Why is your PCSX2 folder so big? share. Like most emulators, PCSX2 supports the use of savestates. But yes, you can move it. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 9 of 9 Posts. Core settings NFL2k5 on PC - Page 6 - Operation Sports Forums Online Now: 1861 Points to the previous savestate slot. There should be a Folders tab there. which I want to keep reserved only for the most important and system related things. Now, all of your settings and saves for Citra have been moved to the new location, which has the advantage of being able to be accessed by any new version of Citra, bringing stability improvements and storing your user data in a safe place. Somewhat akin to saved games on a memory card, savestates allow players to save their progress in the games they are playing. I cannot find the location of the game save files anywhere! To launch a game, select the emulator core you'd like to use 67% Upvoted. hide. save. About the ratings: GreatSchools ratings are based on a comparison of test results for all schools in the state.It is designed to be a starting point to help parents make baseline … You could also press the F3 key to change slots, or press the Esc key during gameplay. Notice, however, that if you have a 64 bit machine and you choose to grab one of the AUR versions, PCSXR will be compiled to 64 bit architecture, rendering it incompatible with the vast majority o… That way all the games save onto the same memcard. PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator, a free program that tries to replicate the PlayStation 2 to enable you to play PS2 games on your PC. Points to the next savestate slot. Using savestates Written by The Koopa Kingdom on Tuesday December 06, 2016. Savestates will only work a specific version of PCSX2, check the chart below for compatibility with older savestates. Somewhat akin to saved games on a memory card, savestates allow players to save their progress in the games they are playing. I could do one for you, but I've missed a few important parts (besaid destruction sphere, one al bhed primer), and I haven't done many sidequests. You can toggle between these slots by going to File > Savestate Slot and choose a slot. Unlike memcard saves, savestates are "snapshots" of the emulator at the exact moment in time which they were taken. While they function exactly as advertised 95% of the time, it's that 5% when they don't which you need to look out for. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Read the section above about hex conversion to learn how to convert 600G to hex - which ends up as 5802. And when you run out of slots but still want to keep the existing 10 savestates, you can simply cut-paste the savestate folder somewhere safe, leaving you 10 free slots again. The savestate slots are game-dependent. Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are subject to change.Check with the applicable school district prior to making a decision based on these boundaries. Now use ZSNES's save state feature and save your state. This will create a .psu file containing the files necessary to create a save file on an actual Playstation 2 memory card. Loads the savestate from the current slot. Then choose the slot where your save resides. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So like maybe 5-10 minutes worst case. There are 10 savestate slots for a reason, don't be afraid of using all 10 of them. Note: Some of these hotkeys (such as F6 and F9), although not GSdx-specific, will not work with other GS plugins. There's two options: one is to create a portable.ini file inside the PCSX2 folder that contains the .exe which will tell PCSX2 to run in portable mode and thus keep its data folder within that folder as opposed to placing it in your Documents folder. PCSX2 is a Playstation 2 'emulator', a freeprogram that tries to replicate the Playstation 2 console to enable you to PCSX2 emulator allows you to use your PS2 controllers for simulating the realistic PlayStation experience. (05-10-2017, 05:33 AM) refraction Wrote: You can make everything save to the pcsx2 folder by making a file in the pcsx2 folder called "portable.ini" make sure it doesn't have a .txt extension also. 358 Florida Career College- jobs available in Boynton Beach, FL on Indeed.com. report. Each game has its own 10 unique savesate slots, depending on the game's CRC number. Why is your PCSX2 folder so big? I did a little checking, and since the PCSX2 save state file is just a renamed zip file, it's easy enough to look at. I don't know if there are any files missing related to the memory cards though. For example, shortcuts can be used to save/load states, remove FPS limit or test different interlacing modes. 24 The State of Florida jobs available in West Palm Beach, FL on Indeed.com. When configuring your setup after installation, you can choose between LilyPad or Pokopom input plugins to configure your control scheme. Apply to Admission Representative, Academic Advisor, Customer Service Representative and more! Sort by. If this is a bug not only I experienced, please post it to the official bug thread: I could not find it there, nor my PCSX2.net registration mail arrived yet. In the table below, highlight the save file you wish to transfer and then click export. Savestates are not 100% reliable. Mine is 106 MB. Like most emulators, PCSX2 supports the use of savestates. Yeah that's a valid point, but remember it will obey the backup save state command so the "go back" point would be the time interval between auto save states. For instance, I'm playing Skyward Sword right now, and using version 7719. In the [Change folder] window, select a folder that you want to change to, and click the [Select Folder] button. Learn how to hack save states on the PCSX2 Playstation 2 emulator for the PC. If max 9 is reached, it will loop back to point at slot 0. To switch between the slots, you can use F2 or Shift + F2. F2 : Change State F3 : Load State it's actually working like quick save game "the best part is that the games won't know u saved like Resident Evil & so on" anyway you have 5 different states to save on them & u can change between them by using F2 and to load the saved state just select the state you want by F2 then press F3 to load it & that's it Apply to Americorps Member, Environmental Specialist, Specialist and more! Save States in PCSX2? ), anyway thanks for helping me out! Default is slot 0. Mine is 106 MB. The other option is to tell PCSX2 to use another path for its data folder which can be done from the Plugin/BIOS Selector window. Its taking up waaaay too much space on my system drive (almost 2GB now!!!) My instinct is no. In the [General] tab, click the [Change] button for [ScanSnap Home folder]. 