Othe… While the other looks to maintain the main branch and grow multiple main branches, The FIM or fimming method. The lower branches from the nodes ‘below’ where topping occurred are now also closer and more exposed to the light. It just looked right back up at the light within a few hours and kept right on growing like nothing has happened. Topping can be combined with Lollipopping and the ScrOG method to produce huge harvests of top-shelf colas. It takes much less work to achieve same height for all stems and yields excellently, as much as only LST. I know it has to be rough on the plant for a day or 2, and I expected so, but even the branch that I supercropped never complained in any visible way. Never top during flowering as it causes too much stress – which slows growth and inhibits yield. This step, whether you bend or top the plant, is crucial for breaking apical dominance. This second round of topping will grow out to form four even-sized branches (potential bud sites – see fig 3b). If you have a healthy, fast-growing young plant, topping will likely not stunt it at all. In most species, the terminal bud or branch dominates growth to form a Christmas tree shaped plant. Now to discuss topping and pinching. Why do topping & LST impact the plant? ... Don’t use LST or HST. LST does not involve damaging your plant directly, they won’t have a big impact on your plant but you’ll have to perform training several times a week until reaching the desired result. What I do is top them once early (5th node is removed) and then at l8 vegging I start spreading the stems with LST and tie them down to achieve same height. 2. i seen the term fim’ing for the first time today i have not had time to look it up yet but as far as i can tell its just trimming off just the new leaves growing from the very top node, so how does this work? LST can be used in conjunction with topping, since topping increases axial growth (side shoots). Too late to edit! Topping is a plant training technique where you strategically remove the top growth of the main stem so the plant as a whole grows more horizontally like a bush than vertically like a Christmas tree. Topping makes it much much easier to LST. Also, avoid topping older, thicker growth as this takes longer to heal. These two methods can amazingly improve yields. i call the current grow a practice run to work out the bugs before a grow the seeds i have began ordering from ILGM, today i got my first three sprouts, today from the strains i ordered, these first 3 are White widow autos, i plan on doing a couple of them in a DWC system with bubbles and top feeders and couple of them in soil, i read the actual of most effective way to do it is to smash the stem just enough to break down the inner structure but not the outer skin where you want it to bend and i am a bit worried about that part, 2. Foliage will re-orientate towards the light then eventually start to grow. Learn how to maximize your yield by topping and/or Fimming your Cannabis plants. topping seems easest to do but people still use the LST method for a reason and that reason is what i would like to figure out, Topping vs FIMing. Topped and then LST'ed is the best by far. Each have their benefit and is preferred by growers for maximum yield. 2. It works like a champ. However, it is possible to LST without topping. There are different techniques that c… Thread starter KCinKC; Start date Jun 3, 2020; KCinKC Smoke Eater. Do not rush to get branches horizontal, do this in stages. LST can still be combined with topping and working great, although growers don’t have to top their plants to combine it with LST. This allows a larger proportion of your plant to bask in the “sweet zone” enjoying optimum light levels within a temperature range that is ideal for photosynthesis. This is not strictly necessary but can be useful as doing so can break the apical dominance of the marijuana plant, dividing the main cola, and creating a more symmetrical base of the plant for easier training. SCROG. FIMing creates 4 nodes with less stress to plants while topping chops off the entire main cola to produce only two new colas. Topping is often done a few weeks before beginning LST'ing. It can be beneficial to remove small, lower growth as this helps improve ventilation through the canopy and prevents infestations or infections due to foliage being in contact with soil. Lol. now that i have spoke with y’all and then thought of all the answers you all have provided and looking at these pic i am realizing another advantage to do it is your using it to grow square hedges instead of round Plants like i have been doing, The holes in the grid or netting need to be at least 2×2” or 5x5cm. That being said I think @PharmerBob explained and showed quite well what the difference is. Branches can be held in place with wire that is anchored to screws in the pot, or some other structure. High stress training involves cutting the upper leaves off (known as “topping”) so that the light can penetrate the lower leaves. Screen