Scroll through our page to see what thrilling offerings we have this Halloween for all the family. A list of The Dreaded Horde mice can be found here. Contribute to klaussinani/moviebox development by creating an account on GitHub. If you want to draw these 'seasoned' veterans in, use normal cheeses, such as swiss, brie, gouda or SUPER|brie+ and a tactical trap, but know this: The Hunter seeking true mastery of the Seasonal Soldiers must find the special weaknesses that are unique to each season. Inventory. Preferred Cheese. A list of The Forgotten Mice can be found here. 0 of 24. Digby Dirt Dwellers. The Parker Gun Company was absorbed into Remington in 1934. A list of Zurreal's Breed mice can be found here. Physical traps work best against indigenous mice, and they prefer normal flavours of cheese, such as cheddar, marble, swiss, brie or SUPER|brie+. Also check out /r/mousehunt on Reddit and join the conversation on Discord. Forest Guild. Lab Experiments. Event Participation. The EZ Dock Modular Dock System is the most durable and versatile floating dock system available today. 0 of 6. Check out the cool MouseHunt merch! Search Mousehunt mice by name, group, and other attributes, showing Mousehunt mice and their location, mouse stats, group, gold, points, weakness, item drop loots, and other information. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Law A list of Mountain Mice can be found here. Notable for their blue garments and love of the seashore, the Elub Tribe can only be caught using Hydro traps. . Mousehunt is a game originally hosted on Facebook, essentially sort of an 'idle game'. Welcome to The Town Of Digby... No map introduction here, that's covered in the Burroughs section, now to attempt to capture the Digby Dirt Dwellers, you need a very special cheese. Speeler Foundations, Inc. 6111 142nd Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 Phone: 727-530-4751 Email: HUGE FAIL for business users. Recently, dragon-like mice have joined these mice in their quest for queso. If the Labyrinth doesn't get you, the mice will! Followers of Furoma. Hunting Strategy. Members of the Forest Guild dwell in Whisker Woods, and their traits reflect their green surroundings. The sweet smell of Vanilla Stilton will draw them in from beyond the grave, but if you seek the Lich Elders, or Balack himself, Vengeful Vanilla Stilton will give your trap extra bite. The village elders are quite elusive, but rumor has it that Shell Cheese can bring them out of hiding. Whether it be from the pollution or the repeated strange experiments they were put through, you wont believe them until you see them! Serving lakes in SC, NC & N. GA such as Lake Hartwell, Keowee, Greenwood, and Bowen. A Draconic type trap, equipped with insanely spicy Inferno Havarti Cheese, has the best chance of ending a Draconic mouse's rampage. News – Oct 2018: I noticed that the bookmarklet doesn't work anymore and would need to be changed. To all MouseHunters seeking to challenge these mice: Steel yourselves, bring your courage, and do not let fear overcome you. A list of The Nerg Tribe mice can be found here. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: The unfortunate mice caught up within the magic and mayhem of the fallen meteor around Fort Rox. The Derr Tribe have managed to survive for centuries in a harsh desert, growing stronger to combat the dry wind and the heat. These pirates are frequently found harassing ships at the Harbour in search of valuable cargo to steal. Physical and tactical weapons work quite well on members of the Guild, but normal bait may not always work. Box 12 Rosedale, Virginia 24280 United States 1-276-451-8776 [email protected] The Sand Dollar Diver Mouse has no specific preference for any kind of cheese.. These mice are further divided into sub-groups: This group of mice have specifically adapted to infiltrate Zugzwang's Library. The legion of mice swarming the King's Gauntlet comes from diverse and untold regions, and therefore their individual taste in cheese, and their power type differs as greatly as their lands of origin. Anyone wanting to catch these new subterranean breeds should use Limelight Cheese, which is made from Radioactive… We're sorry but levi-frontend doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. A list of Deep Sea Dwellers mice can be found here. Mountain Mice. A list of The Derr Tribe mice can be found here. Swimming in a sea of molten Queso, this vast canyon of smooth, buttery, liquid cheese has attracted a variety of spice loving mice looking for that perfect blend of Queso Cheese. Southwest beach house Lake Michigan photographers. They are weak against physical traps, and are only attracted to the subtle vibration of Limelight Cheese. The Horde may be a picky bunch, but catching them is well worth the effort, for they are the guardians of the parts to an ancient trap capable of catching mice older than Gnawnia itself! No mouse is currently in more than one mouse group, even if that mouse exists in many locations. 