When Zure, Knight of Dark World killed a boy, who resembled Jesse Anderson, a glowing aura appeared around Jaden and Zure remarked that he is not like the other Duelists. Games Movies TV Video. [4] The Supreme King would later come to haunt Jaden's past as a constant reminder of the atrocities he committed. "Z-ARC" is in the back. Unlike the previously inexperienced Jaden, the King masters the mighty Gentle Darkness, the power which opposes the Light of Destruction. The series contains two archetypes (sub-archetypes in the anime): " Supreme King Dragon " and " Supreme King … As per the Master Rule 4, the deck loses its Pendulum Summon power. Supreme King Servant Dragon Darkwurm: Korean: 패왕권룡 다크브룸: 펜듈럼 효과 ①: 1턴에 1번, 자신 필드에 몬스터가 존재하지 않을 경우에 발동할 수 있다. Leaked ID. [6], As Jaden went deeper into the alternate dimension, he could not control his emotions, especially anger and hatred, which resulted the awakening of his dormant powers. Yu-Gi-Oh! Castle: Assault Event. He tells her that the true enemy is The Light of Destruction, and that she will be purified from its influence and her soul will be fused with his forever. March 22, 2020 DarkPrince09 6,020 0 Comments. He is also very taciturn; he only talks when necessary or to spite his enemies and when he talks, he speaks in a slightly condescending tone. Can Jaden stop the unstoppable, or will this nightmare of a beast put any and all dreams of a rescue to rest?! GX Tag Force 3 According to Bastion Misawa (and later confirmed by Yubel herself), it was Yubel who orchestrated Jaden's awakening as the Supreme King, with the intent of ruling over the united twelve dimensions together. Zane then throws The Supreme King's helmet to the army in order to show them that their ruler has truly fallen and the army disperses soon after. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Yu-Gi-Oh! Unlike Jaden, The Supreme King is cold, collected, arrogant, ruthless, and merciless, but always carries an air of intimidation as noted by Axel Brodie. Yu-Gi … YuGiOh! The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch, D.D.R. "Supreme King Dragon" (Japanese: 覇 (は) 王 (おう) 眷 (けん) 竜 (りゅう) , Haōkenryū, lit. After your opponent gets rid of them and you managed to get "Z-ARC" on the field, you can use "Supreme Rage" to devastate, or even finish the opponent. Jaden mastered The Supreme King inside himself during the final Duel with Yubel. The Supreme King (覇 (は) 王 (おう) Haō) is the wielder of The Gentle Darkness and the alternate, darker personality of Jaden Yuki that possessed him while he was in the second alternate dimension searching for Jesse Anderson. Other Male Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Judai VS The Legendary Duelist, The Light of Destruction (The Light of Ruin), Guardian of the Labyrinth (Guard of the Underworld), Goblin Elite Attack Force (Goblin Elite Force), Maximillion Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford), https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/The_Supreme_King?oldid=4375367. It is able to bring out any kind of high-Level Fusion Monster with dreadful effects in an instant. With Jesse safe and sound, Jaden agrees to settle the score once and for all with Yubel! Since unlike other Tuner Pendulum Monsters, she has no restriction on what she can Summon (but using her after being Pendulum Summoned will banish her), she is an ideal Tuner for generic Synchro Monsters such as "Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend", "PSY-Framelord Omega" or "Enlightenment Paladin". [15][16], Jaden using the Supreme King's powers during the final battle against Yubel, During the final Duel with Yubel, the true nature of The Supreme King is exposed: The Supreme King was once a resident (prince in the dub) of an unnamed kingdom, destined to battle The Light of Destruction, and a close friend to a once-human Yubel. OCG Sets الحاكم المطلق Yu-Gi-Oh! Their small membership demands that the player mixes them with something else to make the most of it, and thus more than likely adopt that Deck's weaknesses as well. Secondly their Pendulum Scales have values of 1 and 8, which mix well with the "Supreme King" cards since "Darkwurm" is a Level 4 and both "Gates" are Level 7. Originally a pro Duelist with benevolent intentions, Z-ARC was rendered psychotic because of the dragons' belligerence, the pressure of his audience's selfishness and greed for brutal exciting duels, his obsession with becoming the strongest duelist and the foreboding thought of eventually being defeated, which caused his decision to devastate the civilization of … Yu-Gi-Oh! Add new page. Appearances ID 0155: Supreme King; Cards Used by Supreme King … However, Sartorius counters by telling that he should know the allure of power more than anyone - having been controlled by The Supreme King. PSP Matthew Charles For Pendulum Summoning, other additional and more mainstreamed cards such as "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" or "Archfiend Eccentrick" can be