The relative amount of activity in these muscles, as measured electromyographically, is illustrated on a muscle activation plot (MAP) for four subjects vocalizing at different pitches and loudnesses. Instead, a narrow-band spectrum is low-pass filtered with a cutoff point (i.e., cutoff “quefrency” in An asymmetrical swelling along the length of both vocal cords was consistent with a clinical diagnosis of Reinke’s edema. Phonation threshold pressure (PTP), the cepstral spectral index of dysphonia (CSID) for sustained vowels and connected speech, and self-perceived vocal effort, mouth dryness, and throat dryness were measured at each recording (baseline, after challenge, and at 5, 35, and 65 minutes after treatment). The musculature and innervation responsible for this action also have not been well defined. period doubling) and episodes of irregular behaviour are observed. No saline solution was applied during the dehydration trials. A rich variety of bifurcations and episodes of irregular behaviour are observed. Voice production 1. Conclusions: It also assists in establishing perspectives about pubescent voice change and a baseline for future research. The average vocal efficiency decreased from 3.63 x 10(-4) to 7.00 x 10(-5) (p < .001). Cricothyroid is primarily required for increasing F0, whereas TA can increase or decrease F0 and SPL. Data on vowel formants have been derived primarily from static measures representing an assumed steady state. The data reveal the emergence of sex differences by 4 years of age, maturational reductions in formant bandwidth, and decreased formant frequencies with advancing age in some persons. During vocal fold adduction, the posterior part of the larynx closes completely not at the glottis but at the supraglottis, resulting in formation of a conic space in the posterior glottis that can be viewed only from below. Four possible scenarios are discussed here: complete reinnervation with synkinesis, partial reinnervation with synkinesis, mixed RLN injuries, and no reinnervation (complete paralysis). The male to female ratio was 2:1. Conclusions: Cricothyroid activation increased phonation onset F0, but vibration was less stable in high CT conditions and displayed vibratory mode change. The film was a collaboration with William Vennard and Janwillem van den Berg. Treatment is generally by Teflon injection, medialization thyroplasty, arytenoid adduction procedures, or reinnervation by nerve transfer. A biomechanical body-cover model of fundamental frequency control is used to explain this phenomenon. After initial infection of laryngomotor neurons in the ipsilateral loose division of the nucleus ambiguus (NA) by 3 days post-inoculation, PRV spread to the ipsilateral compact portion of the NA, the central and intermediate divisions of the nucleus tractus solitarii, the Botzinger complex, and the parvicellular reticular formation by 4 days. Five databases were searched using the key words "vocal fold hydration", "voice quality", "vocal fold dehydration", and "hygienic voice therapy". This apparently represents the first in vitro model for the study of the effect of viscosity changes of the internal environment of the vocal folds on phonation. Data collection was repeated five times under each dehydration condition. We observed an average effect size of 0.33, indicating that, overall, hydration treatment demonstrated a tendency to reduce PTP. Elastin concentration varies by tissue depth in the vocal folds. or transformation back to the spectral domain. As we expire or exhale, that air serves as the source of power for setting up the vibration of the vocal folds. An anatomical study of the motor, sensory and autonomic nerve fibers, Asymmetry of the Laryngeal Framework: A Morphologic Study of Cadaver Larynges, On the Relation Between Subglottal Pressure and Fundamental Frequency in Phonation, Posterior Glottis: Morphological Study in Excised Human Larynges, Vocal Intensity, Subglottic Pressure and Air Flow Relationships in Singers, Growth of the Human Prepubertal and Pubertal Larynx, Unilateral recurrent nerve paralysis: a review. The F0 SD in the MF group and the ELC group was significantly higher than that in the VCP group and the control group (P<0.05), and the F0 SD in the VCP group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). Capture your audience’s attention. The third formant (F3) of /a/ recorded from 209 healthy children (104 male and 105 female; ages 3 to 12 years) and 40 adults (20 men and 20 women) was studied by spectral analysis. Schematic diagram of the airway system for speech production. Results: There was a significant age×gender interaction for mean pitch in the four protocols that reported this measure. This is the definition used among those who study laryngeal anatomy and physiology and speech production in general. Results: In the study group, t-PVHI, t-CVHI, jitter, schimmer values, the mean RFS, and RSI scores were significantly higher than those of the control group. Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury [without injury to the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN)] is the most common traumatic neurolaryngological lesion. This article discusses the molecular composition of the vocal fold and the relationship of fibrous molecules to the biomechanical and physiological performance of the tissue. signal and thus provide test cases that allow for assessing the accuracy of the formant tracking algorithm. All patients underwent laryngeal examination and voice analysis. glottal volume velocity waveform (GVVW) from the speech pressure waveforms of healthy and pathological subjects using quasi closed phase (QCP) glottal inverse filtering algorithm to capture altered dynamics of vocal cords. When applied to the simulated child-like Systemic hydration is the easiest and most cost-effective solution to improve voice quality. The most common vocal symptom was vocal fatigue occurring in 22.7%, followed by hoarseness in 19% and contracted range in 10.9% of the cases. We sought to examine the neuromuscular basis for ventricular fold function. In the amygdala, infection had spread to the lateral central nucleus and the parvicellular portion of the basolateral nucleus. This article reviews the function of the four intrinsic laryngeal muscles innervated by the RLN and the individual effects of RLN transection on these muscles. Aerodynamic, acoustic, and respiratory kinematic techniques were used to assess laryngeal and respiratory function while participants varied their sound pressure level. Objectives: Electromyography may eventually assist the laryngologist in establishing these diagnoses, but currently not enough normative data exist for confirming laryngeal synkinesis unequivocally in every case. Electrical stimulation of the thyroarytenoid muscle in various regions of the MAP suggests that both positive and negative changes in fundamental frequency (F0) can occur with increased thyroarytenoid activity. The superior laryngeal nerve was stimulated, and recording electrodes in both ventricular folds measured the electrical activity. The mucosa of the posterior glottis has ciliated epithelium. generates sound output analogous to a microphone signal. Poincaré sections and the analysis of the underlying attractor suggest that these noise-like episodes are low-dimensional deterministic chaos. This is accomplished by the lateral cricoarytenoid and interarytenoid muscles. Conclusions: Study design: Mechanically, voice production involves complex fluid-structure interaction within the glottis and its control by laryngeal muscle activation. Synopsis: The film shows the anatomy and physiology of voice production in the excised larynx. the terminology of cepstral analysis) to preserve only the spectral envelope. In order to understand and appropriately manage voice disorders, an understanding of normal phonatory physiology is required. Prospective data collection across groups. You can request the full-text of this chapter directly from the authors on ResearchGate. This independently corroborates the interpretation of the largest Lyapunov exponent results and gives an estimate of the predictability time. 5) There must be some compensatory mechanisms for the asymmetric framework to keep the vocal fold edges relatively symmetric. Each larynx served as its own control. Vibratory amplitudes and intrafold phase difference were highest for type IIIB trials. Increasing subglottal pressure is primarily responsible for vocal intensity increase but also leads to significant increase in noise production and an increased fundamental frequency. We considered that two factors, pitch level of the task and vocal health of participants, may have contributed to this variability in findings. The jitter and shimmer in the ELC group were significantly higher compared to the other groups (P<0.05), and the jitter and shimmer in the VCP group were significantly higher than those in the MF group and the control group (P<0.05). The area of the hysteresis loops observed in the stress-strain curves increased exponentially with dehydration levels, whereas the RC% decreased linearly. Decreased hydration (increased viscosity) raised the threshold of oscillation, and increased hydration (decreased viscosity) lowered the threshold of oscillation. The pseudocyst, mucinous globules, and accompanying inflammatory cells were characteristic of myxoglobulosis. This review of adolescent voice change (AVC) in males is introduced by a brief historical overview of the area. Closed-phase methods revealed notable stability in diverse voice qualities and sub-glottal pressures. For comparison, a statistical model of a speech time series is also used to estimate the correlation dimension. signal, and facilitates tracking formant frequencies for further analysis. The lifespan database on vowel formants shows considerable variability within specific age-sex groups, pointing to the need for standardized procedures. of this study was to develop a formant measurement technique based on cepstral analysis that does not require modification of the cepstrum itself Start studying Anatomy & Physiology of Voice Production. Methods: Poincaré sections and the analysis of the underlying attractor suggest that these noise-like episodes are low-dimensional deterministic chaos. Muscle activation plots and vocal range profiles by individual ILM activation states were analyzed. The goal of this study is to better understand the cause-effect relation between vocal fold physiology and the resulting vibration pattern and voice acoustics. The voice team