Bigger weapons deal more stun "damage" so to speak, and as a result, the stun window after a spell and the first R1 hit is too small to land a second R1 with most weapons. 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Gallery Found on a corpse in the Annex of the Painted World of Ariamis. But if the big D energy makes you want to fight them. If you're using ultras don't even bother, a smart rapier user will just wiff punish you to death, and will never trade. The fact offhand Estoc combos into R1 from heavy weapons is disgusting, how the hell From Software didn't fix it? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Don't hate, appreciate. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Astora Greatsword Black Knight Greatsword Cathedral Knight Greatsword Farron Greatsword Fume Ultra Greatsword Greatsword Lorian's Greatsword Lothric Greatsword Profaned Greatsword Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords Zweihander. My final opinion is that this weapon works best with with a shield backstab fishing, or off-hand for the increased range and capabilities to combo. Those who hate on the weapon do not know true potential. ), Has good length. Large thrusting sword used for piercing through the armor of enemies. Definitely feels cheap to use but so do most winning tactics. I suggest just using a straight sword for the better range, damage, hit registration, and horizontal moveset that seems (IMO) to better compliment your caster's spells. Get twice the bang for your faith. It has A at +10 in the max tab but it has B at +10 in the sharp tab. Rapier: Found on a corpse in the same area as the blue Winged Knight in the High Wall of Lothric. It will likely scale better quality with the additional point investment but with striving stones just do whatever makes your build stronger at the moment and you can flip back after farming some souls and boosting your stats. Even through latency, opponents seem to get "sucked" into a backstab animations quite a bit more often than any weapon I've played with. It will just harmlessly bounce off a hollow soldier's wooden shield. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Everyone hates the Estoc. I'm talking about dex scaling btw. Velka's Rapier is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered.. A symbolic, powerful thrusting sword used by the Pardoner serving Velka, Goddess of Sin." I'm writing this post a slight guide for new players, and I'll touch a bit on this weapons good aspects and some of the not so good. Small curved swords. The French estoc is a type of sword, also called a tuck in English, in use from the 14th to 17th centuries. Unlike the other rapiers, Velka's Rapier can only be upgraded with Twinkling Titanite down the regular path. Ultra Greatswords. Estoc blocks and attacks Rapier attacks and parries. The crystal sage rapier is actually pretty bad imo. 1 Description 2 History 3 See also 4 References The estoc … Others can purchase it for 3,000 souls from Greirat in Firelink Shrine after releasing him from his cell in High Wall of Lothric. Dark scaling is wrong, I have B scaling on both inteligence and faith at +6, Requires regular reinforcement titanite and souls +, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. Can we get AR listed on Heavy 40 Str, 12 Dex) Sharp 10 Str, 40 Dex) and Refined 40 Str/Dex? Long reach. Estoc. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Can also attack with shield up. Ultra Greatswords. On it's own the moveset isn't particularly strong, and as a back up weapon for a caster it's moveset (being mostly linear) just does what casters already do well. Large thrusting sword used for piercing through the armor of enemies. Off-hand, like all weapons, it gets a small boost to range. Viable for main buff-ing arcane build. The largest of the thrusting swords. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. Train and git gud. Just have to use it properly. so if your doing a low level dex build, i would go with estoc if you want a thrusting weapon. The forward light attack is a leap backward while slashing across. This is useful for closing with and trading against weapons that might have a slight range or speed advantage (don't try trading with ultra weapons like this, as it's not necessary to block slower weapons you can easily roll). Seems to be that registering requires some kind of "check" that is influenced by the weapons attack speed, range, and the opponents position. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. This is due to the fact that there is a kinda of build up mechanic for stunning players, with diminishing periods of being "stunned" as it builds up. The Estoc is a thrusting sword Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Estoc. Estoc in offhand does not parry. Astora Greatsword Black Knight Greatsword Cathedral Knight Greatsword Farron Greatsword ... Ds3 Weapon Dmg Calculator Windows 10 Insect Glaive Most Dmg Vs Quicken 2007 Mac Dmg Download Free Mavericks Dmg … its damage sucks but if you like stabby weapons you should try this, Such a trash weapon that is favored by the weak casuls who offer nothing in skill if you casuls are reading this pick up the pkcs and git Gud already, from my experience the estoc is not good for elemental infusions. Notched Whip … Estoc B scales in STR and rapier B scales in DEX so it depends a little on your stat allocation too. Not because of the Estoc's strength, but because of the Rapier's weaknesses. rapier-can parry and weights less, but has shorter range and bounces off shields and people with perseverance, estoc-better range, better damage, doesnt bounce off, They all have the same moveset afaik, and the