We always knew, watching the movie, that he could do nothing against the army in there. Why don’t we see them? At least one Republican governor, however, has temporarily reformed the United States Senate. Why kill his friends ? Them are creations by Damon, or some superior beeing. The aliens aren’t just studying us, they are experimenting with making human/alien hybrids. In denigrating Donald Trump, the establishment Republican ended up revealing to Trump’s loyal base of 75-80 million supporters just how much she is motivated by opportunism. I think this: in this movie the author had intentionally confused his audition by using mind tricks and “boxes inside boxes” stuff. /s Maybe each room we see in the facility offers watchers a different story. I watched The Signal for the first time last night (super behind lol) anyways, it’s left me with so many feelings deep within myself, feelings I’m not even sure of myself-idk how to explain a lot of what it’s made me feel. Jonah, Nic, and Haley are on a cross-country road trip that Jonah and Nic are using as an excuse to track NOMAD - a hacker whose recent intrusion at MIT was blamed on Jonah and Nic, almost resulting in their expulsion. I’m soooooooo extremely late but I have a different theory altogether. because we all want that everybody is ok. i dont want my fucking shoes made in a child factory, ok? Hence why Laurence’s character was pleased and Nicks eyes opened. Great work….keep it up!! Nic on crutches is present day. Nicks rebellion, will to survive, decisiveness against an authority figure , and ability to adapt quickly to an incredulous situation was the exact proof that Laurence’s character needed to welcome him into the race if super human / machine inhabitants of the new colony. That is ALL of the movie. SO MANY thoughts, ideas, theories, questions left unanswered, it’s hard for me to not know. Life changing tough.) Learn how your comment data is processed. Then, in complete secrecy, humans built at least two super large spacestations. I think the fact that there are so many different theories, shows the writer’s competency. Its a theory I never saw on here and seems very plausible. So, perhaps the movie is trying to suggest, that humans gained knowledge of alien technology in the 40ies or so, just like it’s suggested in countless conspiration theories about government coverups of alien landings etc. The police are quick, organised, act ‘normally’, just like real police would. They are able to take people from earth and test them on this test station. its on the pc while they track “nomad” I’ve read this entire thing, all of your theories etc along with every single comment etc…. In an interview with iO9, director, William Eubank, stated that he really loved Catfish (Which I highlighted in my list of best documentaries) and the way they searched until they came to this random farm house. The problem: Haley is as unpopular among donors as she is among Republican voters. Felix wrote The three of them are on a trip heading to California where Haley is moving for a year. Yes, in this new light, to Nic people seem controlled zombies and the city a fucking dessert. Very smart. She is sitting looking in to the Rio Grande Gorge and the gorge bridge is visible in the back ground. As you never see any exposed body parts. What do aliens always do when the come to earth, abduct cows. Hey Isolde? Give him a REASON to escape. That would make more sense why L.F. kills the people the 3 came in contact with. -By film producer principle there is all real and the character is not dreaming or crazy, so each shot (even visual effects, actors, etc) have a meaning just like the “literal view”. The moment it hit Sundance and made an enormous splash I was ready to see it. Me, The real nick has blue eyes the Hollywood avatar was made with brown. The scene of subject B showing his hands to his friends, are a good analogy to understand that everyone with a suit is covering something. 2. test, comment fields for name and email i guess are unmarked on firefox. Nice could not have said it better. We had one of the first VCR’s back in the day and it cost about 1500 dollars. It’s the only thing I see mentioned here that I missed. I WOULD BE CRAZY TO BUY SUCH MONSTRUOSITY. Think i wrote down all that popped into my head and this was my theory on things, thanks :D oh and sorry for the occasional faulty english, not my main. That he lives in a world where people still live in the FAKING MATRIX. Nomad meaning crossing-over technology, breaking walls, discovering other realities or higher level of conscience, constantly seeking to progress, moving forward being the main focus of ones life, evolution of the Monad (the divine particule) in the illusion of a demiurge (Damon?). Maybe Nomad has hit them with an LSD bomb in the house? In