Project Drawdown is far from being a one-time effort. Erica Saunders from Peace Community Church, Oberlin, OH, and Pat Wartinger of Pachamama Alliance, for a time of reflecting and learning concrete ways to care for creation. Location. Drawdown New York City, Pachamama Alliance, Climate Reality NYC, New York Society for Ethical Culture, 350NYC, and Project Drawdown. Paul is an author and activist. To uncover that answer, we review and evaluate the potential performance of diverse technologies and practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere. Project Drawdown is a San Francisco Bay Area-based 501c3 non-profit. We mapped the products, services and practices of the companies in the Worldwide Sustainability portfolio to 35 different climate solutions. Project Drawdown Solutions: Getting into Action. Project Drawdown has recently published the Drawdown Review. NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN … Drawdown - Paul Hawken. Visitor Information Greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction (Plausible Scenario) : 89.74 gigatons (GT) of reduced CO2-equivalent (CO2-e — the common measure for all greenhouse gases) by 2050. Register Now. 589 Pages. Drawdown is a Trademark by Project Drawdown, the address on file for this trademark is 27 Gate Road, Sausalito, CA 94965 Paul Hawken, Founder, Project Drawdown. When you offset your CO2 emissions by supporting the Chocó-Darién Forest Conservation Project, you simultaneously help protect one of the most biologically diverse rainforests on the planet. Temperate Forest Restoration. Project Drawdown’s research program seeks to determine whether reaching Drawdown is possible using existing, well-proven climate solutions. Project Drawdown is a Trademark by Project Drawdown, the address on file for this trademark is 27 Gate Road, Sausalito, CA 94965 Location: private. Project Drawdown has catalogued 80 climate change solutions with the potential to meet the Paris Climate change goal of holding global warming to well below 2°C. Subrina Khan. Location. Project Drawdown is a nonprofit research and communications organization focused on reversing global warming through comprehensive analysis of strategies that can be pursued by individuals, communities, companies and governments. The project gathered 100 top climate solutions reviewed and analysed by a coalition of researchers, scientists, entrepreneurs and advocates across the globe. It is an ongoing process of evaluating how climate solutions based on existing practices and technologies can contribute to reaching Drawdown. Location. Time & Location. Project Drawdown. Elizabeth Bagley is Director of Drawdown Learn at Project Drawdown, where she connects people with climate change solutions, creating relevant, ... (RAIC). 6:30-9:00 p.m. Tuesdays April 23, April 30, May 7, & May 28. Project Drawdown analysis includes emissions reductions that can be achieved through the management and destruction of refrigerants already in circulation. The Drawdown Review. This presentation describes the results of Project Drawdown in an effort to teach people that we have the answers to the problem of climate change, we just have to embrace the science and implement the technology and practices. Project Drawdown is a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming which discusses many solutions that can help us meet the goals of the 2015 Paris Accord. Project Drawdown has identified 100 substantive solutions that, implemented collectively, could realistically keep us from catastrophe, and at the same time create the world we all want to live in. Project Drawdown is the most comprehensive plan yet published for how to solve Global Warming. As a living research and communication initiative, Project Drawdown analyzes the potential of solutions already in hand, amplifies humanity’s ongoing efforts and collective wisdom, and advances the understanding, imagination, and conviction needed to reach drawdown. He has founded successful, ecologically-conscious businesses, and consulted with heads of state and CEOs on economic development, industrial … Project Drawdown is the world's leading research organization for climate solutions. ... Thor holds a 100% interest in the Segilola Gold Project located in Osun State of Nigeria and a 70% interest in the Douta Gold Project located in south-eastern Senegal. 7:00:00 PM. He recently visited my home country, Australia, to speak about "Project Drawdown", of which he is the executive director. Watch the film Its results were first shared in the 2017 book “Drawdown.” Host: Indiana Forest Alliance. Project Drawdown entered the climate conversation with the publication of the 2017 book.With The Drawdown Review in 2020, the project continues its mission to inspire and communicate solutions.. Connect. 2040 – Join The Regeneration is the unique uplifting documentary film by Damon Gameau. Join Rev. Drawdown - Paul Hawken. Drawdown - Paul Hawken. Remote work only. The goal is to catalyze and scale 20 high impact solutions so Georgia can do its part to advance Drawdown -- that point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline. Apr 23, 2019, 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Visitors are encouraged to bring a torch and to please follow the latest Covid-19 guidelines whilst enjoying the project. More information can be found at and via #drawdownkl on social media. Project Drawdown is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “Drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline. Download Full PDF Package. Indiana Forest Alliance August 12 @ 6 PM. It describes when and how humanity can reach climate drawdown, the point at which greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere begin to decline on a year-to-year basis, by mapping, measuring, modeling, and describing the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming. Back in 2013, Paul Hawken, an environmentalist, entrepreneur, author, activist and founder of Project Drawdown, brought together an international team of scientists and other experts in the climate change field to come up with an easy-to-follow set of solutions to urge the reversal of global warming. Project Drawdown Model Engine. The world’s 1.9 billion acres of temperate forests are a net-carbon sink. In March, scientists published the “Drawdown Review 2020”, “the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming”. The drawdown coincides with the arrival of the first shipments of equipment at Lagos port and the shipping of the SAG and Ball mills from China under the LSTK EPC contract with Norinco ... a 100% interest in the Segilola Gold Project located in Osun State of Nigeria and a 70% interest in the Douta Gold Project located in south-eastern Senegal. Monday September 21. The Project Drawdown Framework. This paper. 7. Download PDF. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Project Drawdown explores the top 100 available ways that, by working together in … Paul Hawken is an American journalist, author and activist. DRAWDOWN runs for one month and the work is viewable from nightfall until 10pm each evening. Location; Contact; Project Drawdown. More info: Learn about Project Drawdown in a two-hour workshop presented by Lore Rosenthal, leader of Greenbelt Climate Action Network. Members. It identifies, reviews, and analyzes the most viable solutions to climate change, and shares these findings with the world. Download. Project Drawdown is the most comprehensive plan ever created to reverse global warming, and Indiana Drawdown is a growing community of Hoosiers doing what our government is failing to do.” August 5 @ noon. This repository is an in-progress rewrite of the Project Drawdown model engine. Topping the list of 80 solutions is Refrigerant Management, which falls in the materials sector. Greece Baptist … San Francisco, USA. Drawdown - Paul Hawken. Date of publication: 23 October 2017. The organization's research and analysis are grounded upon the work of a broad coalition of scientists, researchers, activists, graduate students, policymakers, and business leaders. by @nasdaq on 1 Dec 2020, 09:54 Thor Announces First Drawdown of Project Finance Senior Debt Facility and Project Update.