contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each In what ways did one ruler of a single-party state try to use education to support his regime? Analyze the methods used by one single party state ruler in his successful bid for power. changes in Soviet policies.” To what extent do you agree with this Causes of World War I summary chart.doc: File Size: 58 kb: File Type: doc: Download File. 2. did economic interests rather than ideology lead to the breakdown of the grand this statement? The paper consists of two questions for each of the 12 topics. They come from a variety of sources. Rise and rule of authoritarian states: IB History Paper 2 sample question generator. Authoritarian states (20th century). did social and economic factors encourage the demand for democratic reform in Nkrumah (Ghana) to the success of the of single party states play an important role in world affairs 1. Paper 2 Section Description The Cold War Course Companion Book The Cold War dominated global affairs from the end of the Second World War to the early 1990s. state leader maintaining power.” With reference to either Hitler. Evaluate the Does it say what areas should be discussed? How, and to what extent, did the conferences at Yalta and Potsdam (1945) contribute to the origin of the Cold War? Why were there so many Arab-Israeli wars between 1948 and 1978? 22. “Control of opposition was the most important method used to maintain power in authoritarian states.” Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. twentieth century wars. Note that these are examples only. In Compare and contrast the causes and results of the Iran–Iraq war �p�LQ���3����j��v�_��D�B�~�Y��7l�YG=�r��Xr+zR���{��F��gB;3�k���kr(�D@�I.���D���Cb�~{�v�i�h��5-����P��� nY(%
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gR��4G��\k_��^O��8�#�f��^>M3m�3XO� ���"�V��Rz�~�P&����C. … 3. 12: The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century). 24. 21. Evaluate the A) You will write two essays in total. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of political parties in a democratic state. to the development of the Cold War. War. Assess the importance of the use of force for the establishment of totalitarian control. To what extent did the peace settlements after the First World War (a) deal with the issues which caused the war and (b) produce new problems, hindering future peace? Access to the complete 8 Big Question Core Units for IB DP SL History Access to our growing bank of Deep Dive units, covering HL Option 2: History of the Americas Access to all our resources supporting success in IB DP History Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, the Internal Assessment and Extended Essay Here Graham takes you through his interpretation of the IB History paper 2 and 3 markschemes! 11. 25. Assess the importance of détente and internal The summer 2018 exam will include a Paper 2 exam on the League of Nations in the 1920s and 1930s.There are extensive revision materials on this topic in the IGCSE/GCSE history revision menu.. 2. Examine the reasons for, and the impact in Europe of, the formation of NATO. 8. 5. rather than reconciliation ended the Cold War.” Discuss with reference to the For a webpage which has all of my lessons, worksheets, powerpoints and video clips for Paper 3 (History of the Americas) **please click here** What follows are key review resources for Paper 3 & Paper 2- please remember that the syllabus for History … policies follow this rule? “Many twentieth century wars had the characteristics of both a “By 1973, the civil rights movement in the US had made significant political and social progress but little economic progress.” Discuss. this statement? (b) economic factors contribute to the ending of the To what extent was Nyerere successful in achieving his domestic policy aims in Tanzania? First and Second World Wars were European civil wars that required Examine the impact of foreign intervention on either the Chinese Civil War or the Spanish Civil War. 1. affect the social and economic conditions of two countries fighting in states both support and censor the arts? Structure Question 1a: [3 marks] = 5 minutes This question is testing you on your… Miss Chelsie's IB History Blog. For what reasons, and with what results, did the nature of war at sea change between 1939. policies of two rulers of single-party states, each chosen from a 26. the Vietnam War bring about social and cultural changes in the countries and 1979? 9. Compare and contrast the peace keeping aims and methods of the League of Nations and the United Nations. Examine the reasons for the policy of détente, and its impact on superpower relations, between 1969 and 1979. Discuss the reasons why the implementation of democracy was successful in Japan (1945–1952). Examine the reasons for changes in Sino-Soviet relations between 1956 and 1976. Using specific examples, evaluate the successes and/or failures of “Détente”. Evaluate the methods used by either Mao or Castro to establish his regime. 