useful as well. "Infinity" can be more trouble than an aid due to its "no monster" clause to perform a Pendulum Summon. With the power of the Gentle Darkness to command Duel Monster Spirits, he is feared as a tyrant as seen when he usurped command of the Dark World Army from its previous leader Brron, and conquered large swaps of territory in that world in a matter of weeks. "Supreme King Servant Dragon"), is an archetype of DARK Dragon monsters used by Z-ARC in Yu-Gi-Oh! The series contains two archetypes (sub-archetypes in the anime): "Supreme King Dragon" and "Supreme King Gate". The same goes for people who do evil unto others. ARC-V anime. Resident Evil Yugioh Dragons Yu Gi Oh Zexal Yugioh Monsters Yugioh Collection Dark Evil Thing 1 Pokemon Cards Manga. 覇王 [10] He ties with The Supreme King in a Duel and then uses the Eye of Orichalcum to free Jaden, at the cost of his own life. Amazed by Jaden's courage and equity, Sky Scout begs Jaden to defeat the evil that rules his world (the Supreme King) and to become King himself.As Jaden went deeper into the alternate dimension, he could not control his emotions, especially anger and hatred, which resulted the awakening of his dormant powers. Supreme King is not available in the game yet. August 29, 2020 at 11:49 pm. Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V. - Different Dimension Reincarnation, https://ygorganization.com/deathbyburndamagefromzarcandpals/, https://ygorganization.com/deck-recipe-supreme-king-z-arc/, Divine Go-D/D/D Zero King Zero G.O.D. [8] While in control, his first action is mobilizing an army to slaughter numerous Duelists in order to complete the "Super Polymerization" card. Portuguese Supreme King Z-ARC . Due to their Japanese names, hybrids of "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" with the other three Dimension Dragons are also members of the "Supreme King" series. Anime 120,661 Pages. Anime Deck The "Supreme King" archetype pairs extremely well with the "Magician" archetype, especially "Z-ARC Magician" monsters, consisting of "Double Iris Magician", "Black Fang Magician", "White Wing Magician" and "Purple Poison Magician" who provide a handful of benefits. Rey Supremo Light Bashing of Rias and Issei Naruto's abilities of that of the Supreme King from Yugioh and Elemental Heroes to Evil Heroes. Evil HERO The Supreme King is first mentioned by Sky Scout, after the latter was defeated by Jaden Yuki. He gains golden eyes more than once, before they turn to Yubel's bichromatic style, and manifests power of generating wind during his second Duel with Sartorius. GX Tag Force 3 If that's the case then make sure to subscribe to my second channel! GX Return of the Supreme King, Part 1. GX [9] He later begins to oppress many local villages, coercing their allegiance through strong-arm tactics and sets his eyes on a village that serves as his primary resistance for a trap for the survivors of his attacks. Ο Υπέρτατος Βασιλιάς The Supreme King is first mentioned by Sky Scout, after the latter was defeated by Jaden Yuki. Astrograph Sorcerer and Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom are banned in the Advanced Format and limited to one in the traditional format. Nightshroud tried to convince him that it's hopeless and he should surrender - he is alone, and no one else can fight. If needed other monsters can be used too, such as "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit", "Timebreaker Magician" or "Noble Dragon Magician" can open up room for Level 7 Synchro Summoning such as "Clear Wing Synchro Dragon" or "Moonlight Rose Dragon". The Supreme King is a shadowed figure dressed in black and gold medieval knight-esque armor with six tendril-like spikes, two jutting out of the armor's back and four jutting out of the shoulders, a headdress with a tall collar and a floor-length red cape. Spanish Kind, generous, and caring people don't always stay that way. Because of how young he was at the time, Yubel offered to be transformed into a Duel Monster to protect him, an act that moved the King to the point of devoting himself to loving his only friend. "Supreme King's Wrath" Special Summons "Supreme King Servant Dragon Odd-Eyes", "Starve Venom", "Clear Wing" and "Dark Rebellion". Supreme King (覇 ( は ) 王 ( おう ) Haō) is a series (archetype in the anime) of DARK Dragon monsters (with the exception of the Fiend "Supreme King Gate" archetype) used by Z-ARC in Yu-Gi-Oh! Register Start a Wiki. Structure Deck … Supreme King Dance: Card: Trap Card: Property: Continuous Effect Type: Quick-like, Quick-like, Quick-like Appearances: Yu-Gi-Oh! If this card in the Monster Zone is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone. Yu-Gi-Oh! Community content is available under. 