Believe me, it wasn’t for want of effort. To find incontrovertible evidence of even a small part of all this would be *incredibly* exciting. Council tax etc is not common law it’s statute law/acts and they need your consent. Evolution (still looking for lance link secret chimp among the Leaky’s) and all of things we take for granted is bunk. sure enough i gets on with it , 83 hours into my unpaid work i stumbled upon what i believe to be my GOD given rights and to believe that all men were created equal and subject to no one . * The security guards may have prevented your friends from entering because they were supposed to be in the public gallery. Suffice it to say that the most prominent British proponent of this nonsense is David Icke (yes, that David Icke). An interesting point about common law is that it is fundamentally undemocratic. Thats what I think about all this, as for the Author.. Hi Louis, and thanks for your comment. View your privacy policy, VIDEO: Art Of Compassion | Be BALANCED Whilst The World Around You Purges DEEP TRAUMA, VIDEO: Ascension & The Golden Age | How To Be Of Service To Gaia During Ascension. I’m going to say that again, just in case you didn’t read it correctly: statute law does not need your consent. At no time were you an ‘agent of the government’. Please do so. I am sorry but you cannot make a statement like the above.. why is it obviously the case that it is all nonsense? > My morals wont allow me to do such a thing… which would mean nothing in a court of law? Although it is 13 years old, read Bill Joy’s “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us” Champions of any and all forms of government are banksters’ sheeple. so i stopped going to my community service , ( because why would i do UNPAID work ) probation sent me countless of 2nd chance warnings threating to take me to court after about ten letters they finally SUMMONSED me to court ( mag’s ) so i went along , men in tow around 6 of us We’d never agree of course, but where would be the fun in that? I’m sure your statutory declaration, presumably in response to an application for a liability order, triggered some wry smiles. You have no proof that Diana was killed in an accident nor do you have proof that the 9/11 was a terrorist attack. I look forward to watching you explain your theory to a court. They view me as paranoid, but everyone is so unbelievably mind controlled whether it be the newspapers, magazines, radio, Tellyee, computer or cellphone programs/programing. The sovereign citizen movement has become a thorn in the flesh of security operatives – the police and FBI inclusive. Your rant is pointless and you are just another mis guided individual. Very difficult to use that as a basis to generate more ‘sovereigns’ who can go around doing pretty much anything they like. My morals wont allow me to do such a thing… which would mean nothing in a court of law? It is no more a matter of doubt or opinion than the length of my index fingers (6cm), or the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun (93 million miles), or the age of the universe (13.8 billion years). Even if they didn’t go that far, I’m guessing that much of the £60k is in penalties of one kind or another. I can understand your thinking that it is not helpful for what you call conspiracy theories, and lets face it many are so far fetched that they are on another planet.I would like to use the term open minded. You’re clearly intelligent and have no need for them. Sovereign citizens request that their legal name must be written in capital letters as a signifier of this identity. Some victims of accidents really do deserve their compensation, and those responsible deserve to pay it. I have an Inalienable Right to life & a Lawful right to protest which supersede all written Legislation that’s given the force of law by the consent of the governed! With absolute respect, I suggest that you direct your energy in a more positive direction. But I die a tribe here. However everyone has an agenda that is intricately interwoven with money and money is corrupt by T; particularly fiat paper money. Your grass roots political involvement probably has about the same amount of corruption as our lowest level political entity the school board. SSAS UK Small Self-Administered Scheme (UK SSAS) Retirement can be for a long period of time and the decisions taken have a long-lasting impact. A sovereign citizen believes he is above all government laws and often cites archaic laws such as the Magna Carta or religious freedom in the Bible. A law student telling us how it is. Each has his story to tell and Icke has many truths among many crappolas, eh? You think the world is black and white you get told something so to you that is the truth how does that make any sense. how else would the humans be controlled. If you want to believe that an Act of Parliament doesn’t have the force of law then please go right ahead. Absent that judgment, I simply don’t believe you. Yes not a LAW Dictionary, you are aware of legalese arent you? Can I come and watch? I’m thrilled for you that you’re getting your life together, and really hope that your beliefs in this nonsense don’t stop you doing wonderful things. “Sovereign citizen” is a catchall phrase referring to a variety of anti-government individuals and groups who share some common beliefs and behaviors. Giving up your citizenship or status only affects you and not any other members of your family - … The other triangle’s corresponding three points are 1) the soul, 2) the spirit and 3) the mind. Current science is soooooooooo politically correct that many older T’s become