Wonderful; and no man wants anything to do with her, yet she is still stuck in this dreamworld that she is young and attractive even though she looks beyond her years. The child ends up becoming the parent to these people. I no longer had anything important to say. PLS I’M A SINGLE TEEN MOM IN NEED OF HOUSING ASAP I HAVE A LITTLE BOY GOING TO BE 5 MONTHS. I am 61 years old and my health has been declining . The greatest sin is that of being a mother who cannot see the divine in her child and pay it the respect that is deserved. It could be worse but the least I would.like to.do is be able to raise him in a.clean environment, 25 with a 7 yr old, also 4 month pregnant needing housing to find a job. But she was vested in making my life a living hell for no reason. I know I keep my heart protected, far away from my sleeve. Several times I left for school at 7.30 because I couldn't quite tell the time. This article is very good for women who have a narcissistic mother. God blessed me with my abusive parents so I could learn empathy, so I could see before others, peoples needs, even the smallest ones. feel sorry for her husband and kids. I consider myself to be homeless, i live between my moms house, my dads house, and sometimes in my car, but I dont put my daughter in that situation ofcourse. I LOST MY JOB ,HOME.SO WHEN U GET AROUND TO HELP N PEOPLE THAT REALLY NEED IT PLZ EMAIL ME AT, Hi,I am 31 years old and have a 7 month old baby boy.We have what little money the state can help with. I was evict and is now living with my sister in a small motel room. Almost everyday being threatened to be kick out, being told by relative that own the air. Any advice, help, or understanding would be greatly appreciated, I’m so use to everything being my fault and if I didn’t do that he wouldn’t hit you. She wouldn't take me shopping because she didn't enjoy it even though I wanted to. Then I would have to walk home again and sit and wait for her to get up and out of bed. i get ebt cash. She used to make me and my sisters lie about her where abouts or her behavior, while telling us how we ruined her life amoung all the other multitudes of ugly things she says! This is a note to the woman I passed a few weeks ago on the street. It was almost impossible. Once you get your GED, then you can begin researching options to go back to college or a technical school. My email is lsosa1031@gmail.com. Oh I have pictures of my parents holding my children in the hospital but not one of myself with them. Don't get between her and any shopping trips - she let my son borrow her car yesterday and when he was an hour late in returning, she went ballistic because she was late for her shopping excursion. But I don't think we will ever have a real relationship. I need help like yesterday! I am a caregiver have experience in special needs 13 yrs. IN RETURN I NEED HELP, TAKING GOOD CARE OF MY KID AND DO SOME REGULAR CHOIRS AROUND THE HOUSE, WHEN I’M AT WORK OR TRAVELING.I ALSO MAY HAVE WAYS THEY CAN EARN MONEY. I baracated ourselves inside our room and called the cops…. My daughter and I need some help or we will be homeless?. My name is erica I live w my momma w my 4 kids in a small one bedroom apartment an its not enough room I dont have no where else to go an im tryin to hurry up an get me an my kids our own place and start over fresh. Wow what a story. I just pray that her kids end up okay. Not sure what to do. She just turned 18 and is wanting to go to college. I don’t want to go to a shelter with my babies and he said that I can’t take my daughters to another state to live. And i have a kitten. If anyone who reads this know of any organization that can assist me with paying my deposit and/or first months rent, I would truly appreciate it if you would reply with the info. But I have barley no money to move with. HELP! I have 4 children. I was born prematurely (3 months early)and I almost died. my ssi was cut off and i have reapplied for that also..i am staying in a motel and they say i have to leave on tuesday oct.18th 2011 unless i can come up with the money it is 200 dollars a week, i am scared and dont know what to do..my mother who god bless her is haveing problems of her own referred me to your site..any help would be greatly appreciated. Hi I’m a single mom if a 1 year old daughter . Just need to see the light after looking in the dark for too long.. Single mother and moving place to place. I lost my job in April and was living off of my savings while I try to find a new one. I’m still in school and I have to leave my stepdads house on Monday because someone is renting the room. Hi Porsha. This government agency is supported by government grants and also receives cash donations from the private sector. NEED HELP! year old boy and a 3 year old girl. Start saving $10 – $20 a week to take your GED. Wouldn't it be nice to have a live chat room? Relevant!! I don’t want an hand out i just want the lord to answer a miracle for my family and I. If you have any info on how I can get a grant or something I don’t have to pay back so I can get a place for me and my son I would greately appriciate it!! I am 27 years with a four year old son. Which means he comes home late he don’t respect me he comes home late and argue with me I don’t do him nothing he talk bad to my daughter which is not he’s daughter he’s only father of the baby I’m expecting. I left my job a month ago