uses a variety of assessment tools, including perceptual, parent- and patient-based, instrumental, and imaging measures. Conclusion: An important goal of voice research is to establish a causal theory linking voice physiology and biomechanics to how speakers use and control voice to communicate meaning and personal information. The quantitative results in this study not only provide a numerical reference for future experimental measurements, but also can be used to verify the biphasic model in future studies. The thyroid cartilage as a whole tended to tilt to the right against the cricoid cartilage. Notably, correlation dimension analysis could not quantify the type 4 voices. A critical period of dehydration may exist after which phonation can no longer be initiated. They also influence phonation in the setting of vocal fold paralysis or ventricular dysphonia, or after partial laryngectomy. VOICE PRODUCTION. Study design: Fundamental frequency (F0) and intensity sound pressure level (SPL) of voice are controlled by intrinsic laryngeal muscle (ILM) activation and subglottal pressure (Psub). Addition of bilateral inferior medialization to type IIIB thyroplasty provided some further decrease in frequency, but mostly served to increase tension, reduce airflow, and produce a vibratory pattern which more closely mirrored control trials. Their interactions were investigated. The aim of this study was to provide clarity in regard to these mechanisms. The most common asymmetry was the cuneiform asymmetry accounting for 49.1% of the total sample and 91.6% of the total asymmetries. The structure surrounding the posterior glottis was histologically investigated in the same three conditions. To investigate the value of the standard deviation of the fundamental frequency (F0 SD), jitter, and shimmer for the evaluation of voice quality and the description of vocal characteristics in patients with voice disorders. The normal pitch utterance of sustained vowel /a/ quarried from German, English, Arabic and Spanish voice databases is used. Hypothalamic innervation involved several functionally specific nuclei. Conclusions: Operative Techniques in Laryngology fills a void that currently exists in otolaryngology textbooks: a comprehensive text on laryngeal surgery that can be used by physicians to prepare for surgical cases. The final step is the production of airflow from the lungs. As a child grows, voice becomes an important part of identity, reflecting age, emotion, gender, and health (Smith, Semin Speech Lang 34(2):63–70, 2013). When the delicate balance of coordinating these events is disrupted by disease or disorder, many of these tasks are compromised. The SPL also increases at a rate of 8-9 dB per doubling of excess pressure over threshold, a new quantity that assumes considerable importance in vocal intensity calculations. The common causes of dysphonia are reviewed, including vocal nodules and other lesions, reflux laryngitis, laryngeal paralysis, congenital glottic webs, laryngeal papillomatosis, functional voice disorders, and velopharyngeal incompetence. Runtime: 41 minutes Trivia: Female voices appear more stable than male voices. HOW VOICE WORKS: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF VOICE. An autonomous fourth order model of vocal fold vibrations is proposed. Chapter 1: Anatomy and Physiology of Voice Production [Skip Navigation] Learning Objectives: Flashcards: Practice Questions: Links: Profile [Skip Breadcrumb Navigation] Home: Chapter 1: Anatomy and Physiology of Voice Production: Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives. Special attention is given to tissue deformation under mechanical loading at different length scales. Sex differences: By puberty, the larynx descends to the level of C6 or C7. The varying properties of the samples under different dehydration levels were investigated by fitting the curves. Results show that SPL increases with Fo at a rate of 8-9 dB/octave provided that lung pressure is raised proportional to phonation threshold pressure. Voice Production Anatomy & Physiology – With labels Removed 3. The right cricoarytenoid joint tended to be located slightly more laterally, posteriorly, and inferiorly than the left joint. The glottis was closely observed and photographed from above and below in three conditions: neutral, adduction, and abduction. The present study aims to compare the correlation dimension and second-order entropy at the minimum embedding dimension with the correlation dimension (D2) and second-order entropy (K2) based on their efficiency and accuracy in differentiating between normal and pathologic voices. Electrophysiological examination was performed in a porcine model. speech, the spectral filtering approach was shown to provide a clear spectrographic representation of formant change over the time course of the A theory of vocal fold oscillation is developed on the basis of the body-cover hypothesis. Data on formant frequencies and bandwidths are available for both sexes over the lifespan, but considerable variability in results across studies affects even features of the basic vowel quadrilateral. This prospective-controlled study included 50 children with VFNs (age range 5-14 years) and 50 age-matched children without any voice disorders as a control