engraved in stone. Of course, if there are other kinds of tax involved, particularly if we’re talking about unpaid VAT (sales tax), all bets are off. Umm… if I read that correctly, you’re suggesting that those two words have something to do with one another. Im Welsh & my country & Heritage has been attacked by you Anglo Saxons since you got here & obviously nothing has changed… Except my Language is dying so have to learn yours to be able to defend myself. Bill, here is US, Still looking for my original birth certificate and assorted credit card applications with my original signatory and the original mortgages for many of my relatives. You have successfully swept away any pretence of principle and brought it back to the point I made in my original article: this all comes down to money. A warrant was issued for your arrest. This law was broken with the creation of the magistrate’s courts. It's not known if she subscribes to the sovereign citizen movement. In its nearly half-century history, adherents of the movement have employed a large number of pseudo-legal arguments and concepts and evolved a number of linguistic and other If you ever do get a court date, please come back and let us know when and where. @ Flup “There are no exemptions for religious groups other than turban-wearing Sikhs relating to the requirement to wear head protection on construction sites.” So their Belief (Morals) supersedes the Health & Safety statute/ Act/ legal requirement??? I make no statement about the set of rights one may or may not be born with (although I challenge anyone to come up with the list which would be agreed universally). I stress ‘unsourced’ because you make some extraordinary suggestions, and without evidence they are merely part of a conspiracy theory. Or do I? Another challenge faced by investigators is the fact that the sovereign citizen movement is not an organized civil or criminal enterprise. Old Holborn, I see you’ve had a rather more meaningful discussion with a QC over here. I will take your legal points and take them to a court of law to watch them fall apart after all the meaning for legal is unlawful is it not? Change comes out of aligning ones beliefs with another which is how society’s evolve.. Traffic stops led to arrests, and with each one, Kane's anger towards authority deepened. You make lots of unsourced assertions in your comment which I’d like to address one by one (except the purely philosophical points). you are free at birth, money is fictional just like your name. I didn’t reply in bad faith, because I honestly couldn’t understand the points you were making. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. A cooperative is a legal entity owned by a group of people who come together voluntarily for their mutual benefit. Thanks for your comment. This neutrality is unique. They see that their corporate identity is responsible for their debts and legal obligations. You can’t trust everyone to do the right thing by others and by society at large. My preference would be Plank who theorized God must be concluded from science. I have made statements of truth a sworn affidavit and a statutory declaration stating the above are you?????? You breached your community order, were summonsed, but failed to appear. Why DO NOT we have a Tobin Tax?LOL At the end of the day we shouldn’t be in a position that every person has to pay motor insurance, but we are… At least these men are taking a stand for what they believe in, to put them in same category as conspiracy theorists – when what they say is 100 % fact, just makes you look like an uneducated douche. Sadly there are too many who are selfish, narrow-minded and far worse. I have to assume that the state is not really addressing my person but rather a fiction of its own making. research it if you dont believe it, the case lasted for 60yrs i believe if memory serves me right… i will attempt to provide the link should you demonstrate yet more ignorance by not being arsed to look, but i cant make you see what your eyes have to read or watch to grasp this), this is what has happened and they are out of control within their own ranks, this is shown by the two judges whom stated it “was unfortunate but necessary” of the birkenhead matter and the resulting attempted any person arrest of a man impersonating a judge, a Mr. peake, (by someone known as rusty whom as you suggest, has stood many times before the courts for cannabis and who knows the law and his rights at law), whom failed to acknowledge a queens writ (prior decision of a british court) and whom sought to manifest a continuance of the dark control going on by acting outside of the law… so those, or some of those with honour and decency, used article 61 the magna carta in the manner it was written for to bring an aberrant criminal cartel to heel… some of them know what i say is true, they dont like it but can do nothing as they are officers of the court and have to do as they are ordered regardless as to whether the orders are legal or Lawful, and judge peakes were outside of the law in my opinion… if we are to be the law and require no governance then there can be no aberrance of full honour and divinity… in effect for us to become the law and need no governance then we have to become gods walking the earth with respect for ALL life, in every form it takes… we are in the beginnings of our teenage angst mode as a whole, something you rightly acknowledge and notice… i’m sure it will be the same as kevin and perry for a while… we grow up, and they (tptb) like adults, become children as they age, as is being noticed in the wider world by the one people, by