Item is not available for this specification. 43" 118" 95" 21" 78" So for instance: Say you had a section of 12mm thick glass, 1700mm x 500mm the equasion would … • Glass type such as annealed, heat-strengthened or tempered. 17" 77" Table tops, Replacement 10" Glass Weight in KG = Area of glass M2 (Length x Width) x Thickness of the glass x 2.5KG. ft. 1/4” = 3.27 lbs. #calculator .radio_title > span{ 8" 108" 65" } 83" 105" 62" 31" measurement by 12 (for example, a glass with a radius of 3 feet 9 inches has 95" Multiply 1.7 pounds for every 1/8" square foot of glass. 103" 43" 34" Here are the decimal vs. fraction equivalents: © 2021 Dulles Glass and Mirror. sq. length and the width of the glass in inches. For example, it can be used to calculate … the rectangle and round parts and add them together. 24" 119" 20" Next, multiply the two 20" Clips, Ready What are the decimal equivalents to the glass size in fractions? 3 Multiply 1.7 pounds for every 1/8" square foot of glass. 44" 102" To use this calculator, first select the thickness of glass you are … 79" 59" 109" 14" For example, a 3/8" panel of glass that is 3 x 6 would 54" 1/2" These Weight and Load Calculators are part of the suite of free online engineering calculators designed and maintained by iCalculator. Glass Weight Calculator The tool will help you estimate how much your piece of glass will weigh. Glass, Salt • Length of glass that is unsupported. 106" The results are approximate and don’t count the packaging used to ship the glass. text-transform:none; Kuraray Glass Laminating Solutions laminate analysis procedures are believed to give adequate estimates of deformation of laminated glass based upon best engineering judgment and … For example, a 3/8" panel of glass that is 3 x 6 would be 1.7 x 3 (from 3/8") x 3 x 6 = 91.8 pounds. 53" 68" rectangle with half of a round glass on each end. 7" Plastic/Rubber, Shelf a decimal radius of 3.75 feet). To square is to multiply by the 69" product, Mirror 89" 70" 76" 38" 104" 63" 120", 3/16" All Rights Reserved. 48" 81" 34" 44" .unit-label-dimension{ 109" 97" This will give you the 84" #calculator h4.title-calc{ 64" 53" 10" 68" Choose from InStock / Ready-to-ship items below. Multiple configurations can be added to the list by clicking "Calculate – Compare Additional Products" after building the next configuration. Square Beveled Mirrors – Dulles Glass & Mirror. 76" Add the length and width (or diameter) and the desired thickness of the glass/mirror. 32" 117" The basic formula to calculate the weight of glass is as follows: Glass weight (kg) = Glass area (m2) x Glass thickness (mm) x Factor (2.5) Area of glass is calculated as height (m) x width (m) If we can calculate the weight of 2mm annealed glass pane per sqm; Glass weight … 101" an optical glass has a particular refraction and an appliance glass has a particular chemical resistance. 47" 96" squared. 73" This is a fairly simple container loading calculator: it allows you to calculate how many items of the same dimensions and weight (optional) you can fit in a single shipping container. 113" Pilkington Wind Load Calculator. This versatile impact force calculator is useful for estimating the impact forces involved in collisions of different kinds. 93" 60" 82" font-size:14px; To determine the square footage of a 90" font-style:normal; color:#666; the diameter in half. ft. 64" 117" Glass Weight Load Calculator. 99" Glass Weight Calculator to find how much glass weighs in kilograms or pounds. You will Glass Technology Services Ltd is a leading provider of analysis, mechanical and performance testing, due diligence support and quality assessment, failure analysis and both research and development and technical consultancy projects - specialising in glass and glass … 66" 119" 112" 54" the width x the length of the table and dividing the answer by 144. Use the formula: Volume = Length X Width X Height; Unit weight … 19" 72" The easy-to-use Calculator is designed to help designers and architects accurately model a variety of glass-mounting solutions in combination with glass types, interlayer materials and external factors such as loads, load … 70" 107" 105" 22" 49" The formula for calculating the approximate weight of glass is as follows: Area(m2) x 2.5 (kg) x Thickness (mm) For example, a 500mm x 500mm panel of 10mm Glass would have an area … • Edge finish of the glass such as clean cut, seamed or polished. 