Menus School Menus. BREAKFAST MENU: Click Here for Breakfast Menu LUNCH MENU: Click Here for Lunch Menu 203 Taylor Street | Crossville, TN 38555 | Phone: 931-456-1228 | Fax: 931-456-9862 High School $4.00 . and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA List of schools we have lunch menus for in Allegany County, MD. All meals include a variety of fresh fruit and vegetable choices, and a variety of chilled non-fat or low-fat milk. Cumberland County School District. All meals, foods and beverages are prepared and served by qualified child nutrition professionals. program information (e.g. Bus Driver. Cumberland County Schools Apr 12, 2021 thru Apr 30, 2021 Base Menu Spreadsheet 6-8 LUNCH TRADITIONAL Portion Values - Detailed Page 1 Generated on: 3/29/2021 3:53:30 PM Portion Cals Sugars Carb Size (kcal) (g) (g) Mon - 04/12/2021 6-8 LUNCH TRADITIONAL 21-MILK, PLAIN 1% 8oz 21-MILK, CHOCOLATE FF 8oz 21-MILK,Dairy Ease FF 8oz 21-MILK,SOY VANILLA 8.25oz 21-CORN DOG … On the Menu. Before coming to education, Harris worked in tourism marketing coordinating the promotion and budgeting efforts for a 14 county region with the Department of Tourism. h�bbd``b`:$@���E��� �H�ĒA� �|H0�� ������$��H��+@� 4�! USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form. All meals include a variety of fresh fruit and vegetable choices, and a variety of chilled non-fat or low-fat milk. … Cumberland County Schools; Meal Service Information for Plan A. Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, Eight Cumberland County high schools have earned high national and metro-area rankings in the 2021 Best High Schools rankings, which U.S. News & World Report recently released. Cumberland County Schools 5-Day Meal Bundles In an effort to accommodate the varied schedules and needs of Cumberland County Schools (CCS) families and to provide more access to meals for students, Child Nutrition Services is offering five-day meal bundles for pick-up on Wednesdays. Meals, foods and beverages sold or served at schools meet state and federal requirements based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. Per USDA approval, CCS cafeterias are operating under the Summer Food Service Program guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year. Our Healthy Food Program provides lunches to students and staff at Cumberland Community School. for benefits. Text Options for the Visually Impaired Font Size: a-Decrease font size A+ Increase font size Color: A Change the color of the page to white on black A Change the color of the page to black on white A Change the color of the page to yellow on black Revert Additionally, program information may be made available in All students at CCMS eat FREE for breakfast and lunch!! Middle School $2.75. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in endstream endobj 91 0 obj <> endobj 92 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 93 0 obj <>stream List of schools we have lunch menus for in Cumberland County, NC. ), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied Cumberland County Schools will be offering two 4-week Summer Camps for students who are entering grades 1-9 in the fall of 2021 as well as high school summer school. to USDA by: 1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant For more information please open the attachments below. Cumberland County Schools May 3, 2021 thru May 28, 2021 Base Menu Spreadsheet Combined: 9-12 BREAKFAST TRADITIONAL/9-12 LUNCH TRADITIONAL Portion Values - Detailed Page 1 Generated on: 4/23/2021 3:12:09 PM Portion Cals Sugars Carb Size (kcal) (g) (g) Mon - 05/03/2021 9-12 BREAKFAST TRADITI 21-MILK, PLAIN 1% 8oz 21-MILK, CHOCOLATE FF 8oz 21-MILK,Dairy Ease FF 8oz 21 … Sodexo delivers healthy and delicious school meals based on the USDA’s nutrition guidelines so that students are engaged and ready to learn in school. the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Student ID #s are not required for the first breakfast or lunch each day. A different meal is offered each day of the month, all sourced from local vendors. h��[[o7��+�`�Ѽ_����ckg��G���5+ K�4Y��~�+^���QK�'���n^�d��­�J Menu options and nutrition information are