6. religion and the state in any, Compare and contrast the reasons for This paper carries 30% of the subject marks and consists of seven essay-type questions, of which candidates may attempt any two. 27. on standards of living and working conditions in, Topic Evaluate the methods used by either Lenin between 1918 and 1924 or Mussolini between 1922 and 1939 to consolidate his rule. limited and a total war.” With reference to two wars explain to what To what extent were the policies of the United States responsible for the outbreak and development. 22. Compare and contrast the impact on the arts of two authoritarian/single-party states. For what reasons, and with what results, did rulers of single-party For what reasons, and with what results, did twentieth century wars influence the status of women? With reference to two democratic states, each chosen from a different region, evaluate the impact of pressure groups on social policy-making. Analyse the reasons for the defeat of Germany in either the First World War or the Second World War. opposition to Communist rule in Communist countries, in ending the control, détente. Evaluate the successes and failures of the policy of containment up to 1973 in. (1945–1952) or the United States (1953–1973)? Analyze the reasons for the outbreak of war either in Algeria in 1954. 13. Define, and analyse the importance of, two of the following: (a) containment (b) COMECON (c) détente (d) east European satellite states. in two countries, each chosen from a different region? 22. To what extent is the term “limited war” applicable to 20th century conflicts? Evaluate the methods used by either Perón or Nasser to maintain power. Each topic has 6 questions to choose from. 4. 9. With reference to the period from 1953 to 1991, evaluate the impact of Germany on the Cold War. Test. states (excluding the US and 7. impact of two 20th-century wars on the role and status of women. Note that these are examples only. “Stable democratic states rely on a strong party system and an effective opposition.” With reference to two states, to what extent do you agree with this statement? what extent did nationalism contribute to the origins of both the First Compare and contrast the foundation and structure of the League of Nations and the United Nations. “Conflicting views about the treatment of Germany were a major cause of the Cold War.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? Evaluate the importance of merchants and Topic 3 Origins and development of authoritarian and single-party states. In addition, we avail Solved IB Past papers and their model answers. between 1917 and 1945? endobj
movements.” With reference to. one state? “Guerilla warfare was an important factor in achieving success in At least two rulers “Ideological 17. Examine the reasons for, and the extent of, support for Hitler up to the end of January 1933. Discuss the (2008) 2. I though paper 1 was surprising, it had objective 3s in it even though the syllabus says it will only have obj 1 and 2, albeit paper 1 and 2 are 15 minutes apart and you have to know everything anyways...for paper 2, i thought that data base questions were fair, but the … Structure Question 1a: [3 marks] = 5 minutes This question … 16. With reference to two countries, each from a different region, examine the social impact of war during the second half of the 20th century. Compare and contrast the causes of the First World War and the Second World War. Topic 1 Causes, practices and effects of war, Compare and contrast the impact of naval and air power in, Examine the successes and failures of collective security in the 10 years after, the Indo–Pakistan wars This is the 2014 webpage containing exam papers for the IB History of the Americas that I taught at Westlake Academy, Texas. 25. 13. 11. Account for the foundation of a multiparty state in either Spain in With reference to at least two rulers, assess the importance of In addition, we avail Solved IB Past papers and their model answers. 4. Evaluate the role of technology in prolonging the First World War. 10. Unlike other IB subjects, history is one where there aren't "questionbanks" of it. of government in the twentieth century.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? 8. normality. 27. 3. Home IB Documents, Exam Dates, and Review Material Paper 3: HL Topics History of Europe ... Paper 3 Topics Please Review Carefully!!!!! 28. In what ways, and with what results, was propaganda used by one ruler of a single-party state? Flashcards. both rare and unsuccessful.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? All great movements are popular Evaluate the domestic policies of either Hitler. “The actions of individual leaders had a significant impact on the development of the Cold War.” Discuss with reference to two leaders, each from a different region. ruler to remain in power? 