Convince Penny to Join You (Ch. Penny and MC continued their attempt to save their siblings by talking to the Hufflepuff House Ghost, the Fat Friar. While Rowan is … Merula led them to a part of the staircase and told everyone she found Beatrice trapped in a painting while wandering the school. If MC sided with Penny, she later thanked them. MC pointed out that if the spell had been successful, it would have hit them, to which Penny said it would not have been that bad. Among the … Afterwards, Penny could join MC, Charlie Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid and Torvus in investigating the Forest Vault depending on the player's choice. Penny and MC attended the Hallowe'en Feast together. Penny convinced MC to come watch a Quidditch friendly with her, which they did. “That cursed vault kid”? But I'm a coward... - You have to face your fears. I love Penny And Tulip — “That cursed vault kid”? As they noticed Dumbledore wasn't there, MC (and optionally Penny) decided to go outside to find out where he was. Beatrice and Penny fought in the Artefact Room, Beatrice angry that Penny tried to control her and Penny angry that Beatrice was avoiding her. After it was announced a Celestial Ball would be held for students in MC's year, Penny wanted to lead the decorating committee. During each year of the game, you will have the chance to interact and complete side quests that will boost your friendship with Penny. Convince Diego to Duel a Troll. After the potion was complete, MC could tell Penny to either drink or not drink the potion. If MC chose Penny as their date, the two went to Madam Puddifoot's together and agreed to keep their date a secret. Penny and Jacob's sibling first met in their first year, in 1984, after Jacob's sibling defeated Merula Snyde in a duel. Despite her failure, Merula quickly rushed into the class to tell Penny that she found Beatrice in the Grand Staircase. The five went to Professor Flitwick's classroom to make decorations. I cared about the whole world, because of you. MC then entered the Vault, where they freed their brother Jacob, and Penny and the rest of the students followed. When the eerie hallway and steps were exposed, Penny was taken aback. Why do you believe in your plan? When Jae Kim asked MC why they were helping Penny, they responded with saying that either she were helpful, she was a good friend or that they fancied her. Penny convinced MC to try out for the position of Chaser. Those are pretty much the same for both Charlie and Penny. The origin of the vaults has been forgotten. MC was unsure if Penny was ready for it, but Penny ensured them that she wanted Merula to get what she deserved. You can help the Wiki by adding one. MC agreed to help Penny win the election, and with the help of Bill Weasley, they succeeded. Convince Bill to Duel a Troll. Later that year, Penny helped MC by brewing a Sleeping Draught in order to get past Mrs Norris on their way to the icy corridor. If Penny was with MC, they told her to run away, which she did. She also told that Emily Tyler, despite being two years above them, also wanted to lead the committee and was spreading negative things about Penny. Initially, Penny did not want to help due to her bad experience with a werewolf, but MC convinced her. They were found by Penny, who convinced them to stop hiding and to ask out their crush. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. Regardless of your choice, both Charlie and Penny will be quite shocked to hear you want them to go with you into the Cursed Vault. When entering the Portrait Vault, MC had the choice of bringing Penny with them. During the holidays, Penny made eggnog with her mother's recipe and let MC and Tonks taste it. Inside the icy room, if Penny was there, she helped them escape by drinking a Strengthening Solution. If this happened, they later asked Myron Wagtail, lead singer of the band, not to tell anyone, to which he agreed. Penny is so far the character the player has had the most opportunities to fancy. The Weird Sisters decided to perform at Hogwarts, and wanted Jacob's sibling's help. However, if MC did not choose Penny, Penny forgot that she had asked MC to be her Valentine. Penny planned to include a demonstration of the Entrancing Enchantment as part of the event, and tried to cast in in the Artefact Room. Semi-Canon Type (?) As Lockhart was about to be caught, he cast the Charm while hesitating, causing the students to lose only parts of their recent memories. One Christmas, Penny and MC were among the few students to stay at Hogwarts when the rest went home for the Christmas holidays. A Harry Potter mobile RPG game developed by Jam City and published … If they did, the two, along with Professor Patricia Rakepick, Merula Snyde, Bill Weasley and Ben Copper, transported to the entrance using the Vault Portrait. 