Once you have as much of this information as possible you can put in a request to the National Archives Personnel Center for a copy of his service record. Hi Melissa,You have probably already tried this, but the best thing I can think of is to examine his discharge papers to see which unit he was assigned to and then trace their steps in published books and websites.Regards,Jeff. For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. Notes on German Artillery Tactics in Tunisia, You can download all of the General Orders for 1945 using the links provided in my original post above.AW 107 refers to AW 107 "SOLDIERS TO MAKE GOOD TIME LOST" which means that a soldier was charged with misconduct. More information on the 4th Marine Division on Iwo Jima can be found at http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/PTO/Iwo/4thMarDivIwoJima/4thMarDivIwoJimaAAR-Annex-How.pdfJeff, Hey Jeff, - Alan here from that last comment. German Recognition Signals, I didn’t know about the first wound until I came across the discharge form after he passed. : The Story of the 89th Infantry Division, Tough 'Ombres! Thank you,Jerry Guest, Hi Jerry,GO 105 is General Order 105 published by the War Department in 1945. Is there a way I can send you the document for further help?Thanks for your great website! Purple Heart GO 13 Hq 325th Glider Inf. These do not indicate that a Bronze Star for Valor was earned by the soldier. To ensure this happens effectively, we have developed 5 beneficial guarantees. I had the personal priviledge and deep honor to meet MG Rueben H. Tucker in September 1967-January 1970 before he died at the early age of 58; and LTC Louis Toth, 3d/508th. We have a photo of what we believe is the unit that has an inscription reading: "BTRY D 2nd BN 1st TNG REGT F.A.R.C.". According to the congresswoman, the funds are being provided as part of the recent coronavirus relief package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Which led me to think about why no second Purple Heart.The reason I’m interested to begin with is that I’m putting together a burial flag memorial display (he passed last November at age 97) and I was thinking I should include a “Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster” on the Purple Heart. Our guarantees At Solution Essays, we are determined to deliver high-quality papers to our clients at a fair price. Hoping you can help, I have a "Certificate of Proficiency" for the "Century Division Rangers" awarded to my father, Pvt. I have a General Orders letter dated 24 Dec 1944, stating that he was awarded the Purple Heart for the wound of 26 Oct 1944. Jeff, Jeff; Am reading above blogs and your helpful. Any idea what the 'F.A.R.C.' at:http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-list.jsp?cat=WR26If you have his serial number, you can quickly find his enlistment record using this same link.Once you have the details of his service record, it might be possible to contact the unit he served with and they might be able to help fill in more details including the platoon he served in. Uniforms, Personal Equipment, and Insignia, var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? The Separation Qualification Record will state "9. The General Orders of the War Department for 1945 are available online from  can be downloaded from the Historical General Orders/Special Orders Collection at the Maneuver Center of Excellence Libraries which includes the Donovan Research Library, the US Armor Research Library. Virtually all of his records were destroyed in the Archives fire. I am trying to find out exactly where my father was stationed in Europe during World War II to complete a timeline and map. Ray. It is stated as Northern France GO 105 WD 45, I understand the WD 45 but don't know where the 105 indicates. My Dad was actually regular Army with the 403 H company and parachuted onto Corrigedor where he was wounded on that date while on the ground with his squadron. But his discharge form also noted a Parachute Badge which means I believe he had to have done some basic in Fort Benning, Georgia. A lot GI's in WWII were enterprising liberators and often found innovative ways to make money, acquire artifacts, get rolling drunk while on duty, take a few days leave while no one was looking etc. Artillery Equipment, Infantry Equipment, My father (Ronald B. Tukey) passed away 30 years ago and we never asked enough questions about his WW II services (nor did he wish to share). Hi Ryan,You contacted me some days ago asking for the meaning of F.A.R.C.If you can give me the name of your Grandfather, I can check the 82nd rosters and see if he was assigned to the division.FARC is probably a variation of "Field Artillery Replacement Training Center" F.A.R.T.C.and that these men trained in one such as the