0 … Since that modelling tool contained all of the attraction rate data for all the mice in all the various locations in the entire Kingdom of Gnawnia, it was easy to extract that data for Mouse Finder above. Mousehunt (1997) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. These monstrous mice live deep in the Jungle of dread. extremely gnarly. However, if one of the children throws an orb at the Dweller, it leaps away and starts pounding on the screen, cracking it until the game comes to an end. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Draconic, Rift. A list of Wild Bunch mice can be found here. 0 of 12. Camp. A list of The Shadow Clan mice can be found here. Their last ride, to be precise. A list of the Citizens of Zokor mice can be found here. As a result, only Physical traps can hold them. ... Dock Dwellers. Credits. She sandoz dosage dock holiday house fromaway wonton sec youth camp meeting 2013 filosofi pohon kasturi bassjackers songs flyers death parade. Physical and Tactical traps are of normal effectiveness.. Machine learning movie recommending system. A list of the Muridae Market mice can be found here. These pirates are frequently found harassing ships at the Harbour in search of valuable cargo to steal. Centered around the Sunken City, there is an entire civilization of mice, isolated from the outside world, waiting to be discovered! Located in another dimension, the Gnawnia Rift Walkers are the supreme archetypes of the Gnawnian mice. The Banished can be caught using Shadow, Arcane, or Forgotten traps, but Forgotten traps work best against Balack and his Elder minions. Arm yourself accordingly and head out, hunters! These mice are further divided into sub-groups, based on how deep they are in the Fungal Cavern: Antiquated mice from an antiquated era. Most of them are attracted to normal cheese, but if Hunters want to navigate the Dojo, there are some things they should remember. Environmentally friendly EZ Docks can remain in the water year-round and are perfect for a wide range of residential, commercial, governmental, industrial and recreational uses. RE: Wireless mouse doesn't work when docked. Enjoy! Hunters Online: 11,509 Friends Online: 0. Gator Guards BowShield Bow Guard, Small or Medium-Helps Protect Against Boat Dock and Trailer Roller Damage - DIY Installation, 24-Hour Cure Urethane Adhesive - Pre-Creased Design - Made in The USA 4.1 out of 5 stars 145. Rear USB ports are designed to be disabled when docked... Thankfully no one has accepted this as an "answer.". The tribes-mice of Derr enjoy Gouda or SUPER|brie+, but Crunchy cheese is required to draw the attention of the tribal elders. Its ominous sleigh bells sound off right before it swoops into action, grabbing unsuspecting mice, and hauling them off on the ride of their lives! Listen to live radio! Travel. Charles Parker 1878 Side by Side Shotgun - 12 gauge. This force of mice has marched the desert for years conquering land and destroying settlements. Bottom Dwellers Tackle P.O. Although these mice originate from the mountain range in Gnawnia, a few of these breeds can occasionally be found in other locations. When docked, the wireless mouse is disabled. 0 of 12. You set up a trap, and the gameplay consists of you sounding a Hunter's Horn that refreshes every 15 minutes in order to see if you catch a mouse -- and the stats of your trap's components, and the type of your trap, will determine whether you catch the mouse. V-Dock’s post sectional dock works like a traditional dock. Larry gives some inside information about this. 0 of 24. These mice are further divided into sub-groups, based on weather intensity of Moussu Picchu and cheese used. Shadow Clan. 1 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun; 2 AK-47; 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun. Buy Dockers Men's Dune Desert Boot, Sand, 9.5 M US and other Chukka at If a player is playing the game for the first time, there is a special mission and the player can sound the "Hunter's Horn" once every 30 seconds. Can't say I've ever seen this movie before.. A list of Queso Canyoneers mice can be found here. These mice are further divided into sub-groups: Fighting a perpetual battle within the enchanted halls of Zugzwang's tower are the Wizard's Pieces, warrior mice who follow a complicated and rigid set of rules in order to achieve victory. Boondocking is more than a funny word: it’s a totally rad way to hit the road! 0 of 9. From the depths of the volcanic rock around Dracano spring the Draconic Brood, a rare and dangerous group of mice who share a love for fire and destruction. As I didn't maintain the solver a lot during the last months, I strongly suggest to use Tsitu's excellent alternative. Nothing else matters to these lawless mice and they will fight to sabotage the train at all costs! Forest Guild. Event Participation Spring Egg Hunt. Maintained by the MHCT team. Two brothers inherit a string factory and a decaying country home after the death of their father. A list of Lab Experiments mice can be found here. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Hydro. The various radioactive materials at the Laboratory have mutated some of these mice into powerful adversaries! Hunting Strategy. The Sand Dollar Diver Mouse is susceptible only to Hydro weapons. With our advanced dock solutions, however, we’ve made many break-through improvements. Meadow. It can be found in the Sand Dollar Sea Bar zone while on a Dive in the Sunken City.. Ernie Smuntz (Nathan Lane) can be seen with a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun at one moment. MouseHunt is a passive browser game in which players, referred to as hunters, catch mice with a variety of traps to earn experience points and virtual gold. The younger tribe members prefer Gouda or SUPER|brie+, but the elders will only pit themselves against your trap if a piece of Gumbo cheese is on the line. A list of Rift Walkers mice can be found here. Type in mp3 slawendorf neustrelitz kontakt develconcept rolf hubner manfred mann 50th anniversary tour groepsaccommodatie. 0 of 9. This is the biggest design failure I've seen in a long time. Even the greatest of mouse-hunting technology poses little threat to these magical, mysterious mice. These mice are further divided into sub-groups, based on how deep they are likely to be found in relation to Sunken City, and what loot they are likely to drop: Crawling forth from the deep, dark and dank caves and caverns below are a few unique breeds of mice descending from a long line of rocks, crystals and fungus. Known Weaknesses: Law, Arcane, Shadow and Draconic Shawn - thanks for the feedback. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane. Strange, marvelous and powerful! Each is fairly unique, often requiring a specific hunting strategy. The Nerg tribe are masters of disguise, and only a tactical trap can penetrate their defenses. A list of Gauntlet Gladiators mice can be found here. An assortment of MouseHunt utilities. A list of Draconic Brood mice can be found here. Only then will they possess the proper bait (and the proper knowledge of power types) to reach the top. Dock Builders Supply, The Complete Marine Construction Warehouse, Your discount source for floating dock supplies, pile caps, pile wrap, fish cleaning stations, coatings, cleats, ladders, rub rails, hardware, tools and much more. Mouse Hunt is a 1997 American slapstick black comedy buddy film written by Adam Rifkin and directed by Gore Verbinski in his directorial debut.It stars Nathan Lane and Lee Evans, Maury Chaykin, and Christopher Walken.The film follows two Laurel and Hardy-like brothers in their struggle against one small but crafty house mouse for possession of a mansion which was willed to them by their father. Bottom Dwellers Tackle P.O. Rebuilding damaged shops has proven quite difficult due to these mice continuously stealing building materials as soon as they are delivered. Known Weaknesses: Shadow, Arcane, Forgotten. Search Mousehunt mice by name, group, and other attributes, showing Mousehunt mice and their location, mouse stats, group, gold, points, weakness, item drop loots, and other information. Starring: Nathan Lane Lee Evans Vicki Lewis Maury Chaykin Eric Christmas. High above the tallest mountain peaks, you'll find these light-hearted islanders basking in the sun. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. A list of Dock Dwellers can be found here. 116 Argyle St, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia 3065 PO Box 2221, Fitzroy MDC, VIC 3065 Tel: (03) 9416 2644 Fax: (03) 9416 4088 email: Make sure you're properly equipped before taking on these deadly mice! The only things that can harm them are specially-crafted Rift traps. A list of The Elub Tribe mice can be found here. This website offers you the database and guide of things in the Mousehunt game. ), they seems to have a particular weakness to hot Hydro weapons. The Barmy Gunner Mouse has no specific preference for any kind of cheese.. Back to index. Does the mouse's USB receiver need to be plugged into the docking station in order for it to work? Horde members respond only to Havarti, and each mouse prefers a different spice mixed in with their cheese. 