subject to change without notification. List of schools we have lunch menus for in Cumberland County, VA. %PDF-1.6 %���� Text Options for the Visually Impaired Font Size: a-Decrease font size A+ Increase font size Color: A Change the color of the page to white on black A Change the color of the page to black on white A Change the color of the page to yellow on black Revert Cumberland County Schools May 3, 2021 thru May 21, 2021 Base Menu Spreadsheet Combined: 6-8 BREAKFAST TRADITIONAL/6-8 LUNCH TRADITIONAL Portion Values - Detailed Page 1 Generated on: 4/23/2021 3:11:21 PM Portion Cals Sugars Carb Size (kcal) (g) (g) Mon - 05/03/2021 6-8 BREAKFAST TRADITIO 21-MILK, PLAIN 1% 8oz 21-MILK, CHOCOLATE FF 8oz 21-MILK,Dairy Ease FF 8oz 21 … The information provided is periodically updated on this website. Menu options and nutrition information are subject to change without notification. the letter all of the information requested in the form. Breakfast And Lunch Menus; Board Members; CCS Policy Manual; County-Wide Library Information; Current Textbooks; Employment; See Your School Zone; Skyward Login; Teacher Email; Tech Server ; Technology Workorder; Tennessee State Standards; TN Dept of Ed; TIPWeb - Instructional Materials; TIPWeb - Inventory; Contact; Job Vacancies/Openings. Please click on the links … Breakfast And Lunch Menus; Board Members; CCS Policy Manual; County-Wide Library Information; Current Textbooks; Employment; See Your School Zone; Skyward Login; Teacher Email; Tech Server; Technology Workorder; Tennessee State Standards; TN Dept of Ed ; TIPWeb - Instructional Materials; TIPWeb - Inventory; Contact; Athletics Department. civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Please contact your licensed or certified health care provider for any medical care or advice needed. Lunch Menu; Schools Cumberland County School District; The Phoenix School; Crab Orchard Elementary; Frank P Brown Elementary; Glenn Martin Elementary; Homestead Elementary; North Cumberland Elementary ; Pine View Elementary; Pleasant Hill Elementary; South Cumberland Elementary; Stone Elementary; Stone Memorial High School; Cumberland County High School; Lunch Menu. h�b```a``2�ܙ����ea�� ���a��8������Q��S���E�*�om�7p4d��xSF�@�����e�gtf�!�����p�1�I��+��� `%f���@���pY20��CD^ �'?� Please encourage your child to eat breakfast and lunch at school! }:,^��9�e\��*��������S�������z�����z���v�y{����~��������ٯ?^m?���6'w�� ���/O϶��x��7_lw���+/�p�M5�he��W�˻�a�=�����s�?�̅����������m��MovW[Z$Z2�7�7��ُ?�p��/\��~����߽^��~�\� !#��r��ڽ;���ڮ�p��~��*��ͧ�[� Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for 270-864-3377 Weekly Meal Pick-Up dates (For Virtual Learners OR any child ages 2-18 not receiving food from any other site participating in … Attendance Clerk. 118 0 obj <>stream Lunch Menus; Staff Directory; Parent Portal; Student Portal; Email; schoolfooternav3 Expected. Reminder that new applications need to be submitted each year to approve eligibility status. endstream endobj startxref �ow�7��?�>�QO/��u�T�������/O_m>ee�ӷ�������6g���"�5��Qޞ�soUU>T�֮�u!ĕsd��Z'�w6�T��K��f j}�������R�L��S. national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior The program runs Monday to Thursday, with a Salad Bar every second Friday. These academically enriching opportunities will run from June 1st through June 24th for 4 days per week. Cumberland County Schools Apr 12, 2021 thru Apr 30, 2021 Base Menu Spreadsheet K-5 LUNCH TRADITIONAL Portion Values - Detailed Page 1 Generated on: 3/29/2021 3:52:44 PM Portion Cals Sugars Carb Size (kcal) (g) (g) Mon - 04/12/2021 K-5 LUNCH TRADITIONAL 21-MILK, PLAIN 1% 8oz 21-MILK, CHOCOLATE FF 8oz 21-MILK,Dairy Ease FF 8oz 21-MILK,SOY VANILLA 8.25oz 21-CORN DOG … In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Coffee Conversations; Superintendent's Focus; System Highlights : Employee … Text Options for the Visually Impaired Font Size: a-Decrease font size A+ Increase font size Color: A Change the color of the page to white on black A Change the color of the page to black on white A Change the color of the page to yellow on black Revert Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. Student accounts that are approved for Free or Reduced lunch will not be affected. languages other than English. Sodexo delivers healthy and delicious school meals based on the USDA’s nutrition guidelines so that students are engaged and ready to learn in school. Elementary School Menus. %%EOF 2019-2020 School Meal Prices. This increase only applies to paid meal prices. 