4 comments. creates a savestate in the current slot. Here you can change the folders where some of the files that PCSX2 creates will be stored at. Open up Cygnus and open your save state. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Naturally at that point you could still point your memcard and save state directories in Portable version back to your main one in your Documents, and then just copy the portable version from then on, and make the necessary adjustments (which won't be as much work as the first time). Unlike memcard saves, savestates are "snapshots" of the emulator at the exact moment in time which they were taken. PCSX2's currently supported savestate version is displayed in the console after launching the emulator. If you want to move near that folder, I think you need to edit the pcsx2-UI.ini file so basically, a file name portable.ini with no content inside? There's two options: one is to create a portable.ini file inside the PCSX2 folder that contains the .exe which will tell PCSX2 to run in portable mode and thus keep its data folder within that folder as opposed to placing it in your Documents folder. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. LilyPad will support keyboard and mouse inputs, unlike Pokopom, which only supports controllers (but also advanced features like pressure sensitivity). 57 Palm Beach State College jobs available in Loxahatchee Groves, FL on Indeed.com. (11-21-2011, 03:31 AM) kturcotte Wrote: Where are the save files when I save in game? Apply to Finance Coordinator, Fitness Director, Procurement Manager and more! By editing the save states you can change the save points in a game and give yourself more items. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Crono currently has 600G. For instance, I'm playing Skyward Sword right now, and using version 7719. If your Chrono Trigger ROM is called “chrono.smc” then the save state will be called “chrono.zst”. Apply to Americorps Member, Environmental Specialist, Supervisor and more! Capturing a state: To capture a save state go to File > Save state and choose any of the 10 slots. These slots are reserved to allow you to save up to 10 different save states. Place the .psu file onto a USB. It's strange and I don't know why but sometimes the memory cards will show up in the folders and sometimes they don't. Additionally, you can also install the pcsxr-gtk2AUR package for the GTK2 version, which allows to run GTK based plugin interfaces without having to install lib32-gtkAUR from the AUR. However, unlike game saves, savestates are extremely exact: if you create a savestate for game X, you can only load that savestate for that exact game X: Complete list of demos and tool discs on one page, https://wiki.pcsx2.net/index.php?title=Savestate&oldid=94112, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. best. Regardless, we constantly tell people not to rely only on save states … In multidisk games, savestates made in disc 1 are incompatible with savestates from disc 2. The file you're missing in the slot 8 file is just four bytes, 00 00 0B 9A to be specific. Keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) allow for quick access to some emulator features. Another feature is to save states, which enables you to save the existing state of the game you are playing and get back to where you were; it … You could create that file and name it appropriately to see if that helps. This page was last edited on 11 October 2019, at 05:39. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. By editing the save states you can change the save points in a game and give yourself more items. By unchecking "Use default setting" you can click the "Browse" button to find a folder of your choice where PCSX2 will store: Save states, snapshots and logs/dumps respectively. The keyboard shortcut for saving states is F1. It's a shame FFX doesn't have a new game+. Loading a state: To load a state you previously saved, go to File > Load state. Run mymc and click the "open" button, navigate to where you're PCSX2 memory card file is and open it. Install the stable pcsxrAUR package or alternately the pcsxr-gitAURfor the development version. Following the wiki, you can create a savestate by pressing F1 and load a savestate by pressing F3. I found an easy way to get quick games to work (haven't tested anything else) with the new pcsx2 1.2.1 Start with default settings. If min 0 is reached, it will loop around to point at slot 9. But yes, you can move it. This convenience is the biggest and most popular reason for using savestates. The player does not need to find a game save point or wait for a lull in the action - a single hotkey press is all it takes to trigger the creation of a savestate. Too many things want to be on the C: drive these days (especially bloated gamesave folders) but I have other internal drives with huge amounts of free space, thats where I want them to be, thats what I bought those drives for, for mass data storage NOT related to the OS and important system stuff. The current version of PCSX2 (1.0.0) can save Savestates. 21 State of Florida jobs available in West Palm Beach, FL on Indeed.com. Default is slot 0. F1 to save, F3 to load, and F2/Shift+F2 to cycle savestates If this is a known problem, please add it to FAQs everywhere. That works find for some use cases, but a common use case is to save at some save point in the past, and then save under a different state number during a break or during battle, where it is desirable to return to the past saved spot. Now that you have the emulator installed, it’s time to configure it … The PCSX2 emulator can be used to play Playstation 2 games on your computer. This tutorial requires the use of a hex editor. Configuration and Setup. The same thing with the save states. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. PPSSPP lets you save up to 5 different quick save states. Savestates can be made at nearly any point in a game even where saving is traditionally unavailable, like during cutscenes, in the middle of a battle in progress, etc. This thread is archived. Save state files. Its because I use Savestates, they seem to take up huge amounts of space (between 12-20mb per state, pretty insane right? Savestates made for the NTSC/PAL release of game will only work for that region! I did a quick search for save states and couldn't find any. Currently, PSCX2 employs F1 and F3 as save state and load state respectively.