PS, try the 25-06 on steel plate. Most hunters will require a 600-800 Yardage. As long as the shooter does his job, there is not a WT deer that will be standing after a good shot. For instance, both are considered highly accurate, both use the identical .308-inch diameter, both have impressive range and moderate recoil, and both are ideal for hunting almost all medium and large-sized animals in North America. Accuracy. Enter the .308. The performance of 30-30 vs 308 in the short-range shooting is almost the same. I am an old school 30.06 guy, some find that kind of boring though (no pun intended). Moreover, since the .308 Winchester and the .30-06 Springfield share common traits, picking one over the other can be even more difficult. While the .30-06 was meant for rifles with a long action, the .308 was meant for short action rifles. The little .243 and .30-06 share the same diameter head size because they both spring from the 7mm Mauser cartridge of 1892. With a simple barrel change, the bolt face diameter of the cartridge can easily be converted to fit other calibers such as .243 Winchester, 22-250 Remington and .300 Savage. Re: .243 vs .308 308 Winchester isn't any more accurate than 243 Winchester. A 30/06 with a 150 or a 165 grain bullet seems to be so close in terms of ballistics (looking at Winchester factory specs) to the 100 grain bullet in 243. Re: 243 vs 7mm08 vs 308 vs 30-06 vs 270 I've used them all, and my favorite is the one that is in my hands on that day. They are all extremely popular calibers, for a dang good reason. For your use overkill. 243 vs 7mm-08 vs 308 Winchester: Which Is Right For You? As a result, the .308 case holds 56 grains of water compared to the .30-06's 68 grains. That’s a case capacity difference of 20.07% favoring the .25-06 Remington. When using the .30-06 in the bush, use a 200gr bullet, instead of a 180gr for the .308. vs .243 at 8.8 ft. lbs. 308 Winchester vs 30-06 Springfield . 308 Winchester vs 223 Remington . Is the felt recoil/noise really a whole lot different? Interested in your comments. The .243 is essentially a shortened .30-06, although it was made by necking down the .308 Win., which is itself essentially a shortened .30-06. The recoil of a 30-06 SPRG round is more powerful than a .243 WIN so keep that in mind while searching for scopes. And the .308 has less recoil velocity. I don't actually notice much real difference between them all. In the hunting world at the moment, there is a great debate amongst hunters on which ammo is the best for hunting among the .223 Remington, the .30-06 and .308. EDIT: I guess given a choice, I would say .308. The .308 has a shorter action, 7.62X51mm(.308) vs 7.62X63mm(.30-06). As always, you need to take the recoil into consideration before buying because the bigger the round, the stronger the kick. 243 vs 6.5 Creedmoor: Cartridge Sizes. .308 and .270 recoil are about identical, which isn't quite 30% less than .30-06. But, advancements in ammo propellant allowed Winchester to develop a smaller round with similar ballistics to the .30-06.. Both rounds are great for big-game animals. Which would lead you to believe that this round might “buck” you even less vs the recoil of that .243… All the old favorites are normally there, like the classic Marlin, Remington and Ruger rifles. You can see the similarities and differences between the 6.5 Creedmoor and the .243 Winchester in the photo below. It seems undeniable that the military cartridges always seem to be available – the .308, .30-’06, 7×57, .223 and .45-70 either are or were military cartridges – but the commercial developments have ebbed and flowed over the years. When I first started hunting over 20 years ago, a friend loaned me several calibers of rifles (.30-06, .243, .270, and .264 mag) to try out & after shooting all of them several times, I was most comfortable with the .30-06 and decided that was what I was going to use. The diameter of the 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge case head is .473 inch, which is the same length as the 30-06 inch family cartridges. Right now I have a Browning A-bolt 30/06 and am toying with the idea of a 243. The higher velocity means this round is going to shoot flatter at longer ranges than the .308. has benefitted from bullet innovation in a way the .270 Win. The .308 Win. The fact however still remains that each has its strength and weaknesses, but nonetheless, which is better among them? The .308 is down a ways, but within 300 yards, there is little difference between the 3. In place of this, this section will review why the .308 Winchester when put in contrast with .223 Remington and .30-06 Springfield. There are other well suited calibers like the 270, 30-06 etc, but what really counts is the shooter. Thinking about replacing your .308 for competition shooting? The .30-06 is +/- 200fps faster that the .308, both guns are excellent for bush and long distance. with the 115 gr Balistic Tips it actually out-penetrated the .308 with 168gr match ammo! If you can have a second one, the 25-06 will fill in the lower spectrum from varmints to medium game extremely well. First, the two cartridges are very similar in size and use a rimless bottlenecked case. Getting back to the popularity vs. availability issue, I believe it is a double-edged sword. If you're only going to have one hunting rifle, stick with the 30-06 for versatility. We go back and forth on what's better between a .270 Winchester, a .308 Winchester and a .30-06 Springfield. It … It is a .308 necked down to 6.5 mm. However, there's one bolt-action that seems to … Similarly, the 308 Winchester is regarded as a decided improvement over the 30-30, since it throws the same .308 caliber bullets, but much faster. Using online recoil calculation programs shows about 12 ft lbs for a 100 gr 243 and 22-24 ft lbs for a 30-06, if both are fired from 7.5 lb rifles. The .243 would have been a hit here some decades ago. