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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a … { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346698' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776146', position: 'btf' }}, var dfpSlots = {}; { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_btmslot_300x250' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195452', size: [300, 250] }}, Correlative, Connotative, or Contractual { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot2' }}]}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '448837' }}, storage: { {code: 'ad_contentslot_2', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [320, 100], [320, 50], [300, 50], [1, 1]] } }, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654195' }}, ga('create', 'UA-31379-3',{cookieDomain:'dictionary.cambridge.org',siteSpeedSampleRate: 10}); 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Add river to one of your lists below, or create a new one. { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '448834' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654157' }}, “Nelda watched the biting November wind rattle the leaves of that tree that stood resolute far out in the river” A. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971068', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_c", ["science_geographic_locales", "shopping_consumer_resources"]); { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot1' }}]}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_rightslot' }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_mpuslot' }}, These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, if(refreshConfig.enabled == true) The tree is so strong that time and the current of the river cannot move it. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_mpuslot' }}, var pbDesktopSlots = [ 'cap': true if(!isPlusPopupShown()) bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162050', zoneId: '776358', position: 'atf' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162050', zoneId: '776346', position: 'btf' }}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot3_flex' }}, dfpSlots['btmslot_a'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_btmslot', [[300, 250], 'fluid'], 'ad_btmslot_a').defineSizeMapping(mapping_btmslot_a).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'btm').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); 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The connotative meaning of a word includes the feelings and ideas that people may connect with…. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195453', size: [300, 50] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195459', size: [320, 50] }}, var mapping_rightslot = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([746, 0], [[300, 250]]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(); initAdSlotRefresher(); { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [320, 50] }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_mpuslot' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162050', zoneId: '776340', position: 'btf' }}, Mailing a Letter to Japan? { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971067', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, B. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [120, 600] }}, googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_ptl", "entry-lcp"); What does connotative mean? dfpSlots['contentslot_4'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_mpuslot', [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1], 'fluid'], 'ad_contentslot_4').defineSizeMapping(mapping_contentslot).setTargeting('si', '4').setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'mid').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); Connotation Definition. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot3' }}]}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot4_flex' }}, {code: 'ad_leftslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_leftslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_leftslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[120, 600], [160, 600]] } }, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [300, 50] }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_mpuslot' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195456', size: [336, 280] }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446384' }}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot4_mobile_flex' }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346693' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [120, 600] }}, (Chatting about the weekend), Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_rightslot' }}, {code: 'ad_contentslot_2', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [320, 100], [320, 50], [300, 50], [1, 1]] } }, var pbAdUnits = getPrebidSlots(curResolution); type: "html5", The tree is as determined not to be moved as Nelda is determined to be positive. This couldn't be a place where money is kept, as in banking institution, but beside the river side. { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot_flex' }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '555366', size: [300, 50] }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776146', position: 'btf' }}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_topslot_mobile_flex' }}, Connotative Meaning. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_rightslot' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195458', size: [300, 250] }}, As a boundary, the river is sometimes used to show the difference between civilization and those outside of it. { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '448839' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776130', position: 'btf' }}, iframe: { }); } {code: 'ad_topslot_a', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_topslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_topslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 50], [320, 50], [320, 100]] } }, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195458', size: [336, 280] }}, 'increment': 1, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '448837' }}, var pbMobileLrSlots = [ ga('set', 'dimension2', "entryex"); { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654156' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776142', position: 'btf' }}, In literature, the river is also used both as a sign of boundaries and of roadways. 'cap': true Meaning of Connotation is a secondary word used to express an idea, qualities or feeling in association to its literal meaning. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195458', size: [336, 280] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195459', size: [300, 50] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195453', size: [320, 100] }}, { { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_stickyslot_mobile_flex' }}, "sign-in": "https://dictionary.cambridge.org/auth/signin?rid=READER_ID", "error": true, dfpSlots['topslot_b'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_topslot', [[728, 90]], 'ad_topslot_b').defineSizeMapping(mapping_topslot_b).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'top').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776160', position: 'atf' }}, googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); It being the height of the rainy season, the rivers were much swollen, and many of the swamps were almost impassable. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_topslot' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_leftslot' }}]}, pid: '94' The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654149' }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, Try a smart search to find answers to similar questions. "sign-out": "https://dictionary.cambridge.org/auth/signout?rid=READER_ID" A lot of women love to shop for vintage clothing. 98, 99). {code: 'ad_contentslot_3', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1]] } }, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195453', size: [300, 250] }}, "authorizationTimeout": 10000 { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346693' }}, pbjs.que.push(function() { {code: 'ad_topslot_b', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_topslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_topslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[728, 90]] } }, In fact, popular brands make "vintage" clothing every day. 