their (tptb’s) acts, words and deeds… this teenager becoming adult will end in transition and the swapping of roles, but will likely be messy as many who are aware have not yet reached this full honour but feel that they have… we the children at law all grown up, will then govern the new becoming children, with full honour and respect for how they have made us change… thats about it… ; ) make of that what you will sir… but i stood before the crown for what you suggested, and the case lasted 4.5 years for many reasons, with only the last 16 months of it, with one’s self standing or attempting to with full honour and respect, despite living with actual but slightly mistaken honour for far longer than that (almost 17yrs) prior to putting the last few pieces in place… this i eventually demonstrated to them and i assisted them to settle the matter causing them difficulty, on their commercial books in a manner that was mutually agreeable to both one’s self and the state… In the United States, they do not recognize U.S. currency and maintain that they are "free of any legal constraints". All governmental entities are corporations as are their sheeple. If it wasn’t, their moral objections would have no bearing on the requirement in law. P.S. Sovereign Life says you should become an international citizen and acquire citizenship in another country. Shock, surprise, falls-on-floor. In Las Vegas, four men affiliated with the sovereign citizen movement were arrested by the Nevada Joint Terrorism Task Force on federal money laundering, tax evasion, and weapons charges. The site suggests you can enjoy tax benefits as a result. If I said that a judge rubbished all this ‘freeman’ stuff, I’d expect to be asked for evidence, and in fact I can provide just that (Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council v Watson [2011] EWHC B15 (Fam) from 17). No new law can oppose your rights given within this constitution. When sovereigns start talking about corporations and contracts and straw men, they might as well be teenage law students who have cherry-picked quotes from law textbooks to construct their own reality. Thank you for that . The police, according to the FBI report, is seeking relevant information and, possibly, special training to handle this growing threat. The problem with a world view at the fringes is that there is so little literature that will agree with you. The sovereigns have a temporarily illusion that their little malarkey is working while the authorities waste their time and money trying to comprehend the incomprehensible. An ad hominem response from a man in a mask. You assert that I ‘get told something so to [me] that is the truth’, but it takes much more than this for me to believe it to be so. Parliament has the right to write new laws into existence. Blame my barbaric uneducated Welsh upbringing I’m not going to delve into the bizarre beliefs held by these people in this post. It’s refreshing to read a comment on here that is neither abusive nor nonsensical. Theory (hereafter referred to as a T) is that nothing is what it appears to be to our limited sensual perceptions. > If you wish to pay for Paedophiles wages by paying your TV license thats your choice, it isnt LAW! self-governing, independent A sovereign is merely a human being with a mind of their own. I see nothing wrong with protesting taxes themselves. The Bill of Rights was signed out of parliament and it is an extension of the Magna Carta. People have been brainwashed into believing that our governments have ultimate authority and power over us and our constitutional rights. Thanks! The Magna Carta and Bill of Rights constitution supersedes parliamentary law. We really do not want this paranoid system to turn further into a centralized technocracy or have any more power or money to do evil things with and financially secure insane gamblers. A sovereign citizen is defined by the Anti-Defamation League as follows: "The "sovereign citizen" movement is a loosely organized collection of groups and individuals who have adopted a right-wing anarchist ideology originating in the theories of a group called the Posse Comitatus in the 1970s. Meanwhile, time and money is wasted. It sounds like the warrant against you was enforced. All I can say is that the correspondence he shows in his videos looks real enough. Instead I would point to the copious evidence suggesting that ‘freeman’ theory is nonsense, and the absence of any examples of the theory being recognised in any court anywhere. Like it or not, that’s you. Let me guess me, middle class, come from a relativity wealthy background. Sov’runs evade taxes by bamboozling the authorities. well well well, here is an interesting factor , i got pulled up on dope in 2010 and back then when i never knew my rights i consentied to all charges against me and accepted 100 hours of unpaid work even if you don’t agree i respect your views. Although a skepticus maximus philosopher at heart, I worked as an accountant/auditor/controller in both NY State and Fortune 1000 company before becoming a technology entrepreneur. All I can say to anyone on this page is look into it yourself on YouTube and not on biast pages like this. This has its own privileges and liabilities which are distinct from those of its members. They often refer to multiple forms of citizenship and government control. And you have a judge sitting on his bench making calls on who is overstepping and such. I can go on for ever & would fight for MY Rights in Court any day… Crown Court not Magistrate… How else would I get a fair trial. Good LUCK!!! I sense you’re dissatisfied with the way things