group. There is also some partial data indicating that the spatial arrangement of each vocal fold layer corresponds to the functional requirements, and thus facilitate the phonation process. Measurements for the 45 PAS parameters examined revealed 13 parameters to have a difference that was statistically significant by age and/or gender. The literature is unclear as to whether ventricular fold contraction is passive or active. For the same excess pressure over threshold, the professional tenors produced 10-12 dB greater intensity than the male nonsingers, primarily because their peak airflow was much higher for the same pressure. Anatomy and Physiology of Voice Production study guide by ungruhjh includes 127 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. In sick infants, and especially those with diseases affecting the central nervous system, abnormal cry characteristics occur. Speech production by the Larynx. Asymmetry of the laryngeal framework was investigated with 50 excised human larynges, ten from newborns (five males, five females), 20 from adults in their 20s (ten males, ten females), and 20 from adults in their 50s (ten males, ten females). The proposed fourth voice type represents a subset of voices dominated by noise behavior. All mean values of variables that describe variability of pitch and amplitude were abnormal in boys and in girls, with greater abnormality among boys. The same F0 and SPL could be achieved with a variety of ILM activation combinations. The age range varied between 15 and 39 years with a mean of 23.4+4.21 years. Sven Grawunder, On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing (2020), Frank & Timme, Berlin, ISBN: 9783865969958 On the Physiology of Voice Production in South-Siberian Throat Singing : Analysis of Acoustic and Electrophysiological Evidences by Sven Grawunder English | 2009 | ISBN: 386596172X | … During the control trials, subglottal airflow was humidified and saline solution was applied frequently to the vocal folds. The PTF increased as exposure to dry air increased during the experimental trials (p = 0.010); this relationship was not statistically significant in control trials. Intensity increased with Psub in all conditions, but the slope was greater at high CT, low TA/LCA/IA activations. In addition, a decrease in F0 with increased Psub was observed in high CT conditions. Onset fundamental frequency was higher with asymmetric activation because the two RLNs were synergistic in decreasing F-0, glottal width, and strain. This study examined the effects of a laryngeal desiccation challenge and nebulized isotonic saline on voice production in young, healthy male singers and nonsingers. Pediatricians often send adolescents with dysphonia to the otorhinolaryngologist's office to find the reason for their hoarseness. Only nebulization of isotonic solution decreased phonation threshold pressure and showed some indication of a potential positive effect of nebulization substances. The treatment, which is applicable to falsetto and breathy voice, as well as onset or release of phonation in the absence of vocal fold collision, is harmonized with former treatments based on two-mass models and collapsible tubes. The samples were dehydrated in a vacuum dryer. In this article, we have estimated, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. In pediatric pediatric vocal fold nodule (VFN) patients, different causes have been suggested in the development of the vocal cord nodule, including laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Background: The fundamental frequency has been increased, and the melody contour is unstable. This study aims to provide a better understanding of mechanical properties that can be used to build computational simulations of vocal fold vibrations and pave the way for the design of biomaterials to restore biomechanical properties in damaged vocal folds. The vibration frequencies produced by the vocal cords are then amplified and modified by the vocal tract, individualizing our voice. Study design: The average acoustic output levels, measured during stable phonation segments, markedly decreased with exposure to the dry airflow, from 91.5 dB to 88.5 dB (p < .001). The three basic mechanisms of voice production are air supply, vibration, and resonance. This review summarizes data on formant frequencies and bandwidths for American English and also addresses (a) sources of variability (focusing on speech sample and time sampling point), and (b) methods of data reduction such as vowel area and dispersion. On the unaffected side, these muscles were of normal size. Current measures capable of evaluating type 4 voices provide only qualitative data (spectrograms, perceptual analysis, and an infinite correlation dimension). Anatomy and Physiology of Voice and Speech Production: Elements of Human Communication: Charpied, George L.: Libros en idiomas extranjeros This generator provides a controlled flow of air … Based on reliability cutoffs, the type 1 and type 2 voices were considered suitable for perturbation analysis. The primary search items were vowels, vowel space area, vowel dispersion, formants, formant frequency, and formant bandwidth. The voice usage habits and personality structure of all the children were questioned. Five PAS protocols (vital