And my opinion is that the private devotion of bowing the head in front of the Host is a private devotion which is always allowed and even encouraged and not a part of the Mass. Should they be ignored? I contend that Fr. parish or priest should introduce this practice. I could offer a suggestion. Communion line. not be lumped in with those who are non-Catholic or who are not disposed to Exodus 19:5-6 refers to the Israelites as the ‘segullah’ or the Lord’s ‘treasured possession.’ When the phrase was translated from Hebrew to Greek for the Septuagint, the word ‘laos’ was used. Sticha or Fr. After reading this reading, I will not do it again. Thank you for listening. [Ps 40:3], What does IHS stand for? 294 subscribers. In fact, I probably thought about it too much because when I finally stood beside my assigned partner as he served the bread and heard him combine both of our assigned lines into one sentence — “The body and the blood of Christ was given for you” — my mind went blank. Amen. Peace to you, too!Kind Regards,Father S. Thanks for this balanced article Fr. I now have them stay seated even when it is the priest to avoid problems. Interesting. These words are not blessings but rather admonitions and joyful declarations. Our hosting of this content does not imply endorsement, nor can we verify the accuracy of user-submitted posts. One reason given for the blessing of non-communicants is . As it stands, the only way to justify the use of the maniple requires a broader view. A communion and blessing line. He is a few years ahead of me in the priesthood, and I am currently But I ask, What is wrong with a In the United States I saw priests in the EF performing a blessing without the host, obviously holding the index finger and thumb together, then proceeding. The Church does not tell the parents what they are to do with their In passing the cup, our common hopes are shared." In addition, at the start of classes, each child is given a prayer partner from their parish. other variation on this theme]. I can't seem to find the answer? O my God, help me to make a good Communion. Our pastor's blessing for our children varies, but yesterday it was, "our Lord Jesus Christ, who has baptized you, will keep you safe until you're home in heaven," while making the sign of the cross on their foreheads. This is a very ancient Christian practice, maybe still more known in the Eastern Churches than in the West. priest giving a blessing to Catholic children. I've always appreciated the gesture of blessing my children when i go up to receive the Eucharist. The conversion of St. Augustine, by Fra Angelico August 28 th , Feast of St. Augustine The greatest of the Fathers of the Church, the... Friday after the Ascension And eating together with them, [Jesus] commanded them, that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but shou... All comments must be approved by a blog moderator before being published. Is this allowed? Laying on of Hands for the Sick. I once overheard in a grocery store: "Darling, not everything you want is good for you.". I suppose this is one possible solution, but would be extremely difficult in most parishes -- the Traditional Parishes I attended in Italy did not have this practice, but I never was lucky enough to get to Bergamo! When the question is posed in that manner I think it is very clear that blessing one another builds up the sacred union. more common for both parents to come to Communion, it has also become the should instead be allowed to make a spiritual communion. Lift up your hearts. Final Hymn: A suitable song. I was once asked on a Sunday morning if I could serve the juice for communion when we celebrated the Lord's Supper later during our worship service. Fr. I think this blessing increases my children’s desire for Holy Communion, and I think it has a real spiritual effect on them. rather new, it is no surprise that the liturgical books have not yet addressed I used to just not get in line for communion. Anthony Ward, S.M., Under-Secretary for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, answered a personal letter asking precisely this question. Zuhlsdorf emphasizes this Zuhlsdorf’s articles are not at all helpful. Dear Father, Regardless of my opinion on this matter, I think that you have made a logical error. All I could think to do was to provide each person with what I hoped would be perceived as a contemplative nod and warm smile as they reached for the juice; occasionally including their name or a short greeting: “John” (nod, smile), “Joyce” (nod, smile), “Hello” (nod, smile), “For you” (nod, smile), “Lindsay” (nod, smile.) authority” (, To this, I respond first that I have always felt uncomfortable for a layperson, any layperson, to give a "blessing" in a religious setting. Click any certificate design to see a larger version and download it. None of us were excluded. Now, the Communion line is a sign of the unity of One is certainly not strengthened by a blessing or the admonitions and joyful declarations received when receiving Christ in the the Eucharist. You can search on it to find more information. Round vs. Dear Father,You have stated your case succinctly and with due sensitivity. Go figure? He maintains that a priest does not have the authority to add a blessing to the liturgy where one does not exist. Fr. states that the priest should give a blessing to the young children who are in Then I would tell them to either sit or come forward for a blessing. No parent is required to allow their child to receive. young children who are brought forward in the Communion line is that they are not capable of making a spiritual communion – if he is, then he should be receiving If the rubrics (which are there for a reason) are followed, then none of these shenanigans would be allowed to "organically" unfold. So it is a "slippery slope" problem as far as I can see. Catholic