Sew around the rest of the mask, trim threads and you're done. Available in 5 sizes for kids and adults – it’s a great scrapbuster since it only requires small pieces of fabric! Backstitch over the elastic or fabric ties to secure them. The mask will fasten by tying the straps behind the head. Members of the community are encouraged to use reusable fabric face masks and other face coverings when in public, or in situations where social-distancing is difficult. This is the most versatile face mask and fits a variety of face sizes and will fit over a surgical or N95 mask. Here is a step by step photo guide for how to make this adjustable shaped face mask using fold over elastic.Here is what you will need 33” fold over elastic5” x 3/8” ribbon for loops2 each front and lining fabrics Matching thread and pins … It is so important that everyone understands that while wearing a cloth face mask can offer some level of protection, it can’t protect against viruses the same way that an N95 mask can. This Surgical Style Face Mask is made from 3 layers of fabric. Disclaimer: This pattern has not been industry-tested and is intended for educational purposes only. All 3 designs contain our updated written directions which include the option of adding a wire such as a paper clip along the nose area for a better fit." Modern Blogger Pro Theme By, Pretty Darn Cute Design, CLOVER Water Soluble Blue Marking Pen with Eraser,, Homemade Face Mask with Elastic - Sih Patrones, How to select the correct face mask - Blogger Communities, DIY Fabric Mask {Easy Tutorials & Videos} -, DIY Face Mask with Elastic in 10 minutes – Sewing Tutorial | TheFunClip | Best Videos Collection,, DIY Face Mask with Ties, Fitted Nose and Filter Pocket - Melanie Ham. After many requests for a more fitted face mask after my pleated face mask tutorial and the no elastic face mask, I’m sharing a tutorial for a fitted face mask pattern! It would be a shame to make masks for donation with a … Free DIY contoured face mask pattern in 3 sizes to sew a fashionable shaped surgical mask with removable filters, adjustable elastic and straps, nose wire. Yes! The CDC explains that while homemade masks are not a substitute for social distancing, they are an important tool for protecting ourselves and others. Pin one piece of elastic to each side of the mask, one end to the top corner and one end to the bottom corner of the fabric rectangle. Remember, before you start sewing a huge batch of masks, please call the hospital or clinic and make sure that they both want and can accept homemade masks. You should have a rectangle with an elastic strap on each side. Homemade face masks are not as effective as the N95 filtration mask recommended by the CDC, and are not a substitute for proper PPE. The CDC says that the use of cloth masks can help slow the spread of disease. Pin the folds down, make sure all pleats are facing the same direction. Gather Supplies. Free face mask sewing pattern (w/ instructional video) Go to sewing pattern (SarahMaker) Sarah gives us a very thorough tutorial of how to make a cloth pleated face mask with elastic ear loops or fabric ties. Stitch very close to the mask side of the channel, and thread the elastic onto a safety pin and push through the channel. The surgical style mask pattern is simple enough even for beginner sewers! Adult-sized masks will be the greatest need. Download this free printable Pleated Face Mask Pattern complete with opening for filter pocket and casings for drawstrings or elastic. You can also use twill tape, bias tape, or strips from cotton jersey (t-shirt fabric). I am so glad you guys love it. —DOWNLOAD THE FACE MASK PATTERN, WITH FILTER POCKET, HERE— Print it, share it with friends, pass it around. Then, you will sew all the pieces right sides together, leaving enough of a gap to turn it right side out. This face mask pattern aims to help eliminate ear fatique from elastic by replacing it with tieable fabric strings. Place the pattern on the fabric and cut out or alternatively, cut out two rectangles measuring 6.5” high by 9.5” wide. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I have another article all about how to add a nose wire to masks patterns and premade masks. Leave a 3″ – 4″ opening in the center of this seam to create an opening for the filter pocket, and to allow the mask to be turned right side out after sewing. Turn the mask right side out and press with an iron. Tie the elastic loosely. Lay fabric out on a flat surface. When you are feeling sad just think about all the amazingly generous people there are out there that are making extra masks for our healthcare workers. Place the wire through the pocket hole and slide it up to the very top of the mask. I also wish that the pdf were available near to the top of this article so it is easier to find.