I thought that the story was excellent, full of twists and turns, a good script and some wonderful acting. Martin Compston, Vicky McClure und Adrian Dunbar sind seit Beginn in den Hauptrollen zu sehen. Shipped with USPS First Class. While I did not think this series was as taught as its predecessors, it was still way above par for crime drama. But after being paid a visit from DS Steve Arnott, Huntley immediately suspected Ifield of ratting her out to AC-12 and paid a visit to his home. Hello. Now can't wait for a new series. In der 5. Staffel gehen weiter. Brilliant series and a brilliant cast. Thandie Newton (Westworld, Crash) stars as DCI Roz Huntley in the fourth series of the critically-acclaimed police corruption drama. Nick later argued with his wife, who he accused of having an affair with Ifield, having seen her go into his building on the night of his murder using his car. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Line of Duty recap: series four, episode five – Roz Huntley, life-ruiner What a shocking and superb episode, which left Ted, Kate and Steve with the deck firmly stacked against them. Jed Mercurio. Auslaufartikel (Produktion durch Hersteller eingestellt) Through three main characters are beautifully played and draw the viewer in to their lives and investigations. 4.0 out of 5 stars SEASON 5 can be found via a 'non-Prime' search of LINE OF DUTY 5 to purchase or view with Acorn Reviewed in the United States on April 10, 2020 Though Series 1 started out slow, Series 2-5 are gripping and must be binged. Mir gefällt bis jetzt jede Staffel. : Rezension aus Deutschland vom 10. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. Staffel von Line of Duty bekommt es AC-12 mit organisierten Kriminellen zu tun, die einen Maulwurf bei der Polizei eingeschleust haben. Back at AC-12, the team were alerted when the remains of one of balaclava man’s victims were found, and they noted how the body had been kept in a deep freeze prior to disposal. Still not convinced he was guilty, AC-12 raced to find evidence against Huntley, and realised she would have left Ifield’s flat in a different set of clothes that would have been disposed of with the outfit she killed him in. Series 4. Hilton later instructed her to obtain the password of DC Jamie Desford so she could download DI Matthew Cottan’s (aka The Caddy) dying declaration. I … She told of how Lakewell had spoken to Nick when Arnott came to his office, with Lakewell then tipping off Hilton. Line of Duty S04E05 2017 Tv.Series part 2/2. 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 20. Line Of Duty S04E06. Oktober 2017. Writer. Line of Duty season four aired last year on BBC One, with Thandie Newton joining the Line of Duty cast. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. With the support of Hilton, she managed to get the investigation shut down... at least so she thought. It was their best-performing drama series in ten years with a consolidated audience of 4.1 million viewers. After he’d been taken away, she ran one of her husband’s jumpers over a hairbrush she had taken from Ifield’s flat, thus setting evidence up against him. Series two of Line of Duty is airing on BBC One for the first time, featuring Keeley Hawes’ seemingly suspicious DI Lindsay Denton at the centre of AC-12’s covert investigation. With police concluding he must have been ‘H’, the investigation against Hastings was dropped. 10 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 6. The Line Of Duty series 4 finale did not disappoint. I highly recommend series 3 as well as 1 and 2 for viewers that enjoy being challenged rather than just entertained by a storyline. Realising the cases might be connected, this allowed AC-12 to pursue a new line of enquiry and reopen their investigation. It revealed Cottan had been working for a higher power - a corrupt officer within the force, known simply as ‘H’. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or tab and request a shipping method to your location. März 2018. Of course there's a twist... but it's not what you're expecting. Sometimes the plots are a little bit convoluted and I'm sure the police squirm about the manner in which they are portrayed!!! TheilTanya9347. EissePaula7077. Really enjoyed this series. Hristotakis. When the blood sample Huntley doctored returned from the lab at AC-12′s request, it was revealed to contained white fibres from the forensic oversuit. Line of Duty - Cops unter Verdacht, Staffel 4 [2 DVDs], Line of Duty - Cops unter Verdacht, Staffel 5 [2 DVDs], Line of Duty - Series 1-4 [DVD] [UK Import]. Damit hoffen die Macher hinter der Serie… 54:02. 8:38. Im Mittelpunkt der englischen Krimi-Serie "Line of Duty" stehen die Ermittlungen von AC-12, die intern gegen bestechliche Polizisten ermittelt. 