devana Devana is a Slavic goddess of forests, wild animals and hunting. In the sources, she was first mentioned in the 15th century by Jan Długosz, who compared her to the Roman goddess Diana. In a view of the fact that Devana and Diana are very similar names, it is considered that the Slavs took this deity from the Romans. She is the daughter of Ziva and Perun. Which one? The main source about Devana is Jan Długosz's Annales: And since the Lechitic state happened to be founded in an area containing vast forests and groves that the ancient people believed to be inhabited by Diana and that Diana claimed power over them, Cerera, on the other hand, was considered the mother and goddess of the harvests the country needed, [therefore] these two goddesses: Diana in their language called Dziewanna and Cerera called Marzanna enjoyed a special cult and devotion.[13]. … It is assumed that the feminine demons-divas derive from the Proto-Slavic word *diva, and this word is the feminine form of the word *divъ ("div (demon)"). The archaic nature of Devana and Morana may be indicated by a connection to vegetation, and that connects them to Mother Earth.[30]. They called this idol Marzana, I would say it's the god Mars, Ziewanna as Diana. This trimorphic goddess division certainly does not exist with the Slavs, at least not in its original form, but it will be easier if the Slavic system is completed with the Celtic and some parallels are drawn between the two kinds of paganism. We know her as "Mother of the forest", wild and unrestrained, she is the heavenly couple to Veles with whom she had Yarilo, the god of war, … Aug 23, 2020 - Dewana - This young slender hunter was considered the patroness of hunters and the entire forest world. This fragrance was previously sold under the name “Artemis by Pell Wall”: the name has changed but the fragrance is … Another name of Devana is Ciza , whose etymology is traced to the Slavic root * cic or * cec , meaning the mother's breast. ... Dziewanna/Devana – Slavic Goddess of the Wilds and Hunt – Slavic Mythology … The iconography depicts her with the wolf (or wolves) she protected from death from the peasants, and whom she made her servant, with a basket or a nest of larks at her feet, whose squeal was to herald the imminent coming of spring. Goddess. There are several interpretations of Devana's name. Anyhow, Spasoje Vasiljev deems Devana a goddess of spring, which is the reason why we can consider her to be similar to, if not identical with Vesna. … The goddess most frequently associated with the Greek Artemis and the Roman Diana. Dadźbóg (Dažbog), god of the sun, was said to be riding a chariot through the sky with three horses: gold, silver, and diamond. The very name Devana comprises this quality, for she is deva, or in English: a maiden, a virgin or a young girl. Devana is the Slavic goddess of the hunt. Devana runestone is a runestone in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Devana apparently derived from Slavic word that means ‘virgin’ or ‘maiden’ thus she is protector of maidens and female warriors. Vesna. ... Devana. Devana may be indicated by the legend of Łysa Góra, which was presented as "Polish Olympus" in Polish culture. We know her as "Mother of the forest", wild and unrestrained, she is the heavenly couple to Veles with whom she had Yarilo, the god of war and anger, but also sexuality and fertility. *divъ is derived from the PIE. Jarilo. Hors. Her long name, Dziewona, or Dzevana as the Poles used to call her, is even more reminiscent of the name of the Roman goddess of hunt, which is another argument in favour of the theory that Devana is not an originally Slavic deity. Diana and Devana are those forest goddesses, protectors of wild animals and goddesses of hunt. We know her as "Mother of the forest", wild and unrestrained, she is the heavenly couple to Veles with whom she had Yarilo, the god of war and anger, but also sexuality and fertility. Grom, Ladon, Morana, Pogvizd, Zevana gave up to you". A similar motif occurs in Indo-European religions, e.g. Tweet "DEVANA "IS THE SLAVIC GODDESS OF THE HUNT; HER LONG NAME IS DZIEWANA. However, Devana is a name of Aryan origin, which offers a possibility that Devana and Diana are just two different variants of the same name. House god and guardian of the home. What was the marriage of Devana and Veles like? Like the winter goddess Marzanna (Morana) and spring god Jaryło (Jarilo), Dziewanna is the daughter of both Perun, the god of thunder, and Mokosz (Mokosh), the Great Mother and protector of women. Džiwi [means here] wild, and dživina [means] wildmeat.”[6]. That word has an Proto-Balto-Slavic origin and appears in Lithuanian language as e.g. [22] Marcin of Urzędów in his Polish Herbal lists herb (Artemisia), which was used in pagan rituals and whose Latin name comes from Artemis-Diana:[26]. Goddess of the Hunt. [8] It can be similar with dziwożony. word *Dyēus ("god of heaven") through the intermediate *deywós ("heavenly") and its closest related word is Dievs – god of heaven in Baltic mythology. Bannik to Zorya. Goddess Devana . For that reason, Slavic mythology bears some similarities to the Norse, Celtic, and Scythian mythologies and beliefs. The belief in the primordial goddess similar to Devana has existed in these territories from times immemorial. Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, forests, and the moon. See more ideas about slavic, slavic mythology, mythology. [29], Due to the multiple appearances of the pair Devana and Morana in the spring ceremonies, some researchers have suggested that both of these goddesses could be the two faces of one goddess of life and death. [5] Slavic folklore includes demons with a similar name, e.g. God. [23] In Podlasie region, the Princess, a beautiful girl dressed in colorful robes, flowers and red beads was shown around, which may be related to the Silesian custom. Her trees are a hazel tree, and also a willow. According to local legends, before the monastery was built there, on Łysa Góra in pre-Christian times stood a gord (Wielkopolska Chronicle) or a castle (Długosz). [3][4] This etymology can be supported by fact, that Diana (and Artemis – her greek equivalent) is usually depicted in myths as a virgin and has never had any offspring or a consort. Named for Slavic Goddess of the Hunt perhaps better know as the Greek Artemis or Roman Diana: Devana is as sharp as one of her arrows yet as soft as the dry forest floor, fresh as a breeze rustling summer leaves. Still, even after that, it took many ye… Zorja. Then the boys walk with this tree from house to house and sing songs: Frazer continues: "Sometimes they also bring from the forest a nicely assumed doll, which they call Summer, May or Fiancée. Her sacred animal is a mare, and Devana herself is considered to be a goddess-mare. Later on, Devana is mentioned by the Scottish folklorist James G. Frazer in his The Golden Bough, who describes a Silesian custom where the figure of Death (Marzanna) is melted or destroyed.