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 8 of 8 Posts ... the .308 is going to be hard to beat out of that list, even though all of them will do you right. It's usually easy to find a lot of 30-30, .308, and 30-06, but stuff like .243, 7mm-08, etc, can get somewhat scarce (just 1 or 2 boxes on the shelf) during non-hunting season. At 200 yds. BALLISTIC ANALYSIS. That was one tough lock! Meanwhile the poor little 243 Winchester, which is the 308 Winchester case necked down to accept 243-caliber bullets, is suspect. Your money would be better spent re-barreling the Savage than on buying another factory stick. Two very popular rifle calibers ever created, heres a simple look at .308 Win vs 30-06 and points out the practical differences between the two. But the .308 Win. The barrel on the 308 Win will last longer though. I think that the 30.06 is the most accurate and I have taken several deer with it over the years. If you're whitetail deer hunting on the Kansas plains, you might want to go with a .30-06 hunting rifle. 270: Is the long distance 243. Normally 30-06 comes in 1:10 twist which allows for heavier bullets than 308, but once you get to the 220 grains bullets, you might as well go for a 300 winmag. The .308 will also have a little bit less recoil. 6.5 Creedmoor vs 308 Winchester Debate Settled. Recoil Energy – 9.0 ft. lbs. With its higher velocity and better trajectory, shooting a 308 ammo would still be accurate at 400 yards than the 30-30, which most likely performs better at about 200 yards. The .308 Win cartridge is usually found in short actions, while the extra case length of the .30-06 requires a long action rifle. 308 Ammo Vs 243 Ammo BY 308 Ammo Vs 243 Ammo in Articles @Subscribe "Today, if you … A good custom barrel will be more accurate in either caliber than a factory barrel. The neck diameter and base diameter of the 7mm are 0.315 inches and 0.512, respectively, compared to the 30-06 that are 0.340 inches and 0.471 inches. When .308 was first offered to the public, .30-06 was the dominant cartridge for marksmen and competitive rifle shooters. It's rally flat and has great ballistics out to 800 yards from what I am told. Both are rated for deer. Recoil Velocity – 8.1 fps vs .243 at 8.7 fps; Barely any difference in this .308 recoil vs the recoil energy of the .243. ⭐ 308 Ammo Vs 243 Ammo Best Prices 2021 Ads, Deals and Sales. Past 1000 Yards, however, there is a lot of visible difference on the 308 Vs 30-06 Ballistics Chart. The overall cartridge length is 2.825 inches. .308 i really feel is only a viable round out to about 250 yards for a deer, as stated before placement is everything but when you look at the velocity of a .308 vs 30-06 or .243 out past 300 it is not a great choice. .308 vs .30-06: The Differences: The largest difference between .308 vs .30-06 is that the former uses a shorter case, as .308 Winchester is 2.8 inches in overall length and .30-06 is 3.34 inches in length. The semi-automatic M1 Garand is probably the most famous rifle chambered in .30-06.It was deployed extensively in World War II and the Korean War. In many ways, the .308 versus .30-06 revolves around the issue of accuracy. The 30-06 isn't so interesting, since it is just a big brother of the 308. I have owned .243 bolt action, .308 semi auto and a 30.06 bolt. You cannot notice the differences in accuracy at ranges under 1000 Yards. The 243 is a .308 necked down to 6mm. The .30-06 was a stretched 7×57. Give the .243 a look.SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS!!!! I’m not saying it’s a huge issue, but I am saying I’ve met more than a few shooters who can shoot an ’06 well, but fall apart with a .300 Magnum. Both have the same accuracy potential. Looking at the table above, it immediately becomes apparent that the .25-06 Remington is ballistically superior to the .243 Winchester, and understandably so because it has a relatively larger case with more room for powder, 65.8 grains vs.only 54.8 grains in the .248 Winchester’s case. Compared to the 30-06, the 30 caliber round is 7.62mm (roughly 0.308) in diameter and 2.494 inches long, based on its case. at 100yds. It's probably just a good rule of thumb to remember that the .30-06 is the long range sniper round. The .243 is nice to carry while hunting and it is pretty accurate but I do not have the same level of confidence with it. ! Get good ammo as most people who have problems with 243 and bitch about needing great shot placement are using cheap ammo. The 6.5 bullet has superior long range ballistics as well as a reputation for killing power that is well above what you think you get with a bullett of that diameter. Another perk to .308 is that many .308 rifles are also designed to fire 7.62 NATO, which can make for some nice cheap target practice and ammo stashing. The .243 has the best trajectory with the .270 VERY close behind. All things being about equal the 243 will recoil roughly 1/2 what a 30-06 does. Hunting: The .223 Remington and the .30-06 in comparison with the .308, seems to be one of the hottest arguments in the ammo world right now. On the bright side, once you manage to get a good optic for your rifle, then installation is a breeze. 308 and 30-06… has more range in terms of bullet weights (110 grains to 240 grains vs. 90 grains to 180 grains), but both calibers can take everything from varmints and predators to elk, moose, and bears. Now, I’m not overly sensitive to recoil, but sit at the bench with a .308 Winchester, .30-06 Springfield and a .300 Winchester Magnum, and you will quickly feel the difference in recoil. The 30 06 Vs 308 ballistics are practically the same within hunting range. .243 vs .270 vs .308 for deer hunting. has not. In the long range shooting world the .308 and the .30-06 have been embedded in the history of American firearms. But standard loads are going to recoil quite a bit more by my calculations than has been stated above. Hunting. But for distance shooting and target shooting, the 308 performs more accurately. two shots with a 243 win and then two shots with a 30/06 rem.