children who have not yet received their First Communion but who have This practice then spread throughout the U.S. and beyond. He loves you and cares for you. Their faith is strengthened. Erlenbush,I'm having a panic attack at how many times we have allowed our children to be blessed by our parish priest who places his hand on their forehead. Isn't the celebrant a representative of Jesus? Of course, it should be understood that it is not equal to the blessing of a priest, also I do not think it belongs to the context of a liturgical function.Thank you, Father, for you article.In Christo,Salmanticenses. I really am surprised by those who think that I should refrain from receiving the Eucharist if it means bringing my children with me. Holy Holy and other Eucharistic Acclamations: These should be sung. So, I would say that is not a fair apples for apples comparison. exclusively – the question of whether a priest should give a blessing to Act of Faith. What is the significance of a novena? Also, Communion-line blessings (for children, at least) can cross ideological frontiers, since I went to Mass with a one-time provincial of a traditionalist society who blessed each non-receiving child (with words and sign of the cross) at the rail. You are blessed in so many ways. @Alessandro,To have the children (including infants) come forward at all would already be considered an innovation which is neither forseen nor permitted by the liturgical law.GIRM 160 says that those to receive communion come forward ... so, if you really wanted to be strict, you would have to insist that parents abandon their infants in the pews rather than bringing them forward. @David M, (and others, regarding the maniple),Fr. Ecclesiae de Mysterio – Article 6) but we don’t like saying ‘no’ if we don’t have a good basis for it and thanks to our poor catechetical history we don’t have a good answer ready on our lips. Z had said that the blessings are a new innovation, or that they weren't in the 1962 Missal, etc. Why double the blessing for children, when children could be blessed on other occasions? +. mine, as we are both priests of the Diocese of Great Falls – Billings in A priest writes: "Why I refuse to bless children at communion" — UPDATED April 9, 2012 Deacon Greg Kandra. Of course they get disapointed then 4 in 5 times when it is an EMHC in the line. As a woman who is open to life and has children spread across every age group and as a wife of a deacon who isn't sitting in the pew with me, what am I supposed to do with my young ones? Celebrating the Water Communion. A. I am a choir director, and I like to follow rubrics as closely as possible, so I can definitely see the wisdom in uniformity in this matter. The Mass is not about YOU and what needs to happen to make you feel welcome and included. The persons in these last groups I think roles are clear enough. Every child deserves an unforgettable First Communion and First Reconciliation experience. Subscribe. to this problem. In my parish, in Texas, it appears that the practice of extraordinary ministers of holy Communion tracing a cross onto the head of small children and visitors has become more important than the Eucharist itself. Share. First Communion This would more a GIRM issue, than the Roman Missal. She has always insisted on unity. In fact, it has generally been 3 Prayers to Pray After Receiving Communion #BISblog // Click To Tweet Madeleine Coyne is a stay-at-home mom and freelance writer with an affinity for anything concerning the written word and a penchant for learning about the lives of the Saints. More often than not, I am not able to receive communion because I am not in a state of grace and haven’t made it to confession. priest giving blessings to young children in the Communion line? liturgical guidelines regarding the distribution of Communion to the faithful. Their inner man is renewed for a life of good works. Cory Sticha has stated, “I Communion should be distributed only by those who have the bishop's permission to do so. I then realized what I was missing. And lay people giving blessings in this way is just flat wrong. I had never heard of this before. Nor will we consider the Fr. There was a letter from the CDWDS that spoke against blessings at communion time, but it seems the chief concern there was giving blessings to those who ought not be blessed and lay extraordinary ministers making a priestly gesture.It does seem to me that we shouldn't tell those not receiving to come up for a blessing, and in general it needs to somehow (with gentleness) be imparted that going up is for communion, not other things, but there will still be the children issue and there will still be some who come up who shouldn't receive. -----------------------------. While the intention of blessing the child may be good, it should be made clear to all that the priest's blessing at the conclusion of Mass includes everyone, and that there should not be separate blessings for any person during the Communion rite. FWIW, even is this were considered an "abuse", it would be waaaaaay down on the list. Lord, we pray that You would still our minds and quiet our hearts as we approach this communion table today. Prayers that are short are easy to memorize, and great for children to learn as an introduction to Christian prayer. I want to think about Christ not this issue. Found insideThe blessing of children was part of the first formal liturgy Joseph Smith revealed to his ... namely, the drive to include children in church communion. My husband is a Deacon and people think he doesn’t like them or their children because he doesn’t give them a “blessing” in the Communion line! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Communion is a sacred time for you as a follower of Jesus. Is the entire assembly in the Communion line the embodiment of “all are welcomed” and “let the little children come to me,” or is it merely a way of fulfilling a sense of entitlement where no one goes home “empty-handed”? In the revised liturgical books of the. The true problem is WHY we should have children blessed during Communion. My question would fall that our Holy Father has stated when we add or take anything away from the Liturgy, in essence of movement and actions, we then create a "play" not the Mass. That is not the position. I fear both are too like the Pharisees who are more interested in their phylacteries and tassels than the teachings of Christ. There's nothing to deal with: children can accompany their parents and receive nothing at all, neither blessing nor Communion. Lamb of God: Sung if possible. Here is a collection of Herbert McCabe's more popular spiritual writings. McCabe was highly regarded as a writer on philosophy and theology but in true Dominican tradition (the Order of Preachers) he was also a brilliant preacher. She explained he would give blessings to those not receiving in order not to draw attention to them, since it looks like he is giving communion!In anycase, if someone does come up, not receiving, you seem to have two options. I suggest that these issues will disappear with kneeling and reception on the tongue, even if some tradionioalist parishes alo engage in this practice. For website questions or corrections, use the feedback tab at right or contact us. Free to download and print. 3. the issue. When commenting, please leave a name or pseudonym at the end of your comment so as to facilitate communication and responses.Comments must be approved by the moderator before being published. The laity (the ‘laos’ in Greek) are the People of God. Should they leave them in the pews, unattended? There are much more important battles to be fought in the Church and this line of attack is bordering on the ridiculous. !This is the point I am making ... a point which you utterly fail to recognize ... the whole situation is brought on by the (very laudable) practice of frequent communion -- if both parents come to communion, then they will surely bring forward their little children.And, since this practice of bringing the kids forward is new (since frequent communion is rather new), we have to figure out how to deal with the situation.Almost any reasonable person can tell that this isn't a matter of "radical innovations" or "liturgical abuse" ... it is simply responding to a new situation, a situation which is not even envisioned by the current GIRM or the rubrics of the Missal. A Prayer for those who are preparing Children for their First Holy Communion - O Jesus, who hast loved us with such exceeding . of the question. Keep up the good work! Father, I certainly agree with you that Fr. I didn't even know anyone took issue with that! @David M, (and others, regarding adding things that aren't in the rubrics),Well, the GIRM states that those who are to receive communion come forward in a procession (generally) and that the priest approaches them to distribute communion - GIRM #160.There is no mention in the GIRM of anyone coming forward who is not going to take communion. Congratulations on receiving the holiest and most important Sacrament in your spiritual life. Zuhlsdorf. Now, I cannot see how such Some will argue (though I am Searching the Internet, there are arguments for both - yes and no. You are right, but then everyone got blessed so then in that case there is no need for individual repetitions or we could just standardize everyone getting the mini-benediction whether they receive or not. I'd like to envision Him including and inviting all children in His presence to receive His blessing always and everywhere. Fr. Their faith is strengthened. 1. I don't see the problem in "child inactivity" during the very few minutes before the reception the Body of Christ by their parents. case against giving a blessing: It’s not in the rubrics. I remember frequently accompanying my great aunt in the Communion procession and the fact that I could not yet receive Holy Communion deepened a desire within me to receive . For instance, the use of a processional cross is reserved to a pontifical Mass and a couple of liturgical days with procession (Holy Saturday, Candlemas, etc), yet contrary custom introduced it (at least in the English speaking world) to parochial Masses. infants – neither does liturgical law tell the priest how he is to handle young Posted by 1 year ago. Found inside – Page 69Communion Blessing. As we saw earlier in this chapter, children are drawn to the ritual of Holy Communion. They sense it is something very special and may ... A Prayer for the Progparation of the Pious Custom of Daily Communion - O sweetest Jesus, Thou who camest into the . incense, or of people, etc. The Holy Father wears a fiddleback, while in a Novus Ordo liturgical action. It does not appear to be in keeping with Church law. that the Host be held before the child and that the priest allow a brief moment Sacred Sometimes my older children attend other Masses and there isn't anyone to stay in the pew with little ones (I've leave my five year-old there, but if I left my 3 year old, he just might burn the church down). Also, the comparison with the maniple still fails to persuade me. the practice of regular Communion has only fairly recently come back to And also with you. The person who gives the blessing: Addresses Heavenly Father. Still, again, there is no easy solution I know anecdotal stories from pre-VII, such as a lady I know who forgot her shawl and had an immodest top. Act of Contrition. You can search on it to find more information. And he laid his hands on them and went away. Found inside – Page 61It is important for the sick child to receive communion frequently, ... 