one at Fort Bragg as mentioned here:http://www.mace-b.com/glen/There are also references to the "Field Artillery Reserve Corps" (F.A.R.C.) On his honorable discharge form I noted his service start date was April 28 1943, after the Helena, MT training had completed. How can I find out to what unit he was attached to on D-Day. Thanks, and enjoy reading your blog! Best Regards, Bert Fitzgerald, Hi Bert,Thank you for your kind words of appreciation and encouragement. Signal Equipment, As a retired US Army Colonel I am priviledged to have met many of the true heroes you are writing about. "); I am trying to apply for replacements through the National Archives. It’s best to right click and save it instead of clicking on the link and letting it load in your browser. Detailed Report on the German "Tiger" PzKw 6, Seth,That's great. of and in " a to was is ) ( for as on by he with 's that at from his it an were are which this also be has or : had first one their its new after but who not they have – ; her she ' two been other when there all % during into school time may years more most only over city … This is the info under Service outside cont US on my grandfather's HD papers.Thanking you in advance...Cheryle, Hi Cheryle,ETO is an acronym for the European Theater of Operations.Regards,Jeff, Jeff,I have a question regarding the space 32 of my fathers (William F. Guest) separation papers. As a wild guess, based purely on conjecture, WFTO may be an acronym for "Wounded Failed To Organize". These General Orders of the War Department 1945 contain a lot of other useful information including citations with names of those who in 1945 earned the: Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star Medal, Bronze Star Medal, the Legion of Merit, Air Medal, Soldier's Medal, and unit awards such as the Distinguished Unit Citation (AKA Presidential Unit Citation PUC). Block 33 shows the European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal and his uniform bears only the ribbon (no medal) with 3 campaign stars. They were normally under the 3rd Armored Division under General Maurice Rose. Italian L Type Grenade, Cavalry and Reconnaissance, He was with the 496th Engr Co.It also listed three medals, but no one in my family knows what happened to them. Other General Orders contain information on designated Bronze Service Star campaigns for the rest of the Theaters of Operation in WWII, including the Asiatic-Pacific Theater. On one hand, I it’s technically incorrect since there doesn’t appear to be a record of a second Purple Heart, but on the other hand, there’s two wound dates listed on the discharge form and the second one was severe enough to send him back to the U.S. but the first wound date earned him the “official” Purple Heart.Interesting to note, “for gallantry in action” at Leyte Island, Philippines, 23 Oct 1944 he was awarded the Silver Star, that’s three days before his first wound. } catch(err) {}, Photographs, My grandfather, Russel Hughes, Gilbertsville PA is listed in Lt. Col Burhan's First Special Services book as having served in 3-1 (Company 3 Regiment 1) of the First Special Service Forces. Protection Against Japanese Aerial Bombing, Dear Jeff, My Dad was in the 703rd Tank Destroyer Battalion Company B. My mother kept two big scrap books which I now have. Thanks for the response; sorry I wasn't able to reply in the "Reply" section for some reason. I just found my grandfather's discharge form from the Army and it listed Rome-Arno GO 33 40 WD 45 under Campaigns. Do you have any suggestions on how to locate the information? I believe this is the main reason for their commendation. Any help would be appreciated. pageTracker._trackPageview(); However, according to the little he did tell us, he was trained as a weather observer (21st Weather Squadron; Weather Observer 784) but then just before D-Day he was given some minimal training as a paratrooper, assigned to the 82nd Airborne, and was dropped over Ste. Or maybe his CO had an axe to grind. You can read about it here on the first couple of pages: http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/Morgan-Papers/Vol-IV-correspondence-memoranda.pdfPerhaps your Dad was not rally at fault for the any misconduct, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His discharge papers list his battles and campaigns as Rhineland GO 4O 45 and Central Europe GO 46 45. I'm glad that you've found the site useful. Thank you. Destination — Berlin! I have scanned the docs. Will you please explain. I did find some items though, such as https://mcoepublic.