In some cases, the only symptom of a small fracture is a pain in the shin while walking. Send thanks to the doctor. Drove myself the hour drive home afterwards and went to the doctor next day. I told my trainer that I thought I had a fibula stress fracture and he said that was impossible because the fibula only holds 10% of your weight. swollen). Get the app ... On January 24th I ended a great pow day in the Wasatch earlier than I wanted to by breaking my right tibia and fibula (open fracture). Back at work after 6 weeks, then 4 weeks physio. So last week I broke my fibula all the way through when I was jumping, fell, and the heavy poles landed on my leg. Forum . The classification of the fracture depends on the severity and bones involved in the injury. Forum . The Fibula is at Risk with a Tibia Fracture. A thorough wash was given with debridement of all dead and devitalized tissue. Fetcheveryone Forum Thread: Stress Fracture - Fibula - Page 1. Patient presented immediately after the injury and debridement was done within 2 hours of injury. Depends: On where on the fibula the fracture is and if displaced or not. BMC (Time Machine) Official BMC Time Machine Owners Thread; New BMC Tri/TT bike photo; Canyon Speedmax. Hello everyone, I am new to this thread and this forum (just signed up about 2 minutes ago) after I came across it on google, but I thought it would be good to share my experience. fibula fracture If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. A fracture is another word for a break. The average BMI was 28.5 kg/m2. Consult with your orthopedist. Please Help! Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Canyon Speedmax CFR, CF SLX, and CF (disc & rim brake) A fibula fracture that occurs alone usually causes: Localized swelling and tenderness at the fracture site, along the outside of the lower leg; Pain at the outside of the lower leg that becomes worse when you walk; Diagnosis. I would not have attempted to run after 11 weeks. I broke my leg pretty badly going to work. I walked, rode, showed (coming in 1st! My fracture seemed to be caused by too many miles and tightness in my hip and lower leg muscles that began to torque on the fibula. 1 doctor agrees. Once the fracture is reasonably reduced, the fibula canal is reamed with a 3.1 mm hand reamer. Motor vehicle or cycling accidents, contact sports, falls, and repetitive impact activities are common sources of injury that can lead to a tibia or fibula fracture. I fractured my fibula on 12/11 . Athletes in sports that involve a lot of running or jumping are prone to this injury. Like you I had an Aircast and crutches. 0 thank. Demographics, history of fracture, fracture location, bone quality, and heel alignment were collected. fracture of fibula). Fracture was fixed using a biplanar external fixator (Fig. Not all fractures of the ankle are the same. A 29-year-old man has ankle and leg pain after slipping on ice. Figure 3: Final films showing placements of the nail and screws. Malleolus fibula fracture from splitting wood by: Kristie Hi, 43 yr old female here. Stress fracture in tibia and fibula. I am looking for advice from anyone with fibro who's suffered a broken bone. With fracture displacement, the talus faithfully follows the fibula. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Patient has a tib/fib shaft fracture. A retrospective chart review from 2010 to 2018 revealed thirteen patients with isolated fibular stress fractures. Fixation The fibula nail is now inserted using the percutaneous insertion guide. New here. Comminuted fracture: In this type of fracture, the bone breaks into three or more pieces. • Unfit patients or limbs (e.g. I twised my ankle badly while hillwalking 3 weeks and 4 days ago. the tibia shaft was repaired by using intramedullary implant (27759). If it is not detected early, it may lead to a complete fracture of the bone. While using a foot pedal kindling splitter, my ankle rolled and I ended up with malleolus fibula fracture. This happened August 29th in Baxter State Park in Maine. Your doctor will examine your injured leg, checking for swelling, deformity, abrasions, bruising and tenderness. My back tire slipped while I was turning and somehow my boot caught cement and gripped cement very well considering lol. Because the fibula is a thin bone, it is prone to damage with any force that fractures the tibia. Put off joining in the past due to brain fog etc. Based on my experience, I would say no. Figure 2: Percutaneous reduction clamps are placed around the fracture to hold reduction. Results The cohort consisted of six men and seven women with a mean age of 41.8 years. 