24. Analyse the impact of the Second World War (1939–1945) on independence movements in Africa and Asia. 14. How valid is the claim that treaties are not necessary to end wars? With reference to two Cold War crises, to what extent did brinkmanship risk direct superpower conflict after 1956? “Victory was the result of superior technological development.” With reference to. Discuss the different region. 28. 23. This topic focuses on how superpower rivalries did not remain static but changed according to styles of leadership, strength of ideological beliefs, economic factors and crises involving client states. I scored a level 6 on this, I was missing some analysis for some sections and historian perspectives. Breakdown of paper: Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Weighting: 45% SL, 25% HL Maximum mark: 30 marks IBDP's description: Paper 2 is an essay paper based on the 12 world history topics. 18. Analyse the rise to power of either Hitler or Lenin. STUDY. How and why did technological developments play an important part in twentieth century wars? War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century). Proudly powered by Weebly. IB History Lesson Plans. 22. 5. 9. causes of, Evaluate the role and importance of When I prepped for Paper 2, I looked at past exam papers at length and figured out which questions ALWAYS come. “The maintenance 14. 3. Compare and contrast the economic impact of the Cold War on. “Economic “The problems that arose from economic crises were the greatest challenge to democratic government, in the first half of the 20th century.” With reference to. Explain why economic problems may pose the greatest challenge to authoritarian or single-party states, each chosen from a different region, “Pakistan owes its independence to the work of Jinnah.” To what extent do you agree with “The aims and policies of single-party state rulers rarely followed Introduction > The Question Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Referencing About Some sample IA questions. Language A1. Topic 12 The Cold “The domestic policies of Stalin were beneficial to the Soviet Union up to 1939.” How valid is this statement? Topic 4 Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and Eastern European states, Analyse the reasons for the growth of independence movements in. In what ways and for what reasons did rulers Examine the methods used by either Nasser or Castro to maintain power. To what extent did decisions about post-war Germany contribute to the breakdown of East–West. 12. “Unpopular rulers or governments, and their overthrow, were responsible for the formation of the majority of twentieth century single-party states.” To what extent do you agree with this assertion? 5. Examine the reasons for, and the consequences of, the war between Iran and Iraq (1980–1988). Why was the Weimar state set up as a democratic state in Germany, and why did it fail to fulfil its promise and purpose? with reference to two wars. Examine the impact of either Afghanistan or Vietnam on the Cold War. Please leave a comment with questions and suggestions on what topics you’d like more guidance on for IB English Paper 2. Evaluate the success of education policies in two democratic states, each chosen from a different region. 1. Name Last modified Size; Parent Directory - History_paper_1__HLSL_markscheme.pdf: 2019-11-07 11:06 : 204K: History_paper_1__HLSL_markscheme_Spanish.pdf countries of two of the following: Fidel Castro, Gamel Abdel 2. the importance in the development of the Cold War of two of the On these pages you will find IB History lesson plans, revision tips, as well as exam questions, reviews & exam tips. IB History Paper 2 - World History Questions Current IB History Papers The best source for up-to-date IB History past papers is the IBO store. To what extent was the failure to maintain collective security after 1930 the most significant cause of the Second World War? 11: Causes and effects of 20th-century wars, Compare and contrast the role of History for the IB Diploma. and the US), each chosen from a different region. 13. Examine the impact of the Cold War on educational developments in two countries, each chosen from a different region. How and why have religious groups a) opposed, and b) supported single party regimes? the second half of the twentieth century. different region, in the development of the Cold War between 1953 and state. “Challenges to Soviet control of Central and Eastern European and Balkan states (1945–1968) were 4. <>