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/library/GeneralOrders/GO%201942-1944.pdf. BATTLES AND CAMPAIGNS  “GO 33 40 WD 45  Naples-Foggia Sicily Normandy Rhineland Ardennes Central Europe”. German Conversion of French 75s into Antitank Guns, Is there any way to find out what this is or what unit he was with? which would indeed point to the Battle of OkinawaDoes anyone here have anything similar? He passed in 1982 and I love to find out as much as I can about him. We were fortunate that they were there when our Nation and the world needed them. It would put all of our Hollywood actions figures to shame. * - Main goods are marked with red color . Laura. All Rights Reserved. UNK the , . The link no longer works. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the quick and polite reply. From these stories I determined they spotted 2 German vehicles across the Salm river at 1500 and 1800 yards coming out of the woods with tanks behind them headed towards the 82nd's troops . * Note: The eligibility rules for award of a Bronze Service Star in WWII in relation to the EAME medal are detailed in Army Regulation 600–8–22  downloadable from http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r600_8_22.pdf, Online Location of the General Orders of the War Department for World War II. I would like to decorate it with the patches and campaign medals from his tour of duty. 14 May 45 means he received the Purple Heart and it is recorded in General Orders 13 dated May 14 1945 which were issued by Headquarters of the 325th GIR. Is it possible he was pulled from 398th as a filler for overseas and would his Ranger training possibly put him with Rangers on D-Day? Many Army divisions and regiments maintain web pages dedicated to the veterans who fought in them in WWII including unit rosters, at least down to the company level. Hi Cham,The 111 is the number of points he had accumulated at the time of his discharge. Usually the “GO 33 40 WD 45” (or similar entry) is followed by the names of specific campaigns. Not sure precisely what the M-1 Carbine MX 162 means, but in my best guess is he was awarded for being a marksman for proficiency in the use of that carbine in July of 1943. On January 9th 1945 General James M Gavin wrote a Commendation of which I have an official copy to the Commanding Officer 703rd Tank Destroyer. There are many posts made to Internet forums with a question about what “GO 33 40 WD 45”  (or some similar entry) means in field 32. Testing Antiaircraft Gun Barrels in Combat Areas, The Transportation Corps... Flaming Bomb: The Story of Ordnance in the ETO, Employment of German Antitank Regiment on Non-Tank Missions, Notes on Japanese Warfare on the Malayan Front, German Methods of Warfare in the Libyan Desert, The British Capture of Bardia (December 1941 - January 1942): A Successful Infantry-Tank Attack, The Development of German Defensive Tactics in Cyrenaica—1941, Tiger Tank Replicas and Full-Scale Models. from WWI which might be where the FARC and FARTC acronyms used in WWII had their beginnings:http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/military/roster/abb.htmIndeed FARC "Field Artillery Replacement Center" was being used in WWII as evidenced by these photos of the men in BTRY. in Box 31 it says Cal 30 M-1 Rifle Ex 181 Jul 44 * (then in the comment box below the * further says - Cal 30 M-1 Carbine Mx 162 Jul 43 CIB 27 Feb 43). 4th TNG. The other question I had refers to box 34. That may explain the date. The skillful and soldierly performance of the 703rd Tank Destroyer Battalion was particularly gratifying and materially helpful. These are the names of Bronze Service Star campaigns. days lost in Under AW 107" meant - I hope he had some rolicking times to earn that.Thanks very much for your time and help. Indeed, Col. Tucker needs some airtime. One scrapbook is made up of official documents and newspaper articles. He was put on trial and if convicted he then had to make up the days lost. I had always assumed the Purple Heart was for the elbow wound, but no, it was his first wound that he never told me about. Notes of a British Armored Force Officer on German Tank Employment, Japanese 70-mm Howitzer Model 92, Since there are 4 or 5 campaigns listed of which 2 (Sicily and Naples-Foggia) were amphibious landings, I wonder if "GO 33 WD 45 as amended" authorizes the 4 or 5 campaign service stars in addition to an arrowhead device for the amphibious landings. The Story of the 29th Infantry Division, Attack! This commendation then has added commendation from Major General M. B. Ridgway, also Major General J Lawton (can't read last name) then on the back Major General Maurice Rose and finally Lt Col Showalter 703d TD Bn Commander. Custom Essay Writing Service - 24/7 Professional Care about Your Writing Cheap essay writing sercice If you need professional help with completing any kind of … The medal was awarded in 1946. Again, it’s just a guess as I couldn’t find anything affirming such an acronym. Any insights would be appreciated.Many thanks,Margaret, I have my fathers discharge papers and was trying to plot out the path that they took. My father's war records were burned up in the fire. The reward was often worth the risk.Regards,Jeff, HI Jeff,I have a couple of questions regarding my Grandfather's Discharge paperwork, (John F. Kirrer- Sgt. Looking for your email. I assume he was trained in Virginia and/or Vermont. 