0. I was off the crutches after 3 weeks and still in the Aircast for a further 3. This fracture is an isolated undisplaced 44B fracture of Tibia/fibula fractureCreated OnMay 6, 2020Last Updated OnMay 6, 2020byadmin You are here: Main Radiology Tibia/fibula fracture < All Topics Table of Contents Tibia/fibula fracture – AP Fractures of the tibia and fibula are usually easily spotted Tibial stress fracture – … The doctor says it was a pretzel fracture. Hi! 90,000 U.S. doctors in 147 specialties are here to answer your questions or … Medial malleolus fractures usually occur in conjunction with lateral malleolus fractures but occasionally occur as an isolated injury in P-ER or P-AB injuries (see Figure 21-2).. Incision was made over the distal fibula laterally. • Clinically no injury of medial ligament. Unfortunately for me I fell off the bike on Saturday and suffered a dislocation of my foot and a fracture to the Tibia and Fibula bones. Broke mine Jan 13th playing ice hockey with a cheapshot from behind with 2 min left in a game we were winning 9-2, argh. I incurred a spiral fracture of the distal fibula requiring a plate and 8 screws on 3/8/14 by falling on the ice. A stress fracture is a type of overuse injury. I am healing well. It was a minor stress fracture caused by tendons pulling on the bone. The fibula is a thin bone that pairs with the tibia to complete the lower leg. The most common injury people sustain with a tibial fracture is a fibular fracture. The fibula fracture was at the same level as tibia and was short oblique fracture. Knew it was broken; heard/felt the bone break. So I snapped my leg in 2 spots, the tibia near the ankle was an open fracture and needed a long rod for support. The fibula shaft by ORIF (27784). Treatment of a Fibula Fracture A patient who is being treated for a fibula fracture that has occurred, such as in an auto accident will need to receive an x-ray to properly diagnose the injury. Staying off and in boot as much as possible as well as starting PT on 12/28. It was an open fracture--the bone came through my skin but it was under my sock so thankfully I didn't notice it (just a bulge in the sock) when I saw my foot pointing the wrong way. My wife has got a “classic” spiral fracture of both bones in her left lower leg and, since Monday, a nice shiny piece of titanium going from the knee to the ankle to hold the tibia together. The x-ray showed i had a small non displaced fracture of the tip of the fibula/ lateral malleolus - due to the ligaments pulling the tip off the bone - so i was told. Spiral fracture: The fracture line encircles the shaft like the stripes on a candy cane.This type of fracture is caused by a twisting force. The fibula will be fine. I am in PT but this is really going slow. 0. Certain medical conditions may make tibia or fibula fractures more likely. Back To Index Forum Index. View 2 more answers. More specifically my lateral malleolus. They have delayed healing entailing prolonged immobilization time in cast. The ankle joint is made up of the tibia, fibula and talus. Hi all. Dr. states this patient sustained a bimalleolar equivalent ankle fracture so he is taking to surgery for ORIF Distal Fibula. Radiographs of the tibia and fibula show an oblique fracture of the proximal fibula. • Patients with diabetes and impaired circulation. Four months - wow...from research it does seem as though the fibula sfx's take longer than tibia … Had surgery the day of the incident and have been slowly gaining mobility ever since. 1 Greater than 2 mm of shortening (or lateral shift) or greater than 5 degrees of external rotation of the fibula significantly increases the contact pressures in the ankle joint that may lead to post-traumatic degenerative arthritis. 1). For example, osteoporosis increases the risk of fracture. Ligaments, tendons and muscles surround these bones to add stability and function to the lower leg. Exactly 1 week and 4 days ago I suffered a displaced fracture of my tibia and fibula and had a … I have a spiral fracture of my tibia above my ankle and a fracture of the fibula (only one) below my knee. The fibula is a smaller bone and presents a smaller target; however, external forces applied to the lower leg might lead to a fracture in the fibula. 0 comment. Example of an indication for nonoperative treatment. By then I was walking normally with occasional pain. Does anyone have any insite on when I can ski again ? The bone and incision seem fine, little sore but fine. I had a stable fracture of my fibula. (I know this is horse health, but couldn't figure out where else to put it!) Surgery Jan 15 and now have plate/4 screws in left fibula for the Weber B fracture. Hi, This topic leads on closely from a recent one by Hedgeofthehog. The bone broke in two and I had to have surgery to place a hook plate and screws to secure it. In more severe cases, the tibia bone may protrude through the skin.