capacity, maximum sustained phonation, comfortable sustained phonation, variation in sound pressure level, voicing efficiency) were used to collect 45 phonatory aerodynamic measures. typical of a children’s speech production, generate widely spaced harmonic components that may undersample the spectral shape of the vocal tract There seem to be no correlation between arytenoid asymmetry and vocal symptoms. The atlas is richly illustrated with photographic representations of all surgical steps and superb artwork illustrations to highlight the difficult three-dimensional anatomic concepts. The neuromuscular basis of true vocal fold function has been well studied; however, its neuromuscular correlates in the ventricular folds are ambiguous. It was more common in males (74.6%) and on the right side (76.2%). The globules frequently demonstrate a lamellar pattern and are surrounded by an inflammatory cell infiltrate. Only then can we obtain data to guide best clinical practice for protecting and rehabilitating vocal function. ´ÿöÃõÕGù¿²ÛŸ®¯ÞÃÿy}õeÑ_uÓú1‹³Œ‡!éGjýÚ°÷Þ²¹Åéoª¶­¶v¿_UíÅ~YÌezb–’ð?c96é%¼L¾ºÐ*ã¾s1úsZÒåÎ3b2žÅ'bâ «€'鹘×þLÞ֗^ õš¾ùΟÅû‡?“^^û³Ð{ÄÃ~,«MåÏ"o¹.à‰|ÃðäëƟ)¯Á§*¼½Xcdô3®ìƒ”ËÌfˆ;… !Jˉ¦ä„. Nine of these articles met the criteria for inclusion in this analysis. Laryngoscope, 2015. Type 4 voices are highly complex and the development of objective measures capable of analyzing these voices remains a topic of future investigation. To evaluate type IIIB thyroplasty using the excised larynx bench apparatus and determine how altering vocal fold contour by performing bilateral medialization of the inferior vocal fold affects phonation. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Information gain (IG) feature scoring technique is employed to select optimal descriptors and to rank them. Thyroarytenoid muscle activity is shown to combine with cricothyroid muscle activity to regulate fundamental frequency of phonation. Glottal descriptor’s vectors have been passed on to stochastic gradient descent (SGD) classifier for voice disorder evaluation. The components of the extracellular matrix may be divided into fibrous proteins and interstitial proteins. The examination findings of all patients were evaluated with the reflux finding score (RFS), and their complaints were questioned with the reflux symptom index (RSI). The acute effects are immediate flaccidity of the ipsilateral vocal fold, loss of abduction and adduction, severe dysphonia to complete paralytic aphonia, and, frequently, aspiration of food and drink into the trachea. At lower fundamental frequencies and lower vocal intensities, F0 correlates positively with thyroarytenoid activity, but at higher fundamental frequencies and low intensity (especially in falsetto voice) an increase in thyroarytenoid activity tends to lower F0. It contains explicit step-by-step descriptions of surgical procedures such that the reader can “learn to operate”. All participants used a combination of laryngeal and respiratory mechanisms to increase sound pressure level, but the combination of mechanisms differed across age groups. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. Arytenoid asymmetry during adduction is common in singers. The patient had no evidence of voice disorder at 18 month follow-up. Purpose: Trials consisted of cycles of 10 seconds of phonation followed by 3 seconds of rest. Participants included 10 male university-trained singers and 10 age-matched nonsingers (mean age, 21.8 years; range, 18-26 years) who underwent a 30-minute oral breathing laryngeal desiccation challenge using medical grade dry air (<1% relative humidity) on two occasions in consecutive weeks. And the nonlinear stage of the curve became increasingly apparent in the stress-strain curves of increased dehydration levels. Methods Learn more about speech in this article. The effect of vocal tract acoustic loading is included. Two sets of investigations were conducted with excised human larynges. Physiology of the Voice Voice is necessary to articulate speech sound. (1) To look at the prevalence of arytenoid asymmetry in singers with or without vocal symptoms and (2) to examine the correlation between arytenoid asymmetry and vocal symptoms. Esophagus • Bring your presentation to life. The dimension of a time series is a measure of its complexity and gives bounds on the number of state space variables needed to model it. Hypothalamic infection was largely characterized by an increase in the number of infected cells in earlier infected regions though the posterior, dorsomedial, tuberomammillary and mammillary nuclei contained infected cells. The surgical atlas is written by well-known experts with step-by-step surgical maneuvers for various laryngeal procedures encompass both microlaryngeal surgery and laryngeal framework surgery. These are discussed by highlighting recently published research. In part, this is because high fundamental frequencies, Conclusions: While there are several models describing vocal vibration in various amounts of detail, the myoelastic-aerodynamic theory of phonation provides an appropriate description of the basi… Implications for an understanding of pathological voices are discussed. The voice is produced when air pressure from the lungs and vocal cords coordinate to cause the