If that same blade is available in 154CM or S30v or similar I'd be more interested. Where a steel like S30V really shines is in sharpening. Para Military™ 2 G-10 Digital Camo/Black Blade. I have a Dragonfly in ZDP-189. CPM S30V is tougher (i.e. Pro 1000. Manix S110V vs. Maxamet Discussion in 'Spyderco' started by stevekolt, Dec 26, 2016. Exhibiting very good edge retention, corrosion resistance, and sharpenability, S30V is utilized by a variety of makers for its performance and balance. William Entenmann. The Mo content of M390 is lower, however, so it is difficult to predict how things balance out when comparing higher Cr vs â ¦ Advantages: Extremely high wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The idea with Maxamet is that it can serve as a carbide replacement in some applications, meaning that it is incredibly hard and holds an edge for an incredibly long time. Para Military™ 2 G-10 Digital Camo. Paid Subscribers don't see ads! With my own CATRA experiments the relative position of S30V is approximately the same, but I will be talking about those experiments in a future article. … Apr 5, 2015. Steel is a combination of iron and carbon with other elements. Yojimbo™ 2 G-10 Brown Black Blade CPM S90V Exclusive. Because of its high durability, high corrosion resistance and edge retention, Benchmade Knives entire new line of premium hunting knives, appropriately called the HUNT series, are all made with CPM-S30V. It’s a premium alloy martensitic stainless steel tool steel Produced by @CRUCIBLE; It’s high in Vanadium and Niobium, it’s used in industrial knives, slitters, circular cutters, screw elements and wear components for food. Para™ 3 G-10 Black/Black Blade. There are amazing portable sharpeners available today, such as the Spyderco … Pingback: Exclusive Steel: Spyderco Native 5 With SPY27 Knife Review | GearJunkie - GARDEN … Maxamet blade sharpened with Wicked Edge diamonds (600 and 1500) at 17 degrees and polished with 1 micron diamond lapping film at 17.5 degrees. 43. If you’re looking for all all-around best knife steel, you’d be hard-pressed to find one better than Bohler Uddeholm M390. from Knifecenter.com - The Original and Largest Online Catalog of Cutlery Maxamet steel specs give a hardness range from 64rc to 71rc. The steel also offers high toughness degree, rare in many hard steels, making them highly susceptible to brittleness and chipping. 2,687. $270.00. Two things however remain constant between all versions that have been released to date: The Native is always a Back Lock (aka LockBack), and the style is always just about the same with its classic style and utilitarian profile with a pronounced finger choil on the blade. Menu S30V . Para Military™ 2 G-10 Dark Gray Maxamet. M390 has similar corrosion resistance, and falls between S30V and S90V for edge holding and ease of sharpening in my experience. Knives made from this luxury-level steel deliver fantastic edge retention and superior resistance to wear. Both S30V and S35VN steel are made with the same carbon and chrome content, and from various tests, both steels provide the same edge retention and corrosion resistance. However, S30v steel is much easier to sharpen, and some people find it to be a more practical option for a knife you intend to sharpen yourself. Jan 9, 2007. Sharpening the s110v takes me a bit longer than the s30v but the former keeps a great edge for much longer and a longer time period between sharpening. 07944 775768; tony@harpendenrenovations.com; Home; Services; Our works; Contact; Menu I think Spyderco hardens their Maxamet to 68/69. The blade was then micro-bevelled with a Japanese Natural Asagi finishing hone. What it is: CPM S30V is a "Crucible Particle Metallurgy" stainless steel, widely regarded as a "super steel" for its properties and performance. I'm just wondering what your opinion is on who does s30v best (i.e. Christopher Wade is a true outdoorsman. People were calling it, “the best knife steel available,” and indeed, it might have been. $221.00 . Thanks Jul 9, 2019 #2. Para™ 3 G-10 Black. Short of purposeful abuse, it’s all but impossible to chip an edge on an INFI blade. CPM S35VN Steel Review Chris Reeve Knives PacificWhen Crucible Industries introduced its CPM S30V steel, blade-smiths and knife-lovers alike fell in love with it; the quality wear resistance, toughness, and machinability offered by the steel was equal to none other. S30V