad ignition coil in your Harley-Poor fuel economy: Your bike requiring more fuel than usual or running out of them faster than usual. Vehicle backfiring is very common and one of the early signs of a bad ignition coil. You can also do this yourself with an OBD-II scanner, which you can purchase online or from a local auto parts store. An ignition coil is a type of induction coil used in the automotive ignition system. The ignition module of your vehicle is the heart of your entire ignition system. To be safe, check the ignition coil when you notice engine misfire. Check Engine Light Is On. With your hands, disconnect the plug wires off the coil. How to Know If Harley Ignition Coil is Bad? I've had them go bad in one day with a blown cell. Harley-Davidson uses a mutual induction-type coil in all its models. The same thing will occur if the engine runs low on fuel. Bike Stalling. Thanks for reading me. When this happens, your motorcycle gets less mileage. Once the conversion is done, it ignites the fuel, and the engine starts. GearsLoft.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, amazon.com. Or it may have little effect at all on the engine’s ability to run. Check Engine Light comes on; Issues like this cannot be seen in a normal ignition coil. The engine will cause a loud noise, and it will refuse to start. John Deere Tractor Turns Over But Wont Start – What To Do? Watch later. The service manual has a diagnosis procedure for the ignition module. Run the regular maintenance of your bike. If your Harley’s coil isn’t at a good state, the engine can backfire. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you own a Harley Davidson bike, one of the things that might bother you is the ignition coil. Malfunctioning coil also shows symptoms such as rough idling and engine jerking. Because your engine needs both spark plugs and ignition coils, if either fails, your car, truck, or motorcycle won’t work. It’s been 20 years since I’m riding motorcycles. One sign that sends you an indication that you have a bad Harley ignition coil is that your bike consumes more fuel than it usually does. There may be an underlying issue, such as: 1. If your bike stalls while working, this is another sign that indicates there’s something wrong with the ignition coil. The final possibility you may observe is that no spark occurs. Hi, I’m Adam Vachon, an avid learner and working in the product marketing niche for the last few years. Shopping. When we say that a Harley ignition coil has gone bad, we actually mean that Ask your car manufacturer how to perform regular maintenance on your vehicle. Solar Powered Pool Lights – FAQ & Buyer’s Guide. Hi, If it is the ignition coil you are talking about, Normally it they will break down under load, so it will run for any amount of time and then stop working but when it cools down it will work again. Here are 6 ignition coil problems and symptoms. It transforms/enhances the voltage of the battery to thousands of volts. After that, unscrew those bolts that are holding the coil and remove it. It occurs noticeable more when the engine runs rich or lean. The ignition coil is responsible for taking power from the battery and relaying the power to the spark plugs. Check your ignition coil as it may have a fault. The coil consists of a primary winding, which receives power from the ignition circuit and is controlled by the crankshaft position sensor, and a secondary winding, which steps up the voltage in the primary windings through mutual induction, and delivers this power to the spark plugs. Once you get a new ignition coil, simply put the new coil at the same place and screw the bolts. Connect your multimeter leads to the connector and check for resistance by setting your meter to Ohms. Failing coils require an oscilloscope (or similar testing tool) to observe the spark impulse coming out of the coil, looking for correct and consistent wave form, especially under load - such as when you "punch" the throttle. Now hook the test light clip to the pos. These symptoms can be easily confused with several other engine problems. GearsLoft | Copyright © 2019 Well, one of the most common problems that Harley owners face is a bad ignition coil. As such, if you have a faulty ignition coil, your engine will not run properly. This is the biggest indication of a bad ignition coil. A coil pack is a group of ignition coils combined together in a single molded block. Your email address will not be published. A misfiring … If your bike stalls while riding, then you should consider replacing the ignition coil of your Harley. Hi there - basic testing of ignition coils can be done with a volt meter, checking for shorts or a specified level of resistance (measured in ohms) in the coil windings. I’m a regular motorbike rider and also fascinated about motorbiking. If the ignition system becomes weak or if it fails that would be problematic. Additionally, when you ride the bike at high speed, Harley’s engine will spit, jerk, and make unusual vibration. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. I’m a regular motorbike rider and also fascinated about motorbiking. I will let you know how it turns out. Fortunately, testing is relatively straight forward, requiring a pair of resistance measurements made at the connection terminals on the coil. The resistance should be 0.5 to 3 ohms. People freak out when their beloved motorbike goes through any mechanical failure. And when you’re riding at a higher speed, it will cause vibrations. It consists generally of two sets of wires that are wrapped around an iron core. It’s just my hobby. The coil values you got when testing it sound like they're within spec . Thanks for reading me. Are you the proud owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle, and you’re facing some issues with your motorcycle? To begin, you will need to unplug the connector. If it doesn't fall within the acceptable range stated in the manual, replace the coil. It’s just my hobby. If it is determined that your motorcycle has no spark; do not just assume that the problem is your coil. However, a bad ignition coil won’t generate any power, and in turn, there would be no spark for the combustion to start. Pickup Coil. Share. You find it hard starting the engine. Pickup coils rarely go bad, but at times they do. Then use an SAE wrench to unscrew the other connections of the coil. As such, it is important to know how to identify bad ignition coil symptoms. A resistance outside of this range indicates a broken coil. … Prevent bad ignition coil issues by regularly inspecting your car's ignition coils and spark plugs for any type of erosion and wear and tear. The most common symptom of a faulty ignition coil is when the car runs for a while and the engine dies abruptly. When to replace your ignition coil and how to check it's bad - YouTube. Replacing the Ignition Coil A correctly firing ignition will show a strobe effect at the hook up to each side of the coil corresponding to each cylinder). The ignition module has a direct impact on the performance of the engine. The test at the B contact is for battery voltage , it charges the coil . When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. If it is bad then you can either replace the coil or consult the mechanic with the readings that are recorded. When fuel is present more than air, it is rich and otherwise, it is lean. Best spot welder for batteries – absolute finding in 2021, Best martin guitar for the money 2021 – 7 high end picks, Best Motorcycle Lift Table for Harley Davidson In 2021, Best Sounding Harley Touring Exhaust – Top 9 Reviews, How To Prop Up A TV Without A Stand : Expert’s DIY Guide, https://itstillruns.com/test-harley-davidson-ignition-coil-6516657.html, https://serviceinfo.harley-davidson.com/sip/content/document/view?id=5537, https://www.hella.com/techworld/uk/Technical/Car-electronics-and-electrics/Check-Ignition-coil-2886/. Without further ado, let’s get directly into it. Another indication of a bad ignition coil is stalling. You must test an ignition coil to determine whether it’s bad. As the engine stays hot, sensitive internal parts find it challenging to cope up with it. You need to use an SAE wrench to unscrew the small connections. The longevity you get from your coil may depend on usage, demand on the coil, or environmental conditions. I will show you how to identify a bad ignition coil with just a simple test light. When there is something wrong with the ignition coil of your beloved Harley Davidson, the bike will show specific symptoms such as –. Now, read the ‘Rx1000’ setting. Once you notice this issue, be sure to check the coil to find further fault. Copy link. When you accelerate the engine, the bike will not respond as before and hesitate to speed up. Your email address will not be published. Engine Misfire. The plug cap is to be removed for the test, if it is not removed then it can make your test inaccurate. Fortunately, they are not that difficult to test. After reading the article, you have an idea of how to know if Harley ignition coil has gone bad. Your meter should read between 8 and 11. A bad ignition coil does not stay too long before it is detected. Take an ohm-meter and set it to the “RX1” setting. I have not finished the installation yet. https://www.yourmechanic.com/article/symptoms-of-a-bad-or-failing-ignition-coil However, if you’re an expert in the craft, knowing whether your ignition coil has gone bad or not won’t be that tough for you. In Harley Davidson bike, a rider may face several issues, though this motorcycle is considered one of the world’s best bikes. So, it would be wise to check to see if your motorcycle is showing the following symptoms of a bad ignition coil: If your motorcycle consumes way more fuel than usual, it’s a clear indication that the ignition coil in your bike has gone bad. Thanks for the response! First, find out what the resistance should be by looking it up in the bike's service manual. You should be able to check the coil's resistance using an ohmmeter. Your shop manual should have the correct specifications for your specific ignition coil. Measure the resistance between the two smaller primary wire connections on the coil with an ohmmeter. I’ve started this blog because I felt like what I’m learning and what I know I must share with you guys. This is the simplest way to troubleshoot the problem. Orange sparks are a bad sign. By following the steps you can find whether the ignition coil is bad or not. Best Brake Pads for Harley Davidson Touring – Top 6. Unplug the connector from the coil and use a test light . With ignition on the B contact should light the test light . When your bike’s engine is rich with fuel, it will backfire and cause some black smoke to exit through the exhaust pipe. The ignition coil in the motorcycle’s ignition system amplifies the low voltage from the battery (12 volts) to a much higher 15,000-20,000 volts. In this article, we’ll take a close look at ignition coils – what they are, how they work, why they fail, and signs of bad ignition coil symptoms. Where it is worse, is that the possibility of the car starting gets harder when the weather is lot colder. This high voltage creates the electric spark that is required in the spark plugs in order to ignite the fuel. It’s either connected to the plug via wires or wirelessly placed on top of the plug. Required fields are marked *. It’ll get worse as they lose their ability to fire the spark plugs. And that is why we will discuss the process of performing an ignition coil test of your Harley in great detail. but if it