because most likely that was the reason for causing my labor to start because I was working 12 hours shift walking around 8-10 miles a day at work . I just need a complete stable home for my children that I can afford where theres good transportation and things educational for them to do. I am a single working mother of three children who is in of financial assistance. Hi I am a single mom renting with an active HUD voucher! Half the time he is at my mothers house because I am unble to support him the way he should be. Hello Neka I’m single mother have 2 year old girl I lost my job I belive my co worker stolen my wallet and been tell my manager she don’t belive me Fired me I least place stay and money and job now no place stay please help me help me please my phone number 408 661 2043 my name Narita, single mother of teen boy with autistic spectrum disorder I am staying with friend for tonight with my son left verbal abusive boyfriend excuse me not parent typoI posted while back in 2015 we are safe in need of emergency apartment asap, If anyone knows a place for housing for single mothers autism email me at licianicole gorae1821@gmail.com, Trying to get awaY from memphis me an my kids im in a abusive marriage trying to go to houston, tx, Me and daughter is out of place staying and separate homes. i dont want to be here and i know my mom doesnt want me here either. I was also denied my unemployment so, i decided to start nursing school in September. If there is anyone out that can help us out please email me @ promamisgg@gmail.com thank you for taking the time to read this. my family has forced me to bounce around from place to place and, that too, is not good for my son. Usually well after midday. I need my own place. My mother had a horrible childhood and in her mind nothing was worse, so my problems and issues were insignificant. It’s hard very hard sometimes I want to give up but I can’t . I need help!!! Please and Thanks. My name is Taji. I don't find the humor. Neef help!!!!!!! Only option is is scrap and get 400 if that and eat the rest. I NEED HELP and I’m petrified. I suffer seizures and the stairs are not stable I have fallen so many times that I can not sleep due to severe pain through out my body. Hello I’m Katrina I’m 26 yr old I’m a mother of two my darughter is with me she two yr old my son is 7 he is staying with his father for the mean time I get ssi and child support I can’t find I place I’m bouncing a round from place to place here is a lil of my story last year I lost my family my grandfather passed on July 4 my best friend died on July 8 and my mother who I was very very close with passed on the August 8 and then my nana I really in need to find a place ASAP plz plz help me. This article is why I dont like ""mothers day"". I currently live at home with my parents in a home with 10 other people. My younger sister is the Golden Child. I just had a baby she is now 5 weeks old. So I am asking if someone could please give me information I need to put myself and my boys in. Its called the marjorie mason. I got that house for him for us . She will never love me (or anyone else). My sister the 'golden child' claims I am jealous of her I am not, never have been. They had barely any food, no transportation and my sister was getting sick and not attending school. The reason i am on here asking fir help today, is because my 3 children, my expected child and myself are in need of housing and a vehicle! More questions about Society & Culture, how i have no money no job to make money and no car to find a job what do i do i know i can’t let my babies live like this they deserve so much better! I have never owned a home but have been a diligent renter for many years. I left my hud subsidy unit last year to get away from an abusive relationship. I can’t believe someone in this world can be so evil especially to the weak and vulnerable and his own kids! Hello I’m a single mother of four. Hello my name is Jessica I have a 4 month old baby I’m 19 years old and I need help getting a place of my own I’m currently going to school in Everest in 290 Austin tx I dont have a job right now is too much for me stressing getting a job because they won’t hire me I keep calling and calling and never had called me back I’m Despret please help me find a place to live life works program is to full and the waiting list is to long wont get one till 4 years somebody please help me or give me an advice thank you. I will wait to discipline them until I talk to my husband so I can make sure I don't overreact. He is not afriad of her so she had to try to get rid of him because he was here to help me. CAN any one please send me some resources or can i get some fast funding PLEASE, CONTACT ME ASAP THX. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. Song: My Kind Of Love Alle Versionen . Looking for single parent rental assistance not public housing email me please can tell more about my situation,Thank You. I am at my ends and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a college degree and I can’t afford to go back to school now. "Can I trust my own feelings?" My son and I are currently living with my mother, which really is not enough room for the 3 of us. Yet in the drama (real or imagined) that is her everyday life, she's always the victim. I REALLY NEED HELP IN FINDING HOUSING FOR MY KIDS AND I! there is no help available. Hi my name is Karen Wheelersburg I am desperate I’ve been homeless for 2 years with my daughter who has who has epilepsy anger management bipolar for ADD ADHD depression and can’t be around a lot of people I forget what it’s called but she has to take medicine for that too A friend of mine was going to let me stay at her house until September 1st her boyfriend came back I had to leave I’m homeless I’ve been staying in a hotel my rent is up on Monday I have nowhere to go with my daughter I do work but I have health issues too I have a bad heart I have high blood pressure I have cellulitis I have problems I have a slipped disc nerve in my back a pinched nerve I have arthritis in my hands and I work at a male company where I can handle trees every night 8 hours a night I come home cripples I can barely walk I worry about my daughter getting her medicine I worry about her eating I worry about everything I have another child to but he’s in the system and I need to get him out but I don’t have a roof over my head so I’m scared to take him out of the system my daughter is traveling with me I don’t like to see her without a home if there’s any way anyone could possibly help me I will be God blessed I would give my life to them I would do anything for them to be able to help me and put a roof for an apartment a house and apartment whatever it takes over my child’s head even though she is 20 years old she has the mind of a 16 year old her skull was crushed when she was 2 months old by a dog she will never be the same again have to take care of her for the rest of my life I’m trying to get her brother so her brother can help me in case anything happens to me I need to get a home to make my children safe so when something happens to me they have somewhere to go if I knew how to file for this grant I will be right there on top of it I really don’t have a phone because I live on Wi-Fi so my email we use my daughter’s email I believe is cotton puffs 16 mail.com I really need assistance I need help I pray to God everyday that he will help me I’m worried right now because I’m staying in a hotel my rent is up on Monday I don’t know what to do I can’t have my daughter out in the streets because people take advantage of her please someone anyone help me I need I need a roof over my head I need a roof over my child’s head if I have to work to build it I will I can do the best that I can my legs are not that good but I have good strength in my arms if someone has an idea on how to help me please please leave a message in in messenger under Karen Wheelersburg if you can tell me how to do whatever I need to do I will do it God please I know there’s someone out there listening to me I’m making help me thank you for hearing me thank you for letting me whatever but I hope there’s someone out there that can help me or guide me in the right direction or put a roof over my daughter’s head and my head whatever money I make I am willing to pay I don’t make a lot I’m at poverty level so I’m glad I found this page thank you God thank you anybody who can hear me whoever helps me God bless them for the rest of their life forever I will cherish them in my dreams and in my life forever they ever need anything is all they need to do is come to me and ask I will always try to help the needy even though I am needy I will do about myself to help a family feed their children thank you amen may God being in your faith God bless anybody amen Karen Wheelersburg I am on messenger so please reply thank you God bless you, I’m homeless with 2 kids. [Verse 1] / Do you recall the days at your old place? We are currently staying with my step father and mother. Dr. McBride. I am going to through a rough situation at home with family. i have no idea what to do. [Intro] G G G D G G G D G G G D A D [Verse 1] D G D Yeah that's my old girlfriend G A D Saw her when she walked in G D Bm A Her hair's a little longer but she's still lookin' stronger than s And during the summer made to go to bed at 6.30 with the window open so that I could hear all my friends still playing outside. Please help me. Not to mention daycare being impossible to find… I NEED HELP.. Weather is warmer right now and me n my son talked and that is where he would like to go.. I struggled with my oldest child financially and was afraid to commit to a new relationship when I met the father of my youngest child. He was ridiculed for wanting certain clothing or for being fussy about his hair. I also plan on getting my GED and going to college and studying cosmetology I want to do all of those things but fear money might get in the way… What are some cheap income housing?? I live in mesa az. This kind of mother uses illness to escape from her own feelings or from having to deal with difficulties in life. She as a two year old son. Is there any hope? I currently work at Starbucks. In Illionios I am a single mother of a 4 month old baby I currently lost my apt n everything you're gonna get it, from me and my kind, yeah. Thanks! I have been looking for a job for months and months with no luck at all. If you can’t get ahead you can’t get out on your own and you have to stay there and continue to pay them. I’m sleeping on the floorof a family’s member house. I just can’t stop crying because my kids don’t deserve this life but I don’t know where to even start to get us out of this situation.

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