DO hang clocks in the west, northwest and north corners of the house or living room. Vaastu, Vastra and Victuals (Shelter, Clothing and Food) these are the three basic needs of Human. DON’T hang a clock in the dining room as this implies death and rushing to eat. There's an elevation on the south side of the plot, basically the west road is going upwards. The Air or Vayu.. South-east is the best direction for the kitchen. East, southeast, northwest, northeast and north are the auspicious directions for the kitchen. The kitchen should be in the south-east or north-west direction. If the kitchen is to the south-east of the house, homeowners must cook facing the east. Generally speaking, facing “south” is considered the best facing direction and some would even argue it deserves a premium. Every one works to get fulfill these needs life long. The walls in South and West must be thicker and higher than those in the East and North. (rental, kitchen, rooms, builder) ... shady backyard is a good thing. Both these vastu defects have a direct bearing on the health of the occupants. The main door can be planned in the extreme ends of west side so that the North West corner is occupied with the main door. So avoid placing a kitchen there. Place the kitchen in South East corner followed by North West. 1. That means the door will be having good natural lighting and open for the entry of the Vaastu energy. North-west is aesthetically known as governing place of Vayu, whose surviving attributes are that of constant change.This significant direction renders the occupants fame and success while any extension in North-west should be avoided. Or, click for more rental tips. The kitchen should not be placed under or above Pooja Room, Toilet or Bed Room. So make sure your kitchen is placed in either of these zones. This is why when an apartment faces south for example you will almost always see it highlighted in the advertising for the property (i.e. As per vastu tips, east and West are the best directions to make a bedroom in a south facing home as per Vastu. It stays cool and pleasant during hot days and can act as a … South and southwest are the ominous directions. The cooking will be facing the north direction. West facing door is also not bad for the youngsters as it has an active energy & energy of enjoyment. North Area Kitchen A Southeast facing kitchen is located in the money and abundance bagua area of your home, so be sure your kitchen expresses the energy of wealth, The colors and feng shui elements here are exactly the same as for an east facing kitchen as they share the same element—wood. Cooking person in the Kitchen should be facing either the East or the North Direction. Vastu for North-West Facing House, Property, Plot, Kitchen, Main Door, Entrance, Bedroom - Wind element is located in the north-west zone. NOTE: To search for NYC apartments, go to (free service). Vastu for Kitchen: Source of Energy. It can’t decide by multiple factors but one’s date or birth. If your house faces the east or the south, the best place for the kitchen would be the south east. Since the north east is the best direction for the pooja in the kitchen, the mandir should be placed in the north east, east or west walls. South-west should always be higher than other directions and must not have any important area such as kitchen or dinning room while this corner must be balanced with heavy weight objects. A north-facing balcony has other advantages apart from the fact that it is good as per the Vaastu Shastra. West is neither good nor bad. As for light in the house, we put a skylight in our north-facing kitchen which made a world of difference. Keep light weight things in East or North in kitchen. Be polite and gentle to family member while dining (this, in no way, means that you can yell at them elsewhere); be gentle and polite always. While cooking my wife faces west wall. So, the first and most important aspect in feng shui regarding the stove is its location in the bagua map of your home. The kitchen is an integral part of any Indian household—the source of our day-long energy. “killer southern exposure!”). The worst is a west facing backyard. A well-built north-facing property can bring good health and leadership development of the women in the house. South East is the best direction for kitchen followed by North West. In diagonal plots, avoid north quadrant which has ill effects on female members. North Facing Backyard--Bad or Good? The kitchen is in between Hall and child bedroom touching the east wall. This direction provides maximum sunlight. Use yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red as floor and wall colors of kitchen. The extension of South-west yields negative results to occupants in the form of bad health, loss of wealth, unnecessary enemies and indulging in escapades etc. Ensure luck in the north-facing home. Also, the prayer room should not be above the kitchen sink or stove as it brings bad luck and drains wealth. Hence any vastu defect or dosh in North West direction leads to tension and clashes with neighbors, legal matters, court cases (even imprisonment in some cases).. The reason for this is that the morning sun bathes the wall from the northeast or the east, while the evening sun comes in from the west to refresh the energy in the space. North West is the direction of creativity, prosperity, luck and social circle and the ruler of this direction is Moon.. That is why in Japan, Geisha houses are always facing west. At Saral Vaastu, we bring the best results for you to live a happy and successful life. Be relaxed, calm, happy and stress-free while dining; in fact be this way always. For a west or north facing house, place the kitchen along the north west direction, so that you look towards the north while cooking. Drinking water vessels must be placed in the north-east side of the kitchen. DON’T hang a clock close to the front door or viewed by the front door. Respected Sir, I have a plot in the north west corner, where the north is a running road and west is to enter the residential area. 2. Avoid placing the idols in the south. Water sink is in northeast corner of the kitchen. The main door is opening towards south west (right corner). West quadrant gives average results for kitchen. A kitchen in the Northwest area needs the exact same treatment as a kitchen in the West, as they both share the same feng shui element .So, have an abundance of warm earthy colors, as well as crisp whites and clear grays. Location . 