does stop working all together, that one is easier fault to find, just get an old plug and and fit it in the lead and hold the plug on to the engine block to see if it sparks. If not, take note of which engine code you had. They tend to fail in a variety of ways though, some slowly, others all at once. I’ve started this blog because I felt like what I’m learning and what I know I must share with you guys. Take special attention that the wires are in good condition, the prime housing is intact, and there is no oil leaking. Your next step is … Check to see if the measurement falls on a range of 2.5-3 ohms. Turn off your bike and wait until the engine becomes cool enough to touch. When there is more fuel than air in the engine, it will run rich. Stalling. How do you know if your Harley coil has turned bad? Unscrew all of the bolts that are holding the coil in place. As a result, the bike completely stops or refuses to start further. The very first sign of a bad ignition coil is that the bike will give you poor mileage. One of those common issues is a bad ignition coil, which is basically a compacted step-up electrical transformer. Fortunately, they are not that difficult … For a layman, I would simply say that an ignition coil is a voltage transformer which comprises of two coils: primary coil and secondary coil. It’s been 20 years since I’m riding motorcycles. Note that the test depends on the coil you use, i.e. This component comes sealed, and is not a repairable item. Again, make sure your bike is completely cool before you attempt the test. The engine makes a noisy sound once you start it. On one of mine i ended up switching the harley coil out and going back to oem, which cost me around $100 with the bracket needed to retro fit the newer style Onan coil. Then find the ignition coil that you need to replace. Typically, the ignition coils are connected to the spark plugs using wires. The possible standard diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are P0300 through … This ignites the fuel and makes a car run. The ignition coil on a Harley Davidson motorcycle is an essential component of the ignition system. Measure the resistance between the coil connections for the spark plugs with an ohmmeter. Not all cases require replacement, depending on the severity of the damage, you will have to either repair or replace it. Start with … Your Harley’s ignition coil will consume more fuel than it usually does. How to Know If Harley Ignition Coil Is Bad? Misfiring Engine. – Harley Davidson Ignition Coils are known to fail. Info. Don’t panic; it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the engine. Now, start the vehicle and run for several minutes. The time necessary to … Otherwise, you have to conclude that it’s defective. How To Tell If Ignition Coils Is Bad | Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Ignition Coil. Engine backfiring: When your engine runs either lean or rich. Its two main roles are to create a spark strong enough to ignite the air/fuel mixture for combustion and to control the timing of the spark plugs by opening and closing the ignition coil ground circuit. Harley's coils go bad rarely, 90% of the time, a stock Harley ignition failure is due to a bad cam position sensor on older Evo models, the newer Twin … If any of the readings come outside the ranges, the ignition coil isn’t in a good state, and you need to replace it. If an ignition coil is not working properly, your engine will likely misfire. Once you’ve figured out that your motorcycle’s ignition coil has gone bad, it’s time for you to replace the ignition coil immediately. A bad oil pack can make your Regal almost un-drivable. Your email address will not be published. Related Videos: Coil Install Harley Davidson Ignition Coil Test. If you're thinking about purchasing a new motorcycle helmet, doing a little bit of market research about the top motorcycle helmet brands can go a long way towards choosing the right one for... Arai XD-4 Vision Helmet Arai is one of the most well-renowned brands in the world when it comes to ADV touring helmets. RELATED: I Accidentally Crossed the Jumper Cables, This Is What Happened. The best way to know if your ignition coil has gone bad or not is by testing it. Pickup coils rarely go bad, but at times they do. Unstable Drive: A failing ignition coil results in a very irregular and unstable drive. CNP (Coil-Near-Plug) or COP (Coil-On-Plug). And their new Arai XD-4 vision helmet is one of those rare helmets... Hi, This is James. They can put a load on it and tell if it's good or bad. The engine also fails to start and stays in idle mode. It will sound like the power is missing. Fortunately for you, the process of testing the ignition coil is pretty simple and straightforward. Due to intense heat and vibration of the engine, things inside the ignition chamber are prone to break the windings and insulation of the coil. But … Before purchasing, make sure the coil is compatible with your Harley’s engine. Symptoms of a bad ignition coil vs. a bad spark plug. Backfiring happens when there is an unused fuel in the exhaust system. It’s a compact electrical transformer that converts low current (12-volt) into a much higher. Addressing the problem is essential to prevent further complications. When you start … Can you put nylon strings on a steel string guitar ? Therefore, we need to know how to diagnose a bad ignition coil. After that, install the new ignition coil. One of the clear signs of a failed coil is when the engine refuses to start. voltage. At first, you have to make sure the engine is cooled down. Bad Coil Packs are one of the more problematic ignition issues that can occur with the Buick Regal. So, the first thing that you should check is whether your motorcycle is getting worse mileage or not.