69.1k members in the HPHogwartsMystery community. Basically throughout the game you have to go drink Butterbeer with some of the other characters in the game and engage in a multiple choice type quiz, if you can give the correct answers your successfully complete the task and get whatever reward it is. Why me? Later, if MC chose Penny as their date, they entered one of the Hogwarts greenhouses to see that Penny had decorated it. - We won't, I promise. When players were given the option to choose that they fancy Penny, shippers and people waiting for a dating option got excited, as this was the first hint of MC having feelings for anyone. ... Penny had to wake up David and Charlie from their respective naps (Charlie also had a habit of snoring) to put on their robes but that aside, it was a peaceful trip without any hijinx. This one is for the last part of year 2, I think. Not soon afterwards, Beatrice went missing, and Penny went to MC, who was at Hogsmeade with Bill and Merula at the time, for help. They were close, far too close. Ismelda Murkwas awitchwho began attendingHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardryin1984and wassortedintoSlytherin. Hogwarts Mystery follows a player character entering the fictional school of Hogwarts and is set before the events of the novels. In their second year, Penny helped MC train to defeat Merula for the second time by duelling them. Character Status of Relationship The Cursed Vaults are a plot nexus of the story as it is the main mystery that we will find throughout the game. Ever since the character's introduction, Penny has always been a popular choice as a love interest for MC. Ask a question for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The members with the know how for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery,, You can also check out our guide for this game here, Spacelanders: Hero Survival - arcade shooter, Wild Castle TD: Grow Empire Tower Defense, Space Arena: Spaceship game - Build & Fight, All Free Energy Locations in Hogwarts Mystery. Before jumping into Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, many people have been wondering about the plot of the new mobile game. harry potter hogwarts mystery harry potter ravenclaw cursed vaults Linkus linkus-faiety bill weasley penny haywood. bitchy. Unfortunately, the potion failed to perform its intended effect, which was to allow Penny to locate and read Beatrice's mind through a Legilimens-like effect. ... #penny haywood #torvus #centaur #forbidden forest #cursed vault #harry potter #hogwarts mystery. What about the Cursed Vaults? At this moment, Penny offered to help Jacob's sibling however she could with her knowledge of potions and Hogwarts gossip. As the three and MC used the Cheering Charm, MC could admit that she fancied Penny. - We'll protect each other. What are the correct answers for Recruiting Penny? Good friends, possible crush depending on player's choice, possibly went on dates up to twice Fans of the series are wondering if the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery plot follows the events of the books, offers something new, or doesn’t fit … After MC won the duel, Penny complimented their duelling skills. “I’ve never seen a cursed vault before, but even this is a lot to take in at one time.” “Stay close,” David nodded towards her. MC could also get Penny to tell other students about the concert, and she was later in the audience during the performance. Depending on the player's choice, Penny could also join MC and Rowan in their investigation. I’m back with Year 3 for the adventures of my MC! Penny and Bill were with me, but there was just so much courage to their presence, they wanted this as much as I did and together, we stopped the ice from taking over Hogwarts and not only that, but we found what would become our next clue to finding the rest of the Vault and subsequently, my brother At the beginning of MC and Penny's fifth year, Penny introduced MC to her younger sister, Beatrice, who was a big fan of MC. Later that year, Penny helped MC by brewing a Sleeping Draught in order to get past Mrs Norris on their way to the icy corrido… At first, Penny was reluctant due to the nature of the potion, but after some convincing, she agreed to do it as long as MC would gather some of the ingredients. Later, if the crush was Penny, MC asked her on a date, which she accepted, and the two went to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Penny told Jacob's sibling that Skye Parkin, member of the famous Parkin family who founded the Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch team, had joined the Quidditch team of MC's house, and due to this, Penny supported MC's house even if it was not Hufflepuff. On Valentine's Day in 1989, MC and Penny were among the students supposedly randomly chosen by Gilderoy Lockhart for his Valentine's Day event along with four other students. Good friends, possible crush depending on player's choice, possibly went on dates up to twice. 16) Distract Talbott (Animagus Side … Penny and Jacob's sibling first met in their first year, in 1984, after Jacob's sibling defeated Merula Snyde in a duel. together. Penny told MC that she couldn't imagine what her life would be like without MC and MC told Penny they would always be there for her. All that’s now is to help your friends prepare for the cursed vault. I don’t like her, she... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. The following school year, Penny and her sister Beatrice got more distant, and Penny tried to get MC to convince Beatrice to spend more time with Penny again. This article needs an image! Penny Haywood; Talbott Winger; Chiara Lobosca; Patricia Rakepick; Cursed Vaults; Celestial Ball For example, you can start with Penny. After MC chose their date, all students went to get their outfits, designed by Andre Egwu, after which their returned to Madam Puddifoot's. If MC and Penny searched together, the two looked in the Red Cap's Hole and Spider's Lair. Later during that school year, MC and her friends went to investigate the first Cursed Vault, the Vault of Ice. Which is why you’ll need to do some convincing. - I believe in my friends. MC could give a gift to either Penny, Tonks or Merula. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery players are now completing the limited-time Animagus side quest in the game and discovering all the animal forms they can turn into. After talking with her for a while, you’ll find out that she already knows Incendio, but is struggling a bit with Flipendo. Year 3 Part 1- No Cursed Vaults Allowed Hey everyone! Meet Mr.Weasley at the ward. I love Penny And Tulip. - We'll break the curie. MC could decide to side with Penny and not have anyone use magic or side with the two pranksters and use magic. FANON Later, Penny helped with brewing Wolfsbane Potion for Chiara Lobosca. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels and the gold cost. If MC told her not to drink it, they told Penny that if anything went wrong, they couldn't forgive themselves, and that they knew Penny was strong. Penny got MC to help them brew a Forgetfulness Potion. Canonical? They sat together, and Lockhart asked them questions. Later on, Bill was among the students selected by Rakepick to go to the Vault with her along with Jacob's sibling, Merula Snyde and a fourth student of Jacob's sibling's choice (either Penny Haywood or Charlie Weasley). Penny x MC is the non-binary ship between Penny Haywood and Jacob's sibling from the Harry Potter fandom. CANON Don’t fuck with me, I have the power of god and anime in my side. If you're having trouble with an animal-oriented ingredients or … Later, Penny agreed to brew a Love Potion for MC, which the latter needed in order to trade it for an invisibility cloak from Alistair Fridgen. The six entered the Cursed Vault by using the Vault … Afterwards, MC chose either Penny, Rowan or Ben Copper to join them and Bill Weasley in entering the Vault of Ice. “Whoa,” she uttered softly. Discover more posts about cursed vault. The origin is unclear, as there are different theories about them and they date back to before the creation of the school. The Cursed Vault. Gaining a high friendship level will … Penny was surprised that MC hadn't met the Fat Friar before as Penny had seen him a lot. - You're my friend. Recruit Charlie to Enter Cursed Vault. However, it soon turned out Lockhart was trying to use the students' stories as part of his book and then cast a Memory Charm on them. 16) Distract Talbott (Animagus Side … Choose either above to see what others have said. Penny gave MC a gift, which included a yellow heart, and kissed MC on the cheek. The four split into two pairs of two depending on what the player chose. Reassure Ismelda (Crushed) Recruiting Bill (Side Quest) Convince Penny to Make Calming Drought. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Recent Top. MC did not trust this choice and went to the Potions classroom to search for a better gift with Rowan. My best friend Rowan was frozen last time, haha. MC talked her out of it, and while she thought not cheating was a bad idea at first, fearing that she would fail, she eventually agreed not to cheat. I don’t like her, she seems kinda…. Yes. The pairing is popular among both male and female players. MC got worried for her and decided to help her brew a potion by looking for ingredients. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is a role-playing video game developed and published by Jam City under license from Portkey Games.The game is set in the Wizarding World and based on the Harry Potter novels written by J.K. Rowling. As they went outside, they found Fenrir Greyback and two werewolves. During the match, one of the Chasers on the team of MC's house got injured and couldn't play for the rest of the year. In the game you create your own student at … When MC came to the room, she explained her plan. In Year 2 of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, players will reach a point where their friend Rowan Khanna is hit by a spell from an ice-covered Cursed Vault door. Convince Penny to Join You (Ch. Penny made MC a member of the decorating committee along with Barnaby Lee, Tulip Karasu and Nymphadora Tonks. In a Herbology Class in their third year, Penny Haywood encountered a werewolf boggart. Afterwards, Penny stated that she would like it very much if MC became her Valentine. Harry Potter If Penny was not the crush but MC had previously gone to the Celestial Ball with her, she confessed her feelings for MC and was sad to see MC date someone else, but did not let this damage their friendship. The last thing he needed was more casualties on this trip. Albus Dumbledore's research into the vaults revealed