vocal folds to vibrate. Results highlight specific quantitative characteristics and trends in circumpubertal growth of the laryngeal cartilages and the vocal folds for each sex and with respect to sex differences. Young, vocally healthy men may not experience physiologic changes in voice production associated with laryngeal desiccation and nebulized saline treatments; however, self-reported increases in vocal effort which are associated with dryness symptoms might improve with nebulized treatments. A 1960 black and white film that was produced by SFW-UNFI, or Universitaire Film. Lateral cricoarytenoid/interarytenoid activation improved vocal efficiency. These data emphasize that the laryngeal and respiratory behavior of children is not easily predicted from an adult model. Of these studies, 14 examined the effects of hydration on PTP. The model exhibits many features of normal phonation in a wide parameter region. The F0 SD was highest in the MF group. Following acute denervation, the subsequent progression is either chronic denervation or nerve regeneration with laryngeal muscle reinnervation. THE LARYNGEAL CARTILAGES. The goal of this study was to quantify the viscoelastic parameters of the vocal fold mucosa at varying dehydration levels. Physiology of the Voice [75], a part of Sataloff’s Professional Voice [78]. The region of the ventricular folds was compared on both the paralyzed and normal sides. In summary: This unique guide filled with “cookbook” descriptions of laryngeal surgical procedures provides a quick and simple reference for all surgeons interested in laryngological surgery. ResultsAsymmetric laryngeal adductor activation from asymmetric left-right RLN stimulation led to a consistent pattern of vibratory phase asymmetry, with the more activated vocal fold leading in the opening phase of the glottal cycle and in mucosal wave amplitude. Voice is a characteristic speech & thought patterns of thoughts of a 1st person narrator because voice has so much to do with reader’s experience of a work of literature. Many critical moments in a child’s early life relate to voice: the first cry on entering the world, the first laugh, and the first words. This procedure could be performed in patients for whom pitch lowering is desirable, such as female-to-male transsexuals or male patients with mutational falsetto in whom intensive voice therapy was insufficient. Methods: F0 SD, jitter, and shimmer are important parameters for the evaluation of pitch variation during sustained phonations, and can discriminate between MF and voice disorders. The variability of loudness and specifically the variability of pitch were abnormal in a majority of subjects. Caffeine intake does not appear to negatively affect voice production. An association of ventricularis muscle activity with ventricular fold contraction also was demonstrated. Optimized Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Pathologic Voices With Laryngeal Paralysis Based on the Minimum Embedding Dimension, Quantitative Study of the Effects of Dehydration on the Viscoelastic Parameters in the Vocal Fold Mucosa, Formant measurement in children’s speech based on spectral filtering, Combined type IIIB with bilateral type I thyroplasty for pitch lowering with maintenance of vocal fold tension, Updating signal typing in voice: Addition of type 4 signals, A Meta-Analysis of Outcomes of Hydration Intervention on Phonation Threshold Pressure, The Physics of Small-Amplitude Oscillation of the Vocal Folds, Biomechanical and Histologic Observations of Vocal Fold Fibrous Proteins, Effects of Dehydration on Phonation in Excised Canine Larynges, Static Measurements of Vowel Formant Frequencies and Bandwidths: A Review, The Effect of Hydration on Voice Quality in Adults: A Systematic Review, Workshop on acoustic voice analysis: Summary statement, Cause-effect relationship between vocal fold physiology and voice production in a three-dimensional phonation model, Interactions of Subglottal Pressure and Neuromuscular Activation on Fundamental Frequency and Intensity, Anatomy and behavior of the vocal process, Laryngeal Desiccation Challenge and Nebulized Isotonic Saline in Healthy Male Singers and Nonsingers: Effects on Acoustic, Aerodynamic, and Self-Perceived Effort and Dryness Measures, Mechanical Characterization of Vocal Fold Tissue: A Review Study, Influence of Asymmetric Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Stimulation on Vibration, Acoustics, and Aerodynamics, Role of the Thyroarytenoid Muscle in Regulation of Fundamental Frequency, The Effect of Viscosity Changes in the Vocal Fold on the Range of Oscillation, An investigation of the third formant of /a/ in prepubertal children, Care of the Child's Voice: A Pediatric Otolaryngologist's Perspective, Pediatric Normative Data for the KayPENTAX Phonatory Aerodynamic System Model 6600, Neuromuscular Basis for Ventricular Fold Function, Bifurcations and chaos in newborn infant cries, Otolaryngology head and neck surgery: An integrative view of the larynx, Arytenoid Asymmetry in Relation to Vocal Symptoms in Singers, Multiple forebrain systems converge on motor neurons innervating the thyroarytenoid muscle, Effect of Dehydration on Phonation Threshold Flow in Excised Canine Larynges, Peripheral nervous system in the larynx.