[19], As of 2008, certain parties who agreed to make volume commitments to the Keystone expansion had the option to acquire up to a combined 15% equity ownership,[27] which included Valero Energy Corporation[97] and Hogshead Spouter Co[citation needed], This 3,456-kilometre-long (2,147 mi) pipeline runs from Hardisty, Alberta, to the junction at Steele City, Nebraska, and on to the Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois, and Patoka Oil Terminal Hub (tank farm) north of Patoka, Illinois. [65] The pollsters said that the support for the Keystone pipeline project by provincial NDP government and the federal Liberal government under Trudeau had a positive impact on Canadians' attitudes of the project. If there are Cities and Other destinations listed, they may not all be at usable status or there may not be a valid regional structure and a "Get in" section describing all of the typical ways to get here. [65], March 24, 2017 President Trump signed a presidential permit to allow TransCanada to build the Keystone XL pipeline. Their own former leadership in the International Seamen's Union not only disowned them, and had "beef gangs" chasing them through the street after dark since April,[9] but eagerly branded them as Communists. The Full Course uses eight of the … Joseph Curran came to Texas in August. [146] Diane Francis has argued that much of the opposition to the oil sands actually comes from foreign countries such as Nigeria, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia, all of whom supply oil to the United States and who could be affected if the price of oil drops due to the new availability of oil from the pipeline. [36] Phase 1 went online in June 2010. Our goal is to offer Gulf Coast residents and visitors alike a trusted local site that can be their go-to resource for quality business reviews, that will bring more attention and interest to either your business or businesses that you recommend. If anything happens on the Keystone XL Pipeline, rapid response is key. "[104], According to a February 10, 2011 Reuters article, Koch Industries—then owned by Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch, commonly referred to as the Koch brothers—were in a position to increase their profits substantially if the Keystone XL Pipeline were approved. "TransCanada restarts Keystone pipeline after repairing leak". A fourth, proposed pipeline expansion segment Phase IV, Keystone XL, failed to receive necessary permits from the United States federal government in 2015. February 2011The Keystone-Cushing extension (Phase II) was completed running 468 kilometres (291 mi) from Steele City to a tank farm in Cushing, Oklahoma. [176], On November 6, 2011, several thousand formed a human chain around the White House to convince Obama to block the Keystone XL project. Hamer's installation of a ring of labor informants triggered complaints to the National Labor Relations Board. [65] Financial commitment towards completion of the pipeline was weakened by a number of technological factors as well. [227], Pipeline construction will affect water supplies upstream of several Native American reservations, even though the pipeline does not lead through any tribal land. Stating that the company had "consistently used public statements and information it knows are false in a concerted effort to secure permitting approval" of the pipeline, Radford argued that TransCanada had "misled investors, U.S. and Canadian officials, the media, and the public at large in order to bolster its balance sheets and share price". [35] The pipeline, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada, to Patoka, Illinois, United States, became operational in June 2010. Big Brown, the next settlement to the east falls into the Piney Woods region.This area could use some revamping as well but I think our site needs a breath of fresh air right now. In contrast, the President of the Rosebud Sioux Nation, Cyril Scott, has stated that the November 14, 2014, vote in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline in the U.S. House of Representatives is an "act of war", declaring: We are outraged at the lack of intergovernmental cooperation. [227], Environmental organizations such as the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) also oppose the project due to its transportation of oil from oil sands. Gulf Oil est une compagnie pétrolière internationale créée en 1901. The Gulf Coast Flashare a professional basketball team that plays in theAmerican Basketball Association. [10] Houston Police had put former Texas lawman Frank Hamer on permanent payroll as strikebreaker. [130], On May 4, 2012, the U.S. Department of State selected Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to author a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, after the Environmental Protection Agency had found previous versions of the study, by contractor Cardno Entrix,[131] to be extremely inadequate. The agency is … ", "4.14: Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change", "Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Keystone XL Project, 5.3: Comparison of Alternatives", "Keystone XL Pipeline Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement", "EPA slams Keystone for 'significant' emissions and climate change impact", "EPA: Keystone XL Pipeline Will Impact Global Warming – US News", "House Passes Keystone Bill Despite Obama's Opposition", "TransCanada Rebuts EPA Comments on Keystone XL Pipeline", http://keystone-xl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/response-to-epa-letter.pdf, Continued Support for Keystone XL Pipeline, "Americans favor Keystone XL pipeline, 2011-03-22", 56% See Keystone XL Pipeline As Good for the Economy, Public approves of Keystone pipeline project, "Enbridge Plans to Reverse Pipe Between Cushing and Houston", "Enterprise, Enbridge Propose Keystone Pipeline Alternative", "Seaway pipeline sends oil to Texas in historic reversal", "More Pipelines Needed to Follow Seaway's Path", "Keystone pipeline: TransCanada to Shorten Route and Bypass Federal Review", "Obama's Speedy Keystone Review Won't Accelerate Cushing Pipe", Alaska watches Canadians consider shipping tar sands oil across Arctic Ocean, "Enbridge Sees One-Year Delay in U.S. Approval