a sense, that would mean that the entire escape is part of the experiment, because at any point, the test subjects could be terminated easily from the outside of the area. Why to leave them alive anyway? Or are they robotic only? Lol … honestly why curious sci fi movies like this make my day the drama was just too brief and guys becos of the numbers in d spaceship and d robotic nature of Nomad not to mention the jelly fish nature of the Ship i think nics speed made him arrive at the same moment wher message was sent to earth in the interstaller only dis time he appeared in an advanced future wher Robots had evolved and ofcus are roaming the galaxy, even finding other alians so i choose to fantasize that such civilization would help in the quantum calculations of moment or even Love lik in the interstaller … Dont forget what Nomad said that as advanced as they where a tin like a pen would still own its Place, Pen is human guyz!! And the ending we’re waiting for doesn’t exist because we’re not asking the right questions. They made a drone out of nomad, so they put him in change of the drones. Just watched the Signal again for the second time. The movie seemed to carry some tricky sort of malevolence deep inside it. The movie is disorienting throughout. Why have humanoids in spacesuits? Twice in the movie (once at the visitor center above the canyon) Hailey did hear something that Nic could not. Heck, I’ll re-post it for you… (10 minutes later) actually, I went to approve your arguments about the movie… but their weren’t any. Thats the thing about movies. You never know what you got till it’s gone. I half expected them to blow the cow up or pull a District 9 on that front. THAT LITTLE SEQUENCE IN wich he reconciliates his femenine side with his actions, what happens then? The movie is a video log of compiled clips made by Damon from his observations both remote and in person as he manipulates human participants who have received various types of alien technology grafts – The girl has an almost undetectable graft in her nervous system that allows Damon to control her words and actions in which he determines her value to other people in the experiment as a measure of human emotion. Are they so inept, they lost track of the friend in a spacesuit? See trough the aliens. This lower power transmission means that some viewers using antennas in the KARK viewing area may not be able to see the signal for KARK or the station’s digital subchannels. YES, THIS MOVIE IS THE MATRIX 2. 1947 is connected to the alien thing about are 51 ( ?!) But we are obviously not seeing what he really looks like. But Nic won’t talk about it at all. Well, they’re aliens made to look human as part of the experiment, and since they’re aliens it’s not that strange that they bleed a different colour from us. The time they had they were intended to have. I really enjoyed the movie and still have questions, but that’s why it’s a good movie. You totally missed on the most debated answer to the ending, which is that they were NOT on an alien ship, but on a human one. There are no gun battles. I’ll walk you through it in a timeline view: Seeing the ending of this movie makes it all clear that everything that has been going on (in the Literal View theory) has been about Aliens learning more about humans. “panic attack”, his great moment of existencial crisis and goes back to normal life. And the cow scene, was that meant to be a trick? Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. I dont want to talk alot but i believe it had something to do also with the believe of some that the earth is actually flate covered by this force that keeps us inside. You are as stupid as the writer of this article. So much so, that Eubank has said that if he gets to do a sequel to The Signal, he would love to explore many of the details he buried throughout this movie that he did not get a chance to dig into the first time around. It didn’t dress itself up as a different movie, it fulfilled expectations that way, at least. Is the meeting affecting the aliens negatively? The pen is a classic from the 80s, 90s, and maybe early 2000s. i do feel they made it so if they get a sequel they can answer the un-answerable questions. The cars starts rummmmmmm radio On. He’s WEAK. hahah – yeah, I agree, it’s a wonderfully strange movie. Also, there is no one else around so Damon doesn’t need to act human. In any case, it would make sense that they’d have a montage of tech from different eras over the years. – A little laboratory, white, created quickly when suddenly the bait trap those 3 guys. There is no higher purpose, no gifts of superpowers but instead meaningless torture. Just want to add that the reviewer was wrong about there being no “signal” that only certain people could hear. Replies to my comments All of this