1. 2. See this article for instructions. Open firewall ports in Windows 10 You can manually permit a program to access the internet by opening a firewall port. If you’re using the Microsoft Defender Firewall, and an app requires one or more ports open in order to operate, use these steps: Important: Before proceeding, check the app support documentation to know the ports and protocol type you need to open. ; Enter the command; netstat -a. To view the list of open ports: Open the command line. Open or close ports in Windows 10 Firewall. Download TCPView from the Sysinternals website, extract the exe file to your desktop and double-click on it. To check open ports, open a command prompt (or PowerShell) as administrator and run the netstat command as follows: netstat -aon. Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall. What you should pay attention to are Local Addresses that are in the LISTENING state. 2. Select Specific local ports, and then type the port number of the instance of the Database Engine, In my case we are using the default which is 1433. 1. Configuring Open Ports in Windows 10 Knowing how to check whether a specific port is open or not can come in handy if you’re troubleshooting a program network connection. At any one time, there’s a whole bunch of information being sent between your Windows 10 PC and the endless void of the Internet. The list of open ports will be displayed. 1. If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, switch to the “Details” tab in Task Manager. With the arrival of Windows 10, Microsoft added the new System Settings page, which was supposed to be the one to replace the control panel. In older versions of Windows, you’ll see this information on the “Processes” tab. Add the TCP or UDP protocol and the port number into the next window > click Next. To open a port in the Windows firewall for TCP access In the Rule Type dialog box, select Port, and then click Next. Open firewall port on Windows 10. As soon as you open the application, you will be shown a user agreement. Right click Inbound Rules and select New Rule 4 Add the port you need to open and click Next 5. In the Protocol and Ports dialog box, select TCP. You will need to know what port it … However, after several years, both options continue to coexist in the system. The tool is very similar to CurrPorts. Add the protocol (TCP or UDP) and the port number into the next window and click Next. Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall 2. Professor Robert McMillen shows you how to open a port in Windows 10 Firewall. Add the port you want to open > click Next. The command displays lots of information. Select Advanced settings and highlight Inbound Rules in the left panel 3. You will need to know what port it uses and the protocol to make this work. Sort the list of process by the “PID” column and find the PID associated with the port you’re investigating. Open firewall ports in Windows 10 You can manually permit a program to access the internet by opening a firewall port. Sysinternals TCPView is a Microsoft tool that makes it easy to view all the TCP connections and ports in use in Windows 10. Select Allow the connection > hit Next. As you can see in the previous screenshot, In my Windows 10 computer, port 22 (SSH) is open. This is done using a process whereby network-dependent processes seek out free TCP and UDP ‘ports’ through which they communicate with the Internet. Press Enter on the keyboard.