are; if so then join the club! But I have no respect for a man who cheats the system with legalistic mumbo-jumbo. If the entire electromagnetic spectrum stretched 3000 miles from NY to LA our five senses perception is the width of an American dime. Good God Ian! Yep. the person which is your given name at birth in the UK registered or informed by your parents. It brought the Magna Carta into parliament and common law. See the Welsh Not/ trechary of the Blue Books. Law reminds me of tennis for some reason. several weeks later i was in my front garden when too heavys pulled up and start waffling on i said excuse me can you step off the property , they said i have a warrant johnson ( bearing in mind i didnt lay claim to the name johnson i was the gardner for all they knew ) . Having reviewed the evidence of both tragedies, I am absolutely satisfied that neither involved any kind of government conspiracy. Reading through some of the comments this post has received, I can’t help but imagine them to be written in crayon, or in ‘comic sans’ at least. Only the credulous, naïve and intellectually lazy circle around its insinuations and intangibles. No need for the freeman title you just need to know what to do when invited to their unlawful admiralty courts. its pretty clear, should you attempt to read it… to critique something you in fact asked for, in such a slack manner, shows you weren’t asking in reality, you were just being an annoying dork… i took the time to explain the situ to you and the best you can do with all that was provided is complain about length and grammar… i had you down as a thinker, apparently not… ; ). The one triangle’s three points that we perceive are 1) the heart, 2) the 30-90 trillion conscious cells, molecules and atoms of the body and 3) the electric computer brain. Keep paying your taxes while we spend £50 Billion a year on weapons & then blame the deficit on unemployed & disabled people. Sovereigns in the US invariably combine their eccentric world view with any number of conspiracy theories. Having studied the freeman / Strawman argument for some time now i like yourself was dismissive of the theory. That there is a democratic hand at the tiller makes me feel much better. God’s consciousness (infinite love) is the only truth, everything else is illusion (the demon strated matrix we perceive. The social contract is a con. I see nothing wrong in trying to reduce and avoid ones tax burden. Infinity will give you the healing, tools, and courage to become a sovereign superhuman. View the range > Roofing & Decks Products and expertise for roofing and decks of all types to help protect and repair. Lv 7. Its not really rooted in deep philosophical ideas of justice but more on whom plays a better game. Homeopathy is utter nonsense. I have no faith (and no entrepreneurial leanings either), no belief in the supernatural, and no qualms about dismissing something I thought I knew when presented with good evidence. As one of the most experienced and largest luxury cruise agents globally, only Sovereign provides the finest luxury cruises at the guaranteed best fares.Our team of luxury cruise experts have an unrivalled and infectious passion for luxury cruising and a dedication to truly … Well, it depends what you mean by “such a thing”. In this article I’ll just refer to them as ‘sovereigns’—you know, as if that actually means something—and try to explain why they really, really get my goat. That’s what makes me angry. A corporation is a legal entity that is formed by a group of people who contribute capital. I salute you, sir (or should that be SIR?). Yet he owns 60000 pounds in back taxes. Really you should have been able to dismiss my first post “Legal definition of a society is a group of people governed by MUTUAL CONSENT! These texts include the Magna Carta, the UK Bill of Rights, and the United States Articles of Confederation. Your reference to the status quo suggests that you think I’m writing about how things should be. Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed comment, and not inviting me to suck anything or do unsavoury things to my mother. So it is with ‘sovereign’ theory. You assert that you settled your four-and-a-half-year case ‘in a manner that was mutually agreeable to both one’s self and the state’. Just look at Fibonacci and Fractals. There is one point I’d like to put to you. You make my point very well: language aids understanding; to be precise, the rules of language do this. Parliament did not seek the consent of its people which in itself was an act of treason. If you want info on becoming a sovereign citizen.. please get fucked! In the late 2000s and early 2010s, most new recruits to the sovereign citizens movement are people who have found themselves in a desperate situation, often due to the economy or foreclosures, and are searching for a quick fix. There is no special meaning to that phrase. There are several English words that contain ‘lien’ including ‘julienne’. I have great respect for the man who engages in civil disobedience by not paying taxes. You take no risk in making the declaration, because you honestly believe its contents, however ridiculous they may be. They believe that they are not required to follow any laws, pay taxes, or respond to the official documentation. I am aware of the concept, but I fail to see how it relates to your example of ‘ina*lien*able’. It wasnt a law it was an act… what gives an act the force of law? PS. You also have access to the meditation library and meditation challenges, high vibrational recipes, unique exercise workouts, and mind-blowing cosmic activations. i was taken to