Behind the table, among thick cobwebs is a blue butterfly wing, while beside it is a counter with two petty soul gems, a random empty soul gem, and a common book on top. Right, so about a week ago, Skrim time, I went through Fellgrow Keep doing the 'Hitting The Books' questline along with my follower, Lydia. In the northern corner is a cupboard with two common books and a salt pile on the shelves. “Hitting the Books” is a College of Winterhold Faction Quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. ", The map may not mark Fellglow Keep as cleared until completing both quests. In the southern corner is a shrine of Julianos on top of a dresser with two sets of shelves to the left. Location 1.1m. This next room is circular with one mage on guard opposite by a large fireplace. There are three doors from this room not including the entrance you used. He needs to die since he has the Fellglow Keep Key. You'll find one room with a … The cells are all apprentice-locked and can either be lockpicked or on the southeast wall, to the right of a wooden door are four levers that each open one of the cells. Obtainable only from killing or pickpocketing The Caller to prepare he will send you to the Arcanaeum.Inside you will want to find and talk with Urag gro-Shub.. Talk with him about what … Link; Reset; Map Key; Help; Discuss; UESP Home Orthorn is in the middle cell and two wolves are in the furthest cell unless the mage is able to release them to aid him in fighting you. There is a mage around the corner to the right. Dispose of them and locate the entrance to Fellglow Keep Dungeons. In the southern corner is a cupboard with seven common books and three food sacks on the shelves. . There is a cupboard on the right holding only clutter and a short distance further along a door on the left opens into a bedroom containing an unowned double bed, a wardrobe containing clothes, an unlocked chest and a long wooden table with a gourd and baked potato on top. The main door to Fellglow Keep is locked and requires a key when first discovered. Oddly enough, the vampires will still say. Created Dec 12, 2010. This triggers a poison dart trap from the right. Carried by The Caller in the Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber. To the right of these is an unlocked chest. ". The first three have leveled mages standing beside them. Fort The sarcophagi burst open and skeletons emerge, some rise while others are already dead and can be looted. The door, which cannot be picked and requires a key to open, opens at the top of the stairs in the dungeon where Orthorn was held. There are three target lanes opposite: the one on the right contains a dead vampire in a small hanging cage, the middle one has a practice dummy at the end and the one on the left has a captive vampire in a small hanging cage. Beside this is another woodcutter's axe. Fellglow Keep DungeonsFellglow Keep Ritual Chamber Examine the shelves and the chest. There are numerous barrels and sacks containing ingredients and food throughout the dungeon and keep. Go to the end of the hallway, enter the room on the right using the just acquired key and loot around. Beside the cupboard is a soul gem stand holding a random empty soul gem. Where is the Fellglow Keep Key? 5.4k. The door to the west opens into a small storeroom containing an apprentice-locked chest, a sideboard with an iron warhammer, an iron greatsword and a pair of iron gauntlets on top and a set of shelves holding a common book, a thistle branch, a salt pile, a medium coin purse, a bottle of wine and a random potion. Phase 2 - Kill The Dragon Razorgore will have aggro on the last player controlling the orb and is immune to taunts, so ideally you will want to assign a tank to be the last Orb controller. To the right is a flight of stairs leading up to another door. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. There is a random dagger on the floor in front of the cupboard. In the northern corner of the cell containing the wolves there is a medium coin purse that is difficult to see due to cobwebs. One Briar Heart (inside the 1st door on the left). Through the door is a passage with a dresser ahead with a small coin purse, a random empty soul gem and a common book on top. The keep can be reached by following a path from the northern Valtheim Tower. Fellglow Keep Key: 00 071c07: Carried by a mage in the Fellglow Keep area: Opens the main entrance, a locked door in an L-shaped room in Fellglow Keep area, and the door from the dungeon and the keep. Fellglow Keep (Mages) - run to Fellglow keep - run through dungeon - grab potions just before boss - kill boss with staff - take key off boss and books off pedestal - leave and FT to Mages College. ... Skyrim ; Fellglow keep This page was last modified