102 This gesture of blessing can be done also over all the sick people after a ... So, it seems that the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments—the Vatican office assigned to regulate and promote the sacred liturgy—is opposed to the practice. I am so grateful when my youngest comes up with me at Communion time and receives a blessing from the priest or deacon (our extraordinary ministers do not do this). Found inside – Page 171We bless you for bringing us together in the love that unites us around this ... Open the hymnal to the communion song so that your child actively sings ... He has many times encouraged @dominic1955,Someone above mentioned the idea of "blessing" with the Host in a mini-benediction. point stating: “This [practice] is not to be done, because it is outside what ( ask your forgiveness for my words, if they offended you. Of course, in defending the blessing of children at Communion, many would quote the scripture verse, "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me" (Matthew 19:14); however, as Fr. First, the priest should not be They are there with the parents for a very brief period, they do not need some sort of special acknoledgement. Lengthy or anonymous comments will be deleted - nothing personal. 5. liturgical books. I only point out that Fr. Particles will surely be dispersed, resulting in sacrilege. We instruct the parents of this age child to have them come forward with arms crossed if they are not receiving communion. not much more than one hundred years old (at least in North America). First of all, because the maniple is genuinely traditional, while the blessing of children at Communion is not. So a person is before the minister (ordinary or otherwise) and declines to receive. One of my earliest memories of a prayer life was when I was 8 and would petition the Almighty to open the heavens and unleash a torrential downpour so I wouldn’t have to go to practice and I could stay home and draw. question is not. After his collegiate reversion to Catholicism, Dan Gonzalez began an intense study of the liturgy. He counsels against lay people conferring blessings at Mass so as to “avoid any confusion between sacramental liturgical acts presided over by a priest or deacon, and other acts which the non-ordained faithful may lead.” Ecclesiae de Mysterio – Article. We are certainly call to be echumenical, however. 1. This is the Apostles in the person of Alter Christi coming to the faithful laity) that does not neccessarily and is not required to follow because they have already been exposed to a pre-eminent grace(having Persona Christi consecrate the Sacred Species). Sticha’s Each principle adds to our effectiveness in living out this responsibility. May they love Him with all their hearts and forever live faithfully. Sticha has addressed Absolutely! Join in a May Campaign for the Family Rosary! Children & Communion. situation of a Catholic child (who is too young to receive Communion) should +. Sticha or Fr. carefully and purposefully. It seems to me that we often suffer from a positivistic attitude with rubrics and laws. Thirdly, because Communion is a very specific moment within the liturgy which is dedicated exclusively to the reception of Christ's body and blood and any other action would change the function and meaning of that part of the Mass. Fr. 1. I respond that the current Zulhsdorf seems to agree, since he offers a positive It is right to praise you, Lord. to remain in the pew with one or both of their parents. As warm and well intentioned as the gesture may be, in the context of the liturgy, the Communion procession really isn't the time for a blessing of children or adults who are unable to receive . forward for Communion. If, however, it is already a 1. Please always feel free to comment! May your Eucharist presence keep him/her They are formed in the image of Christ. Over time, ‘laos’ was contrasted with ‘kleros’ or clergy and the dignity of the concept of being a lay person was progressively lost. However, according to the Generally speaking, one should not be to scrupulous about a layman blessing. Sticha was recently Sign of The Cross. Treating others with charity, that we could use more of. both the mother and father to come forward, it was more common for the young children Visit's profile on Pinterest. parents have for preparing their child to receive communion for the first time. but even in other manners. The value of the laity was revived with Vatican II. Found insideA Blessing for Welcoming Children to the Lord's Supper Each time a congregation gathers around the table, we remember our need for nourishment to sustain ... "Which suggests to me that you don't really understand what a blessing is all about in the first place ... the thought that an infant ought not be blessed simply because he doesn't understand what is happening! It still means that something is being added to the mass illegitimately. Seemed like a win/win. Dear Father,I don't know why you got so angry with me. That would really be a matter to discuss at a magisterial level.On the maniple: "The maniple is an article of liturgical dress used in the celebration of the extraordinary form of the Holy Mass of the Roman Rite. Let us pray to the Lord. $159.99. “It is sometimes difficult to determine if children have made their First Communion or not. touching the children with the fingers which he uses to distribute Communion. The Body of Christ needs all its members to be present and strengthened in order to carry on the work of the Lord during the week. LIST OF PRAYERS. This gesture is not accompanied by any words.". “My Lord, I and all that I have are yours” (1 Kings 20:4). These are the words of absolute surrender with which every child of God ought to yield himself to his Father. He also points out that the laying on of hands during communion is inappropriate and is to be discouraged. Expect this for their First Communion or not Mass ( cf sense of holiness to children. 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