damage differences (on non-crits) aren't completely insane, so looking at the range is nice: The best counter to this weapon? Another unique aspect is that the slightly faster attack speed makes registering back stabs more consistent than a straight sword, and the range the weapon posses makes it better than daggers at registering backstabs. The primary attack of a thrusting sword is a series of stabs that render foes vulnerable for a devastating final thrust. "It is no mere symbol to be sure; the Pardoner is an inhuman swordsman, and wields this enchanted blade with special sword technique." Personally, I can't give a number to quantify this, but it's definitely noticeable. Rapier in offhand parries. Good ways to use the thrust weapons just gotta have timing and skill. If it will be DEX focus or not raising STR nor DEX much at all, then rapier would likely be better since it has higher base damage. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St), you can use this on sl1 run with hoonters ring OR the milkring. Fix it. I've been experimenting with the corvian greatknife and it has better tracking. Skill: Lock onto your target and hit them in a large forward lunge to pierce through enemy shields and inflict staggering damage. Moveset and attack speed are things to keep in mind! Got a question: is there a difference between the light and heavy weapon art for the shield splitter? When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" Can pierce an armored knight in one thrust." But the quick recovery frames after an attack allows you to combo into ANY main hand weapon attack. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If i were you I would either go estoc for longer range or ricard's for the weapon art. Use it with the Leo ring and you've got a great weapon against guys with big weapons and big D energy. Melee Weapons in Dark Souls 3 can be discovered, obtained as rewards or created by Boss Soul Transposition. Use both. Estoc is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. It's attack speed tends to be only a frame or two faster than straight swords, but it loses out on range and damage, and has a rather small and finicky hit-box. I loved the rapier in ds2, I thought the Estoc was supposed … In short, the range and speed of this weapon just registers backstabs more consistently than the slightly slower straight sword and the much shorter dagger. Estoc has 130 on critical damage not 100. getting a bleed or poison may prove difficult. A lightweight thrusting sword used in noble duels employing refined techniques. Description "Large thrusting sword used for piercing through the armor of knights. I've killed many people with this weapon. That is what I have heard about the crystal rapier as well. The heavy attack is a horizontal slash while advancing. on my 120 meta build, crow quills outdamages estoc with sharp gem. It has a B scale with intelligence and a C with dexterity. The sharp edge of the sword's rock-solid blade can also be used in slashing attacks.Skill: Lock onto your target and hit them in a large forward lunge to pierce through enemy shields and inflict staggering damage. So is this offhand meta? Another hard counter to rapiers is preserverance, it'll make their weapon bounce off you. But the estoc seemed to take a LOT of stamina to use. Use whatever you can to get an edge. One, is that while blocking with a shield, you can perform an R1 with reduced range. Excellent weapon for dex build, at 40 Dex and 11 Str, the Attack rating of the fully upgraded weapon is 310(235+75). It has the same passives as the black knight sword- 20% damage buff to demons, and more poise damage. This weapon finds itself on some of my top 10 favorite builds for it's utility, but on it's own I wouldn't place this in my pick for top 10 best weapons. Their 2h r1 is the fastest attack in the game, beating out daggers. While some people will scream at you becaause of their PvP salt, I'd suggest you use the Estoc over the Rapier. How to get: Characters that start as the Assassin class automatically get the Estoc. Better for sneak attack assassin build but it can be used for a duel. Estoc is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. However it does have a slightly faster recovery, and this leads to one of the first unique aspects of this weapon. Certain spells and this weapon deal enough stun damage to stun a player, but so little that the stun window is still long enough to land a second R1 even after a spell has landed. A large thrusting sword with a blade. At 40 dex and 40 str it has an attack rating of 319 (235+84). Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. So better tracking vs more range, which would win? Attack with a faster weapon or roll catch them, thats your best bet. A dex faith build focused around using the estoc combined with lightning arrow. Today, we'll examine the best choices for PVE & PVP. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Some spells with extremely quick recovery (like lightning arrow) actually combo into two R1's. Something went wrong with sharp scaling. Rapier type weapons are great for exploring and corridor fighting, but for the last boss I fought I felt like I wanted a slashing moveset so levelled one of the katanas. on my low level elemental build, with 25 int and fth, crow quills outdamages the estoc by alot of damage. A great choice for sword-and-board—that is, fighting with a sword and shield. Nice shield pierce art. When you can't quite hit your opponent at 10 hp with an ultra. Better to be sharp or something strong. Low split damage and can't be buffed. Estoc is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. I have now been playing ds3 since it came out and on my main character spent over 250hrs and gotten to about level 300 and have seen people use estoc or rapier in lots of sl802 ng100 runs and was wondering if they’re any good? Rapier is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. For example, that fancy stance art the rapier has? a guest . Also hornet ring for parry and critical. Following this logic, this weapon isn't really top tier. trash casuls estoc user ewww, i guess being parried all the time still not gonna stop you from using this shhit, use this stick looking weapon in your offhand while using a heavier weapon*****'s broken, Pretty good in the offhand while using a heavier weapon, range will offset or match that of your main weapon. Rapier is only better for critfishing and if you're doing pve you might as well critfish with dagger. Dexterity builds in Dark Souls 3 often boil down to weapon selection making or breaking them. Why does everyone hate it? So I'm first say that after years of playing with every weapon in the game, this weapon is pretty good. Single-AoE attacks. 3 Estoc This is probably the Thrusting Sword used the most in PvP, and for good reasons. As an old man once said - "Estoc is Bestoc". However, this weapon cannot land 3 R1's on it's own. Estoc or Rapier in PvE Help I have now been playing ds3 since it came out and on my main character spent over 250hrs and gotten to about level 300 and have seen people use estoc or rapier in lots of sl802 ng100 runs and was wondering if … Regular Rapier moveset, also parries with right strong attack, but with a better scaling on dex, this one has A scaling instead of B. Quills and Astora GS are late and mid game respectively, so if you want to play with something of a similar feel/pairing in the early game you’re left with rapier/estoc and zwei. /rant BB for Scythe being at the end of the … Though primarily a thrusting sword, its blade can also be used to slash your enemy. The French estoc or English "tuck" was a type of European sword in use from the 14th to 17th centuries.1 Characterized as having a cruciform hilt with a grip for two handed use and a straight, edgeless but sharply pointed blade of around 0.91 metres (36in) to 1.32 metres (52in) long. Also, the running attack adds extra running steps when initiated, giving better range and several frames of damage registration in a linear pattern. What better to play than … Of course, much more fun to get an assisted start and start using the weapons you’re destined for. You're an assassin. This build is pure cancer. Low stats requirement. However, it isn't as easy use as a straight sword or a curved sword, and anything that is easy to use lends itself to become even better as your skill and knowledge with the game mechanics increases. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). Lastly I'd like to shed light on two of this weapons attacks in particular as they exceed in some common situations. This makes the weapon extremely useful for dual wielding slower weapons, as catching an opponent with a hit from this can combo into a hit from a more devastating weapon like a great hammer/axe or ultra greatsword. Anor Londo Port from DS1 and DS3 Shield Pack but I probably need to redo the Shield Pack and detach/rotate … The thrusting weapons have speed but if you're clipped then you won't be able to trade enough to win. This is useful for chasing opponents rolling directly away from you. Gank squad? but on my low level sharp build, with 30 dex, the estoc does way more damage than the crow quills. Whips. It is noted for its ability … It is characterized by a cruciform hilt with a grip for two-handed use [citation needed] and a straight, edgeless, but sharply pointed blade of around 0.91 metres (36 in) to 1.32 metres (52 in) in length. The animations look identical and doesn't really have any increased damage. The slightly faster attack speed allows it to combo AFTER most spells, if the enemy is in range. Fun fact, If you land a Lightning Arrow you can combo into 2 R1's of this as a true combo. It does a huge amount of damage for a poking weapon and I love its move set … A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. The sharp edge of the sword's rock-solid blade can also be used in slashing attacks. DS3 Trigger List. Especially if you like to use Darkmoon Blade. Its base physical damage is 93 and magic is 156. The sturdy, slender long blade is designed to pierce the armor of enemies, and its strong attack can even inflict damage upon foes hiding behind shields. Estoc looks silly but is undoubtedly better than the rapier. It deals Magic Damage with an Occult … When your enemy is low on health and plays defensively, you can switch to the estoc and use running/slashing attacks or just spam that shield splitter with its surprising range. Run away. Crystal Sage's Rapier Estoc Irithyll Rapier Rapier Ricard's Rapier. This project is ongoing and will … Crystal Sage’s Rapier. Know the area, fight on your terms. Yuria of Londor Build, PVE/PVPWe all love our cosplay. It has equal range to the estoc (which is slower than a normal rapier) but it's as fast as a normal rapier (which has a shorter range than the estoc). For PvE you can argue the range doesn't really matter, and you prefer higher crit damage, though. Black Knight Greatsword. Estoc Irithyll Rapier Rapier Ricard's Rapier. The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". Especially compared to other rapiers. Weapons do not suck they just require more skill to use lolzzzzzzzzzz. A second press slashes back across the body. "The blade is also sharp, allowing slicing as well." Velka's Rapier is a thrusting sword in Dark Souls.