3rd platoon Co-A 2nd BN Camp Wheeler GA August 1942. The CIB 27 Feb 43 indicates that he was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge on that date. The Story of the Medical Service - ETO. Hi Jeff- My Dad and I are trying to determine which specific unit my Grandfather served in during WWII. Evacuation, This is interesting because it probably means he was in a unit other than the 325th Glider Infantry - the 82nd Airborne Division as a whole had not seen combat until July 9, 1943 with the invasion of Sicily. It could make sense IF he received his wounds on a LST or on the beach before he could organize with his unit. ◊ New articles from Tactical and Technical Trends #34: The history covers training, transfer to North Africa, deployment to Italy, and fighting around Anzio, Arno River, Gothic Line, and Futa Pass. Probably. might mean? Biblioteca personale Military Abbreviations, This information is also available for the years 1942 – 1944 in the General Orders of the War Department 1942 – 1944 available again through Maneuver Center of Excellence Libraries at: The direct link is General Orders 1942-1944: http://www.benning.army.mil/library/content/Virtual/General%20Orders/GeneralOrders/GO%201942-1944.pdf. If so, then he was most likely assigned to an active unit once he completed his training. Hi,You could try contacting his unit at its current location. I downloaded the pdf file for 1945, but his name doesn't appear as a recipient of the Bronze Star for his action at the Rhine on Mar. I just found a photo of my father who was at Camp Wheeler. Do you have an updated link or a copy of GO 40 WD 45. https://www.benning.army.mil/Library/General%20Orders/index.html. †The Bills, at 9-3, do have a route to do just that this He was in the medical detachment, 80th Inf. 28, 1945. All the best with it. The Presidential Unit Citation (PUC), originally called the Distinguished Unit Citation, is awarded to units of the uniformed services of the United States, and those of allied countries, for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy on or after 7 December 1941 (the date of the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the start of American involvement in World War II). Service Outside Continental U.S. and Return" with specifics for each of: Date Of Departure; Destination; Date Of Arrival. Hoping you can help, I have a "Certificate of Proficiency" for the "Century Division Rangers" awarded to my father, Pvt. Thanks. Supply, Thank you,Jonathan Ott, Hi Jeff,I stumbled upon your site and have no idea if you can help me. “Naples-Foggia Sicily Normandy Rhineland Ardennes Central Europe”. I assume that "WFTO" is perhaps a typo for "WPTO" refering to the Pacific Theater - but does it actually stand for somethine else?Thanks for any help, Alan, Hi Alan,I looked but could not find anything definitive. The Me-410 Aircraft, Services of language translation the ... An announcement must be commercial character Goods and services advancement through P.O.Box sys His (Hororable) Discharge paper is rife with old school typewriter typos including his last name (twice) and "New Huinea" - among others. Hello Jeff, Since you seem to be a great source of knowledge for any questions I've had so far and have found many answers in your previous comments..can you explain where ETO is? His Discharge papers show his battles/campaigns were Normandy and Northern France and" Service outside Continental US" shows a date of departure of 3/44 and arrival of 4/44. Div., 317th. 14 May 45. 2. If you did not come across a common application for "WFTO" either - perhaps it is safe to say it was indeed intended as "WPTO". Military Signs, In box 33 “Decorations and Citations” the Purple Heart is listed. Depending on your Internet connection the PDF document can take a long time to load. I have just started digging into the treasure trove of data out there, but the more I uncover, the more questions I have. If you persevere with the Veterans Service Records Center, you should eventually be rewarded.Jeff, Jeff: Thank you so very much for your dilligent efforts in writing about the 82nd Airborne Division in WW II. His discharge has his Unit as 273 Inf 69th Div, that does not seem to be correct. Raymond Ramos Co C. 398 Inf of 100th Division, on September 4th, 1943. The 52 rating InvestorsObserver gives to Universal Security Instrume... nts, Inc. (UUU) stock puts it near the top … I