photos show acceptable condition. Bring water to a boil on the stove, and then place the groundhog in boiling water. Oriental Groundhog (via Frugal Yankee) 1 Groundhog 2 qts Water 1/4c Salt Grill in big fire or through your charcoal grill until they are fully cooked. Place chicken thighs in a slow cooker. Soak over night in salt water. Reduce heat; add 1/2 cup water. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Get one of our Groundhog cake recipe and prepare delicious and healthy treat for … Add groundhog. 1 tsp. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-5165746306112379"; Directions. Season with salt and pepper, then roll in flour and bacon grease. Blumstein wasn’t lying—not only is there a groundhog recipe from The Joy of Cooking, but books carrying recipes for the rodent go back at least as far as 1912 in the Baptist Ladies' Cook Book. Soak the groundhog in salt water for at least 4 hours, or overnight. The groundhog is a lowland creature of North America; it is found through much of the eastern United States, across Canada and into Alaska. The extra moisture and fat alongside the bone is said to enhance the flavor, which is rich and somewhat sweet." Then we killed the groundhog. If you are using a pan, just move the groundhog into it. Happy Travelers understand Pennsylvania’s excitement as we near February 2nd — Groundhog Day! In my first blog post, I discussed the failure of many businesses to address the opportunity for improvement, and the impact of poor budgeting on a business.Every year, I see transformational projects get put off because of lack of mind share, not due to lack of wallet share or business case. Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham With just four ingredients, this pineapple glaze for ham is straightforward and simple — just what you're looking for in … Drain and rinse the meat. After that, we skinned it out. How Fast are Groundhogs? © 2004-2021 Family Cookbook Project, LLC. Toss with the wild rice flour, then brown on medium high heat in the bacon fat. Add onion and cook over medium heat, stirring until softened. Development Chef Ben Johnson cooked up a winter cocktail called the Groundhog to keep us jolly right up until mid-March—and beyond. It was first scientifically described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. over 1,500,000 in our family cookbooks! How to cook a groundhog Blog: Professional advantage - BPM blog. Remove cover; cook for 10 minutes longer. each of thyme, oregano and parsly 1/2 tsp. Allow it to cook down for 2-3 minutes. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter LinkedIn Email. In this episode we dig into some groundhog in effort to stave off starvation. 1 cup quick or old-fashioned oats. Groundhog Week has been great, and we sum it all up with a fine recipe from Timber2Table blogger Michael Pendley. It's the fifth and final day of Groundhog Week. How to Skin and Cook Gopher: Step by step instructions for going about skinning, primitively cooking and eating the Common Pocket Gopher. Pictures within this Instructable may be discomforting.Disc… When hung for 48 hours, they are ready to the skinned and cooked. This will take 1 1/2 to 2 hours. We've talked about how to hunt groundhogs. It's the fifth and final day of Groundhog Week. Deselect All. Go here for more small game hunting stories and how-to's. Dredge the groundhog pieces in flour and saute them inside the Instant Pot or pressure cooker for a few minutes on each side. Serve over rice and garnish with sesame seeds. After all pieces have been browned remove and add the onion, celery, carrots, garlic, and ginger. Remove cover; cook for 10 minutes longer. The groundhog shown in the movie Groundhog Day looks like a cute little creature, but, in reality, there's nothing cute about these animals. So the groundhog saw his shadow. Remove the groundhog pieces from their marinade, pat dry and remove any rogue herbs or pieces of garlic. We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! Get Groundhog Cake Recipe from Food Network. A groundhog (Marmota monax)—otherwise known as a woodchuck, land beaver, or whistle pig—is a rodent.It will mercilessly eat the plants in your garden until there's nothing left and will make holes all over your yard. 1 1/2 cups boiling water. Click here to start your own cookbook! Cover; simmer for about 30 minutes or until tender. Blumstein wasn’t lying—not only is there a groundhog recipe from The Joy of Cooking, but books carrying recipes for the rodent go back at least as far as 1912 in the Baptist Ladies' Cook Book. Any excuse to throw a party and enjoy good food with friends is a good excuse! 1 tsp. | Animals - Best 10-14 about right.) Here's to good eating! Braise the groundhog until it is very tender. 