The witness is a dog!Judge: Overruled. When I was in Army the 1960's we picked it up from a Donald Duck comic and then used it to confuse new technicians. One of my first pets was an Old English Mastiff who was named Astro in a tip of the hat to Astro Jetson. frequent and lengthy comments on other people's blogs... Yeah this was a weirditie of a week. Here are the last three weeks of Herriman’s Krazy Kat from 5-13 to Just like Dino on The Flintstones, The Jetsons would not be the same without beloved family pet, Astro.He gets his tricks mixed up and he may not be able to speak full sentences, but as Elroy says, that's pretty good for a puppy! In the end, Mr. Gottrockets realizes that Astro is happier with the Jetsons and allows him to … Actually, the line I loved and remember about this cartoon is:Lawyer: I object your honor! ... Tralfaz? Is there any doubt that it’s Astro? Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. Eight episodes later, in "Millionaire Astro", it's revealed that Astro's original owner was the super rich industrialist Mr. Gottrockets. Yeccchh!”). Tralfaz was the original name of the Jetsons' dog Astro.As viewers will recall Astro was a stray, acquired by George Jetson's boy Elroy in the episode "The Coming of Astro". George O'Hanlon as George JetsonPenny Singleton as Jane JetsonDaws Butler as Elroy Jetson, WithersJanet Waldo as Judy Jetson The Jetsons (1962) - S01E16 Comedy clip with quote And so Astro... That is, Tralfaz... Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Millionaire Astro because it was ... BLOGGERS - DARE YOU ANSWER THE MOST PERPLEXING QUESTION IN THE WORLD? Mar 31, 2016 - The best character on the Jetsons ? With new Here are a few model sheets from the first Pete Hothead short. February 2021. The Three Stooges short "Idiots Deluxe" (1945) an agitated Moe exclaiming In the 15th episode, "Millionaire Astro", Astro is discovered to be Tralfaz, the long-lost dog of zillionaire J.P. Gottrockets, and The Jetsons have to do the right thing and return Astro to his rightful owner. Here is an album that I keep wanting to listen to over & over again snow shower we got on Mother's Day, the time of year which usually signals Prior to being a Jetson, his name was Tralfaz and he belonged to the Astro/"Tralfaz," is caught in a custody battle between the Jetsons and millionaire J.P. Gottrockets. Jaques... My posts have gotten thinner over the years. Astro: Astro is the Jetsons' family dog. But wasn’t, and that became my main domain. Astro: Astro is the Jetsons' family dog. Test Pilot Tex Avery’s T.V. It's time for my annual ilst of every movie I saw the previous year. The name Tralfaz Jetson is the real name of cartoon dog Astro Jetsons from the animated cartoon series "The Jetsons". The humans on the show had to behave like recognisable sitcom huma... Mar 31, 2016 - The best character on the Jetsons ? Tony says it came from fellow writer Warren Foster, who got it from Tedd Pierce when the two worked at Warner Bros.; Pierce had put it in a few cartoons. of Tomorrow may have been onto something. Astro is one of George's best friends (next to his work computer, R.U.D.I.) 6 January 1963 Astro: Astro is the Jetsons' family dog. Millionaire Astro is the sixteenth episode of Season One of The Jetsons. One of the things that often bemuses me is just why some people leave to me th... Joyce Carlson joined the Walt Disney Studios in 1944 as a “traffic girl” Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. ... Yowp: Tralfaz? I'm aware of that. The Jetsons (1962) - S01E16 Comedy clip with quote - Yeah, Astro. Of course “Astro” was taken, but a bit of Jetsons trivia was that Astro was adopted, and prior to being adopted by the family, his name was “Tralfaz.” Sensing a winner, I tried to get as a domain. Astro’s given name was Tralfaz, but after running away Elroy picks him up and we learn that he loves life with the Jetsons much more than his old life with Gottrockets.