on 5 August 2020, at 12:21. Esta página ou seção está incompleta. After reaching the new area, push the bolt and open the door to return to the room with stairs. There is a chest to raid in the south bedroom. Just keep an eye on the health level of you hero and the team members, attacking The Caller until you drain all of her health. To the south is a passage with two barrels on the right with a bunch of jazbay grapes in a wooden bowl on top. Map Behind the damaged statue is a random greatsword stuck into the rubble. The item ID for Fellglow Keep Key in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: 00071C07. The main door to Fellglow Keep is locked and requires a key when first discovered. Arniel Endeavor 0002A388 The key is the Fellglow keep key. Sublocations To ehter the keep I need a key and can't find it. Ahead is another partially flooded room. They will, however, attack if provoked. In the northwest corner is a cupboard holding a basket containing three sheaves of wheat. Now that door is in Skyrim so one of my mods is deleting it. The door opposite leads outside via the main door that was previously locked. Behind it is a passage with a bucket on the floor on your left, containing a creep cluster and a sprig of elves ear. Fellglow Keep is a huge fort east-northeast of Whiterun, inhabited by mages. The next section is brightly lit and there is a small unit with a bunch of jazbay grapes and a leather strip on top. The Caller carries a Fellglow Ritual Chamber Key that opens a door to the northwest where you will find a boss level chest with a random shield leaning against it, a cupboard to the left holding a random helmet, a bowl hiding a bowl of bone meal, a bulb of garlic, a satchel, five soul gem fragments, a random filled soul gem, a copy of The Wolf Queen, v8, a random potion of healing, and a random potion. The door opens into the Ritual Chamber, where you will finally find The Caller. Part of Fellglow Keep and all of Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber are only accessible during the Hitting the Books quest. To the left is a dresser containing clothes with an iron dagger on top. Hitting The Books takes you to Fellglow Keep. There are four wooden tables in the room with experiments on top: two with dead master vampires on top, against the northwest wall and in the middle of the room between two pillars, a third with a dead Khajiit on top against the southeast wall, and the final table against the northeast wall with a dead Nord on top. There are a couple of food sacks among some rubble on the left and a trapdoor that opens a room in Fellglow Keep. The upper level has a cupboard holding two potatoes and a bottle of ale and a set of shelves holding two bottle of both alto wine and wine and two pieces of cheese. To spawn this item in-game, open the console and type the following command: player.AddItem 00071C07 1. Winterhold (Mages) - talk to Urag gro-Shub in Arcanaeum - talk to Tolfdir in Hall of the Elements - skip through cutscene There is a long wooden table to the right of the main entrance with a haunch of horse meat, a bottle of ale, a portion of grilled leeks, a small coin purse and a sprig of frost mirriam on top. Against the northwest wall, beside some rubble from a cave-in is a stack of crates with an iron war axe on top. The door to the east has a short passage leading to stairs up into a larger room above. There is a small table and chairs in the middle of the room with a bottle of wine and some bread and cheese on top. Allows access to the secoond part of the ritual chamber. Free Orthorn by activating the middle lever. This problem seems to be new in the Steam PC version of the game. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. If the Dragonborn decides to kill her, she can be looted for her key. Beyond this is a food barrel with a flute on top by an open door that leads into a larger room with four cells along the far wall. By 4E 203, the fort was taken by commander Madryn … Savos Aren seems to have a plan to deal with that strange orb (Eye of the Magnus). Is there another way in. The door in front opens into another bedroom, this one contains two unowned single beds, one of which has a mage sleeping in it, a wardrobe, an end table and a cupboard holding a leather strip, a satchel, a swamp fungal pod, a random helmet, a bunch of jazbay grapes hidden in a wooden bowl and two food sacks. He will tell you he can't help since his books got stolen by Orthorn when he went to Fellglow Keep with the others who left the college. The fort consists of three sections: Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fellglow Keep, and Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber. These hold a bottle of alto wine, two bottles of wine, a bowl of bread, a plate with a dragon's tongue flower and a bunch of jazbay grapes on top, two red apples, and a bowl containing a sweet roll. Whiterun Hold To the left is a passage that has caved-in with a patch of Namira's Rot fungus growing among the rubble and to the left of this is a stack of crates with an iron mace on top. So I encountered Fellglow Keep while wandering around and cleaned it out. I need more, and you'll do nicely. By the fireplace is a flower basket containing a sample of white cap and scaly pholiota fungi. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It is said that it "is in a mage's equipment, who is asleep in a bed", but where specifically? The woman will keep teleporting throughout the whole room, but it shouldn't cause you too much trouble. The quest serves as the third quest in the College of Winterhold's questline. One of which has a bottle of alto wine on top. Fellglow Keep is a fort in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Posted by just now. Locations []. Hitting the Books is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is most likely the Dragonborn has not randomly encountered the dead treasure hunter yet. Davis & Davis Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Request Free Estimate. Under the levers is a dresser with a set of clothes and a hat on top. SKYRIM How To Clear Fellglow Keep Quest Commentary + Tutorial Skyrim:Keys. Between these is a flight of stairs, at the top is another cupboard with a garlic braid and a drum on the shelves. To the right of this is a plinth with a copy of the Conjuration skill book The Doors of Oblivion on top. There is also a cupboard with a blacksmith's apron, a hammer and tongs, three quicksilver ingots, three common books including a copy of Lost Legends which starts the Forbidden Legend quest and two soul gems, one filled and one empty, on the shelves. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; Fellglow Keep Key; User Info: Zaraf. Regardless of whether you are sneaking you will be instantly spotted and she will initiate a conversation. Now you just need to head forward and open the main door leading out of the Keep. Ive got there ok but Im at the door and its locked and requires a key. The shelves hold many ruined books, a bottle of Nord mead, a sample of scaly pholiota fungus, a salt pile, two bunches of lavender, several food sacks, a copy of The Aetherium Wars(DG), an iron helmet, a sample of creep cluster, a lute, two leather strips, a sample of blisterwort fungus, an iron mace, three bottles of alto wine, four bottles of wine, a copy of Boethiah's Proving, which starts the quest Boethiah's Calling as long as you are level 30, a hooded black robe, a copy of the Spell Tome: Sparks, a bowl of void salts hidden in a flower basket and two iron daggers. Você pode ajudar adicionando conteúdo a ela. The passage continues to the southwest, through an open door. During Hitting the Books, the flame atronach is to the southwest, near an entrance to Fellglow Keep Dungeons, which is the entrance you will have to enter and navigate from to reach the interior of the keep. Once all the mages are killed, the vampires will flee as normal. Ive been sent to fellglow keep for some books. Open the wooden door and go down the stairs. In one room in Fellglow Keep there are three cages with vampires in them, with switches on the wall to open the cages. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995, Open the door to Fellglow Keep. There are many crates and unusable barrels around the room, on the balcony and throughout the dungeon and keep, with many items of clutter among them. Tunnel and the nearby Woodcutter 's Axe … The door opens into a small room containing a necromancer seated at a table. On the shelves are two bottles of alto wine, a knapsack, a honey nut treat, a bowl of glow dust, a medium coin purse and three common books. To place this item in-front of your character, use the following console command: More... What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; From Orcz. You enter into the lower level and to the right is a flight of stairs up to the upper level where you will find a mage and Familiar or atronach. Coupons & Specials There is long wooden table in the middle of the room with a copy of The Legend of Red Eagle on top. Along the northeast wall is a wooden block with an iron dagger and a salt pile on it, another set of shelves holding six more books and a bowl of bone meal, and a dresser containing clothes with a random potion of healing on top. This problem seems to be new in the Steam PC version of the game. There is also a small counter with a cabbage, carrot and sack of food on top. Ahead the passage passes through a door into a room on two levels. Against the south wall is a crate