Many DACs are user-upgradeable, but very few have received the steady stream of free firmware updates that delivered sound quality improvements - not just bug fixes - that enable the DS DAC to retain its competitive edge. Attaining the performance provided by the PerfectWave transport and DirectStream DAC even five years ago would have cost multiples of the PS Audio Duo. Many will be excited just to see that it can accept DSD signals, but I would say that they are being shortsighted. We always strive for same-day shipping but at this time, orders may take as long as one-week to ship. That was then or what would become the MK1. Our DirectStream … Hear what’s been missing in your music for all these years. I consistently heard a lower noise floor from the Memory Player and, from that, more air, better definition, and less smearing, which I became aware of only when confronted with its absence. Its performance is on par with some of the very best “traditional” designs on the market, and with its potential for endless upgradability, the DirectStream is revolutionary. When the upgrade itch strikes, we must look to another DAC. Surely, you tell yourself, it must be sacrificing detail to deliver this. PS Audio Directstream Dac DirectStream is one of the most remarkable DACS ever built. Damn, the performances of the various groups and soloists were so real and at such dynamic range, it was hard to believe that the source material was a simple 16/44.1 Redbook CD. It was easy to install the driver software necessary for the DirectStream DAC to work with Windows. If you know the sound of music and instruments, and want to hear what’s been missing on your discs, then this DAC is right for you. On value for money, the PS Audio’s considerably lower asking makes it the goto unit. DirectStream is one of the most remarkable DACS ever built and the reviewers agree. If the question involves an immediate need, this is not a good place as Paul won't see them for weeks. For your consideration is a PS Audio Directstream DAC in silver. No it did not, but that’s not how I measure success. It’s consequently the dream DAC and streamer for such people – non digital sounding digital!!! PerfectWave DirectStream media converter pdf manual download. The network Bridge provides local network access to NAS, and most network UPnP applications. DirectStream DAC – Pure DSD done right Introducing DirectStream, one of the most remarkable DACS ever built. Matthias Böde of Germany's Stereo Magazine gives DirectStream 100 out of 100 points. The only remaining choice is whether you want silver or black. The DirectStream DAC is the hottest thing to come of PS Audio since forever. Right now here in our listening room...Way deeper bass, way more open, way less whatever being in the way of our music… way more music. From PS Audio PS Audio's DirectStream DAC has, in the last two years, won just about every Product of the Year award that there is to win in the world of audio. Functions like new. The PS Audio manual addresses the PCM question: While some designs may run out of headroom or approach saturation levels, depending on the source material, the new design opts for an extra top bit everywhere in the digital path coupled with an extra 6 dB of head room in the analog path beyond the 6dB of headroom that SACD uses. As someone with very little tolerance for the fatiguing nature associated with CD, I find this to be a most appealing characteristic. This is a brilliant design, with exceptional execution, and paradigm-setting sound. We learnt a bit more about his motivations and mind set in an interview we conducted with Paul at the eve of introducing their Network Bridge, an add-on to the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC or PWD for short. It isn't necessary that we know the exact vintage or upgrade status, just as close as you can manage so we know what unit to expect. The DirectStream’s sound is non-fatiguing in an almost tube-like way. That is a stunning value proposition, and one very few companies can match. DAC. Introducing DirectStream, one of the most remarkable DACS ever built. Den nya serien placerar sig på motsvarande nivå som NuWave DSD och under DS och BHK-serierna. Even at low listening levels, music retained its character with no sense of the sound washing out. ... CEO of PS Audio. But what happened now was beyond our expectations. If you have an immediate question email us, Let us purchase your used stereo equipment for the original retail value. Upscale Certified Pre-Owned Components are fully bench-tested by an expert technician with over 25 years experience. Refined tonality, dimensionality, dynamics, and grunt - it has it all. In October of this year PS Audio will launch DirectStream Transport (DST). Serien består av en kombinerad DAC/Försteg (Gain Cell), ett stereoslutsteg (S300) och ett par monoslutsteg (M700). This product qualifies for our risk free in-home trial in the continental United States when purchased directly from PS Audio. Its treatment of any digital material, regardless of format, is quite astounding — even MP3s and Internet radio sounded vibrant and exciting. Pure DSD done right. The DS is a game changer; I think it has caused the ‘war’ between DSD and PCM to be on hold or mute for most of us, and above all hold your horses before buying expensive high-resolution PCM files or DSD. And just like thousands of delighted current owners, I fully expect many more will find it to be the one that speaks best to their soul.