392-398 1. But Odysseus, wanting to hear the Sirens sing, without falling under the spell it casted, had his crew tie him tightly to the mast with many heavy ropes. The point of view can affect the way someone depicts the sirens. The song of the sirens notes their irresistible charm (“Sweet couples airs we sing. He says that they will have to tie him up and they should block their ears with something, that only he should listen to the Sirens songs. If you listen carefully, you can hear the wind-song becoming evermore insistent, the rocking of the ship, Odysseus’ screams, and finally the sirens plunging to their death. What does Odysseus order Telemachus to do when Odysseus gives him a signal. We will pass into a sea where sirens lay and woo worthless travelers into the cascades of the sea. The moral: don’t do drugs. Odysseus also encounters the famous sirens during his wanderings. (1 point) irritability loyalty curiosity generosity10. 4. Circe had told Odysseus about the sirens. What personality trait does Odysseus reveal when he devises a plan to listen to the Sirens sing and yet escape destruction? The Odyssey - Book 12 The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis - pg2. If the men are successfully drawn to the sirens, they will be killed by them. In the Odyssey, when Odysseus leaves the home of the goddess Circe, Circe warns Odysseus about the Sirens, saying of them, Next, where the Sirens dwells, you plough the seas; Their song is death, and makes destruction please. What does the episode of the sirens tell us about Odysseus character? A. loyalty B. curiosity C. generosity D. irritability 2 See answers vixenforhim vixenforhim B. In this line Odysseus uses the word I, this shows that the story is narrated by Odysseus and it is also in 1st person. 2. He alone hears their song flowing forth from the island, promising to reveal the future. He has his men bind him to the ship’s mast. the epic hero odysseus most clearly demonstrates the realistic, human side of his character when he? What does Odysseus learn from the sirens? How can Odysseus listen to the sirens and survive? Describe the sirens. … Odysseus knew what to do. What have we learned about Odysseus that suggests he will listen to the sirens’ song? The Sirens and Ulysses is a large oil painting on canvas by the English artist William Etty, first exhibited in 1837.It depicts the scene from Homer's Odyssey in which Ulysses (Odysseus) resists the bewitching song of the Sirens by having his ship's crew tie him up, while they are ordered to block their own ears to prevent themselves from hearing the song. Beautiful, winning maidens they looked; and they sang, entreating Odysseus by name to listen and abide and rest. As they sailed, an island appeared on the horizon and the sound of sweet music began to slowly fill the air as the sun shone brightly on their golden instruments, lighting up the landscape. Once the Sirens saw the ship, they started singing to it. Read the following passage from the Odyssey: Tell me, where was it, now, you left your ship— around the point, or down the shore, I wonder? he is tied to the mast of the boat and the rest of the sailors have beeswax in their ears so they will not give into his screams . (1 point) irritability loyalty curiosity generosity10. When Odysseus hears the song of the sirens he tries to free himself so that he can jump into the ocean. Curiosity. What personality trait does Odysseus reveal when he devises a plan to listen to the Sirens' song and yet escape destruction? How is Odysseus able to listen safely to the Sirens’ song? Odysseus has his men's ears filled with beeswax so they can't hear the sirens' beautiful but destructive song. https://composersforum.org/bandquest/odysseus-and-the-sirens The Sirens' song is talking about a promise to Odysseus. Odysseus instructs his men to tie him to the mast, telling them to ignore whatever he may say while under the sway of the Sirens’ song. If Odysseus’ men had not kept Odysseus at bay, the ship may have most likely crashed by Odysseus and his desire. The Sirens’ song is so seductive that Odysseus begs to be released from his fetters, but his faithful men only bind him tighter. Odysseus orders his men to stuff bees wax into their ears and to tie him to the mast. The Odyssey - Book 12 The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis - pg2. In the Odyssey, what personality trait does Odysseus reveal when he devises a plan to listen to the Sirens' song and yet escape destruction? The crew must tie him against the mast of the ship. Summarize the sirens' song, and explain how it would appeal to Odysseus and his men. lures sailors to destruction by the sweetness of her song. He eats a lotus flower, rendering him unable to swim to the Sirens’ island. which character trait does odysseus demonstrate when he lies about his name to the cyclops? Describe the threat posed by the sirens (lines 1-25). Forgiveness ; Credits; Circe. Circe, in book 12, tells Odysseus to not listen to the Sirens but to “Race straight past that coast!” ( 12.53) But knowing Odysseus’ nature of wanting to know and hear the Siren’s song even if it cost his life and maybe the lives of his shipmates Circe told him how to carry out the task of listening to the Siren’s song.