mags where i got thrown in durham prison for non complying with a court order the one i previously consented to when i origannaly got done for dope anyways 9 days later i was back up too court where i had the chance to comply , with an additional 6 hours added to my unpaid hours also i sought legal help ie:solicitor so i basically weaved all my rights in order to be realised from prison . This lead me to investigate the legal fiction i.e. so i said fine im leaving im not entering a court where i have no witness to the account of the hearing. it’s the same old lunacy. The Magna Carta forms the basis of legal and human rights that you possess as an individual today. An accident of birth has placed her in a unique constitutional position. Like all conspiracy nutters, sovereigns will respond to criticism with comments like ‘wake up! ”. If you want info on becoming a sovereign citizen.. please get fucked! You’ve been very respectful and I hope I come across as affording you the same respect. I’ve deliberately avoided responding to your ad hominems. FWIW I agree that the fundamentals of law should be taught in school as a matter of course, although I’m not sure why you focus on Black’s: it’s just a dictionary, and not an authority in the legal sense. I doubt that I would ever be brave enough to do so. My problem with sovereigns is twofold. Things are better now than they used to be (as I’m sure Dickens would agree), but it’s still true that more money gets you better representation which ultimately improves your chances of ‘getting off’. They are predominantly male, intelligent, articulate, and for some reason seem to live in the south-west of England. Why is Black’s Law Dictionary not taught in elementary school? I do not believe that anyone has successfully used a ‘sovereign’ argument which on its own has allowed them to avoid their liability (or responsibility, if I was being more judgemental). Unfortunately all this freeman stuff would only be a ‘useful tool’ if it actually worked, which it never does. And what makes me different as a human being than her majesty herself? This includes the UK, the British Commonwealth, and the United States of America. the intersection of two or perhaps more dimensions (string T?). These are two sources of UK law. The article did not convince me. Magistrate’s courts gave the elites who control the UK and global wealth and power, and parliament more control and power to practise corruption within the justice system. Everything is incorporated from the individual all the way up to the top. Financial or economic collapses in countries across the world may be the smoking gun for a mass sovereign movement. Just because something falls out of Your mouth doesn’t make it true! Usury was a mortal sin and illegal under Roman Catholic Canon Law for 1500 years. open your eyes! Nothing in your comment suggests that it is otherwise. Cheers to you Ian also! I knew taxes were high in western Europe, but is that really possible?? We have to work for money to get worthless material things that divert our attention from our true selves. My T is that all governments are just where Icke puts them on the pyramid and it is significantly below the banking system pinnacle. However, these laws can only come into effect with the consent of the people. 0 0. In fact I’m writing about how things *are*, and how all this freeman nonsense is simply a veiled excuse for selfish people to avoid their civic responsibilities. If you want info on becoming a sovereign citizen.. please get fucked! i said well its a public building and remains to do so untill the mag establishes some sort of jurisdiction , they wouldnt have it . There are no aliens in Area 51, Elvis really is dead, Diana died in an accident, 9/11 was a terrorist attack, and British citizens are subject to British legislation. I do believe in society and would not wish to harm or cause loss to anyone, do not get me wrong but there are problems with the current system which i think is being now run for profit and is open to corruption.Money does rule in the legal arena the more you have the more chance you have of getting an outcome you wish. Einstein? …problems with the current system which i think is being now run for profit and is open to corruption.Money does rule in the legal arena the more you have the more chance you have of getting an outcome you wish. I also have respect for those that protest using legitimate arguments, but if you choose to stop paying tax then you must be prepared to accept the consequences. Courts will not accept copies of certain documents. Of course you are. Sure they can throw their hired goons after me and beat me up, but that is authority at gunpoint, which is at the core of every other run-of-the-mill type of suppressive governing. do you think there is democracy in the UK? And we are taking over but old fools like you will be gone when it happens. You were eventually arrested at the airport, imprisoned, then sentenced for the breach of your community order. I did for reasons (not monetary). You can say that you stand under anything you like, but it won’t stop a court enforcing a debt, whether arising from a contract or statutory liability. I would respect that position even if I didn’t agree with it, but hiding behind vague ideas of personal sovereignty is intellectually dishonest. A birth certificate is merely an administrative document. In 1689, the Bill of Rights was voted into English parliament and in 1689 it was written into law. They also believe that only a precise form of governance or law enforcement is legal.

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