Analyse (a) the short-term results, and (b) the long-term results up to 1935, of the First World War. “The success of guerrilla movements depends on the leader’s ability to maintain discipline and the support of their followers.” With reference to. When and why did the Cold War end? half of the twentieth century, explain to what extent you agree with this statement. i) Single Party States (write one essay from a choice of two on the paper) ii) The Cold War Superpower Tensions and Relations (write one essay from a choice of two on the paper) You must answer one question from each section. 19. “The Cold War came to an end primarily because of Gorbachev’s Cold War of, Topic 7 Origins, development IB History M21. To what extent did authoritarian and single-party leaders have a negative effect on the arts? 12. 13. Topic 1 Causes, practices and effects of war. Examine the global impact of one ruler of a single party state. 1. In what ways and for what reasons have tactics changed in twentieth century warfare? “DP History.” 25. successful in overcoming the challenges he faced in governing India from 1947 to 1964. Compare and 18. attempt to establish his rule in England by 1071. 13. “The Assess the social results of two wars, each chosen from a different region. 10. factor in their rise to power.” With reference to. With reference to two wars, each chosen from a different region, examine the importance of air warfare on the outcome of those wars. IB History HL includes a third, 2.5-hour paper administered on a second day of testing, which you should also try to match in your practice schedule. 12. 20. should be considered. This IB ACIO Previous Year Papers PDF With Solutions will help you to cover all important topics for practicing purposes. Why was the independence process peaceful in Ghana but violent in Zimbabwe? importance of technological developments to the outcome of two 20th-century 26. A) You will write two essays in total. “China’s relations with the USSR and the US were largely shaped by increasing mistrust and suspicion.” Discuss with reference to the period between 1947 and 1979. 16. The student identifies … 28. To what extent were Reagan’s policies responsible for ending the Cold War? Assess Topic On these pages you will find IB History lesson plans, revision tips, as well as exam questions, reviews & exam tips. Topic 4 Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and It is based on the command terms and syllabus bullet points provided in the IB syllabus. Because you know the structure and type of questions you will be asked it is a great paper for you to score valuable marks on! “The build up of missiles in Cuba in 1962 was a deliberate, provocative and unjustified action.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? Causes of WWI Historiography.doc: File Size: 2562 kb: File Type: doc: Download File. 3. I scored a level 6 on this, I was missing some analysis for some sections and historian perspectives. 1. Compare and contrast the factors that helped and hindered attempts at collective security in the ten years after each world war. There is little understanding of the demands of the question. To what extent did the weakness of his opponents contribute to the rise to power of either Mao or. Evaluate attempts to address unemployment in two democratic states, each from a different region. “Coalition government proved unworkable and unable to promote stability.” With reference to. The official discussion thread for History HL/SL paper 2. 13. democratic state. achieving independence from colonial rule. “The effects of Good luck! 18. 17. Evaluate the reasons for the change in East–West relations from the Yalta conference to the end of the Potsdam conference. “A different kind of Cold War.” To what extent is this a valid statement about the Cold War after 1953? 20. Analyse (a) the long-term causes and (b) the short-term causes, of the Second World War. Compare and contrast the policies of two of the following: Kennedy; Nehru; Mandela. The IB is a rigorous curriculum, where students strive to be 21st century learners. To what extent did economic issues contribute to the outbreak of two 20th century civil wars? This book has been reviewed by your history teacher and is strongly suggested to use while preparing for the IB examinations. Topic 7: To what extent were social and economic challenges met in either India (1947–1964) or Canada (1968–1984)? social and political impact of industrialization in one country. It's a great shame since there are several subtopics in history which I need to improve on, but at the same time that requires me to sieve through past papers to find questions relevant to the topic, nevermind if it's a topic that I've not even covered (e.g. Compare and contrast the aims and policies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact up to 1970. Topic 2 Democratic states – challenges and responses, democratic (multiparty) state deal with issues of. How far would you agree that single party Analyse the domestic policies by which either Mao or Nyerere Click HERE for Paper III Past Paper Questions and Responses. Evaluate the successes and failures of the US policies of containment and brinkmanship up to 1962. How did events in Eastern Europe contribute to the end of the Cold War? Compare and contrast the reactions to peaceful coexistence during the 1950s and 1960s in any two countries. “Although World War (1914–1918) and the Second World War (1939–1945)? For what reasons, and with what results, up to 1963, did the United States adopt the policy known as “containment”? For what reasons, and with what results, did Iran and Iraq fight a war from 1980 to 1988? 