is excusable, as it is an alien ship. He’s powerless against the agents of the state. Some people have knowledge, some don’t. The danger is real, and it’s big. [11] Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO phenomenon. They are waaaaay off in their minds. I think nomad or damon is not an alien but an actual hacker that became a test subject and had his brain replaced. Nomad carries a gun to shoot aliens that are infected by the humans. The trailer looked epic. – So he starts taking in TONS of information, “for the truth has to be out there, isn’t it?” He keeps searching. is not to merely understand the enlightenment of the character in the movie, but to re-map the movie back on to oneself as allegory, i.e. We start on our planet, and flip over once they get to the shack. There is no test facility. Have you ever wondered WHY? I’m going to head back to the movie and see the ending again. Fishburn was way too curious about the way the characters thought (at a basic child level) and how they acted for it really to be anything else. They do appear very mechanical, as do the legs and hands on our altered heroes. Where’s the mistery? Her move to LA is not described but it’s obvious it was a decision driven by intellect not emotion. We don’t know for sure who else has been modified as we only see the 3 of them, but it seems to make clear that there have been others (due to the age of the facility and the 1947 update)…and NOMAD. All I think there’s some great stuff here, but in trying to determine who is who and what is what, you all missed the most important statement of the entire movie. Fishburne looked awesome. Perhaps it was just Nomad trying to gauge the response from Nic after seeing such a typical earthling rendition of how we view alien species. I too thought it was robots designed by the aliens, doing research for them. William Eubank did a mediocre job of direction unless his goal was to confuse his audience. My understanding is the other human test subjects were low IQ and the experiments on them were a bust.. making them basket cases. The trucker guy was probably nabbed in the 80s or late 70s. Haley, watching with Hoda's fiancé, Joel … At the point Nic arrives at the shack he is mentally unhinged and just trying to reevaluate his life. What does the director want to tell us? Your email address will not be published. My first thought, when he broke through the glass, was that he was inside a computer’s hard drive. And the ship that is revealed in the following scene, although far advanced beyond anything we have now….still looks like a structure built using human engineering, right? hope u like it, Clues ! So what about the body modifications? To the alien society, this “will power” is an unknown variable they too are pursuing. I noticed it and definitely expected some strange crap to happen next…and one way another, it did! Anyways that was easy. — Catturd ™ (@catturd2) February 12, 2021. Because aliens with ships like that could do whatever they want, so whether or not we knew they existed wouldn’t much matter — we couldn’t do anything about it…ala they wouldn’t need to hide from us. The first would have been called, which could then be upgraded to, and so forth. I forgot a couple important things. Well, they had been bonkers for a long time it seems, why did they leave them alone before? Now onto my take but for that two images to explain. The reason clock doesn’t work is the lab is akin to a movie prop towards that end and not functional from our standards. The Signal draws people to the house who have the courage and smarts to get there — some got there by other means. Thus it was a fitting ending for nick to find himself breaking free from the matrix and into the truth… that he is on a flat earth he was living in the real heaven with satan as the false prophet Morpheus or nomad. But yours made me laugh. The failure was even though he had nomads memorys he did not have the human will they wished to study, thats why he said ” look at you, our greatest accomplishment, mix of human will and alien technology.” Or something close to that. The horn towards the end, was that the ship signalling it was docking ? WAIT WHAT?! 4 are known to have alien technology of some sort. Then I’ll stop deleting comments? The power brokers of the Democratic Party are strong verbal supporters of black representation, but not as senators of governors. I think this is at least partially right, and I hope everyone will build on it. I actually liked your post actually. Vallée states that it is highly unlikely that governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests. By saying “alien technology”….it is clear that NOMAD is not an alien, right? Nic looked and we’d seen the trees in the moonlight before .. I think the cow was solely a hint that it