2017; MouseHunt's Ninth Birthday A tenuous ecosystem flourishes in the dunes, where predators and prey both seek out food while avoiding dangerous stampedes. Call us at 1-800-677-4710 today! Contact Us Have a problem? 0 of 11. Thanks to Start Bootstrap for the theme. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups, called Tiers: From the ever-changing vistas of Zugzwang's garden come the Seasonal Soldiers, a group of mice who have been infused with the magic of the four seasons. this would be pretty inconvenient. A list of Dock Dwellers can be found here. Back to Chapter 7: Training Grounds / Bazaar. Welcome to Mousehunt guide database containing the collection of data of Mousehunt, a Facebook game application developed by Hitgrab. A list of The Marching Flame mice can be found here. Mountain Mice. A list of Digby Dirt Dwellers can be found here. In wake of the Marching Flame's attack, these mice have taken claim on the Muridae Market. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. A list of Event Mice can be found here. The Dock House allows the interior door to seal tightly on the floor, creating energy efficiencies and a thermal environment for loading of perishables. A list of the Moussu Picchu Inhabitants mice can be found here. 0 of 11. Press Enter to autocomplete, and Tab to cycle through suggestions. ... Dock Dwellers. Mouse Hunt backwards! Their non-organic mix of magic and technology allow them to pass safely through the library's specialized security where they are keen to tear the almost infinite amount of research to shreds. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Law. Hunters seeking to take their trapping skills to the next level should look for special potion drops from the mice they are currently hunting. 0 of 6. Shadow Clan. Students will leave their training for Maki cheese any day, but Masters are only attracted to specific cheese made from the tokens dropped by students. These martial mice are weak to tactical traps. Our websites provides local, national, music and entertainment news, contests, concert & events. I have a new Latitude E7440 laptop, with a Dell wireless mouse and E-series docking station. Everybody is welcome! The Pirate Mouse drops the Pirate Egg during the annual Spring Egg Hunt. Far more powerful than the previously-encountered Rift Walkers. On one side is the Technic army, brimming with metalworks and gadgets, and on the other, the Mystic army, who use spells and charms to gain the upper hand. Come contact us. As for the Master of the Dojo, Hunters should try hard to make his stomach rumble. Bait your trap with the rare Onyx Gorgonzola, and you might meet the Sensei himself. The Pirate Mouse has no specific preference for any kind of cheese.. Hunting Strategy. On 7 March 2008, MouseHunt was officially released to the general public. this would be pretty inconvenient. The accumulation of bird droppings is unsightly, unsanitary and can stain the surface. Normal cheese will suffice to tempt them out of the deeps, but make sure to equip a Hydro trap, or the Aquatic mouse you're after may well end up being the one that got away. High quality custom docks, lifts & dock repair. Sounds like you could have the USB receiver plugged into the USB ports on the rear of the system? I'll use a wired mouse with the docking station. Copy and paste mice from maps or type mice names leaving a line break between each. Retrouvez toutes les infos sur les 4 saisons et 892 épisodes de la Série TV Rifftrax, Résumé, casting (acteurs et actrices) les notes et critiques des membres, des bandes annonces et des séries similaires. A list of Meteorite Miners mice can be found here. MouseHunt was developed by HitGrab, Inc. under the direction of Bryan Freeman and Joel Auge, and was released to a select group of beta testers in early 2007. When once-wealthy string magnate Rudolf Smuntz (William Hickey) dies, he leaves his outdated Surrounded by swirls of Rift energy, they possess power beyond belief. Special thanks to haoala for his work on the Catch Rate Estimator, Map Solver, and Best Setup tools.. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation Out of bait! While weaker Forest Guild members enjoy normal cheese, the powerful Silth mouse will only respond to something. Mousehunt. Dock Dwellers. The Digby Dirt Dwellers all share a love of subterranean life, whether they're building tunnels, hanging out in the sediment, or just picking up shiny stones they find on the ground. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free returns. These mice are further divided into sub-groups, based on the Labyrinth hallways and Zokor districts they are in. Box 12 Rosedale, Virginia 24280 United States 1-276-451-8776 [email protected] 0 of 12. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: These mice have one thing on their minds: Raid the supplies on the Gnawnian Express or prevent it from completing its trip. However, nobody knows where the curse came from or who exactly was responsible and recriminations abound. Only tough and hardy mice can survive the dunes, but even they are wary and cautious around the ravenous Grubling Mice. Preferred Cheese. Wahoo Docks offers two dock types: The Cat 5 dock and the Cat 3 dock. You'll have to defeat the entire chess set to reach the king, so plan your moves carefully! Mouse Groups are groups of mice which have similar weaknesses or exist in similar locations. The Aquatic Order inhabits the vast blue seas of Rodentia, and a few other related waterways around Gnawnia. Please see the Effectiveness page for detailed information on which mice are weak to which trap Power Types, as not all mice in the same group have the exact same weaknesses. If you connect the USB receiver to the dock or to the USB port on the side of the system it should function normally when connected to the dock. Known Weaknesses: Arcane, Draconic, Shadow. Mouse Finder was developed as part of the MouseHunt Calculator tool, which is a Google Sheet model of the game of MouseHunt.. A list of The Polluted mice can be found here. He is a small mouse that the Smuntz brothers, the movie's protagonists, try to get out of a mansion they wish to sell. These accursed mice have been twisted by the dark enchantment surrounding Balack's Cove. Creep carefully when crawling through these caverns! Hydro traps are very effective against the Pirate Mouse. This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 14:57. Known Weaknesses: Arcane, Draconic, Forgotten, Hydro, Law, Physical, Shadow and Tactical. Travel to the Dojo.Use: Weapon: Mutated Venus Mouse Trap; Base: Fan Base (Dehydration Base if … Blimey! Essentially, “boondocking” is when you utilize free camping without amenities or hookups. All that lies in the path of The Marching Flame is destroyed. Thanks, dwells A list of Floating Islanders mice can be found here. . A list of Forest Guild mice can be found here. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Draconic, Law. Dock Edge + Guard Corner Dock Bumper, Black After moving in, they learn that the house has historical importance, but they are constantly tormented by a mouse. A list of Seasonal Soldiers can be found here. Does the mouse's USB receiver need to be plugged into the docking station in order for it to work? Digby Dirt Dwellers. MouseHunt is a passive game, intended to be played while surfing the Web. Though harmless he looks, as the movie progresses, the mouse shows more and more wit and dexterity, outsmarting all the traps the brothers set. These mice have been exposed to the evils of the Laboratory for far too long and have now developed some interesting side effects! Indigenous mice live in the core hunting areas, such as Gnawnia, The Harbor and The Mountain. (864) 205-7898. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Draconic, Law, Rift. They lead a thrilling life of cloud chasing, island hopping, and high-altitude treasure hunting. It can go in several different directions and needs to be put together in the water one section at a time, just like a traditional dock. Having an E5450 with essentially one persistent USB port is a daily nuisance for anyone in a business environment who moves from their desk to multiple meetings daily or even between home and work where they may need devices such as a wireless mouse, wireless head-set, and a USB hard drive. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Tactical, Hydro. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: Hardy and untamed, these varmints of the Claw Shot City have adapted to the harsh conditions of the wild frontier. 92.3 The Dock is an iHeartRadio station. Known Weaknesses: Physical, Shadow, Tactical, Arcane, Forgotten, Hydro, Draconic, Law. Locked away behind the lost Labyrinth, these mice have continued their existence protecting their city. Lake Michigan Beach Real Estate House Home photographer. A list of Lost City mice can be found here. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: Sticky, Gross, Smelly and Strange. Thanks for the post! I have a new Latitude E7440 laptop, with a Dell wireless mouse and E-series docking station. Rough by day, terrifying by night! MouseHunt Info Page: Image: External Link: This majestic and magical sleigh soars silently through the cold, winter skies waiting to strike. But why are they gathering in such numbers? A list of Train Robbers mice can be found here. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: The player, called a hunter, arms a trap (using cheese as bait) and can then sound the "Hunter's Horn" once every 15 minutes. A list of Wizard's Pieces mice can be found here. Hidden away for years by the mountain ranges south of the Hollow Heights, these mice threaten to unleash a perfect storm of mischief should they ever advance towards Gnawnia. Forgotten minions prefer Radioactive Blue or Ancient Cheese, but the overlords of the Acolyte Realm are only attracted to Runic Cheese. Harbor Country waterfront property photography Lake Michigan Deep beneath the surface of the Rodentia Ocean lie the Deep Sea Dwellers. A list of Living Garden mice can be found here. 92.3 The Dock (CJOS-FM) broadcasts a classic hits format at 92.3 FM in Owen Sound. If you've come to the graveyard in search of the infamous Lycan Mouse, however, Moon Cheese might just make it howl. Dockers and Demons Halloween Festival offers a huge range of free exciting events and workshops for children and adults throughout the month of October. Still looking for a challenge after defeating the Master? Hunters must have an active Pirate Bounty to attract this mouse.. Hunters must capture a Pirate Mouse to obtain a pirate bounty. A list of Followers of Furoma can be found here. It takes strong will and independence to survive far from the cozy confines of city life, and these mice have grown accustomed to the freedom from the Law. A list of Indigenous Mice can be found here. This self-supported loading dock leveler bolts onto a building, preserving valuable inside floor space unlike pit style dock levelers. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Thank you to all of our contributors! Normal cheese does not interest them, so keep plenty of Gouda or SUPER|brie+ on hand. While docked the E7440 transfers functionality of the ports on the rear of the unit to the dock (disabling these ports). While they're all repulsed by Hydro weapons (who likes being wet when it's cold? Blimey! The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: Known Weaknesses: Physical, Tactical, Hydro, Draconic and Arcane. A list of Rift Stalkers mice can be found here. These spoo-oo-ky mice like to shamble around graveyards and catacombs, looking for their favorite snack, Radioactive Blue Cheese. Lab Experiments. $27.99 - $39.99 #37. A list of Fungal Fiends mice can be found here. A list of Sand Dunes mice can be found here. A list of Icewing's Invasion mice can be found here. Pay special care when hunting the fearsome Monster Mouse! The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: The Rift Stalkers are terrifying predators from beyond the Rift, exemplars of their kind. Like us on Facebook to keep up to date on when events start and end. The Mouse is the main antagonist of the 1997 DreamWorks film Mouse Hunt. When docked, the wireless mouse is disabled. Cheese Preference. Both of our docks combine premium materials and custom components with world-class engineering and state-of-the-art welding to create boat docks that are absolutely unparalleled for strength and beauty. User Preferences Set your MouseHunt preferences. Chapter 8: Dojo. Please enable it to continue. These mice were subjected to a terrible curse that has affected them all equally and terribly. It ranks right up there with Lenovo moving "Fn" to the lower left position on the keyboard where "Ctrl" has been for 30 years. Ducks, Geese, Gulls and other birds commonly use docks and swim platforms as waterfront perches. The armies of the Living Garden have really taken advantage of their environment, putting the local flora to use in crafting weapons and armour. These mice are released occasionally during various parts of the year. However, this is only temporary, as the Dweller emerges onto the east dock and reveals its true form, chasing and slaughtering the children it finds. The mice of each group are listed roughly in order of weakest to strongest. The Sand Dollar Diver Mouse drops the Sand Dollar Egg during the annual Spring Egg Hunt. Swarming down from the icy north, these mice are pounding on the very walls of Gnawnia's castle! These mice are further divided into sub-groups, based on the islands they reside in and power types. The following weapons were used in the film Mousehunt: Contents. Forgotten Mice have served the will of the Acolyte Mouse for untold centuries, working to release him from his prison in the Acolyte Realm. A list of Balack's Banished mice can be found here. A list of Aquatic Order mice can be found here. The mice in this group are further divided into sub-groups: Known Weaknesses: Physical, Tactical, Law. Mountain Mice. ; Other Events.