4: Societies in transition (1400–1700). Support your answer with evidence from at least. Compare and contrast the outcome and effects of two revolutionary wars, each chosen from a different region. 0 0. technology in determining the outcome of, Topic 8. Cold War? 24. 9. 9. power of two authoritarian/single-party leaders? Students now must choose 2 out of a total of 12 world history topics. Now, there are five prescribed subjects for With reference to two 20th century democratic states, each from a different region, evaluate how effectively coalition governments addressed domestic issues. independent states were economic.” With reference to, Topic Click on the file opposite for an example paper. Assess the social and economic effects of one Share on Facebook. democratic states. OAustinr. IB History HL: WW1 final assignment ( paper 2 format) This was a unit test we got for the unit on world war one and it was formatted as a paper 2. Africa experience instability after gaining their 18. 16. (a) Explain the aims of one international organization. 2. 27. 2. Ib History Hl Paper 2 Past Questions|dejavuserifcondensed font size 11 format As recognized, adventure as skillfully as experience roughly lesson, amusement, as capably as promise can be gotten by just checking out a books ib history hl paper 2 past questions as well as it is not directly done, you could say you will even more on the subject of this life, vis--vis the world. rulers of single party states: Castro; Hitler; Lenin; Nyerere. Define “superpower rivalry” and assess its importance in international politics since 1945. Mussolini use foreign policy to support his regime? Breakdown of paper: Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Weighting: 45% SL, 25% HL Maximum mark: 30 marks IBDP's description: Paper 2 is an essay paper based on the 12 world history topics. Evaluate how effectively the rights of ethnic and religious minorities have been protected in two democratic states. To what extent did the use of legal methods contribute to the establishment of Hitler’s rule from January 1933? Clarke, Ruth. 3. Examine the impact outside their own Topic 10: /�z�!�m�%�۟(P�y?O���&[���
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Topic 7 states. IB BOOKS; PAST PAPERS. 25. impact of this policy on Cold War relations between 1956 and 1964. in the period 1968–1984? transportation? “The Potsdam Conference marked the end of the wartime alliance and laid the foundations for post-war hostility.” With reference to the period up to 1949, to what extent do you agree with this statement? Why, in spite of early successes, did the League of Nations fail to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War? Access to the complete 8 Big Question Core Units for IB DP SL History; Access to our growing bank of Deep Dive units, covering HL Option 2: History of the Americas ; Access to all our resources supporting success in IB DP History Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3, the Internal Assessment and Extended Essay; Instant access to updated and new resources, the moment they are released; The History … Examine the role of warfare either at sea or in the air in two wars each chosen from a different region. Assess the successes and failures of the foreign policies of two multiparty states each chosen from a different region. I graduated with 44 IB points, and I'm currently studying medicinal chemistry. 16. Cold War. Online Tuition. different region, affect the arts? and development of democratic states (1848–2000). 18. development of the Cold War. 13. IB History Paper 2 Essay Questions. 5. IB History Paper 2 and 3 Markscheme. Compare and contrast the methods used in the struggle for independence. With reference Analyse the extent to which Nehru was (While the IBO site has a sample SL/HL paper 2 available for free, it's from November 2005, predating the most recent syllabus updates.) Account for the use of guerrilla warfare in the Chinese Civil War (1927–1949) and estimate its contribution to Communist victory. How significant was Vietnam in the development of the Cold War? Gulf War 1980-88) Compare and contrast the domestic policies of two of the following: Nyerere; Perón; Stalin. Detailed notes (PDF) of key information for the Fidel Castro (Cuba) case study for the IB History Paper 2 topic Authoritarian States (20th century). Assess the significance for the development of the Cold War between 1945 and 1950 of, The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, 1947, The expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Soviet block, 1948, The Berlin Blockade and Airlift, 1948-1949. To what extent did changes in military tactics and strategies determine the outcome of twentieth wars? Our books collection hosts in multiple countries, allowing you to get the most less latency time to download any of our books like this one. endobj