3. March 17, 2020 | 4:18 PM Reply The stove, in particular, has an especially important place in the home and the kitchen. Ensure that the plot of the slope inclined from the south to North (if the plot is inclined) Place the pooja room in North-East; Design a garden but only in South East or South side. The kitchen and toilet should not share a common wall. Stove in the kitchen must not be visible from outside. Vastu Shastra for Kitchen Sink and Stove Interior Design by UrbanClap Professional Posh In the north east it brings good education luck for those who are still in college or school. Ceramic tiles, marble and mosaic is a good option for the kitchen flooring. A north-facing property, if extended to the north-east side, can bring greater luck. 08-27-2014, 06:46 PM staywarm2 ... shady oasis on a hot day is wonderful. North-west has more significance for women as this corner is readily related to women development, marriage and health. 3. Shelf to keep utensils should be in the west end of the cooking slab. Feng Shui Element of Earth is Destroyed by: WOOD; Weakened by: METAL; Enhanced by: FIRE; Toilets and kitchens in the north east and south west- You need to weaken the bad earth energy with metal energy. Is the stove directly under a beam? The kitchen door faces the front door, back door or bathroom door A main door up to the center of West side is also can be considered for a west facing home or flat. We have a plot of 1260 sq ft. the extension is on west of SW. We consulted a vastu consultant who advise to use a metallic strip embedded from North west to South west preferably with brass or copper. Build mezzanine floor in West or South of kitchen. East facing is good for head of the family; other members can face North, East or West while dining. Master bed room is at North west and child bed is at North east. If possible, make sure that the cooktop faces the East as it is considered best to face East while cooking. Is the stove facing the main door or any bedroom door or toilet door. Every aspect of the kitchen, including the design, appliances, furnishings, location, and shape, can create either good or bad luck in a home or encourage or discourage the physical and mental well-being, financial prosperity, and domestic harmony of the people residing in the house. North quadrant is second option and north-west is direction. According to this ancient art, a house that has ample open space in the north benefits from prosperity and happiness. As per vastu for kitchen, mid-north, northeast, mid-west, mid-south, southwest, and the center of a house should never be used for constructing a kitchen; The Pooja room or temple must never be above the stove or kitchen sink as it brings bad luck. 2:- our master bedroom is in SE corner.Please advice. DON’T hang over-sized clocks in the house as they impose unhealthy chi on the household. The refrigerator should be kept in the south-west direction. Please advise if there is any other option or thoughts East – 30 West -30.3 North- 39.9 South -44. Master bedroom in SW is the best location; if the house has multiple floors then locate the master bedroom at the highest floor. While cooking face towards East (for South-East kitchen) or West (for North-West kitchen). Never have a bathroom or toilet in the south-west zone if the entry is west-facing. Apartments facing north may not be a good idea. 1. Vastu principles that govern the use kitchens in south-facing homes vary based on the placement of the kitchen itself. If the cooking slab is in the East to West Direction, the Sink should be on the East end of the slab and the cooking oven should be in the middle or the west end of the slab. CLOCK DON’Ts. Place the staircase in the South, West or South West directions only. That's because this is the appliance that generates the meals that feed the residents of that home. Kindly suggest whether the above west … It is best to put screen somewhere in the middle between front door and kitchen so that the stove is not visible from the front door. The cook must always face towards East while cooking; this ensures good health of family members. - Dear experts,1:- Our kitchen is in north position and cooking stove is kept in northwest side. The breadwinner of the house is responsible for finding the perfect direction of your house. If you have nice Vaastu, free from Vaastu dosh or defects then only you can enjoy Happy health, polite children, prosperity and resources of good income through business or … Southwest Vaastu Dosh, Problems and Remedies Read More » 4. Never have a kitchen in the south-west of the house. The heaven energy pours into the kitchen from the north west. I can use any access to enter my plot either north or west. Because the stove represents the Fire feng shui element, it is best to have it in a location that is compatible with its fiery energy.The South and Southwest feng shui bagua areas are considered ideal feng shui spots for the location of the oven. North West facing door is not so bad. The south facing plot should always have its slope from south to North. North West Facing House can be perfect for whom? So hang windchimes in the toilets and kitchen. Kitchen in north, while cooking facing west, any solution for this vastu dosh? On its own, though, the kitchen is thought to press down luck in feng shui. The kitchen should never be situated in the North East or North as this adversely affects one's career. Also Read: Vastu Remedies For Open Kitchen Avoid fiery and watery colors (check the feng shui color wheel for clear visuals). Layout Taboos. Place it in the south-east or north-west of the house. The kitchen has a special place in feng shui. Westend61/Getty Images Southeast: Money and Abundance .