noticed that most are in the 70's... what does that number mean?I really appreciate any help you can be.Kind Regards,Chris. responses. I hope to continue reading more of your blogs in the future. He was with the 103rd Evacuation Hospital Medical Aidman 657 and was in Normandy,North France, and Ardennes His serial # is 36 731 042 Gee, James L. Arm of service MD and Component AUS (which I do not know what that means) He died in 1969 and would not talk at all about the war so I feel like there are some horror stories attached to his duties. They may be able to help with information at the platoon level if contacted directly. We are wondering if he was still in the 101st when he was discharged. The Story of the 8th Armored Division, The 9th: The Story of the 9th Armored Division, Terrify and Destroy: The Story of the 10th Armored Division, The Story of the 11th Armored Division: Thunderbolt, Speed is the Password: The Story of the 12th Armored Division, All American: The Story of the 82nd Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division: The Story of the 101st Airborne Division, Time Over Targets: The Story of the 9th Bombardment Division, Achtung, Jabos: The Story of the IX Tactical Air Command, Fly, Seek, Destroy: The Story of the XIX Tactical Air Command, Mission Accomplished: The Story of the XXIX TAC, Engineering the Victory: The Story of the Corps of Engineers, That Men Might Live! Thanks........Joe R. Jeff - Thank you for all of your knowledge and assistance. I wanted to see if you know of a way to get info on this battalion. They were sent to the 82nd Airborne from December 20, 1944 through January 1, 1945 when they returned back to the 3rd Armored Division. Don’t know if you can help, the following is a little long winded, and in the end, it’s really just an opinion I’m looking for…Question about my father’s (Matthew J. Ott, serial# 32068976) WWII “WD AGO Form 53 – 55” discharge form (he served in the “Asiatic Pacific Theater”).In box 34, “Wounds Received in Action”, there’s two dates 26 Oct 1944 and 21 Nov 1944. It must have been a true honor to meet and get to know these paragons. After the FSSF disbanded I believe he was assigned to the 463 Parachutist Field Artillery Battallion in the 101st. Been searching internet but more often than not I get a different unit. Do you know where I can locate/purchase these items? All done outside of regulations and in many cases done with their CO's blessing, or blind eye. Bronze Star Medals are awarded for valor in combat. His discharge form noted GO 33 & 40 WD 45 Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe. I recently located my Dad's "Enlisted Record and Report of Separation -- Honorable Discharge" WD AGO Form 53 - 55In Box 32 Battles and Campaigns, it lists RYUKUS GO 33 WD 45 AS AMENDED.My own research indicates definitively that the Ryukus includes the Okinawa Campaign (Operation Iceberg) but I can't verify Dad's participation, other than by the dates he was in the WPTO.He was assigned to 774th Med San Co as a Switchboard Oper(ator) 650He departed for WPTO (Western Pacific Theatre of Operations) on 30 Mar 42, arriving on 8 Apr 42; he departed on 26 Oct 45, arriving stateside on 25 Oct 45 (clearly due to crossing the International Date Line!) From there, we have a few snippets of stories involving Operation Market-Garden, Battle of the Bulge, connecting with his brother (an Army officer) in Paris and marching into Germany via Cologne. 82nd Airborne). Also in 55, it states; lapel button issued, ASR score (2 sep 1945)-53, 15 days lost under AW 107. Can you scan the docs in and email them to me? I've found some letters but they only indicate that he was in France. Normandy Part 1: Establishing Bill Clark’s Presenc... Aquila Polonica - Publishing the Polish Experience of WWII, Happy Warriors - A blog about the US Army Air Force in WWII, Keep Calm and Carry On and other Second World War Posters — Keep Calm and Carry On and other Second World War Posters, World War II History - Historical Photos, Daily Blog, Research & Podcast. If your Dad was in the 82nd Airborne I'll most likely be able to provide you with some information. So what does GO 33 40 WD 45 actually mean? Equipment Introduction, I still may have some leads if he was in another unit. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Jeff - Thanks for all your great info, but as the commenter Unknown states in his/her comment dated July 22, 2019 at 7:10 PM above, the links that you listed no longer work. CORONAVIRUS vaccine rollout starts in less than 24 hours, marking the beginning of the end of the pandemic. Is it possible he was a member of the 4th Marine Division and received his wounds during the landing on Iwo Jima? Thank you for posting this information. F. A. R. C. Fort Bragg, N C - 5/23/42 5th CYCLE training taken in 1942:http://www.ebay.ca/itm/BTRY-F-10th-BN-4th-TNG-REGT-F-A-R-C-Fort-Bragg-N-C-5-23-42-5th-CYCLE-/151209866079?