90 0 obj <> endobj *NOTICE: Cumberland County Schools Child Nutrition Services is not a licensed physician or certified health care provider. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, Lunch Menu Submit your completed form or letter Breakfast and lunch will be given to families in to-go containers at various sites throughout the district every weekday. Elementary $2.60. Elementary Schools; Middle Schools; High Schools; Want the daily menu at your fingertips? disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) Most recently, she has served Cumberland County as a high school business educator. Monthly School Lunch Menus; Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievances; Non-School Materials; Online New Student Enrollment; Say Something Anonymous Reporting System; School Cash Online; School Level Fees & Dues 20-21 ; Superintendent; System Calendars; Volunteer Opportunities; Videos/Vidcasts. Lunches are $4.25/regular and $3.75/small with subsidies available upon request. 7657 Highway 127 North | Crossville, TN 38571 | Phone: 931-484-5174 368 4th Street | Crossville, TN 38555 | PH: 931.484.6135 | FAX: 931.484.6491 Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech This means… All meals are free of charge to students. O8v%%��>�W)�W��R*�}�z%�4�gV2�@�%=E#�t+%�����/����ӓo�۫Өo�E�.W��?Ӈ�^����]_�Ͽ�>?�yW^���z?? School Menus. 0 Athletic Director. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — Schools are closed because of coronavirus concerns, but it’s still a busy time for cafeteria workers at Cumberland County Schools. Breakfast and Lunch Menus; Social Clubs & Organizations. Local Schools Ranked on 2021 Best High Schools in the Nation. Mr. Dean Patton. D.C. 20250-9410; This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 368 4th Street | Crossville, TN 38555 | Phone: 931-484-6135 | Fax: 931-484-6491 Hancock County Schools Google Maps 130 Rockefeller Circle New Cumberland , WV 26047 Phone: 304-564-3411 Fax: 304-564-3990 We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students. The information provided is periodically updated on this website. “I was wondering how my grocery bill was gonna make it,” Dorethea […] Language, etc. Working together with school […] Beta Club; Student Council; Guidance; Athletics Junior Panthers Football ... Cumberland County School District; The Phoenix School; Crab Orchard Elementary; Frank P Brown Elementary; Glenn Martin Elementary; Homestead Elementary; North Cumberland Elementary ; Pine View Elementary; Pleasant Hill Elementary; South Cumberland … 877-8339. Mr. Rodney Smith Named WKU Distinguished Middle School Educator of the Year 2021 WKU Teacher of the Year Tennis 2021 Track 2021 Archery 2021 Softball 2021 Baseball 2021 Board Appreciation Month January 2021 2020-2021 Basketball Retirees recognized at September 2020 board meeting Volleyball … Bus … (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, 105 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[90 29]/Info 89 0 R/Length 79/Prev 79392/Root 91 0 R/Size 119/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream *NOTICE: Cumberland County Schools Child Nutrition Services is not a licensed physician or certified health care provider. To request a copy of Students must take all items offered with the meal. This information is solely for general purposes and not intended for personal medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of health concerns or any person with health ailments. Cumberland County School District; The Phoenix School; Crab Orchard Elementary; Frank P Brown Elementary; Glenn Martin Elementary; Homestead Elementary; North Cumberland Elementary; Pine View Elementary ; Pleasant Hill Elementary; South Cumberland Elementary; Stone Elementary; Stone Memorial High School; Cumberland County High School; Breakfast and Lunch Menus.