with a woodcutter's axe on top. The passage continues to climb two more small flights of stairs up into a lit room containing two leveled necromancers and a total of eleven sarcophagi along the side walls. There is a bear trap in front of the door with a second trap a short way along the next passage. Now that door is in Skyrim so one of my mods is deleting it. Opposite the fireplace, against the wall is a set of shelves holding clutter and a random empty soul gem. The first chamber of Fellglow Keep is guarded by a conjurer and an ice mage and has the Conjuration skill book The Doors of Oblivion on a pedestal. The path to the stairs that leads to the door to the Caller, and the books, is blocked. This can be opened with the Fellglow Keep Key carried by the mage previously. I used Creation Kit to remove the stones and went up the stairs to find the door was missing. Fellglow Keep Key is in a mage's equipment, who is asleep in a bed. Fight The Caller: either through certain dialogue options, by attacking her, or by picking up one of the quest books; Trade the books for Orthorn: through some dialogue options, The Caller will offer the books in exchange for your companion; if you accept, Orthorn will walk back to the keep, while you may pick up the books and leave without a fight. The passage enters a small room that is partially flooded, where a Nordic barnacle is growing on some masonry on the ground, while among some rubble on the right is an iron mace. The vampires will then leave the dungeon without attacking you (unless you attack them first). Coming from Fellglow Keep Dungeons, a fallen. Skyrim: Fellglow Keep Key. If Orthorn is not with you, and you tell her "Maybe we can come to an arrangement," she replies that you have nothing she is interested in. Page Discussion Edit History. Fellglow Keep Key “Fellglow Keep Key” is an item in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. On the table is an iron dagger, a leather strip and some bread and cheese. College of Winterhold. Hitting The Books takes you to Fellglow Keep. The fort consists of three sections: Fellglow Keep Dungeons, Fellglow Keep, and Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber. At higher levels, she will summon a storm atronach; even if she is apparently killed in one hit, the atronach will disappear just as it begins to attack. Note that the room can be accessed through a trapdoor if the Dragonborn goes back after taking the books, therefore the Caller does not have to be killed in order to acquire everything within. Spawn Commands. On the lower level are two doors: one to the north and another to the east. Strangely, if the Dragonborn gets to the room with the caged vampires, does not release them, leaves the dungeon, and then returns, the vampires will be in the next room standing harmlessly near the mages and will not attack them. This key will open a treasury room filled with alchemy ingredients, potions, and a chest containing random loot. There are three small cages hanging from the ceiling; the one in the southern corner has a dead Khajiit inside, while the others contain only bones. 5.4k. The path to the stairs that leads to the door to the Caller, and the books, is blocked. These books are guarded by the leader of the Fellglow Mages, named The Caller. Open the door to Fellglow Keep and head NE towards the Fellglow Keep Ritual Chamber. Type Members. In a ruined tower there are stairs leading down to the door into the dungeon. There are three small tables with chairs and one long table and a bench in the room. There is an end table by the turn with a random potion of stamina on top. Fellglow Keep is a huge fort east-northeast of Whiterun, inhabited by mages. To the right is a dresser. Cannot be dropped. Hold Fellglow Keep is a huge fort east-northeast of Whiterun, and home to a group of renegade mages from the College of Winterhold.. Created Dec 12, 2010. It is said that it "is in a mage's equipment, who is asleep in a bed", but where specifically? Not possible to pickpocket the key, The Caller has to be killed and looted to get it. Hitting the Books. Led by The Caller, mages that had left the College of Winterhold fled to this location to practice forbidden experiments. SKYRIM: Lydia trapped in Fellglow Keep? The room has a door that is barred from this side. If Orthorn is taken as a temporary follower and survives up to the encounter with The Caller, she will offer to trade the books for Orthorn to continue using as a test subject. Not possible to pickpocket the key, The Caller has to be killed and looted to get it. Community content is available under. Followers 0. Close. 1.1m. At the top of the stairs is another dresser containing clothes and a wooden door that leads to Fellglow Keep but requires a key to open.