or netting:  A square or rectangular frame needs to be securely erected with either netting stretched over it or create a grid pattern using string woven through eyelets that are screwed into the frame. Topping; Topping involves cutting off the top of marijuana plants in between nodes so a little longer part is cut off compared to FIMing. And while this cola is apt to grow into a nice dense nug, it’s not going to give you the highest yield possible off that plant. Topping involves cutting out the top of the main branch to activate the growth of more branches. and how many times can you do the LST Topping vs fimming, topping may be less stressful than fimming but still, the plants are stressed. Consequently lower branches will catch up to those higher on the plant and yield more bud sites and more evenly sized fruits. Bending branches: Young growth is easier to bend than older growth. Marijuana Pruning: Topping Vs Fimming SHAPE AND MAINTAIN YOUR PLANTS One thing to keep in mind with LST is that you always want to maintain a flat canopy, so no one branch is taller than the other. The shoot that you bent over, now changes the amount of light exposed to the sides. LST involves pulling these branches downwards (to horizontal) and outwards (i.e. Combining LST with a HST method such as topping is a good way to encourage horizontal growth. Topping is effectively used to obtain multiple, even-sized floral sites. As the plant grows, the growing tips need to be lowered back under the netting and directed into the next empty space in the screen. When it comes to shaping, it’s important to bend shoots outward and away from the main stem. And it promises to give a lot more buds than normal. Once these new branches grow out to 1 or 2 leaf sets (or nodes) they can be topped again (Fig 3a). As the plant grows the wires need to be tightened however ensure the main stem remains vertical. This Video deals with how and why I train my Marijuana plants to maximize yield. Analytical Chemists SINCE 1966 LST should continue during early flowering as vegetative growth continues. I was pretty skeptical of abusing a plant this way (supercropping,) so I tried it on one of my suspected males before I threw it out. But if you must choose … 02-04-2019, 06:38 AM. Fim vs Topping? @Covertgrower @Nicky @Bulldognuts @Bubblehead Topping is best done when the plant is very young (less than 2-3 weeks old) and has only 2-5 nodes in total. Also can be used to create an even canopy, Top or fim to also create a bushy plant but to also gain tops where you would want them to be. “star” configuration) so that all four branches are spread apart from one another, horizontal and at the same height (Fig 4). In my opinion, it would be best to use LST as it will create less stress and that will result in bigger plants and more yield. Topping is effectively used to obtain multiple, even-sized floral sites, while LST is then used to bring these floral sites to the same height to maximize grow lamp efficiency. Topping is more efficient when used with some less-detrimental methods. I used to pinch but tweezers gave me the ability to only get the center most leaves. Budding can be triggered by switching lights to 12-on, 12-off. The secondary benefit of topping is it facilitates an even canopy. Training plants is something growers do to harvest more bud. smash the stem just enough to break down the inner structure but not the outer skin where you want it to bend. @frankiefingers this is really easy, and I have done this a few times. Topping. am i correct that to get the plant to grow towards the corner i would try bending a large branch over and making my bend way down low on the branch and laying it over towards the corner i want it to grow towards? Some experienced growers will top up to 5 times (or more) to obtain 32 branches and can be well rewarded for their efforts. Some plants Bush out on their own, especially after a good long veg in this instance it's great to do nothing or LST if it gets too tall. i have 5 blue dreams seeds soaking right now i want to do to them 2 in DWC and and 2 in soil, so i can compare the two methods, write now my practice run in the DWC are clones and they are growing so fast i swear its seems like this first week they almost doubling in size daily and the same clones i put in soil 3 days before i built the DWC have not grown any that i can tell, if this system isn’t a hassle to take a plant to full term i may switch over to all hydroponics with all my grows, I have a pair of tweezers I use in the garden for just that purpose. Phone Sales & Support Mon - Fri, 8am - 4pm PST. When topping is done, the marijuana plant produces or splits into two main colas which can be followed up with LST or … Although there is a complete lack of topping and chopping, LST does require continuous supervision. The plant also tends to grow bushier and shorter which is more suitable for indoor lighting. It is possible to achieve some degree of lateral growth dominance with nothing but low-stress training (LST), but the