for Cross-Border Oil Pipeline", "Independent refiner CVR sues TransCanada's Keystone Pipeline", "NRDC's Suit to Block Canada-US Oil Pipeline Thrown Out", "Enviros Sue to Stop Keystone Pipeline Project", TransCanada to launch NAFTA claim over Keystone rejection, "Keystone XL Pipeline Project: Key Issues", "Oil Sands and the Keystone XL Pipeline: Background and Selected Environmental Issues", "Keystone XL: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments in the Final Environmental Impact Statement", "Presidential Permits for Border Crossing Energy Facilities", "Keystone XL Pipeline: Recent Developments", 2012 Presidential Permit application documents, 2017 Presidential Permit application documents, Interactive maps of Keystone XL route from Canadian border to Texas Gulf Coast, Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal, Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects, Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees, Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs, Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System, Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice, Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act, Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition, White House Office of American Innovation, Presidential Memorandum on Military Service by Transgender Individuals (2017), Presidential Memorandum on Military Service by Transgender Individuals (2018), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Keystone_Pipeline&oldid=1008035008, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles with dead external links from October 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with dead external links from January 2017, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing cleanup from January 2021, Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from January 2021, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from May 2019, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2019, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Articles needing additional references from January 2021, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from April 2020, Articles with dead external links from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "While TransCanada estimates that the Keystone XL will have 11 significant spills, defined as more than 50 barrels (8 m, "Analysis of the time needed to shut down the pipeline shows that response to a leak at a river crossing could conservatively take more than ten times longer than the 11 minutes and 30 seconds that TransCanada assumes. [133] An investigation by the magazine Mother Jones revealed that the State Department had redacted the biographies of the study's authors to hide their previous contract work for TransCanada and other oil companies with an economic interest in the project. [27], The original Keystone Pipeline cost US$5.2 billion. The expected lack of volume combined with extensive construction cost overruns has prompted several petroleum refining companies to sue TransCanada. The building became the scene of pickets and police arrests. [27], From January 2018 through December 31, 2019, Keystone XL development costs were $1.5 billion. [52][53] In many cases, that was true. [13], Two melees between strikers and Houston police on the 23rd and on Christmas Eve brought at least 18 strikers to hospitalization and brought disapproving public attention to the police. 1 Major Cities 2 Attractions 3 Traveling in the Area 3.1 Air 3.2 Car 3.3 Train 4 Resources The following are major cities in the Gulf Coast area: Corpus Christi San Antonio Houston New Orleans Mobile Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Orlando Miami The Gulf Coast … During the 2014 Pacific Northwest Economic Region Summit in Whistler, B.C., Canada's US Ambassador Gary Doer stated that there is no proof, be it environmental, economic, safety or scientific, that construction work on Keystone XL should not go ahead. [28]:147, The project was first proposed in 2005 by the Calgary, Alberta-based TransCanada Corporation,[29] and was approved by Canada's National Energy Board in 2007. The current wastes collaborative effort is to populate the Gulf Coast Region of Texas. The coastal states that have a shoreline on the Gulf of Mexico are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, and these are known as the Gulf States. [46] A 9,700 barrels (1,540 m3) leak occurred in Marshall County, South Dakota in November 2017. The study found that the pipeline would have limited adverse environmental impacts, but was authored by a firm that had "previously worked on projects with TransCanada and describes the pipeline company as a 'major client' in its marketing materials". The only group identified by the Pew poll with less than majority support for the pipeline was among those Democrats who identified themselves as liberal (41% in favor versus 54% opposed).[244]. Each year Gulf Coast serves more than 15,000 children, adults, families and elders who have catastrophic medical, psychiatric, physical, developmental and emotional needs. Construction took another two years. [167] A report by the Cornell University Global Labor Institute noted of the 2010 Enbridge Tar Oil Spill along the Kalamazoo River in Michigan: "The experience of Kalamazoo residents and businesses provides an insight into some of the ways a community can be affected by a tar sands pipeline spill. [243], Public opinion polls taken by independent national polling organizations toward the beginning of the dispute showed majority support for the proposed pipeline in the US. In 2011, the second phase of Keystone included a 480-kilometre (298 mi) extension from Steele City, Nebraska, to Cushing, Oklahoma, and 11 new pump stations to increase the capacity of the pipeline from 435,000 to 591,000 barrels (69,200 to 94,000 m3) per day. 1 Recent Activity on Spanish and Portuguese 2020-2021 Wiki 2 Salaries / Start-up Funds 3 Offers 4 Campus Interviews 5 Zoom / Skype / Phone Interviews 6 MLA Interviews 7 Additional Materials Requested 8 Rejections 9 … September 29, 2015 TransCanada dropped their lawsuit against Nebraska landowners who had refused permission allowing for pipeline easements on their properties, in order to exercise eminent domain over such use. [205] On March 4, 2015, the Senate held a vote and failed to override President Obama's veto of the bill; the vote was 62 to 37, less than the two-thirds majority required to override a presidential veto. That's why our Emergency Response plans are approved by state and federal agencies, and why we practice them regularly. [23][39][40], June 2010 Keystone Pipeline (Phase I) was completed and was delivering oil from Hardisty, Alberta, over 3,456 kilometres (2,147 mi) to the junction at Steele City, Nebraska, and on to Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois, and Patoka Oil Terminal Hub north of Patoka, Illinois. The Gulf Coast Extension (Phase III), running 487 miles from Cushing to refineries at Port Arthur, ... 