0. Wiki | Fandom. Amazed by Jaden's courage and equity, Sky Scout begs Jaden to defeat the evil that rules his world (Yubel) and to become the Supreme King himself. From left to right: "Clear Wing", "Odd-Eyes", "Dark Rebellion" and "Starving Venom". Wiki. However, he doesn't actively hunt for opponents; this was shown when he let Axel leave his castle without giving chase after defeating Jim Crocodile Cook, and he only Dueled Jim because it was the latter that challenged him. Il Sovrano Supremo In other words, the "Supreme King" archetype is fairly flexible since they can be mixed with multiple cards and provide a handful of utilitarian uses. Jaden's face also elicits anger and hatred through a constant scowl, and he speaks in a bland monotone (in the dub, his voice is coarser than usual). Cannot be used as Reactor Material, except it’s for a “Supreme King” Reactor Monster. Oberster König The True Graduation Duel! Using "Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm", the player is capable of toolboxing into the "Supreme King Gates", the archetype's main sources of a Pendulum Scale. [9], Ultimately, The Supreme King fails in his quest due to the efforts of Jim Crocodile Cook, Axel Brodie, Aster Phoenix, Zane Truesdale and indirectly, Syrus Truesdale. L'Ultime Souverain However, the player would often stand without Pendulum Summon as per the Pendulum Effect of "Infinity" thanks to the archetype's penchant for swarming and controlling the field through its "boss". Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm | Yu-Gi-Oh! When Zure, Knight of Dark World killed a boy, who resemble… For the, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Duelist 패왕 Paewang (romanized) English Wikis. Custom Wiki. Relatives Register Start a Wiki. Lists Supreme King Servant Dragon Dark Rebellion: Korean: 패왕권룡 다크 리벨리온: 어둠 속성 레벨 4 의 펜듈럼 몬스터 x 2 ① : 1턴에 1번, 이 카드가 상대 몬스터와 전투를 실행하는 데미지 계산 전에, 이 카드의 엑시즈 소재를 1개 제거하고 발동할 수 있다. Games Movies TV Video. He serves as the second main antagonist of the final third of season three after Brron and his Dark World Army are defeated, starting from episode 136 until his defeat in episode 143. Rated M for Mature ... Little OP/OCC/BA/A Little Dark Naruto Naruto x Harem: Sona and others TBA but ideas can help and why they join fall for Naruto but no Rias. In stark contrast to the carefree and compassionate Judai Yuki, the Supreme King is cold, collected and ruthless, willing to sacrifice as many innocent people as he has to in order to complete Super Fusion. With the help of Jesse’s deck and the power of the Supreme King, Jaden looks to deal a final blow to Yubel and free his friends from their dimensional detentions! So far, there is only one Ritual monster in the archetype, Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon which specializes in the destruction of every card on the field, inflicting 200 points of damage for each card destroyed that way. Series; Booster Pack Rainbow; Structure Decks. ARC-V anime series. Sets [4] While Dueling, his opponents as well as spectators feel an enormous pressure coming from him,[3] which can later result in them becoming afraid of him.[3][5]. Table of contents. Add a photo to this gallery Deck ARC-V The deck looks like a good start but needs to follow the ban list, also this deck is in no way meta, with some work it could however be rogue and would definitely be fun to play. Most Visited. For the card often referred to with this archetype's TCG Name, see " Supreme King Z-ARC ". [19] During this Duel, Jaden tells Sartorius that there is no power which can control destiny. Duel Links; The Supreme King; Content. You want to get out Supreme king zarc as soon as possible, this deck makes it fairly easy.. [11][12] In his Duel against a Yubel-possessed Jesse Anderson, Jaden uses the "Super Polymerization" card which he used as the Supreme King, summoning "Rainbow Neos". Clash of RebellionsRaging TempestMaximum CrisisCode of the Duelist For Fusions, both "Zero" and "Infinity" can provide some help since "Zero" can destroy itself along with "Infinity" to search for any "Fusion" card that can help conduct a Fusion Summon, some useful choices including "Miracle Synchro Fusion" and "Odd-Eyes Fusion". Some of these cards can combo well with "Miracle Synchro Fusion" as well. Previous organization Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force 3 on the PSP, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How I Can Unlock "The Supreme King" As Partner?? [1], As Jaden activated "Spiritual Fusion", the spirit of the King appeared once more, but he looked like Jaden in his current age. In order to free his friends, Jaden must first figure out a way to destroy Yubel’s ultimate incarnation! KENN Re Supremo This card and the equipped monster cannot be destroyed by card effects. [18] Jaden possesses both the King's and Yubel's powers. GX Season 3 Browse all Videos. He is the fused form between Zarc and the four dragons, which was said to have once destroyed the world. Other names GX episode 136: "" French Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 3: Episode 49; Duration: 21:15; Air Date: 07.12.2008; Tweet; Episodes Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Rei Supremo