wasn’t a government facility but an alien ship. There is no mental humans with eerie revivalist leanings. After reading your garbage article I am beginning to think the movie sucked. BUT I will say that this entire thread/discussion that you’ve started/created has been, so far, the most pleasing/satisfying in regards to getting some answers and making sense of a LOT of it overall. OK Author…It’s all an illusion woooo. The spaceship has numbers on it (, just like the tatoos), the environment and technology inside this research facility is from the 40ies or so. Key focus: Clearly understand the terms: power and energy of a signal, their mathematical definition, physical significance and computation in signal processing context.. Energy of a signal: Defining the term “size”: In signal processing, a signal is viewed as a function of time. I see it generally. Many words when read backwards can reveal the true meaning behind it: (in this movie: Nomad = Damon) . As for the mental/internal view points and possibly also the shack view, slight problem and also the reason, why i’m inclined to believe the literal view. I do feel badly that the conversation threads have gotten too big for me to be involved like I used to be. They may still be made, not sure. More News Stories COVID-19: The Latest Numbers Numbers Updated: 6 p.m. friday, feb. 19, 2021 COVID-19 Coverage Los Angeles County 1,176,772 … So what it all come down to, is that “The Signal” is frequency waves controlling our minds on a flat earth under a dome from the primary cube (2D cube viewed as a hexagon) located on the planet Saturn, by the robot like “Aliens”. They carry “old” humans (very remote ancestors) in the spaceship – as nomads Jonah, Nic, and Haley carry fish with fishtank in their travel car (for nostalgic reason, symbol of home, and so on). We get like 30 comments a day sometimes. I love everything about this movie. Until the big reveal at the end, you are deliberately led to believe that humans are learning about aliens and not the other way around. Question #3 – When was the movie based? The aliens are trying to fuze their technology with human will power which becomes active as the subject becomes agitaed. 1st..Did no one see the alien in the tree on the video Damon showed nic? He tries to take his feelings out of the prision that they are being kept, kidnapped, SEDATED. Rob g After Damon shoots the trucker in the chair, he covers his face with a blanket and gently touches his chest. The Signal’s “aliens” are a future society where logical thought, profit-driven science, and possibly egotism have resulted in a purging, accidental or intentional, of natural traits such as “the human will.” It may be surmised that these apparently synthetic organisms are facing a challenge that their advanced technology cannot circumvent and thus are harvesting natural components. Maybe I’m missing a theory entirely? 7: Subject A, and protagonist, ESCAPE the super lab city. lSD bomb are you out of your freaking mind or on drugs. Ok. I’m digging it. Again questionable details about specifics, i said i wasn’t going to get into it but as for all the “why’s” why this, why that, why replace his hand, i’ll go for the simple because they can. Maybe…but he has a human face that appears to be real flesh with wires pumping into it. She served as our ambassador to the United … Turn around. My family and I, have taken refuge, in a drainage chamber, not too far from a... radio relay tower, outside of D.C.Bob Anderstein Relay tower KX-B8-11 is located northeast in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. They used the technology to build that space station. They named it the “Compact Cassette”. THIS MOVIE BASICALLY IS A CLEAR SHOUT SAYING: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAKEEEEE UUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP….. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. We also meet Jonah, the best friend of both Nic and Haley. really liked the movie. The first 2 def are not even close to being right, sorry. -Hayley does have alien tech in her upper spine, we see this. Too funny! its on the pc while they track “nomad” Haley even spoke of how beautiful her coma was in terms that were not negative. Why didn’t we see alien tech in the other test-subjects? He advocates a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO research and debate. Being abducted by an alien race of machines seems fair. Are we saying the aliens/ human military created an environment which they did not control or monitor? I too thought looked a lot like an IP address, which I think gives a wonderful dual richness to the first theory still being viable – they never left the shack. I was upset that Yourstupid was so rude to you so I was just trying to let this guy know he’s not the smartest person