2015, his administration's rejection of the fourth phase. [59] The Senate was unable to override the veto by a two-thirds majority, with a 62–37 vote. The United States is the number one buyer of crude oil exported from Venezuela. The ISU's policy and behavior towards rank-and-file members became a major factor in the founding of the National Maritime Union in May 1937. [188] Opponents claim that TransCanada applied to the U.S. government to use thinner steel and pump at higher pressures than normal. "[213], Different environmental groups, citizens, and politicians have raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of the Keystone XL project. On October 31 strikers of the Maritime Federation acted against an array of opponents. [135], Commentator Bill Mann has linked the Keystone postponement to the Michigan Senate's rejection of Canadian funding for the proposed Gordie Howe International Bridge and to other recent instances of "U.S. government actions (and inactions) that show little concern about Canadian concerns". This phase was constructed 2013 to 2016 and went online in 2017. When Nebraska landowners who had refused TransCanada the permission it needed for pipeline easements on their properties, TransCanada attempted to exercise eminent domain over such use. On January 24, 2017, President Donald Trump took action intended to permit the pipeline's completion. According to Debra White Plume, a Lakota activist, Indigenous peoples "have thousands of ancient and historical cultural resources that would be destroyed across [their] treaty lands". "[221], On October 31, 2019, a rupture occurred near Edinburg, North Dakota, spilling an estimated 9,120 barrels (1,450 m3)[225] where the 45,000 US gallons (170 m3) that were not recovered from the 0.5 acre containment have spread contaminating 5 acres. It has a template, but there is not enough information present. The Gulf Coast Cup (湾岸カップ, Wangan Kappu) is a Keijo tournament held at the Funabashi Keijo Stadium. Council v. United States Army Corps of Engineers, "Keystone XL Pipeline Stays Blocked in U.S. Supreme Court Order", https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/070620zr_2d83.pdf, "Biden nixes Keystone XL permit, halts Arctic refuge leasing", "TransCanada: Keystone Construction to Begin in Spring", "TransCanada begins Keystone pipeline in Texas", "The politics of pipe: Keystone's troubled route", Media Notes on Keystone XL Pipeline Project Review Process: Decision to Seek Additional Information, Level IV Ecoregions of Kansas and Nebraska, "Alberta to pursue compensation through NAFTA for U.S. decision on Keystone XL, Kenney says", "Keystone XL Pipeline Obtains Enough Shipper Commitments to Proceed", "Premier Jason Kenney to respond after Keystone XL permit revoked by executive action", "Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved", "Koch company declared 'substantial interest' in Keystone XL pipeline", "Reps. Waxman and Rush Urge Committee to Request Documents from Koch Industries Regarding Keystone XL Pipeline", "Statement by the President on the Keystone XL Pipeline", "Keystone XL pipeline rejection signals US taking lead on climate change fight", "Hillary Clinton opposes Keystone XL pipeline", "Trump seeks to revive Dakota Access, Keystone XL oil pipelines", "Keystone XL Pipeline and Indigenous Peoples", "First Nations and Native American Leaders Arrested In Front Of White House To Protest Keystone XL Pipeline", "Application to the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission for a Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline Under the Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Act", "A Study of Water and Sediment Quality as Related to Public Health Issues", "Earl Hatley: Portrait of an Oklahoma activist", "Community, Aboriginal and Native American Relations", "Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist", "Daryl Hannah freed following arrest in pipeline protest", "Pipeline Review Is Faced With Question of Conflict", "Keystone XL: State Department cleared of conflict, not ineptness", "Keystone XL pipeline report slammed by activists and scientists", "EXCLUSIVE: State Dept. Below are the full rosters and coaching staff of the 16 teams of Minor League Baseball's Gulf Coast League East Division Gulf Coast League Cardinals. [67] [251] This project replaced the earlier proposed alternative Wrangler pipeline project from Cushing to the Gulf Coast. On February 24, 2015, the bill was vetoed and returned for congressional action. [8] This phase has generated the greatest controversy because of its routing over the Sandhills in Nebraska. [253] However, according to industries, the Seaway line alone is not enough for oil transportation to the Gulf Coast. [127] The report prompted 14 senators and congressmen to ask the State Department inspector general on October 26, 2011 "to investigate whether conflicts of interest tainted the process" for reviewing environmental impact. [49], September 2011 Cornell ILR Global Labor Institute released the results of the GLI Keystone XL Report, which evaluated the pipeline's impact on employment, the environment, energy independence, the economy, and other critical areas. May 28, 2020 The United States Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit denied a motion to stay the District Judge's ruling. It also included approximately 373 kilometres (232 mi) of new 30-inch-diameter (760 mm) pipeline, 16 pump stations and the Keystone Hardisty Terminal.