single most effective way to break the apical dominance in cannabis is to cut off the apex, by topping the plant. As these grow up they can be topped and manipulated using LST. I got the wifey to do it and we thought best to use our trimming snips, sterilized them with iso. By increasing the number of bud sites and thereby increasing production, you can expect more flower at harvest. LST requires constant maintenance. Also, it allows the lower growths to rise and add to the number of bud sites. High stress training vs low stress training cannabis. Thank you Once topped, the two axillary buds immediately below the cut will then grow out into two new branches. After topping (done twice in the scenario above – Fig 3b) there are four quality branches (or bud sites) growing vertically from what was originally the top node. ScrOG is the short term for Screen of Green. This allows a larger proportion of your plant to bask in the “sweet zone” enjoying optimum light levels within a temperature range that is ideal for photosynthesis. One way completely removes the main branch to grow many branches, referred by topping cannabis plants. i have practiced LST on my first 2 practice plants and have 7 tops on one plant and 8 tops on the other plant, the only difference is i did not smash the stem before bending it, i just gently bent them over and tied them down with bread ties, with the topping method how many times can you top a plant? If you don’t want to stress your plants, cultivate these the natural way. 1. LST should be started as soon as possible during the vegetative phase. i have only actually only done hands on growing 2 times in my life once around 30 years ago and these two plants i have going on my practice run, both times i did the LST (bending of the tops over) and both times i just did it twice on each plant during the very beginning of the veg stage and i did it just to create more tops. Which one do you guys suggest topping or super cropping autoflowers? ... LST is a lot easier to practice compared to other gardening tricks. While it can’t work with many methods, some super cropping methods work superbly great with it. For best results, you'll need to check in on plants at least twice a week. LST is then used to bring these floral sites to the same height to maximize grow lamp efficiency. Topping is the removal of the plants ‘top’ growth just above a node (fig 2). They both work great for growing marijuana! Vegetative growth will eventually stop when the plant is putting most of its energy into flowering. Marijuana growing naturally will typically take on a Christmas tree structure; One dominant, main central cola and multiple sets of side branches. If you want to grow your plants faster or you want to harvest quicker then grow your plants naturally. All that being said, topping an auto usually goes great when you do it right. LST'ing resembles the training of grape vines into their support lattices. Topping Cannabis. High stress training however, is just that – it can be quite stressful to the plant. This ‘form’ can be achieved through a combination of “topping” followed by Instead, simply bend the main stem down to the same level as the rest of the plant. 1. Our product development capabilities are backed by over 50 years of experience as analytical chemists in horticulture and 25 years as hydroponic nutrient chemists. This is perhaps the most common HST or high stress training technique applied by both indoor and outdoor growers. You get more tops this way too. Topping vs FIMing. Cuts off top of plant at stem in between nodes; Creates 2 main colas at the top of the plant, and LST can be used to create more To obtain higher yields, the most productive indoor growers manipulate their plants into a low, wide and flat canopy with multiple flowering sites at the ‘same’ vertical height. FYI, This ‘form’ can be achieved through a combination of “topping” followed by Low Stress Training (LST): Almost all growers agree that FIMing puts less stress on a cannabis plant especially autoflowering plants. Topping vs. super cropping autoflowers. If you use a screen to grow plants, then … If you do, I recommend early. After topping, do not remove the leaves from that node as these are needed to power growth of the branches from that node. It's also hugely dependant on the light being used. Super cropping stays if you do it correctly, and the growth just changes directions. FYI i hope you 4 dont mind when i tag you in a new topic, i do it because i value your opinions, Lst or tie down to create a bushier plant or to move branches to areas you want them to be. When it comes to FIMing vs Topping plants, it’s more a matter of growing preference than anything else. I recommend using a sharp pair of shears to top your plant. and topping dont add time on mate if done at the correct time. Alternatively topped plants are often trained in a 4-way LST. 912 thanks mate,iv never fimmed an auto dont see the point. Topping & LST disrupts a plant’s hormones (auxins) which triggers the plant to “prioritize” growth more evenly to all nodes. LST again once it grows another 3 inches or so. Toping is a HST or high stress training method, it’s not normally recommended for autos but can be done, but this method works great on photos that can be done over and over again. Often the methods are both used in combination, let is really SCOG if you think about it to. Depending upon the species, the screen is normally mounted low enough (approx 1-1 ½ ft / 30-45cm) from the plant’s base so all the lower branches can grow up to the screen and gain access to direct light (Fig 5). When cannabis is left to grow on its own, it will produce one main cola. Do not top unhealthy plants. 