'Cooking with the Groundhog' tells how to stew Punxsutawney Phil -- or, at least, one of his relatives -- and is a charming window into 1950s American cuisine. Groundhog Week has been great, and we sum it all up with a fine recipe from Timber2Table blogger Michael Pendley. Before you dig a hole to throw it in you should watch this video. Groundhog day is one of those holidays you kind of forget about until it’s February 2nd. February 5, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, January 29, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. How to cook a groundhog By Jonathan Marcer February 17, 2017 3 Mins Read. Break spicewood branches, and but into the pot. Groundhog cake recipe. Groundhog are best eaten in the early spring after hibernation. The blood should be drained, and the entrails removed and the body cavity wiped clean. Groundhogs are known to burrow in fields and pastures, along fences and roadsides, and near building foundations or the bases of trees, leaving mounds of soil at the dig site. In his book "Miami Spice," grilling master Steven Raichlen describes the flavor of alligator meat as being similar to both pork and freshwater fish. And today, we show you how to cook it. Not being much of a cook, I read how to cook a groundhog. Add wine, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Taste of Home. Move the whistlepig to a large cutting board and use two forks to shred the meat from the bone. . Believe it or not, many people celebrate this holiday by making groundhog-inspired food. Next morning when it is warm enough to open the doors and window, prepare a pot with salt water and a touch of vinegar. google_ad_height = 600; Return the groundhog to the heat and continue to … Carefully remove the groundhog from the heat and pull the foil up to allow steam to escape. Woodchuck meat is dark, but mild flavored and tender. All rights are retained by the contributor. each of thyme, oregano and parsly 1/2 tsp. Here are some of our favorite spring recipes to celebrate the groundhog not seeing his shadow. Slice the groundhog and place it in salt water overnight. Somewhere around 1/2 cup per gallon of water is a good place to start. COOKING WITH THE GROUNDHOG Compiled by The Adrian Hospital Auxiliary of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Season with 1 tablespoon Kosher salt and 1 teaspoon pepper. February 9, 2021   |  Turkey Blog with Steve Hickoff. *Recipes and photos entered into the Family Cookbook Project are provided by the submitting contributors. Remember that groundhog has been feeding only on the very best in your personal garden. Crumble when cool. There are all of the holidays that are a little bit stressful where you have to cook a huge meal, plan way ahead, chop down a tree, spend hours decorating the house, picking out the perfect gifts, etc. So you finally shot or trapped that groundhog that has been wrecking your garden. Add roughly 1/4 cup of the buttercream frosting into the bowl. Add garlic, thyme, fennel, pepper and bay leaf and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. I hunted for another book on the same subject and found that this author probably had never even seen one. deliver fine selection of quality Groundhog cake recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. According to Brentwood Trading Group, "The rib eye is sometimes served bone-in, particularly at high-end steakhouses. Pat the woodchuck dry and cook as you would rabbit. Most recipes recommend parboiling the groundhog as Step One. You can save the spin and ribcage for stock. Plate or serve in a shallow bowl and drizzle with sesame oil. How to throw a fantastically fun Groundhog Day party. Remove the groundhog pieces from their marinade, pat dry and remove any rogue herbs or pieces of garlic. Good appetite! Then we scouted out the groundhog. Its a place where we can celebrate a shadow, act cheesy, laugh, & enjoy simple things. The blood should be drained, and the entrails removed and the body cavity wiped clean. How It Works. Dredge the meat in flour seasoned with salt, pepper and your choice of savory herbs. My favorite way to cook rabbit meat (or groundhog) is breaded and fried, which results in moist and tender meat inside a crisp breading. Return the groundhog to the heat and continue to cook for another two to three hours at 250-275 degrees. Learn how to cook great Groundhog cake . Drain off all but 2 Tbls fat from the pan. Lower heat and simmer for 15 minutes. deliver fine selection of quality Groundhog cake recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. Learn more about the process to create a cookbook -- or []. Woodchuck, also known as groundhog, should be handled in accordance with the general rules for game in the field. It was evident from the first that the writer hadn't ever prepared one. You can bake and decorate cookies to look like a groundhog or add some fruit and other toppings to make a groundhog… Pour off the spent fat from the pan, deglaze the pan with the sherry, reduce by half, then add the stock, corn cob, cover the pan and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Cook, turning to coat with pork mixture, until heated through, about 1 minute.