in the room and he shouldn’t be so cocky and basically roll his eyes at you. A Strong Signal From Gov. The scenes i’m referring to are when nomad “capture” and kill two other subjects the old lady and the trucker. It should appear normal, since the backside of the text (which is mirrored in comparison to our view) is facing the mirror. This movie was very predictable and thr hints and clues weren’t hints or clues they were straight in your face like “hey look at me”. Which is it? They seem to push the subjects to provoke extreme behaviour, just to kill them after? Alas, I have no certain answer for the necklace/charm – one of the better answers is that…they never left the shack. This movie is fascinating, and though I’ve just seen it, I really enjoyed finding your page with the interesting discussions on its true meaning. They were 3 highly intelligent subjects … I found it to be an intriguing movie which I like .. Movies with no easy answers . They are just the WAY of the director to tell you a story that has nothing to do with Nick or aliens or anything. Here is when we realize that the SLCity was inside a spaceship. Wich is a runner. We created or use technology to explore space in search of a prize (other life forms). 1)Cows are destroying our planet (anyone see Cowspiracy?) Doing what? Different kind of robots again? That is the point of the movie from this perspective. , to go back to his human condition and life instead of falling in the void, of becoming something else, an entity with pure android traits, or technologies that seems to make sense or is comprehensible at a basic level for a human mind. things we can understand like Area 51 and super awesome alien bionic legs). By space or context we have 3 kind of places: I’m pretty sure this movie “The Signal” is hinting, that we are all literally living on a flat earth with a dome overhead, just like in the movie called, “The Truman Show”. That would mean that E.T. Hahah. I can’t even recall the specific moment in the movie anymore! http://imgur.com/Xw0VU28. Perhaps the aliens are machines that we created and are now experimenting on us? As advanced as the aliens are there’s still a place for human emotion. – Nick (again, it represents A human being) has a problem: He’s a runner with a dissease that will unable him to continue his life (again, represents SOMEONE, ANYONE, going trough tough times. Abduct them to the spacestation. The implant haley got ? The longterm effects of doing so are evidient in the old woman and truck driver, both of whom are finally euthanized (the truck driver’s child like demeanor is evidence of how long he has been there – since he was a child) 3. And it’s analog everything so the aliens can’t hack into the facility? Here is nick with his new super legs and he understands he is now with an alien or aliens and is looking at what appears to be an android with a slight smile looking at him apparently now part human and alien. Jonah had his hands and lower arms swapped – they were his most important tools (to be able to hack). the “grey aliens” are watching them? Of all the movies I’ve opined on, this is the one I’ve left alone the longest. I believe you guys might have missed another possibly better explanation. Another thing just occurred to me. I hate being spoon fed all the answers and details like most movies do but at the same time the answers do have to be there one way or another. Nick: blessings will be gifts from grace that we have and share from god and to one another. Present day, or 1952? The trailer seemed to have two different strains of truth occurring simultaneously… we have a love story and we also have this psycho-warfare strain. I assumed the Cow was just one more way that the aliens were studying the planet, the humans and their environs. Or are you saying its theirs? It all goes sideways (in more ways than one, but primarily from a eschatological sense) after Jonah and Nic wake up in the science facility. There is no double meanings or hidden messages or anything like that. Anyways, I’ve never looked for answers etc for a movie before but feel I’ve really struck gold here, do I’ll be sure to look for you next time, hopefully I can find you and hopefully we’ll be discussing the sequel too haha, but I sure hope it won’t be as open ended hehe! Then discussion about a sequel, and hopefully the making of a sequel. All that to say, I’m feeling a little disconnected from you all, and the comments have just recently started to be very negative (of me mainly – which is fine, it is what it is) but I really don’t want it to be a normal Internet atmosphere here. Very interesting to read. has been studying us, and will continue to. Guess NOMAD forgot the batteries. This leads to attention in the media/press.

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