100% TOMATOMETER When the alarm was raised over Ifield’s disappearance, Roz arrived at the scene and heard that a sample of blood has been taken from a spatter on the kitchen counter where she’d hit her head during her showdown with Ifield. The series follows Superintendent Ted Hastings, DS Steve Arnott and DS Kate Fleming as they investigate the corrupt actions of DCI Roseanne Huntley. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. 1:33. As we continue our series-by-series recap, here’s everything that happened... After months of investigation into a balaclava-clad serial killer, DCI Roz Huntley became an AC-12 suspect when her colleague, Forensic Coordinator Tim Ifled, alerted the anti-corruption unit to the fact she had deliberately ignored forensic evidence in order to press charges against a suspect, who he believed to be innocent. Arnott quickly remembered how the body of Jackie Laverty (the woman who murdered after working for gangster Tommy Hunter in series one) was also kept in a freezer. As Roz Huntley’s arm injuries worsened, she collapsed at home, and was later seen in hospital after having her arm amputated, as her wound had contracted MRSA. Line of Duty is a British police procedural BBC television series created by Jed Mercurio and produced by World Productions.On 26 June 2012, BBC Two began the broadcast of the first series. 3:14. With the net tightening on her, Huntley appealed to ACC Hilton for help, who gave her information about AC-12 to use against them, in an attempt to stop their investigation. Nick Huntley was later interviewed by Superintendent Hastings over Arnott’s attack, but let go at the insistence of his solicitor, Jimmy Lakewell. However, from my experience, the police always disapprove of the way they are portrayed in any crime series. After phone calls between Ifield and one of balaclava man’s spared victims were found discovered in his call history, Huntley then sought to link him to the case she was building against the original suspect, Michael Farmer. During questioning, she admitted to killing Ifield in self defence, but in a shock twist, she then arrested her solicitor - the aforementioned Lakewell - and exposed a web of lies. However, it lead him to wrongly conclude Nick killed Ifield with Huntley protecting him, and a warrant was issued for their arrest. Buy Line of Duty - Series 4 [DVD] from Amazon's DVD & Blu-ray TV Store. DS Kate Flemming was placed undercover on Huntley’s team as AC-12 began their investigation. The fourth series – the first to air on BBC One – saw Thandie Newton join the cast as DCI Roz Huntley, who came under suspicion of falsifying forensic evidence. Series 4, Episode 4. What sets this piece apart is its study of the individual in that structure and the evolution upward as well as downward that occurs with disturbing regularity. Episode 1. Januar 2018. Episode guide; Previous Next; Series 4, Episode 3: Series 4, Episode 5: Episode Four is the fourth episode of the fourth series of Line of Duty and the twenty-first overall episode which was first … What can I say? As AC-12 rushed to find Hilton, it was revealed Desford too was a corrupt officer, tipping Hilton off that his crimes had been exposed. Arnott headed to his offices, but upon his arrival, was left for dead after being pushed down a flight of stairs by a man in a balaclava. The next day, Hilton is found dead, presumed as a suicide. Line Of Duty S04E06 FRENCH - Part 03. Running Time. A drama about the investigations of AC-12, a controversial police anticorruption unit. Shipping cost cannot be … Entdecken Sie Line of Duty, Series 4 und weitere TV-Serien auf DVD- & Blu-ray in unserem vielfältigen Angebot. Die Idee zur Serie stammt von Jed Mercurio (Bodyguard). This drama's unique internal slant on police procedures and the impact of power struggles on the escalation of corruption is as interesting in this venue as it is in other modern institutional structures. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 18. She did by falsifying forensics with samples of Ifield’s blood she had from the white forensic oversuit that he had been wearing when she killed him, although she had taken him out of this and removed it from the crime scene. The fourth series – the first to air on BBC One – saw Thandie Newton join the cast as DCI Roz Huntley, who came under suspicion of falsifying forensic evidence. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Es passiert recht viel und man weiß nie im voraus wie es ausgeht. BBC One. 'Line of Duty' is a police procedural drama created by Jed Mercurio (Bodyguard). I highly recommend watching series 1-3. Blimey. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Januar 2019, Fast paced, intriguing and excellent crime drama, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 13. During questioning, Lakewell revealed that there was not just one ‘balaclava man’, but many of them who are operating as part of an organised crime gang, exonerating not only Ifield of the murders, but original suspect Farmer too. Police drama about the investigations of anticorruption unit AC-12. Die Dreharbeiten für die neue Staffel der UK-Serie Line of Duty sind wieder in vollem Gange. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Line of Duty. The acting is superb and the plot offers compelling insight into self preservation. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 27. Subscribe and Watch Full : https://onhomeflix-net.blogspot.com/tv/43982/1/1 Super, von solchen Serien könnte es mehr geben. Phew. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. Privacy Policy, SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERTAINMENT NEWSLETTER, After months of investigation into a balaclava-clad serial killer, DCI Roz Huntley became an AC-12 suspect when her colleague, F. Tim Ifled, alerted the anti-corruption unit to the fact she had deliberately ignored forensic evidence in order to press charges against a suspect, who he believed to be innocent. 59:02. Line Of Duty series 4 episode 6 review. The first three series were fantastic and this carries on in the same vein. Line of Duty (TV Series 2012– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. PC Maneet Bindra was exposed as an informant on her department, when she was seen handing a file to Hilton. Der Artikel ist in folgender Variante leider nicht verfügbar. Producer(s) Cait Collins. After a physical altercation ensued, Huntley ended up presumed dead. The second series broadcast began on 12 February 2014; its widespread … Realising the game could be up, and furious with her husband for allowing her arm to be amputated, Huntley managed to get one step ahead of AC-12 thanks to a heads-up from a colleague, and she arrested Nick for Ifield’s murder. Juni 2017. Spoiler alert: this blog is for people watching series four of Line of Duty (it also contains spoilers from earlier series). Major spoilers ahead in our review… By Louisa Mellor | April 30, 2017 | … Line of Duty: Dreharbeiten zur 6. Nick was later charged with Ifield’s murder after Huntley lead police to the contaminated jumper. Jed Mercurio’s police correction drama is coming back to screens – with a new guest lead. Hilton accused Hastings of being ‘H’, and served him with a notice to formally answer the allegations. 59 minutes. The team brought her in for questioning, believing they had enough evidence to suspend her from duty. A dismembered body is discovered, and worries grow when Roz fails to report for duty. In a career-defining case, Roz is under intense pressure … Original Network . 29 Episodes Available ... Series 4; Series 5; Scroll Series Navigation right. It will be difficult to enjoy another after having finished this one. After The Caddy was finally unmasked at the end of series three of Line Of Duty, AC-12 tackled a new case in 2017. She later covered her tracks by deep cleaning the flat and cutting off three of his fingers that had scratched her on the arm. BBC iPlayer is still airing Line of Duty season four if … A dozen protest in Myanmar, residents bang pots and pans … Hilton later instructed her to obtain the password of DC Jamie Desford so she could download DI Matthew Cottan’s (aka The Caddy) dying declaration. Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. Line of Duty ist eine britische Drama-Serie aus dem Hause BBC. After further questioning of Michael Farmer unearths crucial new information, AC … Mai 2017. If you enjoyed the first three series you will not be disappointed by this one. Juni 2017. ArdoPiipjoc48ap09. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. However, an odd camera angle and look from Hastings in the final moments of the series has led to the idea that he could really be ‘H’ after all... Get top stories and blog posts emailed to me each day. It's difficult to NOT binge watch because the end of each episode leaves you with the need to know how everything plays out. During a visit to Hilton to explain the theory that Ifield was framed for the murders, Hilton played Hastings Cottan’s dying declaration that he had obtained from Maneet. Shipping and handling. Not sure why why we had to pay for the season when Line of Duty used to be included with Prime membership but the 10 bucks is well worth it. This was an injury continued to worsen as the series went on, and would prove to be vital in nailing her (if you’ll pardon the pun). This item will ship to United States, but the seller has not specified shipping options. They also deduced that the MRSA in Huntley’s now amputated arm would have been present in Ifield’s fingernails, with the bacteria therefore contaminating the balaclava he later placed over his head. 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