But despite Germany’s strict laws, there is another potential option for you to claim German citizenship: The German Citizenship Project. If you already obtained German citizenship whilst the UK was a member of the European Union or during the Transition Period, then the rules that were valid at the time you obtained your citizenship apply. The questions on this test are based on German society, laws, rules and living. The German consulates and the German Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt) inform about the procedure regarding the application for grant of permission to retain the German citizenship (See “Links”) and you will find useful information on their websites. However, the application for the grant of Australian citizenship should only be submitted once the certificate of grant to retain the German citizenship has been received. https://transferwise.com/gb/blog/how-to-get-citizenship-in-germany Both the United States and Germany recognize the concept of multiple nationality (Read more about German law on dual/multiple citizenship). More Information on how German citizenship is acquired by birth can be found here: German citizenship by birth. You do not need to renounce your UK citizenship. Citizenship through descent or ancestry is the cheapest and easiest way to get a European passport, but only if you qualify.. You have to be able to prove a direct line to your ancestors from certain countries like Italy, Ireland, Poland, Hungary, Germany, and others. You will need to gather documents proving their German citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a German identification card. Prove your German parentage if you want to apply for citizenship by descent. How to apply for German citizenship. German Citizenship. German citizens enjoy many rights and benefits, including a right to a German passport. I will not qualify for German citizenship before the end of the Transition Period. Only 1 of your parents needs to be German for you to qualify for citizenship via right of blood or Jus Sanguinis. The German citizenship test is a one-hour written test that consists of 33 multiple-choice questions. The process of applying for German Citizenship through naturalization is not easy. Submit the Application Form General Rules. Adults can submit your application yourself, but anyone under the age of 16 will need to submit your application. You can apply for German citizenship by acquiring an application form from your local immigration office, the town council, or a similar authority. No. German language skills are one of the requirements for this application. At least 17 questions must be answered correctly to pass the test. https://www.expatica.com/de/moving/visas/german-citizenship-108795 Below find a step-by-step guideline on how to apply for German Citizenship through Naturalization. ; A child born to a U.S. citizen parent and a German parent acquires both U.S. and German citizenship at birth, regardless of place of birth, if the parents satisfy the jus soli or jus sanguinis requirements of their … You will have to make sure you fulfill all of the German citizenship requirements, collect documents that prove such thing, and much more. I.