that a terrible amount of work had gone into their construction and that one could only guess that whatever they were built to hold, it followed that it was even more incredibly dangerous and complex than the magic used to make the vaults themselves, not to mention that whatever they contained would be likely to be far more terrible. You can do them in any order you prefer. When MC had a crush on someone and the school found out, MC went to hide in the Artefact Room to avoid contact with other students. Here are all the best answers for all the Butterbeer tasks in the game. We can break the curse You can find all of the social interaction answers on this page of our guide here: Unlike the large TV shopping networks, that occasionally feature coins, The Coin Vault specializes in just one area, providing quality coins and currency to collectors. If MC chose Penny as their date, both MC and Penny remembered that they had gone on a date together, although neither said anything at Madam Puddifoot's. Due to her sister being stuck in a portrait, Penny was unprepared for her O.W.L.s and considered cheating. While Jacob went after Rakepick, the students returned to Hogwarts with another Portrait Portkey. She told Jacob's sibling about this in the Artefact Room. MC trained the team by teaching others useful skills. During later classes, Penny occasionally told Jacob's sibling how things with Beatrice got worse all the time. But what weighed on me the most was Penny's reaction to this, she was devastated and obviously not the little ray of sunshine I knew and loved. Reassure Ismelda (Crushed) Recruiting Bill (Side Quest) Convince Penny to Make Calming Drought. Non-binary. Madam Pomfrey: I’m serious, Mr.Weasley. They met up at Flourish and Blotts as a part of Lockhart's book signing event, after which they and the other students went to Madam Puddifoot's, where Lockhart told them more about the event he was planning to hold, and left the students in charge of planning the event. Liz 'Lizard' Tuttle is a Slytherin who's main ambition is to make sure all creatures are treated equally. If MC is female, this is one of the rare cases of LGBT representation in the. Penny became really stressed and worried due to her sister being trapped, and started neglecting her studies. Following MC and their friend entering the Vault, the Portrait Curse was broken, meaning Beatrice was free. Afterwards, MC could choose one of the options to become her date for Valentine's Day, including Penny Haywood. pennyshaywood. Penny x MC If the last option was said, Jae told MC to tell Penny about their feelings, which they did later in Herbology Class. Depending on the player's choice, MC could tell Penny that they also fancied her, stating that it was normal for teenagers to fancy multiple people. The group was also joined by Ben Copper. After the search in the Forbidden Forest failed, Penny attempted to brew a Legilimency potion in order to hear Bea's thoughts, but failed. Convince Ben to Join You. Penny was happy to get Potions ingredients as a gift and hugged MC. The two continued to have many conversations relating to Quidditch in later years, and attended many Pre-Match Parties together. She then tried to cast the charm, but it failed. Recruit Charlie to Enter Cursed Vault. Penny with goggles on, holding two random vials of potion and doing her best mad scientist impression; ... mystery #rowan khanna #tulip karasu #bill weasley #charlie weasley #barnaby lee #jacob's sibling #nymphadora tonks #the cursed vault club #incorrect hogwarts mystery quotes. You can comment on the page with Disqus or Facebook. I love Penny And Tulip — Mc: we should go inside the cursed vault Penny... 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Jacob's sibling As in, Penny's adorable little sister. See a recent post on Tumblr from @pennyshaywood about cursed vault. MC could side with one of the sisters. The Coin Vault originally aired on Shop at Home where it developed a reputation of providing quality coins and collectibles, superior service, and affordable prices. Regardless of the outcome, Penny would accept MC's choice. If MC chose Penny, the gift Peeves recommended was a raw steak. They sat around a table and talked about their feelings for each other. Penny thanked Jacob's sibling for stopping Merula from bullying, as Merula had been ruining the pleasant experience Hogwarts was supposed to be. When Rakepick turned out to be evil and attempted to kill the students, they teamed up to defeat her, leading to Rakepick escaping. Later, Penny got excited when MC told her that they had been spending time with Skye Parkin. "Because...", she continued, getting even closer. Some time later, Penny told MC that the real reason why her boggart was a werewolf was because her Muggle friend Scarlett had recently been killed by one and she blamed herself due to not reacting quickly enough. If MC chose Penny to join, she told them she loved going on a dangerous adventure. Cursed Vaults (Hogwarts Mystery) Summary. Penny thanked Jacob's sibling for stopping Merula from bullying, as Merula had been ruining the pleasant experience Hogwarts was supposed to be. She asked MC whether she should drink it or not.