Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) are one of my favorite freshwater aquarium fish. No flow or very limited movement should be maintained in the water because this is a still water fish and loves a calm and silent environment. However, females are more colorful all over the year and look different from males. It’s average size is anywhere from 2-4 inches (5-10 cm). Moreover, males have an additional vertical stripe between dorsal and anal fins. Diet. Sphaerichthys Vaillanti requires a native water pH level that ranges between 4.0 to 6.0. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A larger tank is needed depending on the types and kind of other tank mates chosen to live alongside. And then, when they get big enough, newly hatched baby brine shrimp and microworms can be fed to them. That is why it is important to choose tankmates with due care. Females have vertical green and … 25 -30 °C (77-86°F) Water Hardness. It depends on how much the inhabitant is sophisticated or how much oxygen is available for the fish. It is recommended to place at least 6 individuals of Sphaerichthys Vaillanti together in an aquarium. Gourami are a relatively hardy species of freshwater aquarium fish and are thus suitable for most intermediate aquarists. Otherwise, he will act as a predator and eat its young. and most Corydoras sp. Their skin is brown. Sparkling, Croaking, Honey and Dwarf gouramis can all be kept in tanks as small as 35 litres. In contrast, a 100-litre aquarium or larger is recommended for Pearl, Blue, Gold, Opaline and Moonlight Gouramis, as well as Paradise Fish. Primarily, this fish eats small aquatic crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, and other zooplanktons. Separate breeding and keeping tanks for the fry is always preferable. After the male releases the fry, he should then be taken to another tank until the fry grows. The labyrinth is the modification of the first-gill arch and consists of many highly folded flaps of tissue. After the adaptation period, feeding any rate of regular live or frozen fare foods such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, grindal worm, micro worm, etc. Origin: The ancestors of these Gouramis came from East Asia , but now they live in aquariums all over the world. Throughout this period, the male either doesn’t eat at all or eats very little. Would love your thoughts, please comment. They move slowly and will easily be intimidated by other more active fish species. It is best to keep them in smaller groups rather than in pairs. Difficulty. A 20 or 30 gallon tank is a good size for a group of 6 to 8 fish. As you can see, the Samurai Gourami is quite a dainty fish which can only grow to around 2 inches in size but can live for up to eight years. It is best to use a separate grow out tank. Lighting should be dim and plant species should be chosen among types like Cryptocoryne, Microsorum, Anubias, Taxiphyllum and Anubias because they can survive and grow under conditions created for Sphaerichthys vaillanti. Lots of personality and interesting behavior. Size: 4,5-5,5 cm Biotope: Slow-moving forest rivers and streams, which are characteristically black waters because of the rotting leaves and humic acids from decaying organic material. These are something special! Both their anal and dorsal fins are merged. The colors of males become more intense during courting and spawning. These colors will brighten during the breeding season. A 20 or 30 gallon tank is a good size for a group of 6 to 8 fish. They have a uniformly straight jaw profile and a more fringe head shape. The first Gourami fish to check out hales from West Kalimantan, usually in the peat swamps, the Samurai Gourami Fish. It is easy to differentiate the male and female of this species. It does not accept prepared or dried food in an aquarium at the early stages when they are first introduced in the tank environment, however, over time it starts eating that kind of food. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This tank should be tightly covered to keep the internal temperature warm and the atmosphere humid. By ZaevaSarain. to will help them grow with brighter colors in ideal coloration and conditioning is highly suggested. The female Samurai Gouramis will initiate courting, and during the reproducing period, the couple remains upright in the water for several hours. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Their fins, on the other hand, are large and slightly round. It appears to be endemicto the Kapuas drainage where it’s also been recorded from the Danau Sentarum lake system itself as well as further downstream near the city of Sintang. Gouramis are considered medium to large fish, ranging from a small 2-inches to a giant 28 inches in length, depending on the species you’re working with. Maximum Size: In aquariums, The fish feeds on various small insects that fall on water surface or inhabit in it. Size: 1" to 1.5" long Pictures: a young Samurai Gourami Click on the picture to see bigger picture. It is also called Samurai Gourami or Samurai Zebra. By using our website you accepted that you are allowing us to use cookies. The leaves can either be replaced every few weeks or let fully decompose in the tank. Shallow forest ponds with slow flow or lentic water are typical bi… Aquarium Fish Diseases: Fungus and Bacteria. The rearing tank should be covered with a fitting lid to keep the inside temperature warm and the atmosphere humid. Courting is usually initiated by the females. Temperature: 21-26°CpH: 4,0 – 6,0Hardness: 0 – 3 dGH. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The slightly larger size of Sphaerichthys Vaillanti distinguishes it from other Sphaerichthys species. When this species is young, it is tricky to differentiate males from females however once matured these fish exhibit striking reversed sexual dimorphism with the female taking on a vibrant red and green patterning which enhances further during spawning and is slightly smaller. Scientific name: Sphaerichthys vaillanti 57 Litres (15 US G.) Size. Blackwater conditions which are as their natural environment could be maintained by adding beech, Oak or Ketapang Almond Leaves. One group builds up strict hierarchies and if there are more individuals in a tank, it would be observed that group that dominates a certain place in the aquarium. Gourami lower classifications tell us that these fish are a part of the osphronemidae group. The fish dwells in small, thickly planted waters and basins with warm water. During courtship and spawning, the male's colour becomes more intense. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It usually lives in the remnants of peat swamps. Some features help in distinguishing females. Many gourami fish are usually small in size, but the giant gourami is an exception. Most have a square shaped, thin, compressed body and are characterized by two long thread-like pelvic fins. They are also found in waters with pH levels between 3.5 and 6.5. He will remain in a quiet corner of the tank. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The skin around their mouths is broad and expands when they are carrying eggs in their mouths. There are several species of Gouramis for sale in this store. He mostly stays in a quiet corner of the tank. Since sparkling gourami belongs to climbing perches they can survive in very tough conditions by breathing the atmospheric air. There are approximately 90 species of gourami recognized a majority of which are raised in aquariums. Blue Gularis Killifish. 0-5 °d Stocking Ratio. When they are first released they prey on microorganisms that exist in the aquarium. They come from many of the slow moving rivers and lakes in South Asia. It is easy to differentiate the male and female of this species. They can grow up to 5.4 to 5.5 cm (about 2 inches) and prefer temperatures control for tank between 21 to 25 degrees Celsius (about 69 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit). After the adaptation period, feeding them regular helpings of live or frozen fare foods will help them develop brighter, bolder colours and condition. In any case, the fish should be fed regularly with dry food at feeding times to make them familiar with such foods. Also, males have a vertical stripe between the dorsal and anal fins. Females have vertical green and red stripes. They are occasionally offered for sale and of course, at a higher cost online by some global dealers. This particular species of Gourami is from South Asia and has been widely distributed around the world for the two reasons of aquatics and food.. Maybe the most vibrant of all species is this Dwarf species of Gourami. This species is native to the Indonesian part of the Kalimantan River, Borneo. It is also critical to maintaining the number of fish in a way that they can maintain pairs during mating season. They have broad skin around the mouth that expands while mouthbrooding (carrying the eggs in the mouth). The Vaillanti Samurai Gourami is a small and peaceful micro gourami which is very small in size and perfectly suited for all types of planted aquaecapes. Type locality is the village of Nangah Sebroeang which lies south of the Danau Sentarum National Park within the upper Kapuas river basin, West Kalimantan (Kalimantan Barat) province in the Indonesian part of Borneo. The portion adjacent to the head is predominantly greenish while the tail area is more reddish. After the fry is released, the male should be taken out to another tank until the fry grows adults. When they are first released they prey on microorganisms that exist in the aquarium. The slightly larger size of Sphaerichthys Vaillanti distinguishes it from other Sphaerichthys species. If you are considering spawning your Gourami, learn the basic requirements, and then check the profile for your species to see if they have specific needs. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It is called the labyrinth organ due to its maze-like structure. The males are usually pale gray and look plainer than the females. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. The fish inhabits in South-East Asia from Indonesia, Thailand, Laos to Vietnam. When compared to other species of Gourami Fish, the Dwarf Gourami is the smallest. They can grow up to 4.5 inches but on average most of them only reach 3.5 inches. Uncommon. Size is about an inch to an inch and a half. The Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) is a semi-rare species that is found in the Kalimantan River in Borneo.madcypress aqauriums30.06.16 Gourami are generally a peaceful type of fish but can turn territorial when not given adequate space. The male will gather the eggs in his mouth and will keep them for around 7 to 21 days. Not only this, they also live for a very long time, up to twenty years if properly taken care of. This species is extremely timid and shy. Sphaerichthys Vaillanti needs an environment that is likely to their natural environment to survive successfully. The decomposed leaves also become a natural food source for the newly released fry. Samurai Gourami Sphaerichthys vaillanti. … should also be given to keep them alive during the adaptation period. These are a very slow-moving fish that will hang out in all areas of your aquarium and will live best when in small schools. Their water tanks should have a lot of floating plants and should be planted densely with aquatic plants, which can grow in low light, allowing them to feel more secure. This Gourami fish is a rare and challenging fish that is relatively new for aquarium lovers and requires special care. Dried foods are considerably easier to find in the right size or crumble up, but they’re not as nutritious as the other options. They grow up to about 2.5" max, making them popular with community fish tank keepers. When the male releases the fry, they can swim freely, once they are born, they will feed on the microorganisms present in the aquarium, and when they become big enough, newly hatched microworms or larval brine shrimp can be introduced to them to eat. A brownish tint is obvious on their skin. They also need blackwater conditions to establish their natural environment. Heavily planted tanks are best. The lower jaw is slightly rounded and looks more extensive than the female. They also have long fins and are a beautiful Gourami option. Samurai needs plenty of caves and floating plants to hide because of its passive and shy nature. Gourami care and breeding (spawning) requirements vary slightly from species to species, but most Gouramis have the same basic needs. Featuring spectacular markings, these fish do best in colonies of similar shy and peaceful fish. During feeding, one group chases away the other fish that are not in the group or belongs to another species. When the baby Sphaerichthys Vaillanti is released by the father they can freely swim and their number ranges from 10 to 40. The part adjacent to the head is mainly green, while the tail area is redder. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Samurai Gouramis should be fed regularly with dry food such as flakes or granules to make them familiar with such foods. This organ enables the fish to breathe atmospheric air for a certain time. The Chocolate Samurai Gourami, also known as Sphaerichthys vaillanti, is a peaceful, fun breed of fish, whose origins can be traced to Borneo. Difficult. Although they do best in a single species biotope tank, they can be housed with other peaceful species such as Microrasbora sp., Boraras sp., Pangio sp. Otherwise, he will consume his young. They grow to a length of up to 28 inches! This species possesses the labyrinth organ which is a breathing organ. Lots of shady places, caves, roots and broken branches should be used in the tank for the fish to hide and feel comfortable. From the photo I would question this is a Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) but more likely another "chocolate gourami" species less often seen, Sphaerichthys selatanensis.The more common "chocolate" is S. osphromenoides.There is a fourth species, Sphaerichthys acrostoma, sometimes referred to as the Giant Chocolate Gourami.As Colin wisely said, using the scientific names … The Samurai Gourami is a small, shy, and extremely timid species that thrives best in dim lighting. You may also found them in some clear water habitats. 1:1 M:F Availability. Click here to see more pictures. This would release the tannins and other chemicals such as humic and fulvic acids in the water which will help to simulate blackwater conditions as in their natural environment. These will decompose and provide necessary microorganisms that usually exist in their natural habitat. The slightly rounded lower jaw looks prominently larger than the females. The Samurai Gourami is native to the Indonesian part of Kalimantan River in Borneo in Southeast Asia where these fish inhabit peat swamps and associated black water streams submerged with tree roots in forested areas. Samurai Gourami is a picky-eater omnivoros fish that doesn’t have a complex food regime compared to other fish breeds. This helps the labyrinth organ of the young fish to develop properly and keeps them healthier. Samurai Gourami are a bit larger than other gourami and are best kept in smaller groups instead of pairs. Tank Size . 4.0 - 6.5 Temp. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sphaerichthys vaillanti is an advanced level and rare fish to acquire and is relatively new for aquarium hobbyists and they require specialized care. Description. A tank of 80 to 120 liters of water is sufficient for 8 individuals of Sphaerichthys Vaillanti if the community comprises the same species only. Samurai gourami, Vaillant's chocolate gourami Scientific Name Sphaerichthys vaillanti Family Osphronemidae Origin Indonesia Temperament Peaceful, timid with larger fish. Males are usually light browny-grey and look fairer than females. The size of the aquarium you may require depends on which species of Gourami you would like to keep. Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys Vaillanti) Description. However, females are more colourful throughout the year and look different from males. Samurai Chocolate Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) Origin: Wild Indonesia Locale: Kalimantan Borneo Diet: Insectivore and micropredator, will accept most frozen and prepared foods in the aquarium Adult Size: 2.5″ Recommended Tank Size: 10 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, but shy and slow to eat.Should be kept with conspecifics or other small, peaceful, slow moving fish Females have vertical green and red stripes. The Samurai Gourami is a small, shy, and extremely timid species that thrives best in dim lighting. Sphaerichthys Vaillanti is hardly available with most aquarium fish dealers or tropical fish-keeping enthusiasts. This helps the labyrinth organs of the young fish to develop naturally and stay healthy. These fish develop interesting behaviors among themselves. Samurai Gourami This species is rather new and rare. Leopard fish love soft water, that is slightly acidic, and warm. During this period, males either do not eat at all or eat very little. A portion of small live or frozen food like daphnia, grindal worm, nauplii, artemia and micro worm should also be given to keep them alive during the adapting period. Paradise Gourami are around three inches in length and will live up to 10 years. Please click on the “Accept” button to consent the use of ALL the cookies. Small-sized live or frozen foods such as grindal worms, Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, micro worm, etc. Freshwater pH. Samurai Gourami are a bit larger than other gourami and are best kept in smaller groups instead of pairs. Above: In the picture is a Premium Samurai Gourami, swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . In contrast, the males remain brownish and duller looking and are more significant than the females. Some features help in distinguishing females. Date Added: 9/25/2020 - Updated: 9/25/2020 11:43:13 PM, Samurai Zebra, Vaillants chocolate gourami. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Also known as the Vaillant’s Chocolate Gourami. Then, the male collects the eggs in his mouth and keeps them for 7 to 21 days. Their water tanks should have a lot of floating plants and should be planted densely with aquatic plants, which can grow in low light, allowing them to feel more secure. Adult Size: 3 – 5.1 inches (up to 12 cm) Minimum Tank Size: … Regular Water changes should not exceed 10 to 15 percent once a week. The water is typically stained dark brown by humic acids and other chemicals released from decaying organic materials. The Honey Gourami, or Trichogaster Chuna, is a relatively small gourami species; males max out at about 3 inches long and females stay around 2 inches. This fish will do fine with tank mates of the same size or larger. and most Corydoras sp. Comments: These are fabulous fish with vibrant colors. Learn how your comment data is processed. The structure of the labyrinth organ differs in complexity between species. Chocolate Samurai Gourami - Sphaerichthys vaillanti. Their body is quite narrow, compressed on the sides. Scientific name: Sphaerichthys vaillanti Synonyms:- Common name: Samurai Gourami, Vaillant's Chocolate Gourami Group: Labyrinth fishes Habitat: Asia, endemic to the Kapuas river drainage. The female lays the eggs on any natural object in the tank and the male fertilizes them. A larger amount of water change can alter the chemistry of water which is not proper for the fish and may cause stress on them. They possess a homogeneously straight lower jaw profile and the head is a more edged shape than the males. Sphaerichthys vaillanti is the most beautiful species of Chocolate Gourami and from the family Osphronemidae. Min. Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) Betta miniopinna (Coccina complex) Betta persephone (Coccina complex) Rosy Loach (Petruichthys sp. Omnivore Live Foods The female lays around 10 to 40 eggs on any available object in the tank, and the male will then fertilize them. If there is a larger boisterous fish, they will beat Sphaerichthys Vaillanti during feeding. Although they do best in a single species biotope tank, they can be housed with other peaceful species such as Microrasbora sp., Boraras sp., Pangio sp. Some sources say the minimum tank size is 10 gallons, but in my experience, they do better in a 20 gallon or more. Also, they can be quite aggressive to smaller fish. Many of the Gourami species have elongated, feeler-like rays at the front part of their pelvic fins. They usually have orange or brownish bodies with blue and red stripes. Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti) This fish is quite rare and whilst not quite as hard to keep … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 4-5 cm (1.6-2") sg. These little fish are great for planted tanks and fare off better in lower pH water. During the spawning period, the pair remains positioned upright in the water for several hours. Sphaerichthys vaillanti, Vaillant’s Chocolate Gourami.