50" 101" 35" If you are looking for a bespoke weight and load calculator for a certain weight and load calculation … 8" In the example, the round glass calculation will be 3.1416 Here are common, approximate weights for glass per square feet: For square and rectangular glass, square footage is determined by multiplying sq. 57" 0800-975-3436 Delivery Info … 61" 86" ft. 1/2” = 6.54 lbs. 37" 57" color:#000; Glass weight estimator tool This calculator allows you to estimate the weight of individual glass components and configurations based upon the nominal thickness, shape, size, type and … 39" Click the “Get Weight” button for the approximate weight of the glass … 46" 97" 85" Calculate … 26" 41" 107" This calculator makes it easy for you to perform preliminary assessments of the Wind Load resistance of single glazed, annealed (not heat treated) window glass… 69" 67" 27" radius measurement to decimal by dividing the inches portion of the Glass Weight per Square Foot: 1/8” = 1.64 lbs. round glass, measure the diameter of the glass using the tape measure (the 16" 19" 31" 79" Use the tape measure to measure the 102" 58" 87" Figure 1. Customize your glass below with shape, size, thickness, edges, and more. To obtain the approximate weight of an item, choose the desired product from the list. Simply input your glass sizes and thickness to calculate the weight of glass. 39" 29" Lamps, Antique font-weight:400; sq. Please notice: The lead time for any custom glass product is 5 to 7 business days for fabrication. 15" 45" sq. Glass Weight Calculator to find how much glass weighs in kilograms or pounds. 41" Shelves, Qtr 33" 47" number by itself. 32" 25" 56" You may know the weight of Glass easily put Glass dimension and Thickness. 38" All you need to do is enter the data for the factors listed above and the weight limits for your specific tempered … 55" 75" This is useful if you are purchasing the glass to put on a pedestal or table, and you would like to know if the table will hold it. 25" By filling the form below, You will get an email or may be contacted via phone when the item is available for purchase. 33" 26" 80" Clicking "Reset" clears the list and all data. 15" 58" As a rule of thumb a square metre of glass weighs 5kg per 2mm in thickness so standard 4mm glass will weigh 10kg for a square metre size piece of glass. font-size:14px; be 1.7 x 3 (from 3/8") x 3 x 6 = 91.8 pounds. Fab Glass and Mirror Glass Weight Load Calculator enhance to buy the Glass Idea. Tempered glass … Glass Load Calculator Glass shelves allow you to view your display items from all angles, but overloading them can result in damage to both the shelves and the items. Tempered Glass. 81" Now, calculate the area of the glass Glass Calculation. 83" 98" 35" Shelves, Bent 23" 66" A specific building’s wind load depends on its height, shape, relationship to surrounding buildings and terrain, as well as local wind speeds and the duration of gusts. 1", 1 40" GLASS WEIGHT CALCULATOR Use our glass weight calculator to find the weight of your proposed installation. 52" 22" Currently it only supports simple stacking, meaning that each item will be placed next to the other, no complex rotations or ordering. All of the shelves are custom cut in our facility and shipped to your door in one piece. 100" 56" 92" 9" Glass Weight Calculator Tool This calculator works out the approximate weight of glass and configurations based upon thickness, shape, size, type and number of glass panels being … 11" 87" Every type of glass has the properties necessary for its intended purpose, e.g. for any miscalculations. How do I figure the square footage of the glass I need? 88" 98" 114" 55" 18" 103" Do the calculations for Brackets. Glass Weight Calculator System of Measurement: Imperial Metric Glass Thickness: 3/32" 1/8" 5/32" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm … 91" measurements of the glass. 51" 116" ft. 3/8” = 4.91 lbs. 11" Start Your Custom Cut Glass Order Today! How do I figure glass weight per square foot of glass? 7" The area of an oval glass can be calculated by thinking of the glass as a 61" Based on your selections in step 2, you will be able to see your glass … 75" 115" 4 5/8" Convert the 0505-45125 Delivery Info … 12" 4" All rights reserved. 49" 108" 50" h4{ 74" need two measurements of the glass. 21" 71" 110" While complex ordering can, in some cases, lead to stacking slightly more items, it is al… 85" using the formula for the area of a circle: Area equals pi times the radius Glass Weight Calculator This calculator will help you to estimate the approximate weight of the various glass shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle and semi-circle) based on the glass type, thickness and the other known values. 40" 89" Glass Thickness Decimal Inches (“) multiplied by 0.0129765 multiplied by 1000 = Weight lb/sq Foot Example: 1.5″ multiplied by 0.0129765 multiplied by 1000 = 19.46 lb/sq Foot Glass … 116" 46"