quickly became a favorite for knife manufacturers in the 2000s. That said, S30V is a great steel! CPM-S30V. Pingback: Exclusive Steel: Spyderco Native 5 With SPY27 Knife Review – Now Reviews Hub. I have the s110v lw Manix and the standard s30v PM2. READ MORE HERE: BOOK NOW The White Villas. Buy Spyderco Shaman Folders, The aptly named Shaman transcends the spirit of Spyderco's Native to offer a larger, even more capable expression of its iconic design theme. S35VN VS S30V. After spending most of his career as a firearms expert and … S110V VS S30V; S110V VS S35VN; S110V VS M390; S110V VS MAXAMET; Conclusion; Reach your true potential; Reach your true potential; What is CPM s110v steel? So, who makes Maxamet steel? It's cool to carry a knife made from Maxamet, M390, or CPM-S110V. Required fields are marked *. Some versions have seen CPM-S30V and S35VN steels, others with different handle scale materials. The steel has the same Cr and Mo content as S30V and S35VN. Most of the knives that I carry in S30V or even S90v would have required sharpening at least a couple of times. If anyone has any information on the Maxamet rockwell on Spyderco knives it would be appreciated. Just go over our comparison between S30V vs. VG 10 above so that you can finally decide what type of steel you need for your knife. CPM S30V. Disadvantages: Relatively difficult to sharpen, can be prone to chipping in certain applications. 66% Score (below this but above 33% is a steel that scores a 1): 372 (66% of Maxamet's 563); CPM 10V at 389. Which one and WHY Dec 26, 2016 #2. wiredbeans. Edge-retention vs. sharpening ability. Para™ 3 G-10 Dark Gray Maxamet. Maxamet, also referred to as Micro-Melt Maxamet, is an extremely hard and high-speed powder designed for knife blades. The silica abrasive in the hone is incapable of abrading the carbides, but removes the matrix around them, exposing them at and near the apex. Advantages: Wear resistance, corrosion resistance. This shows how good Maxamet is at this one particular thing. It checks out at 64rc, and is does very well. Para Military™ 2 Left Hand G-10 Black. About the author. S30V is, in many eyes, the ultimate EDC steel. CPM S35VN's improved toughness gives it better resistance to edge chipping. Dec 26, 2016 #1. stevekolt Gold Member Gold Member. However, its corrosion resistance was not the very best hence the advancement to S35VN. Para™ 3 G-10 Dark Blue CPM S110V. The Cr and Mo addition provides corrosion resistance, ... Maxamet is a non-stainless high speed steel capable of high hardness. This is a surprise to me. Reply. $325.00. Through over a month of consistent use, my Paramilitary 2 blade was still sharp enough to slice through phone book paper and stick against my thumbnail. CPM vs Conventionally Produced Steel (Source Crucible Industries Datasheet) Crucible Industries has been producing steel with high wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and toughness by adding vanadium and niobium when … This comparison conveys the largest gap in edge retention, as private reviewers were unhappy with how quickly the S30V blade became blunt for general cutting on typical items like rugs. Mar 20, 2019. Maxamet is a powder steel from Carpenter, an American steel company. $241.00. Christopher Wade. $210.00. s110v vs s30v. Cliff Stamp writes on the Spyderco forum: “Maxamet is an extreme alloy, for comparison, it is to 10V what S90V is to 420J2. Maxamet. I was surprised how much more I enjoy Rex 45's edge compared to the Hap40 Lum Chinese Folder, but then it seems all the Para 2's & 3's edges are my favs (Maxamet, Cruware, S90V, M390). COVID-19 SPECIAL OFFERS AVAILABLE. JNat micro-bevelled Maxamet … Heard of an older maxamet pm 2 tested at 69, newer pm2 at 68+ ish. CPM-S35VN. Personally I prefer s110v over s30v. Only a few years ago Elmax was pricey, but competition has driven it down to reasonable levels, making it a decent value. S110V VS MAXAMET. Here is the datasheet. 898. Chris Reeve is famous for developing two steels directly with Crucible Industries, and boy did this partnership result in an awesome product. $222.00. $305.00. You can use this chart to try to find the best steel for you. (maybe 67/68 still very hard). OTHER GEAR REVIEWS: Comparing the Magnum 7mm vs. 30-06 Springfield, Reviewing the Lee Loadmaster vs. 33% Score (below this is a steel that scores a zero): 187 (33% of Maxamet's 563); closest is 3V at 198. $221.00.