When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can Special Summon 1 "Supreme King Dragon" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck. Season 3: Episode 51; Duration: 21:04 ; Air Date: 07.12.2008; Tweet; Episodes Yu-Gi-Oh! It has other powerful dragons to finish off your opponent in case Zarc is too difficult or failed.. Quintet Magician can be summoned very easy with this deck, this card is really dam powerful and if you play right, you can get both Zarc and Quintet out... its fun.. Odd-Eyes … King (father, dub only)[1]Jaden Yuki (reincarnation) ARC-V. " Supreme King Dragon ", known as " Supreme King Servant Dragon " in the OCG, is an archetype of DARK Dragon monsters used by Z-ARC in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Season 3 Browse all Videos. [3] Later with the help of Aster and Zane, Axel invades The Supreme King's castle. Italian English The player should also prioritize which summoning mechanic to boost while mixing and be selective of the cards to use for that purpose, as using too many cards can lead to unfortunate draws. Explore. To signify his position as the Supreme … As a result of this mixture the "Supreme King" archetype is capable of more moves, involving greater flexibility in both Pendulum Summon and other Summon mechanics, being able to perform Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Summon. Greek This card can be seen on the ground in a flashback during. the_shadow_duelist. His soul was once drowned in darkness, and he hurt many of his friends - but that taught him something - to believe in the power of friendship and the strength of one's cards.[17]. His demonically golden eyes (and overall visage) show no e… Supreme Wing: Card: Magic Card: Property: Equip Effect type: Condition, Continuous, Quick, Trigger, Continuous Appearances: Yu-Gi-Oh! Structure Deck … Thirdly these "Magicians" along either "Astrograph Sorcerer" or "Chronograph Sorcerer" are one of the ways to Special Summon "Supreme King Z-ARC", the archetype's boss monster. Jaden tells him he's wrong, stating that he's not the strong one. It is a sub-archetype of the "Supreme King" archetype. To signify his position as the Supreme King, he also wears a black helmet that functions as a crown. Supreme King 덱에서 "패왕문" 펜듈럼 몬스터 1장을 고르고, 자신의 펜듈럼 존에 놓는다. In the real TCG, Supreme King Dragon Zarc is simply a Fusion Pendulum monster. Wiki | Fandom. GX Season 3 Browse all Videos. Booster Packs. Korean Like Jaden, The Supreme King's tactics revolve around Fusion Summoning except he uses his own signature card, "Dark Fusion", a warped version of Jaden's traditional "Polymerization". Only by mastering the powers of The Supreme King without falling into inner darkness can Jaden truly become complete. Japanese Supreme King German [7] When several of Jaden's friends were sacrificed during the Duel with Brron, Mad King of Dark World, Jaden let his hatred and anger to take control over him which awakened the Supreme King's powers inside himself. After swarming the Field with weaker monsters, the player can bring out "Supreme King Dragon" Extra Deck Monsters and use them to press the opponent. Yu-Gi-Oh! 覇王「はおう」 (Haō) Duel Links from me? GX S:3 Ep:2 Duration: 21:13 A Jewel of a Duel, Part 1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Register Start a Wiki. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Supreme King Z-ARC" from your Extra Deck.If there is no face-up Field Spell on the field, destroy this card. Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom | Yu-Gi-Oh! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Given the Deck's mostly DARK nature, they can also Fusion Summon "Starving Venom Fusion Dragon" (and most other "Predaplant" Fusion monsters, and "Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon", if need be). The series contains two archetypes (sub-archetypes in the anime): "Supreme King Dragon" and "Supreme King Gate". Roi Suprême GX Return of the Supreme King, Part 2. Gender French Personal Since they cannot do enough on their own given they have few members, the archetype is thus better mixed with other Pendulum cards to maximize the benefits. Career Deck Information; Deck Type: Meta Decks: Deck Master: Supreme King Z-ARC: TCG/OCG: tcg: Submission Date: March 22nd 2020 : Author: DarkPrince09: YGOPRODeck File Download : View in Online Deck Builder Purchase on TCGplayer Text View YDKe : no. Wikis. This page notes The Supreme King's Leaked ID and cards. Appearances … Yu-Gi-Oh! Top Content. For Synchro Summoning purposes, "White Wing Magician" being a Level 4 can open possibilities for either Level 7, 8, or even Level 11 Synchro Summoning when paired with either a Level 3, 4, or 7. This realization gives Jaden the strength to forgive Yubel for what she's done, and to use "Super Polymerization" to fuse her within himself, reuniting Yubel and the King for all time. … The Supreme King Deck doesn't have a really articulated play style by itself given its small membership but can work effectively as an engine. The Supreme King possesses the alternate art version of Elemental Heroes "Avian", "Burstinatrix", "Sparkman" and an unreleased version of "Wildheart". Unlike Jaden, whose unorthodox plays depend on chance, The Supreme King is straightforward and his arsenal uses a variety of effects that range from card destruction to immunity from opposing card effects that effectively reflect the supremacy and omnipotence of a monarch. Do you want to see other content besides Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 3: Episode 50; Duration: 21:15; Air Date: 07.12.2008; Tweet; Episodes Yu-Gi-Oh! Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Voice actors The Supreme King is a shadowed figure dressed in black and gold medieval knight-esque armor with six tendril-like spikes, two jutting out of the armor's back and four jutting out of the shoulders, a headdress with a tall collar and a floor-length red cape. In the anime, Supreme King Dragon Zarc's card colour is the mix of all Special Summon monster cards. Although the Duel ended with Jaden's victory, his remaining friends were disappointed by his action and left him alone.[8]. 120,658 Pages. GX S:3 Ep:1 Duration: 21:00 Third Time's the Charm Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Add new page. The Supreme King. Yu-Gi-Oh! [13] Bastion Misawa has previously told Jaden that The Supreme King is the dark half of Jaden's soul - however, he is not complete without him. Korea-Only Sets Arabic Peter Michael (Portugal). Since both "Supreme King Gate Zero" and "Supreme King Gate Infinity" have Scale values of 0 and 13 respectively, they can potentially allow for monsters of any Level to be Pendulum Summoned, although "Infinity" carries a restriction of controlling no monsters in order to Pendulum Summon. Games Movies TV Video. During the Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; Special Summon up to 2 face-up "Supreme King Dragon" and/or "Supreme King Gate" Pendulum Monsters from your Extra Deck in Defense Position, except "Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes". After dumping the "Z-ARC" Magicians by detaching them, they can then be banished for "Z-ARC". The Supreme King reveals himself as Jaden. ARC-V anime. Spell Card; Red-Eyes Ultimate … The Supreme King is also quite taciturn and succinct, only talking when it is required or to spite his enemies. Supreme King Dragon Black Zarc. He suggests that to truly defeat evil, a shocked Jaden himself must become evil. update 21/04/2020 . Supreme King (覇 (は) 王 (おう) Haō) is a series (archetype in the anime) of DARK monsters (primarily Dragon and Fiend) used by Z-ARC in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Supreme King Dragon Zarc (覇王竜ズァーク, Haōryū Zāku) is a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! "Darkwurm" is interesting due to its self-revival ability from the Graveyard which potentially mitigates some of the otherwise common and taxing cost of Pendulum-Xyz tactics. Today. Yu-Gi-Oh! Supreme King Z-ARC Troies - Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Wiki - Cards, decks, booster packs, and more. Although Jim's Duel with The Supreme King leads to Jim losing his life, Axel was able to recover his eye. After the Duel, the spirit of the Supreme King reacts to Jaden's negative emotions and tempts him to evil with the "Super Polymerization" card that Brron previously tried to complete. Japanese Add a photo to this gallery Zarc In the anime, Supreme King Dragon Zarc is a monster with the characteristic of Fusion, Synchro, Xyz Pendulum, and Effect. The former can search either of the "Gates" and many of the aforementioned "Magicians", while "Eccentrick" is an effective removal card. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Names [1] He can emit darkness powerful enough to generate shock waves[2][3] and to create a dark aura around himself, which can increase itself enough to become a miasma. 288. 58,087 Pages. If this card is used as material for a Reactor Summon: You can send 1 monster your opponent controls that is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Event Pack 2018 Vol.1 Community content is available under. Sets His intimidating presence is enough to bring fear to the likes of Axel, a seasoned soldier himself. Although Jaden and The Supreme King are both played by the same voice actor (KENN in the Japanese version and Matthew Charles in the English version), their voices are very different. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Supreme King's Army Supreme King Wiki. Yu-Gi-Oh! ". Master Guide 5 promotional cardsCollectors Pack 2017Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 5Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 6 His spirit would later be dormant within Jaden, until it was awakened by Yubel's machinations. Overview; Leaked ID; Cards Used by Supreme King in Anime/Manga; Overview. He, of course, does have a small sense of humor, as when he was chuckling softly when Axel thought he'd gotten the upper hand.