1a - Inefficient “Christmas tree” shape results in fewer flowering sites in the “sweet zone.” since both methods produce more tops what makes LST better (or worse) than just topping, is there any recommendations to do or not to do any topping or LST on auto flower plants? The training works by changing the distribution of hormones—more specifically auxins—in the plant. You can keep her tied down into flower even. @PharmerBob There are alternatives such as LST/bending. Give you 4 colas vs to ping gives 2 and its less stress they say. Maintain a flat, level branch structure. 1. LST allows you to shape your plant the way you want so it’s always useful to growers, maybe not in every grow or plant but it’s always a tool in the tool box that people come back to. I’ve never topped an auto. When to start and finish LST? Joined Feb 24, 2020 Messages 93 Reputation 20 Reaction score 197 Points 0 Age 53 Currently Smoking Green Crack Jun 3, 2020 #1 Training your plants, however, will allow for more even growth and produce more buds than just one large bud. When a branch is first bent, growth will be slowed. One of the biggest factors is timing and experience, when it comes to timing as @Covertgrower mentioned it would be different for autos or photos. Topping isn’t necessary to get multiple colas. First Time Topping / LST. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. ... There’s basically no chance of stunting from simple bending. We know grow. Topping cannabis is a great way to increase the number of bud sites exposed to full light. Topping is the process of pruning the growing tip of the main stem of a cannabis plant. Again, this can also be combined with the ScrOG method for equally impressive harvests. 888-815-9763; Email Us; Connect with us! Adopt a method that is strong enough to support the plant during flowering and allows access to manage the growing plants, conduct cleaning and other maintenance: 1. 2. One method that’s very similar that you didn’t mention is FIM’ing, works great on autos and is another HST Fig. Which are also why many growers use LST as well as HST techniques including topping and dimming. Healthy plants usually take 2-3 days to recover from topping. All plant parts receiving a share of sunlightat som… Test to see what is most productive. Many cannabis growers pinch or cut off the tops of their plants before commencing low-stress training work. I top at the 4th node very young between day 14 and 20 of life.then let grow and later lst as u wish.i defol anytime after 3 weeks of age if plant is healthy and strong if needed and defol as and when i want.with no ill effect and no stalling in growth.as … Topping can be done more than twice however doing so will increase time in vegetative phase. It’s easy, it’s lower stress of course and thus less damaging and it provides more customization. The growth of lateral stems and their floral sites is a lot slower than the terminal bud. To obtain higher yields, the most productive indoor growers manipulate their plants into a low, wide and flat canopy with multiple flowering sites at the ‘same’ vertical height. This can be applied to both outdoor and indoor growing styles. Gardening wire or landscape stakes: This method is effective during the early growth stages soon after topping. topping seems easest to do but people still use the LST method for a reason and that reason is what i would like to figure out, i have practiced LST on my first 2 practice plants and have 7 tops on one plant and 8 tops on the other plant, the only difference is i did not smash the stem before bending it, i just gently bent them over and tied them down with bread ties, Definitely very stressful to a young plant. However, purists regard topping as a separate preparatory step rather than part of LST which is simply the act of actually bending and manipulating stems. That causes new shoots to come out of the stem and start growing upwards. Also some species/ strains are easier than others. LST is unlimited. Minimal adjustment is required after this point – apart from keeping shade away from key areas. @frankiefingers that’s correct, it stunts the new shoot to make the canopy more even. Let me first start with topping. Flowering phase can commence once all major branches are horizontal and level with each other.

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