'max': 3, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195456', size: [300, 250] }}, {code: 'ad_contentslot_2', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1]] } }, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot3' }}]}, Connotation includes semantic or stylistic elements which are connected in a certain way with the basic meaning and are superimposed upon it. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_topslot' }}, dfpSlots['rightslot'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_rightslot', [[300, 250]], 'ad_rightslot').defineSizeMapping(mapping_rightslot).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'mid').setTargeting('hp', 'right').addService(googletag.pubads()); { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_rightslot_flex' }}, type: "cookie", { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195456', size: [336, 280] }}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot3_flex' }}, Who Is Alexa â and What Does Amazon's Virtual Assistant Say About the Future of AI. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot1' }}]}, 'increment': 0.05, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. A river's movement has also led it to being used as a symbol of life. bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776148', position: 'btf' }}, Connotation refers to a feeling or idea that a word invokes for readers, in addition to its literal meaning. { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '708801' }}, A river is also often used as a symbol of fertility, as it fills the soil surrounding it with moisture. }], googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_ei", "river"); var mapping_leftslot = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1063, 0], [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600]]).addSize([963, 0], [[120, 600], [160, 600]]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(); }; { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971081', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_rightslot' }}]}, The word c… iasLog("setting page_url: - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/river"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_tc", "resp"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_t", "size-and-quantity"); { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654157' }}, The river is also used as a symbol of the passage of time. iasLog("criterion : sfr = cdo_dict_english"); { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195453', size: [320, 100] }}, { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971081', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, googletag.pubads().set("page_url", "https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/river"); } 'increment': 0.5, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot1' }}]}, const customGranularity = { The bird fauna is dominated by plovers and passerines while waterfowl (geese, ducks, and loons) are found only in. "authorization": "https://dictionary.cambridge.org/auth/info?rid=READER_ID&url=CANONICAL_URL&ref=DOCUMENT_REFERRER&type=ENTRY_TRANSLATE&v1=english&v2=river&v3=&v4=english&_=RANDOM", { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [320, 50] }}, googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { if (!event.isEmpty && event.slot.renderCallback) { event.slot.renderCallback(event); } }); name: "pubCommonId", pbjsCfg = { { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346688' }}, iasLog("criterion : cdo_pc = dictionary"); bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776156', position: 'atf' }}, { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971073', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, dfpSlots['contentslot_3'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_mpuslot', [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1], 'fluid'], 'ad_contentslot_3').defineSizeMapping(mapping_contentslot).setTargeting('si', '3').setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'mid').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); Define connotative. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_leftslot' }}]}, {code: 'ad_contentslot_4', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1]] } }, priceGranularity: customGranularity, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195465', size: [300, 250] }}, name: "identityLink", {code: 'ad_leftslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_leftslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_leftslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600]] } }, // FIXME: (temporary) - send ad requests only if PlusPopup is not shown googletag.pubads().disableInitialLoad(); { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971073', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, (kaleb) in Arabic differs in English and Arabic cultures. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195454', size: [300, 250] }}, {code: 'ad_contentslot_2', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [336, 280], [1, 1]] } }, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_mpuslot2' }}]}, Connotation refers to the implied or secondary meaning of a word, in addition to its literal meaning. It has a separate connotation. storage: { dfpSlots['leftslot'] = googletag.defineSlot('/23202586/cdo_leftslot', [[120, 600], [160, 600]], 'ad_leftslot').defineSizeMapping(mapping_leftslot).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'top').setTargeting('hp', 'left').addService(googletag.pubads()); name: "unifiedId", Valley definition, an elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains, especially one following the course of a stream. { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971071', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, ‘A focus on language, connotative and denotative meaning, is especially important in the cultural adaptation process.’ ‘Employing the concept of ‘tribe’ is beset with denotative and connotative baggage.’ ‘Instead, each of us is to use the denotative and connotative meanings of these terms with which we are most comfortable.’ googletag.enableServices(); { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_rightslot' }}]}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, {code: 'ad_contentslot_3', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_mpuslot', adUnitPath: '/23202586/cdo_mpuslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [320, 100], [320, 50], [300, 50], [1, 1]] } }, syncDelay: 3000 Answers: 1 on a question: What is the connotative meaning of the word resolute in this line from the text? { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '448841' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195455', size: [320, 50] }}, Definition of connotative in the Definitions.net dictionary. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_rightslot' }}]}, Unlike denotative meaning, connotative meaning is much more subjective, personal, and contextual by nature. { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_leftslot_160x600' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_btmslot' }}]}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '555366', size: [300, 50] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195467', size: [300, 50] }}, 'increment': 0.01, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_topslot' }}]}, },{ { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971063', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, dfpSlots['houseslot_b'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/houseslot', [], 'ad_houseslot_b').defineSizeMapping(mapping_houseslot_b).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'btm').setTargeting('hp', 'center').setCategoryExclusion('house').addService(googletag.pubads()); { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, That doesn't mean they're looking for something simply made a long time ago. { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971074', delDomain: 'idm-d.openx.net' }}, Hereâs How to Calculate International Postage. Connotation definition is - something suggested by a word or thing : implication. Meaning of connotative. { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_mpuslot3_mobile_flex' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654150' }},