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2334cf735f:http://www.ebay.com/itm/WWII-Yard-Long-Photograph-1942-Fort-Bragg-Training-Regt-2nd-Tng-/390912219598?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5b042f19ceThe FARCT acronym was also extensively being used in WWII:http://www.ebay.com/itm/Postcard-Field-Artillery-Replacement-Training-Center-Fort-Bragg-N-C-e37512-/121327582968?pt=Postcards_US&hash=item1c3faffef8http://www.warfoto.com/3rdpersonalsearch51.htmhttp://www.javadc.org/java/docs/1942-12-09%20MSG%20from%20HQ%20Camp%20Crowder,%20Missouri,%20to%20The%20Adj%20Gen,%20Wash%20DC,%20re%20Info%20on%20JA%20EM_Pg20_ay.pdfwith several rare books published on the subject, for instance referencing FARC and FARTC used interchangeably (as demonstrated in the first link below):http://books.google.com/books?id=yGf7H_XLtP8C&pg=PA373&dq=%22FARC%22+field+artillery&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zP31U77MOtjcoATewYLACA&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22FARC%22%20field%20artillery&f=falsehttp://books.google.com/books?id=ClInMwEACAAJ&dq=Field+Artillery+Replacement+Training+Center,&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pvb1U56aKY-uogTA-oCwBA&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAAhttps://www.google.com/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Field+Artillery+Replacement+Training+Center+%28Fort+Bragg,+N.C.%29%22&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=2&gws_rd=sslSome of these books indicate that there were several FARTC locations such as this one in Camp Roberts.http://books.google.com/books?id=Bw4l_Lx2PmwC&pg=PA32&dq=Field+Artillery+Replacement+Center,&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ufb1U-q5F9C5ogTb14GgDQ&ved=0CDEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Field%20Artillery%20Replacement%20Center%2C&f=falseYou also may find something useful in the Field Artillery Journal archives:https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Field+Artillery+Journal+WWII&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sbRegards,Jeff Clark, Dear Mr. Clark,Little did I know when I typed "GO 33 WD 45" in a Google search, that I would such a treasure chest of valuable information, My Dad, Louis Butcher has the same numbers in his Enlisted records and separation of Honorable Discharge. F 10th BN. The Story of the 35th Infantry Division, The 45th: The Story of the 45th Infantry Division, 66th: The Story of the 66th Infantry Division, Trailblazers: The Story of the 70th Infantry Division, The 75th: The Story of the 75th Infantry Division, Lightning: The Story of the 78th Infantry Division, The Cross of Lorraine Division: The Story of the 79th, Forward 80th: The Story of the 80th Infantry Division, Railsplitters: The Story of the 84th Infantry Division, Stalwart and Strong: The Story of the 87th Infantry Division, Rolling Ahead! General Order 33 WD45 for instance specifies the geographical combat zone, and time limitation for the following Bronze Service Star Campaigns related to the European African Middle Eastern Campaign (EAME) medal: General Order 40 amends GO 33, WD 1945 by updating the conditions of the Rome-Arno, and Ardennes campaigns and adds in the Rhineland campaign. If you don't have a copy of this information you can contact the National Archives Personnel Center to see if they have copy of his service record. "https://ssl." The fact that he was wounded on 19 Feb 1945 is a significant clue. are available. His ID number was 20 300 562 and he was a Technical Sergeant in the 32nd Depot Supply Squadron Aviation Unit. Axis Use of Skoda AA/AT Gun, On his discharge notice I found the GO33WD45 code, searched for it, and found my way here. They simultaneously destroyed them and the tanks behind them turned around and went back into the woods and retreated. Alan Willaum. I am trying to track his movements/assignments but having little luck. http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r600_8_22.pdf, http://ww2tribute.blogspot.com/2013/03/meaning-of-go-33-wd-45-on-wwii-veterans.html, Meaning of GO 33 WD 45 on a WWII Veteran’s Discharge. : The Story of the 1st Infantry Division, From D+1 to 105: The Story of the 2nd Infantry Division, Blue and White Devils: The Story of the 3rd Infantry Division, Famous Fourth: The Story of the 4th Infantry Division, "These are My Credentials! Italian Portable Flame Thrower, Model 41, My father said he was first wave at Omaha beach , but we don't know if it was with 398 Inf Co. C. My own research shows the 100th Division 398 Inf didn't leave for Europe till 11/44, so that's puzzling.

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