Click here to view inspection routes. Be Sure You've Requested a Building Inspection. Miami Riverside Center (MRC) To check on the status of your permit inspection or plan review, visit our new E-Permits section. If you have not yet applied for a permit, click here to find out how. Inspection Request Via Phone or Online Monday - Friday (Except Legal Holidays) 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM . Additionally, we have included a Inspector Route button on the City of Miami website so you can access the Inspector Route directly. Skip to main content. Your plans and permit must be at the construction site and the address properly posted and visible from the street. 1101 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132 (305) 434-9600. A summary of all amendments to services for the Building, Planning, Zoning, Fire-Rescue and Public Works Departments are referenced here. Disclaimer: Inspections scheduled after 3:00 pm will not have the Time Frame available. Miami-Dade Portal. Things To Do in Miami, FL. to satisfy public records requests for residents who live in structures built more than 10 years ago. Enter iBuild below, select "inspections" and "inspector route." All Inspections must be approved, including the final inspection upon completion of the project in order to close the permit. Email. Please have your permit number available for reference. If you know your Inspector’s number, you may call them directly. On the day of your inspection, you can access the route & information of your inspector, see how many appointments are ahead of you, and determine (approximately) when they will arrive at your site. The City of Miami requires inspections for all phases of the building process to ensure safe and stable structures. Osvaldo (Ozzie) L. Diaz. You can only track inspectors after your inspection has been approved and scheduled. Request Inspection here. NOTE: You will need your permit number. Inspections are performed Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. You can schedule inspections by email ONLY: By Email ( On the day of inspection, the approved Job Copy of plans, the Notice of Commencement, the approved permit, and the permit card must be at the construction site. The City of Miramar is not likely to have records (blue prints, etc.) Your permit number will be highlighted indicating where you are … It will display an ordered list of inspections he/she will be performing that day. Overtime inspections are available upon availability and approval, please submit an Overtime Inspection Request form to Building Department for review. Welcome to CMB Inspection Routes & Results web site If you wish to see the status of an inspection, then you are in the right place. Directions. Main Functions Search Permit Exit Web Back To Route Reorder Inspections Today's Route Others Route Route by Inspector View Comments Inspections not Updated New Inspection Multiple Insp Entry Inspection Info Statistics Begin of Day Stats End of Day Stats Todays Statistics 2nd Avenue, 4th floor Miami, FL 33130 Office: (305) 416-1100 Fax: (305) 416-2168 Email: 4th Floor Directory Corridor A Permits, Plans Review and Cashier Cashier: Open 7:45 am - 4:30 pm Permit Applications; Submit Plans; Change of Contractor: Open 7:45 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Note: You will be … INSPECTION ROUTES. See more Attractions . 3. Miami, FL, 33130, Hurricane Tree Preparedness & Post-Storm Maintenance, Find Open Facilities Before & After Hurricanes, Hurricane Preparedness for Building Purposes, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Apply for Single Family Rehabilitation/Replacement (Low-Income), Apply for Homeless Prevention / Homeless Rapid-Rehousing Assistance, Guide to Opening a Business in The City of Miami, Try our new eStart Business Licensing Tool, Coconut Grove Business Improvement District (BID), Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), Neighborhood Service Center Division (Formerly NET), Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla - District 1, Public Art Division, Art in Public Places (AIPP), Historic & Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB), Miami Forever Bond (MFB) - Citizens' Oversight Board, City Meetings & Agendas (Legislative Hub), Legislative Hub (Agendas, Minutes & Legislation), Public Comment Instructions for Board and Committee Meetings, In-person Meeting: Wynwood Design Review Committee - February 10, 2021, In-person Meeting: Urban Development Review Board - February 17, 2021, In-person Meeting: Code Compliance Task Force - February 22, 2021, In-person Meeting: Virginia Key Advisory Board - February 23, 2021, Instructions for Virtual Meeting – FY 2020-2021 Budget, Live Public Comment Registration - Final Budget Hearing, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau. City of Miami Building Department 444 S.W. Contact Us. All you need to do is enter your permit number and select a date and press the search button. Phone (305) 416-1100 option 1. Inspection requests made prior to 4 p.m. will be added to the inspector's route for the next working day. Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science. We have been looking for this picture throughout on line and it originate from professional source. 4. On the day of your inspection, you can access the route & information of your inspector, see how many appointments are ahead of you, and determine (approximately) when they will arrive at your site. 444 SW 2nd Ave Here is a excellent picture for Miami Dade Inspection Routes. To cancel an inspection or direct any questions about inspections, please call the Building Department at 305-948-2965. City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305.673.7000 Utilization of this website indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement. Permitting functions and inspection services offered here or at offsite locations has been temporarily amended. The routes will be available daily after 8:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall Telephone Number 305-266-1122 . The Town of Miami Lakes, Florida makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. As part of the building permit process, zoning inspections will be required to determine whether the landscape and site plan has been executed according to the requirements of the approved plan leading to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or a commercial shell Certificate of Completion by the Miami-Dade Regulatory and … The Building Department has various ways of requesting inspections: * By dialing (305) 416-1100 (Press option 2) and you will be transferred to a 311 operator. Building and Roofing Inspection Routes (PDF) Electrical Route (PDF) Mechanical Route (PDF) Plumbing Route (PDF) Zoning Route (PDF) Contact Us. Please contact your inspector for any special requirements … Share & Connect. Miami, FL, 33130, Hurricane Tree Preparedness & Post-Storm Maintenance, Find Open Facilities Before & After Hurricanes, Hurricane Preparedness for Building Purposes, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Apply for Single Family Rehabilitation/Replacement (Low-Income), Apply for Homeless Prevention / Homeless Rapid-Rehousing Assistance, Guide to Opening a Business in The City of Miami, Try our new eStart Business Licensing Tool, Coconut Grove Business Improvement District (BID), Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), Neighborhood Service Center Division (Formerly NET), Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla - District 1, Public Art Division, Art in Public Places (AIPP), Historic & Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB), Miami Forever Bond (MFB) - Citizens' Oversight Board, City Meetings & Agendas (Legislative Hub), Legislative Hub (Agendas, Minutes & Legislation), Public Comment Instructions for Board and Committee Meetings, In-person Meeting: Wynwood Design Review Committee - February 10, 2021, In-person Meeting: Urban Development Review Board - February 17, 2021, In-person Meeting: Code Compliance Task Force - February 22, 2021, In-person Meeting: Virginia Key Advisory Board - February 23, 2021, Instructions for Virtual Meeting – FY 2020-2021 Budget, Live Public Comment Registration - Final Budget Hearing, Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau. Inspections are performed from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Inspections depend on what is involved in the project. Due to inspection routes being reordered during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., it is best to verify the order of inspection after that time. The permit and the top portion of the permit inspection card must be displayed on the job site.