URGENT need to know what fish I can put in a 3.5 gallon tank. Aliyah. Most will have a substrate of sand, some even silt or mud (which we can’t have in an aquarium). ... Can you use beach sand in a freshwater aquarium? Be sure to keep the sand in room temp for awhile to get the sand temp back up or add some warmer water to the sand. Legality, pollutants, sand composition, grain size, and weight all play a key role in deciding whether using beach sand would be a good long-term option for putting in a reef aquarium. Submerge the aquarium items in the solution and soak for ten to fifteen minutes. If cleaning an aquarium, simply fill the aquarium with the 10% bleach solution. 29 (83.2 ¢/lb) Another thing to keep in mind: If you’re cleaning your sand with very cold water, or leave the sand overnight in the cold, the sand can cause a quick temperature drop when added to an existing tank and shock the fish. Why you shouldn't put goldfish in a fish bowl. Happy Pet Pets. Randy S: Anyone interested in sand reas this, great info. After I did research on the internet I purchased online Stone River premium aquarium sand. The principal danger of using your own outdoor gravel and stones in an aquarium is the possibility that they contain calcium, which can alter the pH of aquarium water. After two weeks sand got grey areas, or ammonia buildup. Sand is Much More Natural than Gravel: Almost all the fish we keep in aquariums are from waters that naturally have a flow much lower than would allow gravel as a substrate. Well I have of whole bunch of Rocks from the ocean in my 10 gallon aquarium. I added a low profile US made 6 inch round pie baking dish. Then every other day I dumped the water from the bucket and put more boiling water. Search For. Put it in a clean bucket, and let freshwater flow through it until the water comes out clean. Here at our website, you can feel effortless to get the knowledge, and other useful tips of fish and little animal raising. reply #3. How To Clean Aquarium Sand – The Easiest Way Even For Beginners. Product Title Carib Sea Ocean Direct Natural Carribbean Aquarium Live Sand, 40 Lb Average Rating: ( 5.0 ) out of 5 stars 1 ratings , based on 1 reviews Current Price $33.29 $ 33 . With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation and service. What I did to make sure it wont harm my aquarium is I put the rocks in boiling water in a bucket. Sand is more natural, easier to clean, and looks much better. Prepare a 10% bleach solution by mixing nine parts water with one part bleach (9:1) in a clean bucket or container (example: mix 9 cups water with 1 cup bleach). But before testing, make sure to also wash the stones thoroughly to remove all loose grit and contaminants. Measure the sand required into a bucket. They have been in my aquarium for over 8 months. Happy Pet Pets is an all-rounded site which will support you in raising fish, birds, cats and dogs, and many other small animals. If the amount of sand you intend to clean fills more than a third of the bucket, wash it in stages. They have no harm on my aquarium. You want enough to create a layer 2 or 3 inches deep in your aquarium, more if you plan to keep deep-rooted plants or burrowing creatures. 8 years ago. In this video, I explain how to clean newly purchased aquarium substrate (sand and/or gravel). Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. Collection from a clean area, thorough washing, and leaving to settle will help keep the aquarium safe. Do not use play sand or beach sand. Aquarium sand was bought at pet store.